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rjUiJi 1100T6 ANDTHi LEA VES KM. Prof. n.. r. xjsroiíírst,. ! TKE (iUEAÏ AND CKJLlCUtt.VTEU 1'HV'SICI AN of the TJ1JUUT,U7KG3, UEAKÏ.ÜTIU Wi; IMH lil.oun, Knuwu ttflyver Fücoouutry as tlio ('VK.KIÏKATKP INDIAN ïïERB DOCTOE1 UI ii'Z Superior StciL'trClviliiii, Ohio. WÍLI v.-:i :' ■ . , .!■■, p'íípcr; viz .;il'OiM.MKNÏM-'jK 1802, lSti3and 1R64. lSof II. J. Cvodh can be consultar at ihe followiug LiiM:e&uvüi7 nujiitii, viz: Ueli'uil , Liussellíüupe, eacb month. 1 St Ir nu líJth. Anti Acln:r. .Monitor Huusc, each niunth, 'Jülh. JaVkftnn, Hibbaifl Huusej eacli moutli,2l. íVjritHnu, Bracket Hou se", éacli raoijtb WM anl23d. Tltdo, Uho,''oHius Housp.eaeli lauuíb, 2-itb ,a5th, airi ,ií;r:., Hilldiile, Míl-U. , HUludfeïfl ífmie, moh month, 27th. CoWwdter, Mich., SoUtítaíB .Miolnyau Hou.c, each uionth, astii. Elhhart . Klli!i:iit House, each moutli . 29th. Sduth Beño, Ind., sr. Jo. fi.r-i-1, êaeïi month, 30. Iipnitf1. 1 ül., Tt-e CJai-ílen lit. ikp, curli inontli ü Wóosteir]llittCrandeU Ifwaèki, each month, 7tU t hft &íh . Manslitl'l, Obio. WUe Houst each mt.nth, 9th and lOth. Mt. Verncm , Knyon House,. tícb monlJi,llth and 12tb. N'i'wíu-k, Obio, Holton .l!tuti, e&ch month , i$th and H ih, i'-mu-villf. OHlo, CoWl#Houne,each month . 4th CLhYKLANi', oilü). REfílDEN'JE AND OFFICE, 28 SUPERIOR STREMT. ■',;isi ol tin' public Bqurefl the PoKtofflce. Oiücf 'tays enh numtli, lst. 8d, Hr, 3h? Btb, 15th.- Uflice liouis fruin í) A. M. to 12 M, íuri from 2 1. M. to t i'. M. UnSoodaíJ from 0 to 10 A. Aland 1 tu 2 P. M, arM.iximsütricTly ulhen"! to - I gfers .suel; balín s b-e no s+.r-iñs, Witli n. i ure or tW lava t)f iife, With l!ooaiuy hands I m-vt-r st;un, Norijoisun ni en tocase theivpain. lie i's ií )hif, stctttH indeed, who Curca. The Iridian Hert Doctor, R. J. LYOXS, euros t1u folio .ving cumpiaiutüinUie ínot obstiuate stages of their eüiíitence, víz: Disousenüf tlieïUroftt, Lunge, Jlcart, Livor, Stoinach, Üropay iutheChest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Eiis, oJ l';illiii íSickiicris .andall other nervoumlernttgemeiits. Also ilWÜseusesoi the blood , such as Seaoi'ttl, Erysip. el,;sy C:ncers , Fever Sores, Leyrosy, and &l otáui coaiphcáttjil ohtmiccosa.plaiat8. All fora of femiile diflïcuïties attended to wiih the hftppieat resulta. H is hoperl tbat no one will despair of a cure until they ha vi givcii tin; li:ii:ui Hcx'b Doctor'.s Medicines a fairamlfáilhfnl trial, ögi-1'ur'ng the Doctor'i traveUin Kuroi'0,West Indies, South America, aud the Ouitea States, he lias been the instrument in God's liiind. to redore to healtli and vigor thousaiuls uNio were given "p aftl proaounced incurable by the mos) emiuentold school physicians; nay, more, thottSaáds whü were on the verge of tlie grave, art now living mouumenta to the ludían Herb's Doctor 'b BkiU and siiciies.--fiil!.reatnifnt ,:itnl are iluily oxclaimin1: uB'eused be theday when lirst e saw aad partook of the In tiag llerb üoctor's luediciue." fatisfactory refeieiiceof oares wijl be gladly and lioorfu.!ly gi'tfhnfcï füirêd, Thferièt'r plefljjes hia word aud honor, tliat he will n no wwe,ili?tictlj' or hwlii-cctly. induce or cause any a valid to t;;ke hi;i uiedicinewithout ihe strungesl pïobliiü.'fy of a cure. tför íícmÍI! of cxamJnatio, wliich is entirelyiÜITereni rom thet.tcuHy. 1 r. Lyon professes to discern difleaeefl hv the oye. He therefore ks uouestions, nor loesïx cettïrfe pfctientsto explain syniñis. .Cali one tiul :iïl, i nd have ihesyiaptoTOs and location of your ïiseiEvxp?a!neatre of clwvree. TTTlii1 pnor shal! beliberally condered. ESfFoíítolUceíviklrcFis. b-ox 2663. R.J. LYONS.M. f'. CleTeraD4,OHío,lfwr.&,182 lyí80 JÜST OPENING ? The iargest Stock and best ussbrtmcut of CABINET FÜRNITUBE ? ever brought to this city, iucluding SOFAS. TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED KOUM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIES, U-ilt x raines ana ïuomaings COFFINS METALIG CASES, &e., ' e., aud all othorondnkept iu the best aud lar ;esi housös tn the country. AVtMieeiiao seeond hand ur lituieor Auí-íion gond.s. Cotïins lícpt constantly x a and, and made to order. ïiy goods are oiTured at THE LOWEST CASH P RICES N. B. I must bavo money.and respectfully request fclione iuilc-blcil, to cali and fix up tlieir old mattere 1Vi"1OUtde::iyO. M. MARTIN. Annirbor.üct. 6,1863. B2f "BANNEB II Aï STORE! GO T O Sp Yiwi iniP Beforyou buy, Spring and Summer styles ot STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. jnn Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 953. EOfleFa"cíory! Beutier & Traver, [SuccesBorsto A. J.Sutherland,] Miiiiufooturers of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouzhes Game Bags, and Everjotber article iu thatLioe. Allkiudsof H.HI-A.I3E:l.X3NrC3r ■laad iitthü iUuctuit uutice, and inthebeat mauuiT. a, ful)iiiorttíieutlye kept onlianil and madporder t.fu SUoi) corner Maiti uud Washington stieets. AnnAr!)or,Oot.8,1362. 873U HOWARD ASSOCIATIOW, I'lIILADF.I.l'HIA, PA. Dlscaacs of !' SeivuM, Scialiinl.l'iinnry and Stxuft! Systfims - new.and reltuble tn'atmant- in report uf ihe HüWAKD AOf'IATI(!Nent by tn wil' "1 letter riivpli-n, froo al chargfeÜidxese Dr. j. SKlI.T.tN HOUtJIITOX, Howard A mooi' ïllun N'u 2 í inlbUect, Pliila',".flj).i:i. PsJliOüïe SYRÜP, SEAWEED TONIO, AND MANDRAKE PSLLS. The aboTe is a correct litieness of Dr. Sclienck, JKBt after rccovering from Coufiuinption. manj years ago Below is a likonetis of him as he now appears. Wlien the (irat waw tnktn he weighed 107 pounLs ■ il t o. present tiue li.i.s weigjjt is 220 pomuls. ]DR. SCHENCK'S Principal Office and Laboratury is ai tbe N. E. córner of SIXT1I and COMMERCE Slreets, Plnladelpuia where all ieUer furadvkü or busiaesü ahould bi) di rsclcd. lie 11 be founJ tUer overy SATURDAY, profes sionnlly to examiuo lungs with tke Resiurometer, for wliich bis fea o tbrce dc.llars ; all adrice free. ín Se York at Ku, 3J BOND Street, every TÜES UAY , from 9 A. M. to 9. M. It [lie MARLSURO' HÜTEL, Boston, January 18 aiid 1-t, Febi-uiwry 15 aud 16, Maich 15 and 16, April 39 and '0, May 17 aud 18, JuiieH aud 15, July M and 0. The time for my being in B-1.TI.MORE and PITTSBU1G will be sten in the daily papers of lliose ciliiss. Ihe UísLonj of Dr. Schenck's ovni Case, and hoiv he wal aatú of ConsunqiUon. M;u)v ycars ag, wimst rt-siumg in ruiiuaeipnia, 1 had progvessed {.iradually iulu fue. last stage of Pul monary Cun.-.umpikm. All hoLN of uiy recavery being díífúp'ated. ! was aftvfeed by my physician, Dr. Parrish to remove kitn the country. Sioorestown, New Jersey, berog my place, i was ram o ved thither. My Eaibei iiudail Uis t'a-mily had üved and died there - ■ and die ú of Pulsaonary L'oa.sumpliou. Ou ray arrival I was pút to i, w Utre 1 lay lor nmny weeks ia what was doemed a hopeless condiliüri. Dr. Thointon, ïvho had Leen my ftfther'H family phyician, and had attended hitn in Ms last illnuss, was (-.allcd te see me. Ho thüught niy cae enurely beyond the reach of medicine, aud dec-iik-d that 1 muót die, aud gave) me oae week to arrauce uiy temporal affairs. lii tliis ivppart-ntly hopeleas cuüditiou, 1 hoard -,f the remedios wMch I now mabe and sell. U seenied U me ihat ï could feel theruworking Uu-ir way , and peutitraling every nuive, Ubre, and tissue of my system. My Lungs and üver put on a new aotiou, aud fhe mor bid matter wbicli for years hfad accumulateil and irri tated UiO différent organs of the body, was elimiuuted, the tubercles on my lunga ripened, and I expectorated froin ni y lungs as rnuch as a pint of Jellow ofFentivq matter every mornïng". Ah tKia espctoration of mntter subside, tbc ftverabated, the pain left ine the cougb ceased tu Uarsss me, and the exbausting nightsweats were nó longer known, and I had pe'reshind Bleep, to lúch I had mq bee a strangor. My-appetiti' now beg. n torelurn. and at times I found it difflJ cult tü restraia oivböIS fcoiu eating too niuch ; with tuis return of health, I gaincd in strengtlT, and now ara ileshy. I am now a healthy man, with a lülge healed cicatrfje ín th iriidlelobe of tho right lung aud the lover lobe V.opatied with complete adhesión of the pleura. The lffft luUgU sound, and the upperlobeof the right one is in attde:nbly ln-ilthy condition. CoDsumption at that time was t&ought tobeanincurable diaeáse, by evcry one, phyticians aswellas those who ere unlearnedin medicine- espcc&H j sAclj cases aa were reduced tothe condition I was in. This indueed many peopleto believe my recovery only teniporary. I now preparad and gave the medkinea to consumptives for some time, and made many wonderful cures; and thedeinaiid increused bo rapidly that Í dfteiniined to ofTer t'aoin to the public, und devote my unulvidedattèiition to luns diHeanes. In truth, 1 wi nxt tu fored to it, fr peoplc would send for me fr : andnear, to ascextalo whether their cases werelike , mine. For many years, in conjuuction with my principal office i Pliiladelphia, I have been making regular professional virtita to New York, Boton, Baltimore, and Pirtaburg. For Beveral jcarg past I have made as many as five hundred esaminaüonweekly with the "Kespirometer." P'or sueh examinaüon ray charge i.s three dollars, and it (nubles me to gíve euch patiënt the true condition of hls disease, and teli him frank ly whethor he wïll get The groat reason why phyñicians do not cure Consumption is, that they try to do toomuch; they glve me idnes to stop the couh , to stop the n ghtswcatu, hectie fever, and by so doiug they derange the whole digestive systemi lockin? wp tho secretione, and eventn:illv the natient dies. Thé Pulmonic Syrup is one of the most valuable nedicincs known, It is nutriënt, powerfullj toaic, and jeajinj in Iteelf. It oontains no opium, yet looseus he phlegm ia tho broncliial tubes, and nature throws toft' withlittle exertion. One bottio fiequently cures in ordinary cold; but ie will be wetl fírst to take a dose jf Schenck's Mandrake's Pilis to cleanae the stomach. The Pulmouic Syrup is readily digested and absorbed oto blood, tu whichit imparta its heiiling properties - lismoor the host pveparationa of kon in use ; it is a luwcrtul tnic ofltself; and when tlm ."naweed Tonic IIbeoI es the muous in the stomach, and is rarried off jy the aid of the Mahdrake l'ills, a healthy ftnw of ;astric juice, good appotite, and a good digestión foliow. ïhe Sea weed Tpnic js u stiumlant, an-1 nooeothiris requtred whcu it is nse'l. It is pure and pleasant; nu bad efteo.ts liKe when uring Bourbon whisky, whicli disarders the stumach, torpors tlie liver, locks up all th ocretions, turus the blood into water, dropsy sele in, md thepatieot dicssudtlenly. Bourbon whisky is recommended now-a days by al most every physkiau. MaDj' patients that vifit my ruouiK, b'ith male and female, are stnpefied with this poison. The relief is temporary. If they cough they take a liltle whisky ; if they feel wolk and feeble they take a little whisky ; if they cannot sletp, they take a little whisky ; aud thoy go on in this way, requiriug more anlmore untll they are bloated up. and lnragioi they are getting llesby. The stomach, livt-i", and digestive nowers are complete!? destroywl, and lose their appetite fol food , Ko one was ever cured of consumptfdn by thil procesa, whero cavities have been fprmed in the lungs. A litt'.o stimulant is frequently beneloial to consumptives, auch as pure brandy or good -vines ; in many cases Lundon porter or brown stout in moderate quauliiies ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on Insteöd (ii curingcinsumption. The Seaweed Tonic producea larfting; resutes, thoroughly iorlgoratlng the stomach and digestiTe system and eaibbög 't t" tiiaiinate and it ako into healthy blood the f'od ivliich may b -used fir tliat purpoxe.- It is 60 wonderful in its effects thtt a wme-glassiul will ii"esta hearty n.eal.and a little of it taken before bn-al.f.ut will give a tone io the Ftomach which lew medicines posseot tl. e power of dc:iug. The MANDRAKE 1'IUS may bc taken with entir safety by all (gea and comliüons, produclng all the good resultsthnt can be obtaiued from calóme!, or an; of the mercurial medicines, aud without any of th hurtful or injunnus results. They curry out of th svNteai the fecuïlent and worn outuj;itters looseued au diesolved by my Sea weed Tonic and Puhnonie Syróp. - It willbe neen Uiat all threo of mymedjciuca are uced ed u tuist oases to cure CoüSumptioQ. AÜENÏS, BOSTON- Gjorge l'. Goodiijn & Co. NEW VORK- Demaa Barnes & Co. S-. P. llancs. Dr. OSofgO II. Keyser. CINTINNATI- V. E. Suire t Cn ., and Jobn D. Park. CHÜ'.UIO - JjmJ :c Sjnith . and 11. ?coil. ST. LOUIS- Collina Brotheni. ï.v.N ll-UMlilü, Bmith #; Deao. '"' i bv aiÏDruiights aod;j)alers. ly99S


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