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arswn for the next term of the Circuit Cour („t tliia CouDty, to commence on Tuesd.y.Juua 13th, 1865: Aniinon Leo, Freedom. Wm. Bus, priuce Beuuett, YpsilattiCky. JohaO. Cook, Ludi. gereno Bassett, Tred. Sorg, Aim Ar. Oity. Nathan Andrews, Scio. Nelson Booth, Pittsflold. Isaac B. Hathaway, York. Sulinon 0. Barber, Freodom. Üeorge Durkee, Pittsüeld. Stephen B. Whittaker, Lima. Jonathan Mitchell, Bridgewater. Samuel Baruard, York. Philip Fohey, Noithaeld. Jacob H. Hicks, Lodi. John Gibney, Northfield. Richard G. Martin, Ypsilauti City. Jgines McLaren, Lima. 0. W. Bennett. Saline. Wm. E. Marvin, York. Wm. L. Loomis, Ann Ar. City. öeorgo W. Palmer, Newman Granger, Manchester.; rjJC In defiance of the ordiuances, ,rge numbers of cowb run at large in our .irêetB, and forage upoa gardens and lawns herder a gato is accidentally left opon or a wsak spot is found in a fence ; and sotne of the better educated and shrewder animáis bT6 loarned to open gates and climb strong foncei. We would suggest to these lawless c0Ws that if they have uo fear of our " City Fathers," or respect for the ordinances by theni enacted, that thera is a regulation in the Township jnipoaing a fine of $5 upon each qnadruped quartered on highways and comtnons, and that the farmers adjoining the city propose to enforce the penalty. Cows and owners should take notice. (3T Artemus Ward's litüe show at langJterfer' Hall oa Friday evenitig last, provd a capital evening's entertainment. - The panoramic paintings, illustrating the aery in and arouod Salt Lake City, on the Plin, &., were really fine works of art, while Abtbmds was liimself in illustrating the paintinga, describing Mormon life, etc, liiixiag geauiue aod vivid dascription in equal proportioiis ith his dry "goaka," thus amusIng nd instructing at once. Success to Ab(udi aud " üis ahow." JQf The Kalamazoo Gazitte has chBgod hands, and is uow published by BuiKtPBiBK fc Mobley, wqr believp practioal prii.terb, The fornier has been serring his country in the field, but all that will jo for Dot hing and lie will probably be braudd as a " eopperhead " for dariug to connect hlmaelf with a Democratie joumal. Mr. Mosley has been foreman of the Gaztilt establishment for a number of years, and knows iho vtaots of its patrous. We wish t'.uOtuUe a prosperous future. JH3T Wo iüvite tbe atteutiou üf otr Wool-growing readers to th adrortisement of th Ann Arbor Woolon Factory in another eolamn. Messrs. Tomlinson & Bbnt hare ntirely renovated the milis, added new aud irn class machinery, and are raaking the rerj best of cloths. Is it not fer the intere&t of grower to l.ave at least enough of tber wool maoufactured for thir owa consumÜoni _ fST We have roceived the May nuniü of the Ecltctic Magatiru. It has a ünely engr&ved portiait of Catharine II, Empress of Buuia, and a well selected list of papen, orering a wide range of the field of literature, hittory, acienee, etc. The EcUctie ie really what its nam importa - the cre&m of h foreign pmdicals. $5 a yfar. Address W. H. BiDWBiL, 5 Bekmu Street, New Tork. . BP We Botioe that a Norway Spruce hedge bas been set out along the entire front f the Duiversity grounds. We tliink a misUke, however, was made, - and the sam misUke is too generally made, - in sitting the treeg so ner tiie feoce line. Hedges grown so oear the fenceean not be propwly trimmed and shaped on the fence sirle. The boys, little and big, hare been spending a great deal of time for a few iy n looking at the iiiammotb pictorial announcement of the coming of Dak Rick's Mtnagerie. The Elephant, the Lion, the other "animile,'' and Dan's Mules and Horse "Excelsior," saying nothing of the 'c Sacred Cattle " are sure to draw. IJS" The Peninsular Courier has ch&aged hands, C. G. Clabk, Jr., having sold te establishment to Dr. A. W. Chase, who it Uken possessioo, and will probably make !m flditarial bow this week. The Dr. is known to our citizens as an author and pubÜsber, and will make a live paper. tS" DeForest & Stewart are OTing to the large and eommodious store feoently ocoupied by Lesukb & Son, where they iotend to do a jobbing business, and follout goods dt Detroit pricee. -Johnson á Piebsos move into the storo DiS. vasate. Ey There is no Wheat coming into rmarket ; Detroit quotation are $1.60 for o. 1 White, and $1.48@150 for No. 1 red. Potatoes aro coming in freely, and bnyer 8'w 45c. for Peach blowc. We quote Butteb 18@20. Esos - 16oi CS" Gold touched 129 in Wall reet, yesterday forenoon, with a downrd tendenoy. Gold is no longer king, and "one butspeculators mourns its overthrow. - A'Uhe people say amen whenever it drops a C3T At last Boston Wool sales, Miehigan fleeoe brought 68@73o. New Tork "porti say " dull." without giving figures. Orowera must watch the signs of the times "rsfully. ROAD WAERA.NTS at this of 8oe. Ohll Booa. F}


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