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Poor Health Of American Women

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The waut of pbysical exereise by AineriooQ girla, whila growingup, is oue greut cauíe oí' thoir prematuro o!d age. Much of tli-o itjsini'y tin', áffeelí our bind is attributed by phyciieiaus to tho waut of budily oui-door exörciso d oliildhood, and the precociou? development of miud. With tba aucients, physicul culture first recjived utteutiun, then moral, then mental. Tlia American girls havo a fairei', fresLor ppi ar anou. from ijttövu to eighteeñ yeura of ago than fu.reigm.-rs, but fade eailier. The eaily entrance iuto society ol most American ladies haa iis bad efi'ect. The night in devoied to fa&biooabk giiyetie,, uud the day to rest. Tb is mocorda with tho fast and go-aheadalive character of our peop'e. TLo dlssipated, uuaettled state of rniiid it erg 'iiders, the intense lovo of exciumont and fouduess of aduiirutio!), are üftrtaiuly d:salvantageous. Worr.en ruarry too early and livo too seelnded. Many are scarcely out of school beforo they have suttled down ns wives and housekeepers. The carea ol a family are devolving on tiiem bufore they have the strength and uorvo to perforuj thein. One reaaoa that our fcmalü uncestors lasled longer and had better health was, that iheir rninds wennot so much taxed, nor the norvus so bighly t-triiDg. They had tho full une of their powei'if. Their physical health was bitter - their conf-tituiions stronger. Those that had much rnentul aotivtty geuerally had sufficient physical ezertion to counterbalance it. Tho rriüjority of inarried wompn, wilb fuinilies oí sruall children, need more i-elaxatioo, and a greu'.er vnrity of in nooeut recieutions. Many of ihem beoome so chaiaed dowu in body au cl uiiud, by tha minutise of hcusehold carea and labor, tlial their lioaiUi and pirita siuk beueatü the load, and in uppearatice, strewgtli ud spirit, thov grov preujaturely old. Souio iioutwives .sulfer muoh aunoyanoe frorn bad Böivantó, and ëorae perform drudgery ibr wBich they nre uoüttcd. 'J'he in-ctoor lubui perfonned by Ameiican vruiuwi, espec ially in thu free State, is Bfitooishing. Wtjat affeet8 the body iufliicoc 8 the niind. When odo is worn and irritaled, it acts on tho other. Auother sourca of discoiufoi t, and even of 11 health, ia ocsupying iurperfectly-ventilated rooms. Especially is this iho case with tho poorer classes of people. Tho general uso of flour bread and oonstiputing food ara. fertile sources of indigestión, with its trains of aumenta. In addition ia tho excess of food in which tha Americana indulge. They eat oven more hear'ily tban the Englisli, and indulge inore any other civil ized oation in the use of warm, liquid, oily substances. Auother causa of the poor health of Ameriuun woinen is the waut of thoroughly educüted and experienced female piiyficians, to wtiom tbey may explaiu their diseases, and fiom whoin ihey may rective relief. Quack medicines have aleo donemueh to bringabout the present low statu of health. They will tccom-t in many oases for weak norves, aohing bones, and shattered frames. Another cause of prematuro decay and iicrease of üibouso ia the adoption of cerfain fash:ons. Pashion has ever been a tyrant, and thosa who yield to her behests must pay dearly for the honiago. üne ferm of diseaso, so common among ladies for a few years past, bas been atiributed bv somo of otir best physioians to tho wearing oí too many and too heavy skirts; and soma who saw tba terrible effocts rejoicod at a remedy in the introduction of lighter aDd stiffer materiala for skirts, as orinolino and whalebone. A more healthy style for tho of women's apparel would be to havo the Bkirts aliorter, and the weighc of the olothes to prasg inore on tbe t-houlders - Iüsb on tUe waist and hipa. Fas'nion is so arbitrary that even in midwiotcr the clotbing of a lady does not giiiold her chest. The searching blats of winter are not guarded againet. Tho suddcQ chances of the American olimato aro severe enough on the oonstitution it best. Most American nomen, in easy ciroumsranoee, are like hot bous) plünts, chilled by the frosh, brocing air that ia iutended to sïrentheu and iuvigorate thatn. Their slightest esposare to oold or dampness g sura to be followod by catarrh. Pure air, out-'loor exeroise, BiifHcient ight, wholtíKomi' food, irequent bathing, and clean, comfortablo clothiog aro the best preveutives of diseasa. Girls gro w ■ iug up and just reaohing womauhood pnrtioularly need them. Light and iresh air, iu some cases, prove not ouly proservatives of health, but a mtorntive to those out of health. Ei! Teil ma :ut of the trim, precisely arranged homes wbere there aro no ohildron ; " vvhere," as the goGd Germán has it, " the fly-flaps always hang straight on tho wull ; " teil me not of the neverdifturbed nighls and days, of the tranquil, unanxious hoarts, whore children are not ! I cnre not for these things. - God eends children for another purpose than merely to keep up the race- to en large our hoart, to inake us uo'-'18sh, and full of kindlv sympathios and affoctions; to give our souls higher aims, and to oall out uil our faoulties to extended enterprise and oxartion ; to brinyr round our firetiida bright faces and happy Bii.ileg, and loving and tender bearts - My poul blessfs thu greafc everv day that he has gladdoaod tbe earlh witb Ijttle cbüdrea ! Ifc is culoiiluted that by tbe stoppage of the draft and tho reduotion of the army and navy expenses, a savirg of over 860O,0Ö0J000 has been made in tho etiroates of the sarrsnt vear,


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