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D CRAMÈR," TTOBNET fc COCXSEI.LOR AT LAW, Aent for the Plicemx Fira anl ('otio-oti -ut Mututl I.ife Insurance ('o npnieft. Con-T yi ng an'l '.'ollecting prurrp - Ij sttendsd to. Offi'e o-yer Slebbitu & Wilson's Bt'ire. OTICE ! All parlón aii herehy frrMd t'usting mr wifp on mj account, as I ebalt pj nnVfbtc ni her e ntraetmr. JOSIAH S. II(F KD Ann Arbor, 'une 5lh, 1855. twlOl'J rAKEN UP! Carne int" the enoïosur of tiie subscribir, about the ïSth of May, a rQJCiAOIS MABE, about 13 vear nld H.ts nnrne white in the f'.reheart. The owneris roqnp5fci-l to prove proper ty, pnj charges and take aid Nljre away. QEO N. B.RKNWIf'K. Salem, June Sth, 1J65. 6wjO12 OEDINABCE Amendatnry of Seelian 7 of Ordinoner JVo 25, rrlatire to brencht of peact and ditorderly eonduct. Be il ordamsd by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldcrmeu ot the City of Ann Arbor, that Section 7 ii Ordirmuce No. 25. bearaeuded so as to rpad as follows, to-wit : Soc. 7 It shall not be lawful for any person other than a public "flicer, in the dwcfaarge "f official dnly, unless ai.thorized by the Comtuon Counctl in writing. to sell or ener for salo b_v auetjon or othervvine, at wholesnle it retaii, in or upon any part of the' public ground, streetB, o' ide alk of the fiiy of Aun Arbor or upon any vacant lot in aaid city not owned by him or poperh leaed from the owtier thereof, any liquor; groceiies, medicines, nostrums. jeweliy, iie, rakes. or merohandisi and every penan oflfendiriB againsi the prorisinns of this .eotion. fhall on conviction b fineá a snni not Ipm Iban one dolíar nor ex cppding tweny dnllai and costs of prosecution And it simll be t)ie diity of the Morshal, Slieriff, or MIJ Constable, to forthnith arrest all penons offending the provisions of tliis section, and take them beíore a masistrate for pxaniination : And it shall further be the duty of the Marshal, Sheriff, or any Constable, lo foithwith remore aa a public nnisance, apy nnd all tables, boxes. benches, tnts, booths, vehioles. t binpr or thinga whatsover employed, or attempted or intended to be employed, in any sala contrary to tbe provisious of this sectioD. Made and passed in Cimimon Oonncil, this flfth day of June, A. D 1865, W. 8 MAYNARD, Mayor. D. Cbamer, Recorder. Estáte of Moss TJiksecker. STATE or MICHIGAN, Countt ot Washtesaw, a. At a session of the Probate Court for tbe Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuepd.iv, the sixth day of June, iii the year one thousand ekjht hundred and siity-five. Present, Hitam J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Moses Riksccker, i ccased, Augwstns Widenmann, Executor of the last ] Will and Testament of aaid deceased, comes into Court j and represente that he is now prepared to render hls final account as fuch Executor. Thereupon it is Orderod, that Monday, the third day ' of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assígned for examininir and allowlug euch account, and that the leeateea, devisees, and heirs at law of sald deceased, ! and all other persons interested in sid eetat are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be hulden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in Süid County, and show cause, if any thero be, why the said acconnt sbould not be allowed : And it 1b further ordcred, that 6aid Execntor glve notice to the persons interested in futid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be pnbllshed in the -it ■ un A gut. a newspaper printed and circulatin in said Connty, three successive weeks previoas to said day of heftriug. (A true oopy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1013 Judge of Probate. Estute of Ttobert Wükinson. OTATE OF MTICHTGAN, Cöutt of Washtcw aw, bb. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OiBce, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Mond'iy, the flfth day of June, 1 the year one thonsand oiírht hnndred and sixty-flve. Present. Hiram J. Beak'&, Judre of Probate. In the matter of tie Estata of Bobert Wilkinson, a minor. Ou readinc nnd fllinsr the petltfon. dnly verified, of Thomns Wllkinson. Guardian unto sald minor, praying thnt ho may he lice.nsed to sell certain real setate belonsrinp; to 's i 1 minor. Th-reupon it is Onlcred, Frlday, the thirtleth ! dsy of June instant at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be ■ assitned for the hearing of sftid petition, and that the next of ldn of sald minor, and all otber persons interested in sa d estite. are reqnied to appe r at a session of sald Conrt. then to be hoHen at the Probate Offloe, in the City of Ann Arbor. and sh"w cause, if any there be, why the praver of the peütioner ehould Dot b grantnd i And it is fnrther orderefl. that said i er give notioe to the next of kin of sald minor, and all i other persons Interestod in said e6tate, of the pendency of e&ld petition, and the haarlne thereof, hy oaasliig a oopy of this Order to be pubÜsh.S( In the Wrfiiia jtrgw, a newspaper, printed and drcnlatincr !n ald Oonnty, three snocesdva weeks previous to eald day of hearing, ÍA tñia eof.y.3 EIHAM J. BEAKES. 101'i Jalge of Probate. I TULIUS BAÜEH & CO v v v3 fin 1 Great Fisno Forte and Aíclodeoa .EMPORIO WAHEKOOMS Iíf "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE 89 WASHINGTON STREET ISlew York Wartroon, 650 BroQVi IVhule.ale AgenU für the ü. S. fir WM.KNABE&CO' CELEliHATED Gold Medal Piano Forte A to the relutive mirit of th-i, plivn. would refer So the Oer'iBc.te, „f 'l STRAKOSlU, G. 8ATTH1RH vJiï of ti,. mot dhtingui.he,] ProfewJr. ÍH ?"1 ALMO, AGENT.í FOR SOEBBLEK & SMiTH, BOARDMAN & GRA) A. H. ALE &CO., Acá other Fint Clsu FiMM. We hare the ti HGE-'T nd BEST SSORHB8T0( of PIANOS IN 1HE CITY, which rrPowwi" ' nes Bf Tonp, Eacjr aDd Agiecubfe Touch indi,, fJ.,nh,hTe, b judgM, bea miDooneil,w #- l'nrtulr atterfioa paid to th iilltl InstrunKBtB lor diatDt oriiprü, aud a !ri]e!, „i, chaug grasted at an liun within ii monti il i Instrument should not pr,(ve entírely atihíacL. A tibiral dúcotmt to Clerjjmea, Tcacheri ni tL ierms liberal. WHOLtSALE DlAIAKS will flud it to thdndn ti!t togiv. mc.l,.,kj greatlj ieiehe(i fteilt are analtleii tu [ÍH ordtr with iliipatch jr rersonsin waut of a KtAl,[,Y ÏIK8TCLI PIANO wül do well to cali beior. purob..iiI wher WHOLESALE AGENT8 FOR GARHART.NEEDHAMáffi CII.EBS1IED HAPMOÍíiUflS, AfELODEOM A-3STI3 O&lGrJLNB. 41,8 0 POR OEORGE A. PRJNCE i CO' MELODEONS and OEGANS Manufacturtnand Imyorlnrl i MUSICAL Í1ÍSTRUMENTS! Strings, Accordeon, VioHns, ClwiEets, Drrnni, Qultuí, mem mmvwm And otUf i Sdusical Mcrctendlií, The Sii.tbr and Rras lt7riím,9tQrTWifacture atjrilioptrtntíoü, re ustti bj n.eit illof iH i"í Bttvti in the t vttrd St&tra. and when(Tf tiklWfti havo ttlwajü rcceivfd ülold MetíaU tcdUSMíf #" Hiivingconnfctinn wilb Mant)fneturiDíiD fci tíeriifl Lii(t5icr Urt.ío, kug'ai.d oi Furíl. , prepared to furntali DKAf.KRy, BAWIWn ÍNMtBÜL wilh tívrrv article in thi iiní, iUbe io( uiinutcturdrb' íkun. ItKüïF.HïJKR THE tfi.tCB, JÜLIUS BAl;ER & CO, 69 WASHINGTON STBEET, CHICAGO, - - - - IÍK 1013 New Tnr'í Warroemi,íSBieJwJ. - - TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS: JOHNSON i Pffli hT receired Ib largeit MMk of SIIBS íñ(DD13 eytrbrourht ti thií marke, wbieb ihtj ittlff veryLOW l'ÜICLS. The itoek ontiiMufGENTS' SILK HATS- 11 ityiei GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM B1 GENTS' AND BOTS' DEKBT HíTl GENTS' AND B TS' CAPS- 11 1'1' GENTS' STKAW HATS. CH1LDRENS' STH.W CA TS A5P Hi"1 UHILDKENS' FANOY FELT HAT8' BUTS' STUAW HATS. FURN1SHIN0 öOüW UMBIiELLAS, CAKPET A TRAVíU' BAGO. PARASOIS. TRAVELING BAOS. HAVEhSACKS. SUN DOWNS. SdAKKRS. línd in faei, 11 gooi Frti ' to tueir trade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIX PTRERT, . - 'O-Otf - ■ i' iR 1NN ARliOK WOOLEN MSLLS Are dow ready to fornuh prti " kinds of WOOLEN GOODS! And will EXCH ANOE GOO FOK WO01' PerniTl furnishinjr thíir iwj í'i if.nnf tW MACFíCTUREl) inio any k:JT "í "' .il ehoo,tSHO T KOTlCE A!o, pirtí1" wii] t gíven to CVRDIIVO OF BOU'81 Thir Mili are 1] juppHM w ft, wiel1"0 lt nd mojt approred PttWjJ,VIIjjo]í BEjT' Ano Vrbor, MInh. MayOth.lS. 1J A KNABE PIAKO-. of Mrt lo'trilI! na-. ntirely bw , J til t "lff f


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