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TVTOW IS TUK TIME , For foargains in AND CROCERSESÜ I C, IL MILLEN, is iiow réfceiving hisf stock OF DRY GOODS, ' GARPETS; and GflOCERIÈS, jougïit at tlio recent great decline ín New York, ad villliefcold as low as thti tovest tjall aud examine joods and prices b-fcforü purchatsing. CH.MILÊEN. April, 1885. ,] II pRHTS, 20 to 25 Cents BEST DELAÍNKS, 31 ceuts. S'HEETINGS, 30 to 40 cent BLEACKED COTTONS, and all ather gooda at REDUCED PKICES l' Af 0. H. KILLEN', ,' jTZEJ-W CARPETS, C. S. MILLEN'S. L ADÍES' DRESS GOODS4 of all kindn, Ladies' Saek's, Cloaks, SUaWls, Hair Ornatnents, &c , ali'i nuvj stjlon just reesivecl and lor :ile cheai. IQg&t C. H. MILLEN. THE PAiC h'iisOMMEMCED. Ann Arbor is one (.f Iho ftst to lö. „at iïlJiteementa tor Poople to GET GOOOS CííEAP, AU of thQ Merchants are un t. lookoaf ]"dI# ■ iuying goo at the laweat polsible t:ates,aml etich VJie ;etH hla own varíety uf artícles. Í soneof the PBEÏTiEST PLACES iu the 3TATE, nn-1 woll supplied with man uf act uring interest!3 for tin country generally. Tlient are 10 Dry uooda Stores, -i or5Harlware Storea, ;ö or 8 Clüthing atores. 3 Hat tïtores 3 Shoe Stores, and a ha, f dozen Shoe Shops, 3 Jíwelry Storea, 5 or fi Provisión and Grocery Stores, and 4CabiDct Wart; Rooms, 4 or 5 Bake Shops, 4 ïlar nesa Shops, 4 Pünting Piessea, and all kindrt of Mtnufacíuring Estabháhinents, too numerou to mention. - The whole surroundinff country wiJI do well to givo Aun Arbor a callj aad aftor lookiug around, all around for your -ANDGEOCEEIES, doa't forget to cali at C. B. THOMPSON'S STORE, Coruer Main and Washington Streets, aud he will try and give yon p rices that will sjitisfy. Ile ia recc-lving goods bought at tce lowest poswible prïce.s, and will try nnd satibfy a.a far ai ho eau. The MOTTO la "LIVE AiNi) LET LIVE.'' "Help your neighbor aud you heljt yourself. " I am confident of the reault. CHARLES B. THOMPSON. April, 1866. 3ml005 OODS AT HALF PEIOE ! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS AKE DOW NT ! DOMESTIOS ARE DOWN! WÜOLENS AU E DOWN ! GROCERIES Alü DOWN ! and now jb tho tiroe to buy your SPRING GOODS! - o - F. BA. OH Has just opeaed a eo(npl'.e assortment of DRY GOODS, Bress Goods, Cloths, lirooevies, &c, &c, t'u'iiil sinc' the aurremW "f Tf-e acllhegrent fa 11 in prlce. CnH immediat3ly nnrl eKtnii.c bif bloeit. Ann Albur. April, 1865. 1005 WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTONiTAKEN ! ! ■■■- GUITERMAN & CO., ! Beini? eonnecitod with one oC thf larpdt l,uu -i '.11 s'üw Yoí k, Whlth has biitter freililies for " Selling Cheaper any uthi' 'house'. Aio buuatl'to be out K BL..J HHT ■ J OT .HL:O y any e t that' tHw extstSi tiuving uinjjloyé'l uu exjwrienocJ Z2 mT TK7 TT1 JEJ JML 9 lireot frbm'NEW YORK CITY, who l'a hd Jong ex xirieiice tu the buftinesBj wa guara atea to givuthe bet SATÏSFACTION tö our riumerous' OUSÏOMERS & STÜDENTS t the Univör.sltjr. Kuupinfcou band tho largeat tuck of OLOTUS, CASSIIERIS, VËSTffiGS, together with the nrgost stock of Ïieady-Made Clothing, FÜRISHIG GOODSÜ &c, &c.( &c, wbich wo vtlM soll cheaper tiwta any ether establishment in _th city. All w unit La tliat our friundtl aud SttoAenti will gtve us a ctill uud aatisfy Übtíiaselvus.. M. GÜITERMAÍÍ. & Co., CLOSINt.' OUT t -■ -: „ mt . Sl'LKNDii) ?TOGK OF DRESS; GOODS! FURNISH1NG G'ÜöOS. CASSIMERES, Cïoths, Satinéis, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS & CAPS, Crockery, GEOOERIES, &c, Aro to bt feoid at pricos that will guaraaiec ihcu sale. Jí. B.- The larcrp-it tock of Calicó and Brown Cottpn ia tho City at less tbau Mauufacturet'ti prices. The higheat pricc paid in Trade or cash íor all kinds of Produce, '. MACK & SCHMID. T)EMEMBEll SNOVEJR & KELLEY'S vl fi! 'fii n, ir ifi! vt L is the Xorth door of Ortfgory's New Öloiflr. G. W, SAOVER, 0, L KELLEY. 1006 1TÜTICY! TVJCEN l'l' bj the subscrihor alK'ut Iho lirst r.i .April, IS 5, a small si?e rlnrk by Hf'K'K, tliièt u liiti ft,anrl n wlrto spot in frr-hpnl ,a bnut 7 ynis ill Tiie owuer ie requ6fLfd to prt tí Jjiuts t , a::.l j;,i , .harges. and tako biui ;i w;y t W. FOST-'TT Ealim. llfoir, , Ajiril 5tli . 3SC3 (SV1004


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