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Valuable Directions

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Dr. Hall, ia his Journal vf JTeallh, given tl.u nllu.-. ing diretitwutó bow toact at critical jcriods, wbieb every uue sliould carefully study : 1. It a man faint, j.lacc I iu flat on Lis back, and et him alony. 2. If any poison is wallowed, drink instautly linií u gtóss ui cool water with u beaping teaspoonful each of common salt and grmind inustnrd Btiiiud into it; this voniits na soun us t reaches tho storaach ; bul lor few .-ome of the poison inay slill remin, wwaliow the white of oae or Uo raw eg-gs, or drink a cup of strong Cüifiíe, thuse two being antidotes for n greiiter nutnber of poisons than any dozen other artioles known, with tho advautagu ot' their beug nlway.s at hand; il not, a pint of sweet oil, or lamp oil, or " drippings," or niclted butter or lard, ure goocl substitutes, eepecially if tbey voniit quickly. o. The best ibmk to slop the bleeding of a moderate cut iustantly, is to cover it profiifsely with cobweb, or flour and salt, half and half. 4. If the blood cütnes from a wouad, by jets or spirts, be epry, or the man will die in a few minutes, beeause an artery is sovered ; tío a hatidkerchief loosoly around near tho part leVween tlte icound and tho hart ; put a utiek üetvveen the handkerohief and the skin, twist ii round until the blood ceases to flovv, aud keep it thero until the doctor comes ; if in a position where the handkerchief cannot be ueed, presa tho thumb on a spot near the wound, between the wound and the heart; ïnoreaso the pressuro until tha bleeding oeases, but do not lesson that prosáure for au instant, uutil the physicían arrives, so as to glue up tho wound by thu coagulatiou or hardoniug of tho cooling blood. 5. liyoiir clotliiug tiiko tíre, slide tho hands down the dress, keeping them as olosc to tho body as blo, at the saine time siuking to the iloor by bendiug the kaees ; this lia.s a sinothurioj; eüeot upon the turnes; if not estinguished, or a great huadvyay is g-otten, lie down on the ííoor, roll over and over, or, better, envelop yourself in a earpet, rug, bed eloth, ur auy garment you can get hold of, alwavs Dfeferriü'a woolen. The cenietéry at lïiohmonJ, Va., ia said to coutaia GÜ,0Ü0 oew graves. Four schools were conjmeuced ia Richmond last woek, with 2,000 oo'orod scholars. The Uuited States Govorument bas ïiovv in its arsenals at least 800,000 guns which are euürely uow. The Navy Dcpartmeot bas ordered the MtBaïsmppi sqciadrüu to bu reduced to '2b vessula. [t was fnrmerly over 100. Flama color in thu fasbionable tiat oa Broadwíiy íur gloves. Sheiiduo's coat of anus hereafter will be five forks ratnpant. Colts, it is statod, will not gnaw a halter thafc htw doen weü saturatod with four ouuceij of copperaa dissolved ia water. Dr. Johnson said of a widower who wan about to uiarry, that it ivaa a remarkable case of tiie triumph of hopa over experitíuco. Tha gentleman who lately quitted hig house witliout settling with liis landlord m to bd gasBtted sbortlv as a " left-teaant." Tho wheat erop of Branch county has arely given liutter promise thun at presüi. There aro acaroely any traces of TÍ;.tur-killing, and the luto rains ara apidly bringing it forward. Tbo report of Postmaster Donisoa shows au extniordinary amouüt of care cssness ou the part of the lotter-writing jommunity, Some 3,508,025 dead let.ers havo been received duriug tha past )'.ea Nevada fs ét bard p]ice for poor üoctors. Au old Iudiau squaw was ately buraed to Jeath thora by her tribe because sho had failud to curo a shild whom sho had been doctoriag, Thu Riohrnoud Wtil paya; - "A Boston storokeeper tho ullitïr day stuele upon iiis door the laeonic advurtisement, 1 A boy wauteiï.' 'ÏYe nest morning, on openintr the store, he found a üttla urohir. iu a basket, labellet!, ' Hero he is.' " Old Furiner Cloverseed is a very po. lite man, so much so thai he is oven polite to his oaltie. He is freque;itly heard to say as he drives his yoke of steers, " Pleaee Kaw Back. also Bi-ight. Thank you." A subscribur vrrites to Mr. Greeeley, of the N. Y. Tribune, " I have taken your p.iper fifteuu or iwontv year?, and have nêver disagreed with it tiil now." To which Mr. G. replie3, " We are very sorry, to heur it; for, ia thu oourseof so muny yoars, we must havu been misny tirn s wjuug, and yon ought to have do tected some errors. " The records of L;bby Pritson, from ita commenceinont to its idose, have beea seourad by Geu. Wbiteel, and wilt ba preservad fijr future reforenoe. They show the date aud nnmo of every man who entered ih.'ie, aud the date of big düath or romoval. Tho letter books ot the rebel treaaary depnrtnjent have also been seuured acd will bo sent to VVashiuirtoii. - A man was brougbt into eourton tba charge of having stolen soma duoks from i farmer, ' How do yon know they ure your ducks i"! asked tha defandant'a óoañseli "-Oh, I sliould know tbtím auy-whcn-," replied the farmer, wlio prooeoded tü de.scribo thtir peoul. k'i-itk'i?. M Wtiy," said the prigoner'í ooansel, " thoso duoks can't be suoh a fins breed - I have gomo vory muoh üka íhein in my yard." " Tuat's notuulikaly, s:r," said tho fanner, " thev are not the o ni y duoks l've had stolen lately." " (Jall tho noxt wittiv. .-."


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