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I TV" OW IS THE TIME For KHVgahis in ANIi CROCERÍES !! C. H. MILLEN, is now recoivinj hiu STOCK; ÜF DRY ÜUODS, CARPETS, and GROO tí RÍES, bought at the recent great decline inN'ow Yrk,tin-K wiübesold bs low rr tho lowest Uall aüd e.tamíne guodx and pricea belore iJurchaüinif. C. H.MILLK.V. April, 1865. PRINTS, 20 to 25 ÚUU. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, anJ all other goods at EEDUCED PRICES! At C.H. MILLEÍ'S. TEW OAEPBTS, ' .A-T C. H. MIMiEN'S. L ADÍES' DñESS Q00D3 of all klnda, Lntlles' Sacks, Clouks, ShuTrls, Haír jOrnameute, &o , tvii tïie new htyles just reooird aB(i íor sale oheap. 1004tt (3. II. MILLEN. W"AR a3 .mí. iaj" .be a THE PANiC HASjJOMMENCED. Aitu Arboriií ont üf tho írt to liirow out inducouaenta for I'eople to GET SGOOS CHEAP. A11 of 'V"1 Mirchant3 are on th Itwkout. and ae bujinp: gócete at Ihe lowat pssiblo ates ,aud eauli ene getfl M own Taricty f .ríi-ctes. isoneof tho PRETIEST PLACES in the áTATK, anr) well supplied with m luufactnring intereuts for the country goDtually. Tb Ore are 12 Dry t ooñn Slnros, 4 or 5 Hardware Stores, 6 or 8 Clothing HtoreR, 3 Hat dtores 3 Shoo Sture, and a ha f doteu Sboo Shops, íí Jfwülry Stores, 3 or fi Provisión and Grocery torep, and 4 Cabine t Wan Hoorns, 4 or6 Bake Shops, 4 Htur liosa SIiops, 4 Piiuting PresstB, and all kinds of ManufacturinK Eet.hli hments, too nuraerous to mention. - Tho whole surrounding oountr wül do well 'o glve Aun Arbor a eall, aad af ter looking arouud, all aronnd for y o ar -ANIV GEOCEEIES, don't forgüt to cali at C. & THOMPSON'S STORE, Corner Main and ■Washington Stre&th, and b.e will try and give you pricen that will satisfy. Hela receiviag goode bought at ti:e lowent ponslble prícflü, and will try and datiaíy as fHra' h eau. The MOTTO is " LIVE AND LET LIVE." "Help your noighbor aud you help yourSGlf." 1 aco oouödentif the rcsult. CHARLES B. THOMFSOïi. April, 1866. . J)njlÜ05 QOODS AT UALF PRICE! GOLD IS DOWN COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! VVOOLENS ARE DOWN: GROCBRIES ARE DOWN ! and no Is tho time to buy your SPRIIMC COODS! - o - P. BACH Hm just openad a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &ev &c, boijgbt sinco tbO purieDerV'f Ijsn autj fb grent fa 11 iu Pflcw. Cali imme'liatolv an-i cMmino hispc)(. 'ni' A rhnr Inri) T SU'..1! Inse W"AH MOST ENDTÍD! CHARLtSÏON TAKEN ! ï - GUITERMAN & COs, lïeinK cn7ir.i-ri:il wiih oiM In New Vork, which has boUcr faciHtieB fpr ■ Selling Cheaper thüti nny L.tlulr bqup. re bañad '--o lp qot j ! J er rMC jws ü jw JSby rntublirtltrac it that n,ivy aLltitf iiui.i employod aiiöXMrieucwl direct froni NEW YORK CITY, wjio haa had lung xperieiico in tbcbimtuess, we guarmite lü givetba best SATÍSFAOTION " uur üuuiuio;, : OüSTOMjE E & STUDENTS of the L'nivursiij. fi-seplnu on hand thetitrgeat siock of CL0T1IS, CASS1MËRES, VESTIGS, together wilh the Inrgctit gtuck of Beady-Madc ö!othing3 FURNISHING GOODS Í ! &c, &c, &c, HLrwr rrmm:w2 a snsc mr, wbich we will 311 clieaper thau any other astablishmant in the city. AU we ank 'n that our f rienda and fitudtmtR will gire ua a cali and aatisfy tUeruaolveH, M. QtTITEEMAN. AOo., JP LORENCE SËWIN& MACHINES. PHOTOÜRAFH ALBUMS, PICTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, rc ■wists MACHINE O IL, t(c. Tho undcrslgned now offer th public TUE BEST SEWINC MACHINE IN POU DURAB1LITY, BEAliTYoJ STYlE,and VARlETYof WORK,it "STANDS UP HEAO," It needs fmíy (o bo böcïj to be appreoiated. Runs thp work both ways, tak es four kinds of stitchoH, hemK, ielln, gthors, braida, bind1, quilts, gathers and sêws ou rofB at the name timo. Scws from thf thiun'-s' to the tüickest fabrio withuut chaugiug iho sütch, tensfon or neodle, or withuut bfekiug tb o thread.- "ïhe Wonder of the World! AIo a varlely of thfi ment beautlful PHOTOCRAI'H ALBUMS, PICTURES and FRAMES tri great -varietr.. anti pictures tramod to rrder at short noticf. Alo, BARNÜM'S SELF-SEWER or TDUKEK, irhloh oan be acijufcted to any Sewiug Machine. Cali at tbe oiga of the FLORJSNXE SEWING MACIIINE, a few door Kast of Cook'B Hotel. Stiíching Neatly Done to Order, Also.oncxhlbitlon.thecelobrated " WEED SEWING MACHIN'E," which tooit tho pmdum at the Miohigan State Fair, of 186-1. W. D. HOLMES. AnnArbor, Dee. a6th,1864. 9B9tt Rifle F actor y! Beutier' & Traver, [Suocessore to A. J.SutherlandJ Manufaotnrere of aod Dealers in Guns, Pistóle, Ammunition Flasfcs, Poatheg Game Bagt, and Everj other article h. thatLine. Allkindtof dooeattbo bortest notie?, and id tuebcst niaiinr. a íullüssortmontalvayM keptonhanri undmadfordfr ttf9 Shop oorner Mam and Washington troets. Aan Arbor,Oct.6, 1S62. 87Stf TAKEN ÜP ! Caroo iotn tbO enclouro of tbe eubfrjiivr on er aboutJiay.8th.oDe BAY MARE COLT, npp.d io bf abont to yoara old, with "tiv Mhite Ijiad f ot. Th owoer irt rcqiiBKtüd lo cal, pro vu yroiriyt pay charges, and takebt-r avay. P. A. KFU.Kf, rHfifioM. Mi,t 2ci-l. IP6? wio:o


Old News
Michigan Argus