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We Have A Number Of Boys In

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our city, as in all othcr citics, who, when m school think it manly to disobey tlie rules 8n(i aunoy their teachers, and whtjii out of school, delight in playing tie ïowdy in the streets, breaking windows in school and other buildings, stealiug cbickens and eggs, and perpetratingother acts of lawlessness. Tliis they do in spite' of the teacliings of the schools or of their parents, and with a wanton disregard of the rights of tfaose with whom they como in contact. Some two or three weeks aince, between Friday night and Jlonday morning, about twenty lights of glass were broken out of a single school building, Md school rooms hare been broken open and books carried off. A move flagrant act still has bren perpetrated wirtkin a few days. A bain lias been entered adjoiuing the grounds of one of our schools and a good harness cut topieces and entirèly ruined. The law gives teachers no control over seholars out of school houra or when off from school grounds, or of boys not scholars but who hang around ichool grounds to incite iniscliief, and to remedv the growiDg evils we have enumerated parents must lend their id, and that ïailing to work reform we fear that a few boys will feel the heavy hand of the law. Boys should remember that they will not grew up manly and noble men, and make good and respected citizens, uul:ss they are o'bedient to parents and teachers, and respect the rights of others. L3T Our home capitalista seera incliued to eompete with those financiers of the Eastern States who have so long monopoli.ed the insurnnce field in our State, reaping rich annual harvests from the preuiiums paid. - Numbers of Fire Insurance Companie-i have been organized in different towns of the State, and are now iu successful operation. - In our city a company has been organized under the name of the Western Mutual Life and Travelera' Insurance Company, the object of which the title fully explains. The corporators of this company met in this city on the lóth int., and elected the foHowing Directora : Hon. W. S. Jrayuard, Horace Carpenter, E. W. Morgan, Hon. Alpheus Felch, L. W. Wallace, S. ML Webster, Hon. T. M. Cooley, Dr. E. 0. Haven, Thomas ffhite, W. D. Smith, ü. B. Wilson, C. T. "Wilmot, Hon J. SI. Gregory, Williain Oheever, Henry E. Pilcher, S. Botbford,v Those who know these men will have confidence tliat they will uot leud their ñames to any bogus aifair, and that the compaiiy will be " sound and reliable." The Directora will meet on Wednesday next, May 2ith, at 8 o'clock. P. M., to elect oflieers. _ L3" Meeers. Wells, Olements and Hexning. three of our active business citizens, returned a few days since from a tour of observatioi. to Western Missouri and Kansas. They report au attrcctive country, ■somewhat disorganized and demoralized by the war, but havins fu.ll faith in its regeneration a:.d prosperous future, they " invested " by purchasing the Gas Works at Leaven. worth, Kangas. Leavenworth now has a poplation of about 20.000, with onormous figures made for '■ the good time coming," and as the bot of coal .is within convenient distance, kbA as Gas-Works have no where proved vei-y unprofitable investment, we surmise our friends have mailo a " ten-strike." C3P" The Commercial Buiktin, Boston, report the wool market as rather ijuiet duiing the last week, with a check in operations towards the last, owing to the decline in gold, ootton, &c. It says mauy milis have stupped running, and the maehinery is being changed so as to run on fine and faney goods instead of army cloths. The Bulletin thinks wool will rernain during the season at abuiit present figures. Sales of the week footed up 350,000 fes., and Michigan fleece brought 66 @70 cents. Agencies have not yet been established in our city, and we can not predict at what figures the trade will open. %?L" On Friday afternoon last a collision occurred near the plank road crossing, between the Express traiu East and a hand drwhich had left the depot jnst before expecting to reach the side track at MuMahon's Milla. Michael O'Beien, of Dexter, the chief of the hand car gang of laborera, was instantly killed, nis head being severed entirely frorq liis body. Th o otlier men escaped nuinjured, and no damage was done to the passenger train. Rbligious Notice. - The Unitarians have formed a Society in this City, and regular religious services will be for tlae present I held in the Cuurt House, on Sabb&ih afteraoons, at 3 o'clock. Tlie Rev. Mr. Hibbaed, Pastor of the First Congregational Umtarian Church of Detroit, wil! supply the pulpit unf til the arrival of the Rer. Dr. Brigham, whose permane&t strvices we understand have been arranged for. LX" There was a very heavy frost in this vicinity on Friday morning last - in '■■ fact a freeze - which injured Grapes, Cherries, ■" Strawberries, Tomatoes and other vegetables, r and cleaned out things generally. It was not a very wcluome visitor, and we can not teil how far the present fine and growing weather will repair damages. l" Gov. Chai'o haa issued a proolamation setting apart Thmsday, June lst, "as a day of humiliation and mourning," and ïecomniends to ihe people ai the State to "8uspend all secular employments, and attend religious services in their respectiye places of Worship." The saine day has been deaignated by President Jounson for national obseryance. r ■ i - ■ BF . The Travelers Rpcord in the name "f a spicy ittle papor devoted to the interests of the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. It posts the reader in the whys and wherefores for ineuring agaiust "11 accidents by land and sea, steam and power, &c', &c. Cali on the Agent, R. E. Fkazeb, and get a copy. TrLT Dr. ii. J. Lvonb will be at the Monitor House to-raorrow, the 20th,, iu readii'ess to attend to old and new patients. jJ-JST" Tho Ameritan Artisan haa completed ils'first yenr, and has mot wilh such deserved success as to induce tho publishers to matei ialty enlarge its borders, and it, tlierefore, appears as a page paper insCead of an eight. It has been wliat its nanita i indicates a "journal of arts, mechauics, manufactures, niining, engineering and ! istry, and repertory of patents," and its articles and illustratious have been of great practical value to the laborer in every fleld requinng skill, educalion, macbiuery. By its inerease n sizo - its nscfulness will be enlarged, and we conimeiid t to intelligent mechanics of all kinds. Published weekly by Brown, Cl om bs & Co, 212 Broadway. New York, at $2.50 per single copy, five copies, $11. The first niiinbor of volume 2, was issued May lüth. Produce is not coming forward n any quantities There ia plenty old wool, old wheat, old corn, &c, in " first hands," but farmers dou'fc relish the present prices and bosidea are aetively engaged iu putting in Iheiv spring crops. Detroit quotations yestTday, were : Wdkat- White, $1.60@l 62 ; Amber, 160. Cous - 73e. in eava. Oats- In bags, 4ïc, ; in cars, 43e. Potatoes- Eeaehblows, 6öc, common 50 @60c. Bdttek- 23@25o. Eooa- 21@22o. In our market Potatois bring 45c, Buttee, 20c, and Eaos, 17c. 1 We have recoived Part XL VII. of the Kebellion Record, now published by DVan Nostrand, 192 Btoadway, New Vork, and still edited by Frank Moore. It is embellished with fine steel portraits of Generáis Joun O. Stakkweatheb and A. HcD. McCook. The documents cover the events froni August to December, 1864. 60 cents each monthly part. L3g" ïho weathor has so far recovered ftorn the cliill of the late frost that the ice cart has conimenced its daily rounds, and the clear crystal lumps dispensed by Latimeb & Sos are vefreshiug. PreparatioD are beiug vory generally made throughout tho State of New Jersey for the public reception, in the various tons aud villages, of her retumiBg soldiera. Railroad communication betvveen Richmond and the South is being established as fast as possible. Thore is but verj littlo material in the country fit to repair the roads with. It is ssiid that many of Gen. Shermsn'a offiuera and enlisted men are anxious to join the Mexican etnigratkro enterprise.


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