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Interesting Army Gossip

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A correspondent writes : During a brief period, when the General was diaengugud, I inquired, " General, do you tliink Mr. Davia had anything to do vvith the assassination f" "Idonot," he replied. "When I told President Davis th-t President LÏDColri had buen assansinated he was vury much griuved indeed. í do uoi - ■ in faot am eure that Presideut Davis did not in any way cnunte'nance the act." " Gen. Hampton went away without being paroled ?" " Yes ; I understnnd he was ordered by the President to accompauy biin." Gen. Johnstou adtnitted that one división ot Wheoler's cavalry had gono off with Davis. Wheeier, it was reported to-day, had also guno with him. Gen. Jolinbton says that all the rebel forcea in the ötates of North aud Soutli (Carolina, Georgia and Florida, are ineluded in the surronder. Gen. Johnstoii says there was no absoluto imnjeciiate necengty for thu surreuder ; that he eould have got away (rom Gen Sherman. He aaid : " But F s:iw tliiit. Wft nnnsf. nmiiH nn whoro. We would certnin'y have had to stop at tho Misissippi, bo I. negotiated as I did with Gen. Slieiruatj, believing it criminal to prolong a hopeless war anolher day. The fate of tbe Confederacy was decided iri Virginia. When Lee surrendered there was an end to it. llud I marcbed my army away, as I could have done, it was only dragging Sherraanafter ino. He would have ioraged on the country, and I would have been coinpelled to do the same. ïhü country would have been duvastated, aud we would liave had to come to 8ome terms at last." AN INTERVIEW WITII IIARDEE. In spcaking of the war, lie made this remnrkáble assertion : " Sir, I accept this war as the providencc of' God. He intended that the slave should be freo. Slavery was never a pnying institution. I have often told my friendi so. For inslauce, my wife owned about one liundred negroes; forty ol tbe huudred were ueeless for work, yet she had to feed these lorty, n order to get the work of tbe other sixty. The iiero vrill be worse otF for this war. Wili any of your ubolitiouists of tho Nortli feed and olothe half-a dozen litlle dren, in order to get the work oí a tnna and woman ? Sir, our pcople can pay the working neproes a fair compensa tion for their services, and let tliern take care of their own families, and then have as much left at tbe end of the year as we liad under the old BystPia " " General, do you tliink we will soon have real pcace ?" " I do. I think the penple of the South are ftnxious for it. They wnnted t two years ago. I ilion saw thíit our causa could wot Puoceod." " Will we not have guerilla warfare?" " So help me God, git, if we do, I hiu eaily to fight to put an end to it." DISBANDIMQ Oí HIK REBEL AÜMV. In a few days the rebol army will march to their respective State?, to be disbari'deu and paroled. It is thoocht tha't about thirty thousnnd will be paroled, the romainder hwtng brokcn up in squads and scnttered over Üio country This thoy did wbile the poace netroüations were pending. They were glad of tbe chance. The obloquy of desértión beinr removed, they bade good bvo to the rebel cause, and ihouglit they vvould carry on a little war on their own account, Tthich they are doing by pillagitig and plundering the wretched tiltabitanta through the country. Johnetori liad close ou to fifty thousand meu, all told, iiifautry and cavalry, onder him. Thirty thousaud being paroled leaves a desertion of nearly twenty thousand- a nice pill let loose on the South. The South might justly exclaim, " From our friends, O Lord, deliver uu !" We have got in but very few battleflatra or horsos. All of' these have been either destroypd or carried oif. We have got about fifteen thousanl staud of sniall arrns, with ibout ono hundred and ten or twenty picces of artillovy. One-fifth of the mou wero allo wed to retuin their arms to guard the rest aud their supplies on their way home. Only me omeer paroles nave Duea gigueo, on the Bpot. Tho others havo been given to the brigado commandors, not to bo distributed until they are disbanded. j This w .s dono in order to keep thotu together. MISCELLANEOt'S. A report reaehed herc ycsterday, that Augusta had been sacked by tho rebels, asd that it was feared Charlotte wonid share the same fate. There are contradiotory rcports a.s to the vvhereabouts of Gen. Wheeler. Yesterday Gen. Johnstou heard that Gen. Wheeler had gone tn join JefT. Da fis, but not accoinpunied by any of hH eomm;ind. Gen. Hood is said to have gone to get married. Tha principal bote! in Charlotte is ojien. The proprietor receives nothine but gnld. Our officers aro Icnding money to the rebel officers to go home. Gen. Kilpatrick loatK'd two hundred dollars t )a'i old classmute who was with liim ut West Point. Tho rebol officers aro in a bad way for money, and are using every mc.ins in tlieir power to get greenbaoks. State money is of little account. Five dollars was paid tliis morning at one of the hotels nere, in North CaroliDa money, ior n break fast. The nnnual yield of oil írom the wl!s n West Virginia is estímate] at. $] ,314,000, and from tha wells in Southern Ohio nt $2,000,000.


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