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U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By uuthorlty uf the asjoretur tf the Treasury, the undoralgnoJ ba rísuukk! tho üouural Sub.iciljjtion AjtaucJ for tho sulu ui UAited StU- Tiuasur; Sutt, beRrlng even and thieo tratlu ït t' lutcre.t, pr ttnouiü, kuowu us tho SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Tbsne Nut ei are lst-ued uudox data of June 16th lSÖfi, and are payable tbrei yvara from tbat tiioo, tn currt'ucy, or uu auiivwtiüle ui ibu uption uf iby huldvr iuto U. 8. 5-20 Slx per cent. GÜLD-BUARING BONDS. Tbin b-ud are uuvf wurtii a prttmium wliicb tuc:eni,M tliu acluul prufit uil tbu 7 -U 1 an , uud lid MX4tuipiiii frvm Stwc and municipal taxativa, uddt fruta un lo thretpcr cent, vtore, accm'ding Lo tbo iíviu lavied uu otbttr piuivrty . l'lis iuiwrutl i Hbíw ívuii auuuuil by cuüjúitd attuubeti tJ vauh qvW, wUiutt muy b cut tí ti' and Huid lo unv baiik ürbttukor. 'i'iiK íuturuiU aiuuuuts tu Oji cent por dity un a 30 nu!. Two HttU ' M $IUO ' TU M U 41 i $5OO M O M 4t ÍOOO " gl " ' ÖUÜU u Nwiuí uf mí] thu düDuuiiuatiuud UMiuud wiil bu pruuiplly furuinbdd upuu rucipt uf miburiptiuuii, and Uu fjotua forw&rded ut oncu. Tbe luterest to 15tb June uexl vriil be paid íq aavancu. TIúbím TUE OKLY LOAN IN MARKET now üfTorel by tlio ÜOTerument, uiid it ia cuufidently eipsotid tbat tU auparior ttüvautaM will makö it tbe Great Popular Loan il People. Leas tbaa $300,000,000 oí tbo Loau autburixed bj the hut CougroiB re now ou tbu market. Thia amoitut, at tbe rate at whicb it lu buing absorbed, will all ba ubacribed for witbin four monta, wben tbu notea will uudoubtedly cumiuand a premium, au ba uQifurinly beeu tbe cae uu ulu4iujLtbu üuujtcriptioui tu otber Loaua. la order that citizeni of erory town aad iection of tbe couatry may ba affordttd faílitia for tak ing tbe loau, tbe National Bankg, State ÍJauks, and Frivato Baukers througbout the couatry bave generall; agreed to ruceivo aubscríptíouri t par. Subscriber vrill seloot tbeir ovra ageuts, la wboui they bare couIldeuco, and who ouly are to be reaponsibio for tbú delirery of th note for whicb tbej receivo order. JAY COOKE, SUBSCEXKriON AGB.NTj Phtlaáélphia. Mansh 25th,lS06. Scüscbiptioníí will bb RBCKiVBD by tbe FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ana Arbor. 1004 THE NITH NATIONAL BANK OF ÏHE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid ín, FISCAL AGENT OP THE ÜNITED STATES, Axd Spkual Aokkt por Jat Cookb, SoBCEirriOM AOKNT, "WU1 DelJver 7 30 Notes, Pi ee of Charge, by oxpraBB, in all parts of tbe country, and receive íq payment Cbecki un New York, Pbiladelphia, and Boíun, current billa, and all flv. par cent. interest notes, with interest to date of subacription. Orders sent by uitiil willb promptly fllled, Tbíi Bank reroíves the accounts of Banka and Sankera on favorable teruas ; also ol Individuáis keepinï Nevr York accounU. J. U. ORVlá, President. T. T HILL, Cathier. 3m99S WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTON TAKEN I ! GUITERMAN & CO., Betnff conQPcted witb one of thñ Urgosl bouiet in New York, wbicb has bUer l'acilitieti for Selling Cheaper Uian any otber bouw. Ara bouud to b aoi by &ay lUbliibtnoat tbat Dw xixW. liarla; mployed &aexperieuae4 Ti t ViflV JHL _JL. Jh_L4 w direot from NEW YORK ClïY, who bas b.d long x perience in tb buBiucsi, wo guaruW to givotbe bes SATfiSFACTION to oar numerou CUSTOMERS & STUDENTS of th Uolverelty. Keoping on hand tb Urgeit stock oí CLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, VESTINGS, iogetber witb tbo largest stock of Ready-Made Clothing, FURNISHING GOODSÜ &C, &O., &0., which we will 11 chpspr than anr ohr ei;T.ahtishment in tbe city. All we ask i tht fmv tntmdê aad Stilden t.p will cive un a cali and Btiöfy tlieratveh'ifr. M. OÜITEBMAN. Co., TNSÜRANCE AGAIiVST ACCIDENTA. TRAVELERS: INSURANCE 00,, UJr' UARTFOKU, CuNN. CAPITAL, - - 85OO.OÜOInsures -Against .m. mzz :r: je ■ ; nwr nr-sw OF EVEl'.Y DÏKBDTION, CAUSING LOSS OF UFE OEBODILY ÍN JURY. THE Travkiers I.sklka.n,k Oimpaxt w 9 orfcaufzoti under h cbartar frasted by the Cunuecticui Lígula tura of 18' iel tiiijjiri'ïd by the Lvgutiaturt: 1 f 18(14, fyr tlie apocitíc purpoae of fleetUtff i.mjjkam.'ií aüaimst accidi wrs, ul' wbátaver Kínd ur QoriitÍMO wbt-tber tbey occur iu rtiiintf by rallruud, iteauüwat or Bttgeooaeh, walktag iu the ntret. t, t worh tnthe shop, ur áitling by the iiumt:atic tifíido wbctlter rldiug, botin, liuutíng, Qshinf. ahoo'ing, awiruming;, útickwtfng, hurveyíngj eughiei'iiug ; wbether wurkiug or playiiiff . ■]eepin(í ot wakiu, in i.laur Of out 1 f ('itppaft'tit) tinador, at lióme or itbroa'l- iu evoiy va iiu iy of 'mi-cuium lances iu wbich oittujtind ar ordiuarily placed, A (juiieral Accident Poliep a t unly ínr ludwa the risk iu travtíiit;, but alao allforms of dil'catoiis, bruken boOM, ruptured terjf'oiia, Hj.rahis, Ga54ttfbniSj cvush Loga, bruiseH, cuta, rtabí , yiuhit roudt pnlüt nd wojüils, buins and uould biteg of dop, s, uiipruvukl itif&aultü by burfrlarn, rutibuisor luurikTtT - th a el tan "f lijgbtiQg Pf suu Htruke, Um eftöots of KploWou, chciaiCfliU, fiooda aud BurtUquakaa, auffucatiou by drowninfc ov cli.ikiug Hiw better thnu lile insurance, for tbe ptíiaon imurw! 41ÍTA tli buntfits ni the Iiiik' be iiiobT nvetU tbpm. - Wlmn haiadiíabM by a fw.Il u the street, a rail ron 1 QolIUíuD, or uther accident, he receiven a weekly uom jjtiiisatiou of $25 per week, (muro ir leaw , accnriliinf to uniount of premium;) and in tbo eveat of datb. hia f mily raotffra tba auin of $j,00U, (mure ur Urnt, accorJiug to premium.) GENERAL ACCIDENT RISKS. TEN DÜT.LAR3 PREMIUM Onder a General Accirlcnt pulloy, will ieoure $10 pi r wek DOnaiisniMtluo hU üisabled, [not icnodiLg twonty-six weekfi,] or Í2 UUU a the vlit of doath b accident. TWKNTYKIVK DOU.AR8 PREMIUM. Will seg ure $25 por week compenaatiüQ, or $5,000 i a caaw of death FIÍTY ÜOIXA11S FKBM1DM Will secure $50 per week eompeiiíatioo, or $10,000 In case of deatb . Any other um, from $500 to $10,000, at proportiouate rate. Where competiEatino only is dchirert, or payment I to bo inade oiily u caso of death, tht rali ar muel P0LICY TICKETS. Travelfrs Insurance Ticket are now oíd at tl:e prinotpal Kailroad Station and Ticket Officei In IL country. TARIEF OF RATK3, For S,000, and $15 per woek Cosopemation. Ticket 1 day, 10 ots. Iu dar, ! 00 " " '■í " 20 " SO " 1.5o " 3 Ï0 " 20 ' ' " 5 ■■ 60" 3 nu,, 4.5U " " 7 " 70 " 6 " 7 00 " " 12 " 10.00 SarVeTíoM dt-airing more than $S.0OO muranc can increase the amount to $9,000, ancí $45 por week coni purchasiog tinte tickets. No more than $10,000 wllí ba paid on any one lile. BOARD 0F DIRECT0RS. GOSTAVÜS V. DAVIS, W. H. D. CAl.I.ENIlBIt, JAMES L. HOWARD, ÜEORHE W. MÖORK, MARSHALL JEWELL, KREXEZER ROBERl'á, 1HOMAS HELKNAr-.Ja , CHARLES WII'TK, CORNKUUS B ERWIN, UUGH HARRISOX ütURüE S. UILMAN, JONATHAN B. BUNCK. JAIMES G. BATTEJHSON, Prealdcnt. ROJUNKY BBVMS, Secretar. HKNRY A. DYEIi, üeneral Ageot. 11. C. MARSHAl.L, üeneral Túket Agenl. . Ur. S. B. BOUmrOBD, Surgson. R. E. FRAZER, Acent. Ann Akbor, Mich. 2mlO06 GEOEGE DEMERIT & C0 JBWELEBS, 303 BROAÜWAY, NEW YORK, (CORNER 1WANE STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, &c.. &c, &c.i WOBTH $500,000 I TO BfiSOLD AT ONE DOLLAH EAC11, WITliUUI REGARD TO VALUÉ. And aot to be paid until you know what you will rooeive I SPLENDIDLJSTof ARTICLES AU to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Eaeh ! 100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches each $lfK) i'O lOOGold Watches 00 uo ËO0 Lidies' Wal ches 3!i Cq SOOSUver Watehes $15 00 to ?5 On 00 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 o.. 1000 Chatelfin and Guard Chiuns 5 00 to lito íOOO VeKtandNeck Chains 4 00 to 12 00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Bronchas... 4 00 1o 8 0o íOOO Coial,I.ava,Garnet, &c, Broochea 8 00 to 8 00 7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, Sc., Ear Drops . S 00 to 8 30 6000 Gents' Breast and Soarf Pios S 00 to 8 00 6000 Oval Band Pmcelets ' 3 on to 8 00 2000 Chascd Bracelets 6 (0 to 10 uu 3500 California Diamond Píos &Ritigs. 2 60 to 8 C0 2000 Gold Walch Keya 2 60 to 6 0o K000 'Solitaire Sloeve Buttons & Studs. 1! 00 to 8 On 3000 Gold Thimbles 6 00 to ROO 5000 l.ocket 2 00 to 7 00 S00O Miniature Lóokot, Maglc 4 CX to 9 i'll 2500 Gold Toothpicks. Crosses, o U C0 to 6 00 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slidn 2 00 to S ro 5000 Chased Gf!d Rings 2 C0 to 6(0 4000Stone !-t Rinife, 2 00 to 00 6500 Set I.adie' Je#olry - Jet&Gold.. 5 00 'o 15 0 6000 Set Lidies' Jewolry- vanetf stvles í flO to 16 00 80 '0 Gold Pens, Silver "'Be and l'encil. 4 00 to 8 O1 4000 Goldt'ens, Eboav Ho der aud Ca 6 f0 to 10 00 6000 Gold Poos, Mounled Holder.. . 2 0) to 6 00 All tka good ia (ha abq 0 List will be oíd, without reserTation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. CertificatM of all thfl various anieles are plaoed in similar enrelopei sealed and mixed. These anvelopoa will be nt by mail, or delivered at our ónice, without regard tn dioico, ün receiving a Certiílcate, you willseewhat article it repre.ents and it la optionftl with you to soud one dollar, and receiie the article namedor any üthor ia the list of sume Talue. By thi.f mode we give selection from a raried itock of Uno goods, of the bost mak and lartwt gtylei, and of intriniïc woHh, at a nominal price, while all havi a chance of securing articles of the very highest ralue In all transactions by mili we charge for forwardlng the Certiticato, paylng. potas. and d'ing the bnmnesn S5 cents 8ch. Fio cr.rlific.aui xïd ba tent for 81 Eleven for $2; Tkirty for $5; Sixtij.Jiiii for % 0; ana Ont Hundrid for $15. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! There is no hazard or risk. Thert aro no blank.- EveryCe tiacaterepresentsanarticle. Aa we sellnonr of the lower gradew of Jewelry no person can rectflv' lessthan thevahie of their money, andiuey may get au article worth flve, ton, ora hundred fold I SATISFACTION GTJARANTEED. Eïory person knom what thy will receive betere the article is paid for. On receipt ol a Cert:fi;ateyoi ee what article it nprcsuti, and t ia, of oourae.a' youroption t take it,or any other article iu our Lii of the same valué. We guaranteo entire ntta&ctlon to vrrv pnrchair and if there should ba ny peron (iisalinel with m article reeeirad from us, theymay immodiatrly rrtnri itand the amount pa.l will be refueded MT Onr trial will prove to any that thi na!e givos pur.haser greater advuntftges thaa any oiher ever proponed ( Aouktt.- We allow thoneacting ns Agent, Ton CfnU on each Carhticatec rdered, providod thoir remiltiniamount to Onn riollar. They will collect 35 eert for avery Cntinrato and retjtininc 10 cents, remit to us 15 cents for each. ' Address, GEORGR DIïMERIT fe CO 3mln02 SOI Broadvray, Nw l'ork. WANTED- Marriöd Ladies, Prof Von Vcrae'sBiamond Hrop, a never UMnc and baruilBKsromedy fnr 11 obelructioni and irn-su laritien. All niarried la.iïe will find thi a never f, il iug preventivo, for which it warranti-d in evory intaucc, and areinvifed loKend u red stomp for acir tl lar,or 12.2S fora bttlc, to FKEDKRlrR .STEARNS Wholesale rtruggi.t. fo leral agent f,r Michiir.n for ihe' Diamond Drops, P. o. Drauer 445, Dctroú. FWalers Bupplirdat proprietor'sprico. OÜBmf jamFAIRBANKS'" Jr1! STANDARD JMi o v j_ X_j E S , j8 B 0F ALL AI,SO, íí'"1'''"' Wareh iusc TitKks, Letter Prtstct , Av FAIRBANKS, GREGKLEAF & CO., IT3 Lakt Street, CHICAGO, Sold in Detroit hy KARRAND, SHELEY & ÖO. W Be cs.r.'ul-io Genuine.el}'?'?! OUR CHINAMAN STILL LIVES. AndcuntiimüS to furnisli tlint unrirnlrd quality f TLA alwiivs fuuud at the iVopIe'h Sture. J.JYni uf puijd 'IVa will pleaa try vHTnpIe OF OUK NEW TEA. lnJiüKtüï &STKWART. aH.OOE3RIL!S Of all kmd. FrulU. ExtrBctw, Spie-, Piukle, Oil. Perfumes, &.-. Pure Liquurs itnJ IPiiMM fur Muiliumal purpo unlv . JUhVOKÍT & STKWART. Sugar ! Sugar I A umi] lot of LOW PKICED SUGAR. DeFOKKST & STKWART. JES" FISH.- Codfish, Whitefish, Trout.Mackerel.Utrrlng, te. DrFOREST & STEWART. SYPUP ! SYRUP! A fw bárrela, extra quality. ÜkFOREST Sc STEWAET. tOIL ANO LAMP DE3POT ! KEEOSEÜTE OIL! Hj Kr' Th beat qualily iÍ ONE DOLLAR fgi Fer Gallon. É-" DJilOllibX i STKWART. HO! YE! Purchasers of CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPB, PLATED GOOD8, TABLE CÜTLERY, &c. For lal at losa thau Nw York whuleaale pricea, br DllKOREST i TLWARI. A Good Clothes Wringer. 8arntimt! Savttmoney! Sant elothingl Sana ttrength! Saven health! Savei hiring help! Saces weak utrittt! Saté burniny haudi.' Woolen clothda can b wruni? out of boiliojf rtr i pravviit MhriuktDg, witLout inj ury to I 'ia machina. DsFOKEST 4 tíTKWAT. PILES- A SUKK REMEDY. Everybudy is bjin cured of thi dii;röainf dlfti by the use of l)&. BiLLI.NÜTON'tí P1LL UEMBDY. KJ what thoae tav who hftre u&ed It i PirrariaiJ), WbUuw Co., Mich. Dr. E. A. BlLLlAGToa ; UfarSir; Kor the good of tlie sMicted, I herawfth tranemit to jou a atatumentof the bonefit whlch I hT received frotn the uso of your PILE KKMEHY. Kor number of years I huve been very baül fQicttl with the PiÏös, so much ao as to render me at timet totally unfit for busi ness. I found uo perinaQpiit relief from tbe maDy remeiJieB wbich I made uso of. and almost dspaired f efFecting a pernianont cure. I wm at lengt f. indüoiü bv your &%ut at Anu Arbor to mak trial of jour remedy, which he warranted to efTect a cure or receive nu pay. I eousMerud it lik most othr patent niodicinea - a humbug, uotil I beau to improTö, With iinp;ovement, and at length an entire cure, I bcamo coovinced it wns ateientifle and reliabU roroedy. 1 usfd Ome Vackagb Only, which lainhappj to ■ j on tirelyoured me. Truating tht all who mako une of tho Klectuary for thatmoitdiatiesiiing dieae- Pils- may reaiiu lh same happy rPMiHs, I am Rwpeotfull; jours, BU1TH MACOMBk.i. For oasöp, cali on th Agont and ubtalnpampltlft an.4 ïeforttuce tw numbir of citizens of Ann Arbor who have bn oured by th uaoof the Kitctuary. laKÜREST & 8TKWART. ■■- ■ ■ ■ ■- - ■ - - Xifjk Sntitii Hedieal Cinnlsr 5 A K Eur Pnbliïhsd ! IA Cl 1 ■ JISr-riflen-SO larno 1 alj ar 3 oeut Ump. kr YounR Men's Confitlential Medical AilTÍsers in caá. of Spermatorrhca ur Semiual Weaknemi causad bj Masturbatíon, Genital Tantalliatin, solf abuso, or Becret habitu iiulul;sf.: in by yuüi ut Oi nga of pa berty. DR". JVCKSOH, HEB6EBT A TO. . Pruprirtort of the National Hjüpmary, etbliLcd at Cinoinaatl, Ohio,Jan. !t, létiO. Involuntarj li.a'i to Tmpitccr , CoQBvmption, and IVhiíi. 'IT.opp nbo buffer in tb least from thiH banful praciice, hhould apply th wholo eneriy of the soul to the attainmentof bdalth and Touxoqueut cnutoutniöiit and bappincnii. Rttt ono. eifher ick or well. ehoulii liavp our raluabU troaliBO un thi subject , whicli if gout fric of cVarj. We jfuarantee to cure Gonorrba'a.Olwt, Srphillla, ïmpuiancy, Vociturna' Emiasiong er Self-Abunt', Piurnal Emieefong, Female Complaint, in .hort, (Try poiintble form ndvarietr of Sexular Diieane. CmM tapid, thurouh am! permanent, and fees mndúrato.Send for our Circular. 0R. JACKSONS FEMALE PIIXS- tl pi bo - Special written replies, well nealed, seut with th Circular, witliout oh r(jc. 300 pap-fi, 100 ngraTliir. "Tha Mountain of I,igbt, or Medical Protector an4 MarriaRe Gui.le, and an Kïplicit Key to Lor an4 Beauty." JtSATISFACTORILY Mvealu rarioumuh. jeots norer beforcfully explained in any popular work in the Engllsh language. l'rico 60 cents, or thre for Vedicine and inatructions Rent promptly to any p.irt of thn nonntry. ronu!tinf Room of the Dlupcmarj, No. 107 Sycamore street. I'. O. Box, No. 4SÍ. DR. JACKPON'S ORIENTAL LINIMFNT Hi'inores all coldnes, and rejureuatM organa whieh hare lain dormant fo.' mnny years. Can be malled with perfect mfetv. Price S9pe"r botlle. DR.JACKSON'S KKKNC1I PATKNT MALS FAFE. It ia the only pur and Míe preventivo agaicat êtmtracting diseane ever invontid. Prir.e $1 each. Upe half doien, aod 7 per down, stnt by mail. 6mftdo ARE YOÜ INSURED? IF NOT, CALL ON C. H. MILLEN, Agent for the following Orst c lat Oompaold : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over t3,50O,0OO. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. OJ NiW VOBK. fipital over 1,500,000. Tn this CompaiiT th In. lured particípate in the profits. PIBE I3STS-, CO.. OF HARTFOTiD. Capital over Thre Hundred Thound Dollar. 0. H MTLLEN, s8f Min aofc Ana Arbor.


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Michigan Argus