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ffpeM foto. BÜfiAflipir Ta ílroad! Passpnger tratos now leave Detroit and tlie aeveral stations in this County as follows: GOIKQ WEST. M:-J1 Day Pexter Even. Nilit Train Ex. Acc. En. f.s. Dstrolt, T 15a.m1O.3Oa.m4 35 P.M5.35 p.m 11.0(im Ypsilantl, 8.40 " 11.55 ' 6.12 " 6.50 " 12.55 J.M Aun Arbor, 9.0S " 12.151-M6 35 " 7.10 " 1.00 Dexter, O.cö " 12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 ' Chelsea, 0 55 " 12.55 7.50" GO1NQ EAST. Even. Dexter Xight Day Mail Ex. Ace. Ex. Kx. Train. Chelsea, 7 .35 a.m3-30 p. M5.00 i'.m IVxtr, 6,05 A.M 7.55 " 3.45 "6.20 " Ann Arbor, 4.25 A.H 6.S5 " 8-20 " 4.05 " 5.W " Ypsilanti, 4 5U " 70) ' 8.40 " 4.25 " 612 " Detroit, 6.10 " 8.25 " 10 00 " 6.45 " 7.45 " The Mail Train runs to and from Marshall. ITCH. WHBATODi'S ! 1ÏCH. Salt KU um. OINTMENT. Salt Jtheum. Will cure the Itch in 48 haurs - aiso cures Salt Rlienm,ülcers,CLilljlains, antlall Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents ; by sending 50 cents to Weeks AfPpUer, Boston ? Mass. , will be fovwarded h'ec by mail For sale by all druggists. Fbkukeick ütjsar.vs, Detroit, 4 Agenl fur Michigan. PROF. R' J. LYONS' Patients and all others interre.sted will [ileasetabe cotice that he will contin ne his visits at the .Wonitur House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expirationof whieh he willilis continue his visits and open an ïnfirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatraent of Lung and Chest diseases. UHISKEKS: WH1SKEISS! Do you want Whiskrsor Moustachea? Our Grecian Couipound will furce theni to grow on th smootbest faceor chin, or li&ir on bald heads, in Six Weeks.- Price, $1-00. 8ent by mail auywheie, eloisely seuled, on receiptof price. Addrcgs, VARNKK & CO., Box 138, Broúkljc, N. Y. Iy999. TIïK BRIDAli CHAMBEK, au i ;.v of Warning and Instruction for Yoiing Men- published by Ike Hnward ABBuuiation, and ssetfre of charge ín sealedeiivL-lopt's. Al.lrres, Dr. J. 8KILI.1N H0f(J6H TON'. H)vuni Asfloci&tion, l hiladelphia, Pa. Iy99t) AíiOODTBEE ítí KNOWiTV [TSFBUIT. So in a good l'hyhician by his Successfnl Workrj . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TÜEGItEATANÍ) CELKBRATKD PHYPICIAN ÜF TUI ÏHUOAT, LLTNGS AND CHEriT, Kii'iM-n all over the countn as the Olebmted 1NDIAN HEHB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his roon), RUÑSEU. HOÜSK, DETROIT, OnthelBth and 19th inst.,on the same dale ofam tí ver v Hubsequent month during 18G2 and 1863, A NEaT PAMPffliET Ofthe life,study and extensive travols oT Dr. J.yoD can be procured by all who delire one, f ree of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor., Jackson.and Adrián Mtch. , asfullowB : Ann Arbor, Monitor HfniBÖ, 20th. JacksoD, Hibbard HouHe, ülst Adrián, Brackett Hcuseüad and 23d. M"ie of Kxaminatjon. - ïlitj Doctor diseerns diseaft.' bytlïeeyes. Ho, tkcrefore, asks no questions nor re quirespafrients to explain symptoms. Alllicted, come andhave your syinptoms and thelocatirm of your dis aseexplained free of charpe ATWOOD'S DRILLING MACHINE PILE D RI VER, AND HYDRAULIC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TESTö li.aving fully dpm.nistrated the superiorïty of thiaraachiue ovor all others for purpe of sinkiüg Oiï Wells, the un U-rsigned is now prepare to receivo orders for the same. Thiís niachinery comprlses evfrything reqnisite f' the boring of oil wells, escepting the STEAM ENG1NF AND CAST IKON PK1VING PHE, (but will be furn ished, if desired, at a reaf-onable price;, and dispen sea with the use of the Derrick Rope, Buil wheel anf other cumbrous and expennivo fixturea now in nftc and if so arranged, being cou.structed on whoelsam portabl'1, thüt 'tcnbe easüy removed íor the pur pose of Hinking wells in different localities. THE DETRITUS rs removed from the well by ou Patent Hydraulic proccss,and doe not require th removal of the driil f-om the boring. Thi.s pvuces Jiot only removcfi all the deüitus in from 5 to 10 min Ute.Sj but ükewiB effoctually clears out and opens al he .sny.lloil veins that are .soofteo entirt'ly closed up by the Qld prcens of Kand pumpíng. WÍTII THIS MACHI.VE and a intctical engineefj ; wellcaa be buqH from 400 to 000 foet wíthin a poriot of frjm }5 to 30 days aftr the soil pipe has beca rlrivcn. Arrangement? are böing ni-ide for the constructio and delivcry oí these njachines yt New York , Norwich New burg, N Y. ,and Ptttsburg, Penn. For further informa tion, price, terms, J:c., adcrR, S1MKON LELAND, Mt-LKOPOIITAN HOTET, 3inl004 Ktw York. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. PÍIOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTURES, FRAMES, TIIREAD, SILK, T -W I S T, MACHINE 01 L, Sp. The imtlw'signed om offers the public TUS BESt FAMILY SEWING MACHINE II-T USE. FOB DURABILITY, BEALTY o STYLE, and VARIETY of WORK, i t "STANDS UP HEAD." ït neo cis only to be acn to be appreciatie . Runs thevork both Way8j tukcs four kinds of stitchea, heius. ella, gfithers, braida, hlnds, quilU, gathera and sews n p. ruüïi at the saine time. 3e ws trom the fchinnest o the thickejit fabric without chunging the stitch, ension or needie, or without breaking the - The Wonder of the World ! ' Also a variety of tho mest beaotfful PHOTOGRAPH , ÍI.HUM8, PICTURES and FRAMES n (,'reat variety, nd nictures tramed to order at short notice. , Alan, BARNUM'S SELFSKWEK or TUOKER, which an be adjusted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLORENCE SEWING MA. HIÑE, a few doors Kast of Cook's Hotel. Stilching Neatly Done to Order. Also, on exhilition,thecelebrated " WEED SEWING ÍACH1NE," tuok the preuiium at the Michigan tatü Fair, of 18C4-. W. D. HOLMES. AnnArbor, Pee. 28lh, 1864. 98"tt HISTORY OF THEWÖRLDBY PHILIP SMÏTH, B. A. yric of the pnncÁpál Cuntributors to the Diciionariès of Qretk and Roman Antiquities, Biogrtphy, and Efcog vaphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Sin-ce Sïr VV alter Raleigh solaced his imprisonment u the Tywer by the OQïnj?oition of hia " Historj uf ;he WorlV' the Literature of nganrl haw never achieved tlio wovk which hu lelt uufinishetl. There ave been "-Universal Histories," from th bulk of an eawyelopöBdia to the most meagre outline, in which he auual ut' eacb. naüun are separately recoTdeü ; mt without an attem-pt to trace the story of Divine Provideiioeaiid human progress in one connected uar■ative. H is pPtDused to aupply this want by a ■ lOSdouead enoogfa to keep it within a reasonable size, ■ ut yet sof uil as to be free from the dry biilcnesa ofan pi tome. The l.iteruitire of Gennany ftbounds ia hisoryi sucíi as those et' Muller, Schloaser, Karl n iottock.IHinc.kcTndBthora, - which at provetheileluandfor sucha 'ook, aadifurni-sh modela,. in some Je greti, for its ejöoatfon. But even those reat works iré somewhatdeíicíení inthat orwiic unity whieh ia the ohif aim of thi "li.tory of the World." Thesloryof ourwholerat'O, like thntof each aejjar ite natiou, has " a beginning, a middie.and an end." l'hat story v propone to foííow, from H'Jbcginniug in he sacred records, and frora the da wp oivilization m tlie East, - tiirough thenuccessive CÍiBta#wpiTie8, -the rise of liberty and the perfectiori of Katiien nolity, rte, and literature in Greecu and ome;- the chüBKe which passetlover theface of the worl vïia_ he light of christianity sprang up, - tho origi." aiifirst appenrance of those barbarían races which i'erthrew both di isions of the Koman Empire,- thu &L' Wis of the States which rose on the Empïre's ruiiy Qcluding the picturesque detailn of medieval history, 5 and the steaöy profresa oí' modern Hbcrty and civilization,- and the extensión oí these nifluc-ncet;, by dis covery. ctinqaest, colon iztition, and Christian uiission-t, o the remoteat regiems of the earth In a wordras separate hisiorieretlect the detaohed sceaen of Iiuman action and saiferinr, ouraini is to bring into ono view .he several parti whïch ssui-e'liy fonn onc great rhole, movingoiïwards, under tbe guidanco of Divine Providnce to Lhe unknown end ordained m the Divine purpoM's. Xo paicB wülbe Bjpared to make this history seholaru is1qce aúd papular iu style.' It will be toiiiiled m the Bffl aüthnrïties, ancient and modern, origiual and secondary. The raat progresa ix-contly inaüe n historical and critica! invésttgatí na, the resulta obtained from the modern science Of coraparative philolgy, a ml the discovL'rie.s which have iaid open new BOurosfl -f infofmatfofl eoncerniug the Est, a (Tor il sueh fücilitics as to make the present a fit epoch for uvr unilritukini, The worK will be divided iflto Jthree Periode, each complete Ib itself, andv-ill form Eigkt Volumes in Dcmy ')ctavo, I. - AnciEST HiíToby, Sacred and Secular; from the ('i-t-ation to Ihf Kall of the Westorn Empire, íd A. D. 47ö. Two vo úmee. II. - Meiheval Histoky, Civil and Ecclesiastical ; from the Fall of the Western Empire tu the taking of Constantiu'iple by the Turks, in A. D. 1453. Two Volumes. III.- Modkkx UiKroBY trom tlie Fnll of the Bysantine Kmpirc! to ourownTimes. Four Volumes. ï t will bepnblisht'd in 8 vols. 8 vo. Price in cloth, $3.50 por volume. Sheep, $4.50. Half Morueco, S5Volume 1 now ready. Agents Wanted U all parts of the Country. ApplicatiooB should be made at onco to the PublishD. APPLETON & CO., Camtl988 4 u 444Broadway. N. Y THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OP THE CiTY OF NEW YOKK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid In, FISCAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES, And Aoe.vt for Jat Cooke, Sciwcbipiion Agk.vt, Will Eeliver 7 30 Notes, Fiee of Chaise, by exprnss, in all palts of the country, and receivein paymrntChpfks on New Yitrk, Philadelphi, and fioston, ciii-reut bilis. Hnd all fiv.' per cont. interest notes, with iiifrrsi to date of snbscrijHion . Ordtrs sent by mail wil] !e promptty filled. Tliirt Bank receiyeB the accounts of Banks and Baukers on favontbiy terins ; nisu of individuáis keejiing New York accounts. J. U. OHV1S, President. 1'. T HTLl, Caskiet. 3in998 Mr. Mathew Srst prepared the VENETIAN HAIR DYE ; fiincc thut time it has been UBPd by thousands, andiu no instance has it lailed to give entire satiafaction . The VENETIAN JIYE is the cheapest in tho world - lts piice is only Fífty Cents, ana each bottle contains doublé the cjuantity of dye iu those usually sold for Thu VENKTJAN DYE is ivarranted not to injure the hair or tli h Hoalp in the alightest deiee. Tlie VENETIAN DYF orks ivitli rnpidity onrl eertainty, tli-' li;iii iiijuniug; no preparation whatever ïhe VENETIAN DYF. produces any shade that iray be dfísíred - one that will not fade, crock orivash ou -one that is as permauent as the httir icself. For sal by all druggiste rice 50 cents. A. 1. 11 ATI IE WS, üeneiol Agent, IS Gold Htreet, Nnw York. Also, Manufacturer of Mathkws' Ahnica hHAln,the bfeBt hair dressing in use. In large-bottlea, prico 50 cents. Iy966 DR. SMITH'S PRBSCBIPT10M & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, SVritinii I'per, bjF the Keam orless, and all ut her artidrs in our line. Especial üttcution tu Cuiupoundin: tiid uittir up Prescriptions, at the sign of GOLD MORTA$t,Ex change Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. jyr ftS,. I'rofcHsoiiiilcallspromptly attcuded to. 1Y9C 1OO City Lots for Sale. O$- ROAL WARRANTS at this uf fice. C&ll eoon. JF}


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Michigan Argus