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HiiriiiTBríAr5F Passenger trains DOW leave Detroit and the everal stations in this Couuty as follovvs: G01N0 WEST. Mail Dy Poster Even. Welit Train Ex Ace. Ex. Es. Detroit, 7 15a.m10.30a.m4 35 P.M 5.25 r.M H.OOp.m Ypsilanti, 8.40 " 11.55 ' 6.12 " 6 50 " 12. 66a. m Ann Arbor, 9.05 " 12.15 pm6 35 " 7.10" 1.00" Deiter, 0.35" 12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 ' Chelnea, 9.55 " l'i.55 7.50 " OOING KAST. Even. Dexter Niglit Uiiv Mail Ex. Ace. Ex. Kx. Tritin. Cheinea, 7.35í.m3-30 p.m 5.00 p.m Deiter, 6 ,05 A . T. 65 " 8.45 "5.20 " Ann Arbor, 4.25 A.M 6.35 " 820 " 4 05 ' 5.S0 " Ypsilanti, 4.50 " 7 0J ' 8.40 ' 4.25 " 6.12 ' Detroit, 6.10 " 8.26 " 10 OU " 6.45 " 7.45 " The Mail Train rans to and from Marshall. ITCH. IWIIKATON'S I 1TCH. Slt Rh um. I ÜINTMENT, Salt Kheum Will cure tho Itch in 48 hours - also cures Sal Rhenm, Ulcera, Chïlblains, and all Krujjtiüne of the Skin. Price 50 cents; by sending 50 cents to Weoks if Potter, Boston, Maas., will be forwarded lree by mail. For salo bv alt druggislu. Kbkdseick Stearns, Detroit, ml 4 Ageut for Michigan. PROF. R. J. LYONS' I'atients and all othere nterrested will pleasetake notice that he will contin ue his visit at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, durinj 1S64 and '65 and at the expirationof which he willdis continue his visita and open an InSrmary a t Cleveland Ohio, for the treatment oí Lung aod Chest diseases. WHISKERS: VHIskERS! Do you want Whidkurs or Moustaches ? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the pmoothest 'ace or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks.- trico,$1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, ch)öely sealed on recciptof price. Add.egs, WARNER ii CO., Box 133, Brooklrn, N. Y. Iy999. THE BRIDAL CHAMUËH, ftn Essay of Warning and Instruction for Youag Hen - publirthed by the Howard Aasociation, and aSDt fr o of charge in ióaledoQvelopes. A.tdress, Dr. J. SKILUX HOUGHTON, Howard Agaociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy99ö AGOOD TEEE 18 KNOWN BV ÏTS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, rUEGREATAND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THfc TE1ROAT, LUNGS AND CHdT, Knowa all over tho country as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! 'rom South Aiuerica, wil) be at his rooms, RÜSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, )nthel8th and 19th inst., on the same dale of and very subsequcnt niouth during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPHLET 'f the life}study and extensivo travele of Dr. I.voru an be procured by all who dosireuue, freo of charge. Dr. L will viöit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián Itcïi. ,aafollowB : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackeon.Hibbard House, 2l8t Adrin,Br&ckett Heuse, 22d and 23d. Mode of Examisation.- The Doctor discerns diseass ytkeeyea. He, tberefore,aBks no questionK nor renirHpaHents to explain symptoms. AfHictcd, conif ndhave your ymptoms and the I o catión of y our dis aueexylained freo of charge A TWOOD'S DRILLING MACHINE, PILE DRIVER, HYDRAÏÏLIC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TE3T8 having fully demonstrated the uperiority of this machino over all others for turpoHe f sinking Oil Wolla, the unlersigned is now prepared o receive orders for the same, This niachincry comprises everythiag requisito for he boring of oil vrells, eicepting the STEAM ENGINE AND CAST IRON DR1TING PIPE, (butwill be fura 4hed,íf desred,ta reat-onable pnce;, and dis pen. es with the use of the lerrick Rope, Buil whecl and ther cumbrous and expensive fixtures now in usc, nd ia o arranged, beiog coostructed on wheela and lortablp, that U cd bO easily removed for the turtone of sinking wells in different localities. THE DETRITUS is removed from the well by our atent Hydraulic proceas,aud does not require the emoval of the drill from the boring. This procesa ot only removes all the detiitun in from 5 to 10 mintes, but likewisi effectually clear out and opena all 3e smalloil veins thac are so ot'teu entirely closed up y the old proceas of sand pumping. WITH THItí MACHrNE and a practical engineer, a well can be aunk from 400 to 603 feot withiu a period f friin 13 to 30 days after the Boil pipe has been riven. Arrangementf; are being uiade for the construcUoa nd delivery of these machines at New York, Norwich, 'ewburg, N. Y. ,and Pittsburg, Penn. Kor further iuformation, pi'ice, terms, &c,, adertss, SIMKON LELAND JlETBOPOUTAX HOTBL, SmlOO4 New York. PLASTEH 1 ' To Whoin it May Concern." The following letter from the proprietors of the rand Rapíds, Michigan, Piaster Beds, touching the act who has andwho has not " Grand Rápida, Mich;an, I'liistfr" for ale ín the city of Ann Arbor, proves [early that omO who claim to have it have not a tound of it and have not had for years. GlUND RAFIDfl, MlCTlKiAN-, ï FebruarylTth, 1865. 5 'o Mess. Goodale Sc Ileuly, Ann rbor ; ánd J. B, Rinchman, Enq., Detroit, Michigan : DbarSirs; - This is to certify that D. DbKokkbt, of nn Arbor, Michigan, has not bougbt a pound of I'l a fier of us,or either of us . niñee June, 1862, and tliat a ertain '-haad-bill" cireulated by him, dated Feb. 2nd, 05, which xtates that he keepg the " only genuine rndHapids Michigan Piaster," is utterly Talse. [Bigned] WM. HOVEY, Agent. V. GODKREY. M3T The Puro Grand Rápida. Michigan Planter, may had in tmy quantity at our Store, oppoEite Cook's lotel. 8LAWÍ0V FON' HIPPOLYMHAD WM. LAKE, - Manager. Most Complete Traveüng Exhibition HVKtt ORGANIZËO, Oonsistlng of a magniticent outü, a selected Troupe of Equestrians and Equeatriennod, a corp of Gymnasts and Acróbata, a oom pony of Ejue tro-Dramatistd, Com&dians, and Pautoniimists, ft full complement of Equerriea, G room 3, oud Chetaliera of the Arena, and a tout-emembU Brilliant Beyond Precedent. 3jS THE STUD OF HORSES -V V)P hftS been eliosen with no less 9jfiL "'e, und in blood, beauty, and JS? training eau defy rivalry. SZ rii Tricli Horses uutl méB KducatcU Mules Ware marvels of equine sagacity, and the lntter, while falsifying the oíd aduge of " stubbom as __- mule," completely be wilder tho aJ--4fc_ spectator with humanlike inte. leut, and comprehensivo facile -■ita power - in hort, in every partió aBwHflHK! ular, the (heat Western Oiratê eau j justly lay claim to the title of th jQ Hippo-Arcnic Model of tbe Agw iC__A The following gentlemen comWjTjRnjP piiM' the uorjjs of Managers and MM4MflriË= I.AKK & Co., PropHctOTë. BBr yM LAKKl Manager. tH. C. J. Tiiayek, Treasurer. E. W. Pekuy, Equestrian Dirotot. Hkkman LüDWia, Leader qf thé Majoii Henqt Derf, Miir 0 EqnerrÍ4. The cavaleade entering town m grand proces8ion,preceded by th GORGEOUS DOLPHIN CHARIOT, the most magnificent specimen of art and elabórate workmanship ever paraded before the public Drawn by Forty Ilorwcs, JP eplendidly eaparisonedf and drl LBF eQ aD(i controlled by jLS MAJOR H. DERF, ]&&jj the Champion Whip. g-jj- THE COMPANY 1)1 IlltlH!' .- are 'e y 'ne following artiste II li' y oach of whoni ia a widely-celei ' 1-frHte'i 's!ar iu his or ber prole sai on. yüiJy MDLLE AMCË, ÉcfctfaB The Sunbeam of the Cirque, th -7 fj Na Prt7rt(t doitna of equestriennes, and agaplH a paragon of grace, beauty, fenii nine bravery, and artistio ezcelJSv'Ö MADAME AGNKS, CJgref; The Juno-IikeQueen of the arena, bBBm9 an'' terpsiehorean ariiste. Her BqJuSb classic poëet upon tho slaok-wire, and her wonderful eqnipoise are j A equally poetic and incomparable, mM la petite emma, Ijnk The beaiitiful litüe histriomo T. equesirienw. fjÊff IA BELLE JKA.NETTK, fcjli The fairy syiph, and delineatorof graceful equitation. 0 MUS. E. W. PDKBV, Í The daring and magnifioent Wjj_ horsewoinan. YJ9 MB. E. W. PEBKV, fA=jÊ The champion two, four, and ñis horbü rider. ILS SËTHK LAZKLLK BROTHERS, Píii The motley delineators of the AGrecian and Roman schools of High Art, exemplified in thoíi beautiful classic ülympian me lange. S1LAS D. BAiDWIN, fhe Arbacian inaster of the Egyptian science, illusionist, and preilidigitaleur eztraordiyiaire. M(;ÜB CANTILLO, The great Üíoíe equiíi briest, and maitre du oirqun. MB. JOHN LOWLOW, A f -M._rto W'' jester, hiwnorist, ana TGlg clown par excellence. A merrf lfiB'-SK of Momus, a ' fellow of tMSjfoqgB infinite wit," and a genuine and afp5Sfigiiml specimen of the tíliakfïlHMWü'is motley associate and quaint and quizzicíü compeer. 9Sf MKSSIiS. ('HAS. GOKEU. JAMKS , fSSB LARVE, Ai) HAIÏKY BLOOD, C i j Acróbata, Gymnasts, and Amphi"jfelt' theatrical professors of ia huuf ■Umjfll TUK MAJiMFIl K.T JOHN8TKB, füv The prodiy of the íienac, a superb specimen qf bloöd, evm 3fev metry, and intelligpnce, will b fyjir introduced in hia educated per i=Jl formances by Madame Agnbs. rjEi THK FAMÜIS TURK MILKS, _J0CBtiL. fanclio, the spotted Spaniard, am( tajl- K Pííkí Pí) unhesitatingly pro ■ ö(gj noupced the wonders of the Muí family, will be exhibited at each ,X performance by thelr trainer, Mr KgPg WICKKD Will, BQRx The incomprehensible Roan, etc., N Vtï AU exhibited under a spV cious oriental payillion, amij A etraina of Orpheus-like musió by "4 x the doublé band of etring anJ -- wind instrumente, led by tha tM TP great director f. rrolfssor Herman Ludwlg. aMLiEfB Thia Large and MagniflÜlftjtKf Oimt Sstablisiuueat wiU SALINE, FKIDAY, MAY 5tb, '65. A.NN AHBOR, Saïurday, " 6th, " DEXTBR, MONDAY, " 8th, Admissiün, - - - - 50 JDbnts. Children under 10 years, 25 " DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7, P. M. PLASTER HÜMBÜG! Some mn tbink the more they humbug, ïeceive,and ie to the farmers, the smarter they are. Now in order o expuse such humbugs, I have deposited oüe hundred ollars with James McMahon, at hia S1oref oíd Pot )ffice building, for him to give Slawson & Hon fiftv ollarB of it, if they ever received one c;ir load of MasttT froni William Hovey, Agent, or F. Godfrey,or ny otherman from Grand Kiver Michigan. - AUo, to givü thedther fifty dollars if they can by anl.vzing, prove thattheir Piaster is as goe4 as my Planer. Thofuj that waut a genuine fine gronad warrantd etUr than any other in this city, or no pay, and heaper, eall at my Office at Lumber Yard, and I will ve y ou Home to try its qualitieg and see if gravel tones fly out of it when BOwing. i'armers say it will rom Grand River, Canada. D. DEffOREST. Ann Arbor, Ipril lt, 1865, 1002 DEMEMBER SNOVER & KELLEY'S is the North door of Gregorj's New Blook. G. W, SXÜÏER, 0. A, KELLEY, 1C06


Old News
Michigan Argus