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U.S. 7-30 LÖAN. - o - THIRD SERIES, $L3,009,GQG. i By uthority o( the Scretary cf the Traainrr, the undersiimM, the fitnnral SlíbícrlptRlU Agen fur ti id sale of United tatosSecurities, offer to the tlie third serios of Treasury N'otee, hearing aevea auil threeU-nllis per cent, icterefit per aijnum, knowu as tho 7-3O LOAN. Tliríe notes are issucil umler dato ti! Ja)y 15th, 18C5, and are pajable three jear.s Troni tliat dute n currncj, or aro couvertible at tio cptinu of the hoMer into U. 8. 5-20 8ix per cent. Gí)LD-BKARING HONDS. The-e Bonds are now worth a hunilsome premium, and aiü exompt, as aro all the Govcrnmcrt lionii, rom Sta'.t, County, awi Municipal lazatíon, which add from onc la thret par cent, per aiinvm lo (Aeír calus, acoording to tlm rate levied upon other prnpprtv. The nfrent is pajablo cr.ii -.inmuilly l,y éoÜpOBa attaclied tu i'.ich note, whicli majrbo cut off aud aoW to au tJank or bankor. The Interest ni Ï-3O pnr cent, amount (a One cent ptr dny on a $5O note-. Twocentl ■' ' " $1OO Ten " " '■ a ;:oo " 3O " ' " q tioOO SI ■' " " 'l $5000 " N'-tej oí all the denomiiiations immeil will be promptly furniNbed upi)n receípt of ubscriptiona. The Note cf tbis Tliird Ssrir are pi e.iselj similar in form and privileges to tho Fevün-frnrtiefi alreadj oíd, excifpt that the (overnmont reserves to itself tlie option of paj-ing inteu-st !n g'.li] coin at 6 per cent, instead of 7 3-10ths in curreney. Subscribora will detiuct the interest n currenc7 up to July 15th, at til time when thev subscribe. _ The aeliTery of tlie of tbis third series of tlie Seren thirties wil! commence on the lst of June, aud will be mode promptly and continuously after that date . The sligl.t cbange mude in the conditlons of this TIIIRI) SKRIES .liTect only the matter of interest.- The pa) ment in gold, if made, wül bc equivalent to the currency interest of thp hiyhcr rate. The return to specie paymeuts, in the eveiit of which onlywill the optioo to pay interest in Gold be availed of, ironld so reduce and eualize prices that purchafie made with ix percent, in gold woold bo fully equal to those mide wiili seTen nd three-tentbs per cent iu currency. Thïs is THE ONLY LOAN IN MAESET now offored by the Government, and Ha uuperior advantages make it the Great Popular Loan f ƒ the People. Les than $230,000,000 of the Ljan authorized bj the last Cougrp?s Are now on the market. Thia amont, at the rate at 'Thich t ía beiiig absorbed, wiJl all be subscribed for within two months, when the notes wil) undouMMly comraand a premium, as has umfornily been the case on closingthe subscriptiona to other Loada. In order that citizen oí every íOttd aod section o the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Bank, State Baokn, and Private Bankpra throtighout the country hare generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscriber xriïï select their ova agents, in whoin thy hare con Qdencp, and who only are to be rspon.'ible for thf delivery of th-e uote ior wÜmIi they roceire orders. JAY COOKE, SnscBipTios Aghxt, PhiladdpMa. May rStff, 18(15. ScnsrmrTio.K wiu. nu Rmiivsn ij ths fíBSt NA TIOJW1 BAKH of Ana Arbor, n FTRT NATIONAL BANK of YpBilanti. SïvIOOO Es' ate of Beoker Praft. CTA-TÊ OF MICHIGAN, County of Waputenaw, Ml i Notiw te heréby ;iven that by an order of the Probate Covirt of the t'onnty of WÍishtenaw, made on the twenty-second c&y of May, A. D. 1865, sixmonths from that date wete all o wed for crodïtors to present theïr claims acainat the estáte of Becker Pratt, late of sjdd Connty aecéasèd, and that all creditors of said deceased, are requirerl to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate in the Oity of Ann Arbor, for examina tioii and allowance, on or before the' tw-enty-second day of November nest, and that nch claims vritl be heard before said Probate Court, o Satnrday, the flfth duy of Anc-ust; and Wednesday, tfte twenty-eecoiid day of November nest, at ten o'clöck Ín the forenoon, of each of those davs HTRAM J. BKAKES, Juclge of Probato. Bated, Ann Arbor, May 22d, 1SG5. 4wl010 Real Estáte for Sale. C TATE or MICHIGAN, Coitstt oe Wabdttnaw, mi. 1 In the matter of the Éstate of David Lapham, late of the County of Waphtenatv, in tho State or Michigan deceased : Notice is hereby givcn, that in pnrsuance of an order granted to the underMgnccï, execntor of the estáte of said David Lapham, hy the Hon. .Tude of Probate for the County of Wash'tenaw, on fhe twentysecond day of May, A. D. 1S65, there wÜl be sold "at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dweüiog honse on the premieR hereinaftcr decribed. in the County of Washtenaw, ïn eaïd State, on Tnepday, the elrventh day of .Tuly, A. D. 1865, at tvro o'olork fn the afternoon of that day, {aubject to all eucuinbrances by morte:ae:e qr othenvisc exiptine at the time of the deatïi of pajd deceased,) the folio wing desenbed real estáte, to-wit : Thirty acres oif from the nouth end of the east half of the north-eaet qüarter of sectiou twen ty-se ven, and the sonth-west quarterof the southeant qnarter, anfl the cast half of the eouth-caft qnarter of section twenty-seven, contp.ininí? one hnndred and twenty acres more or les?, and the north-west qnarter of the north-wost quarter of aection thirty-fivc, contaïning forty acres more or less, all in township ono south of range peven raat. ïn th( Stnto of Michigan. W ALTER D. COKSON, Exècutor. May 22d, 1865. lOlOtd Estato of Eli Eigga. tíPATK OF MTOTITGAN, Countt of Warhtctaw, bb. O Ata pession of the Probate Court for the County of Wafhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ín the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eiphteenth day of May, in the year one thoueand cight hundred and sixty-five. Present, IIibam J. Beakeb, -Tude of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Eli Rieres, deceased. On readlng and ffling the petition, diily verified, of Andrew W. Riixfff, Administra tor, praying tbathe niay be licenscd to peil certain real estáte, whereof said deceased dird eeued. -Therenpou it is Ordered, that Monday, the third day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aeaigned I for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirp at I law of said deceased, and all other persons interestod in said eptate, are required to appear at a pession of Pitid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and thow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionor nhould not be - pranted : And it is furtber ordered, that said petitïoner j pive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of ! the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, J by csttfdag a copy of üüs Orclcr to be published in the Michiqan Arpus. ftnewspaper, printed and circulatin" ■ in said County, four snocaeftlve weoka previous to said dav of hearintr. f A tme copy.) IURAM -T. BEAKES, 1010 Judye of Probate. ARE YOU INSURED? IF NOT, CALL ON O. H. MILLEN, Agent for tho following first class Companka : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital orer 83,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. GT tlM YORK. Oipital OTcr íl, SOO, 0(10. % this Compsnj the InBured particípate in the profits. CIT? FIEB inXTS-, CO., OF IURTFOKD. Cpínl OTr Thrct Hundred Thound Bollare. C. H. MILLEN. jHtPar Wíl" nereet, An AjMT, YTT HAT EVERYBODY SAYS ! PLUMEE & JENNINGS 1 CAN GFT i'OU UP A KETTER SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN TOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. PLUMER & JENNINGS oah PIT yon ver SV8ÜCH BETTER tban jou cn hope to be FITTE!) elsewhuro. PLÜMER & JENNINGS ean SEI.L LOWEK Ihan ny otber Firm in ünn Arbor, ANI TIIEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on liítnd the bet assoitment of Furnishing Goods, his sklo of New York, wliich they will ell t oriMt irl.ich wi:l inuuce all to buy. ! B - Grar's l'atente.1 Mo'.dï-i Collar. Chito-! Col ars, Satiu Knamelerl. B;roO Collars, (the 6nt Brroi ínarm-led Collar ever manufactnred.) Kioch Priit4 'ollar, Ward's Printttl ('ollar, I.e Beau ldel Collar lmpurtwl] 'Uri5L'u foliar, t-:.itin EnameW tnU.t (aitón Hule, New York Excelsior Unen I'pn filta '. A. H. & Co's Iraproved Ppsr Cellars, ShanHlt(! er Collar, and in faet everv (l.iciiptin üf PtjrClrs qiaoufaCmeè, aoimtantly on hand in lorüt quw. ities. Speond door South of Public ?quar#, Mmo St Ann Arbor, Michigan. 106'tf " JSEW GOODS! Kow Goods at "Clnion Sfnrs forSprïnr Ib dow the thcine of which 1 gjng We've all tbc latent ntylee just made, Ti snit the önest city fnitle, Of New Spring Overcoab) and Packf ,. To fit the form üke moulded wax ; And Business Costa of stylish mak All cf the present ntylesthat takt; But ttaen the crowning Coats of all' Are the Diu:sa Coats at Union Store. pride or.selveii that re azcel All others in the cfiafe we sel'l ;■ Toyin tft+-i jou will always fiod Fit, Fasbion, Grace and Kase combined. öut on our Coats 1 wil] not dweil We've also Pants and Vests to sell, Of svery hue, and shade ar.d tjie To tf H yöu all wocld tske a wlu'le ; Poï will only mention hert Thattbose whn would in -tyle-af pear, Shoiili] come to Union ClotbinR Store nd tav Ths-ri -OTHING best to please the eye ; AnJ not alone 5he ere to pleaRe, Tint money save Is iiu.vinrp: these y Tor we wiü sell at pric s Idw, No mattf1 how the Gold does go. In FurniiOiing Grorls both rich and ntat,, We have a stock i uil and complete. Oor L gallant boys in blue " will find All kinds of gords to suit their mind. Wo've alflo for the boys in store Á brtttr stonk than e'er before ;. And can all fit, hoth prest and imtll, H']tb ChÖfmXG best at E.viom Stoki. The FIN EST STOCK of Ppring & Sumraer Clothing! JMD THE IN THK CITY, CXJSTOf YOEK proKtptlT sutáe, cnA in the BEKT STYIX CU at UNION CLOTHISG STORK, Ent iM. i( Mm Street. N. NATHAJN & CO. Ano Arbor, Aprri ah . 18P5. 3ml60. HPHE GREAT CRISIS I IST. B. COLE & CO-, hayejustopened LARGE STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, purchapieft sincf the GEEAT FALL IN GOLD! irhich wil! br olil at a GREAT REDUCTEON FROM FOBMKR PR1CES. O Their Stock include the 3Latest Jötyles and theQÜALITY is th BEST IN MAREET. - o - GIVE THEM A CALL before purcbaaing elsewhíre. O BEPAIR1NG Neatly and Promptly Pone, Store Went ide of Court House Square, w 'MTI Norih of the Old Franklio. k, b. cole, a. d. srriwAnnArbor, April, 1665. 1W' ANN ARBOR WOOLEN MILLS Are now ready to furnish parties " kinds of TvooLEisr aooDöi Ano will EXCHAN'GE GOODS FOR WOOL. PerRODS furnishinK thpír own Wool, eIV MASUFiCTURKD into tim KIND OF G001"...!! choose.nt SHU..T N'OTICE Al, prtieulr vill be ghcn to CARDIJNG OF ROLLS! Their llilln are all inppMed wtli ie macliinW beyt and most annrovrrt patterns. nrWT TOMLINSON f; Ann Vrtor, Mir-h. May Oih. 1865. 11" OYON NURSEEY. JAMESTOMS, v Of SYON N'UKSEP.Y, return his sincere "."".'''JV patronapce ho has rícehfd from Li 'rlfn j, H' Arlr, ypilai,ti, and 'hpr cilifs ani t "" „ Statf. J. T. being bereavod by f" ,b,ll his rtearest Triimd, Eliaibet hTönis. who tooi '"j,,,,!!, care (il the (ïrrpn H'Ue, Fiower tJurflen' tff' is now compelled to announcf1 to his '"en . Teijlf. and enpeoillty t-i the tadio of thi cityn " ,p, Ihat unies hé is favored h a more 1'1". ,„ tH' tha-i htrrtofore, as his whole lime t-11 be " ji"'1 up in the business, Ann Arlïor must lose B upportin-a lircen H.inse. ( 1t K! J.T. hinocrelj hopes all visitors will trj ■ . „i out les tiian iüe.ents, as tiro;third! don, cent. ; Bd The Orern llousr ik veil fillfï wtth '"" ,' I T.Tietyof Plunt, vfrv elicap. Al". I 1,4. ment óf Flow.rG.rdeiR.otf, Vfircrsbl f"1" .nilor Avena, Am


Old News
Michigan Argus