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JTNSURANCE AtfAliVST ACCIDENT!?. t xx 'jes I TRAYELERE INSURANCE G0,} Of HARTFORD, CON.N. CAPITAL, - 8500.OOOIn sures gainst j jmk. 13 -- M SUS 333. m r3BC!zi OF KVKf'.Y DESCRIPTION, 1 CAÜ8ING L0B8 0FLIFE OR BODILY 1NJÏÏRY. THF:Tlt,TBT.KSSlMíL'lU.CK C'.'MP...T W.. flUailiCftd Hïidf r a oh&rter fcrftalvd by tho (?oiinoctcui I.egislature of 18(3, atrl amended b.y ti LeffiMatuw of 1'64, fur tbe spt'tilic pu'rpoftd óf effeotfogíMURAircK ACUINSt ACCiDKNlS. üf whii ierrr Itlml or dscrij-tion . : wln-ther th pectir iu r eUng by raílrai, BtaMobo4t or ittaj;ocoacli, watMng in ti! átfi t, .it work in tbs Bhop, ur tittiog by the dbmutfo Ürtside ; hthr j rilling, boating, luuitirifr, ftithíag, shflOUag, ssrluiming, i ericlu-ting, aurrexínff, augtncgiing ; whather roí lias j or plujin. Jf-opiíio; nr wakln;, ín ilnngt-r or nut ■ 1 fnppatQt) dñüKr, at lióme or ■ aproad - i no ver y rarieI tj offeircuniítaBCOfl iü wliich mankind are oriinurily A (3eaftl Aoeident PeUey not onlj inrluiles the risk Ic trn-7 lííiif , hut aUo ftUfeÜvu of (liKlocations, broktiu hones, ruptured tendons, Rjiraum, cppcuialotis, crunhings, bruises, cutí, utabs, fruash'tt wriundi, poincmd wouudj-, burn1? nd scnlds, bites of }■%, uiiproTokí1'' (vsau]fs by burgl&n, robber &r muflcri-r-1- 'h ftctíoR of ligl-tiD 'iX. ÜO stmkc, thó wfï'ecis ni íxpl( n , chpinicaU, fluods and carthciuake. suíToeutiou by (UowiiiníE or clioking Itis better Hi&n liftj ínsu ranee . for tbe penen [ftaurcri derives the bencflts at the time he most noed? th-in. - Víhvn heUdisabled by a fall od th tret, ruilmad cültísion.or othpr ucüídeut, h receiven a Treekly coni pensatíon of $25 per week, "more op lesa, Éoourdlog to amount of premium ; and in the reut of Jealh, hl.f .milj roccLve tb e auin of 5,000, (moro ur less, accorJing to premium.) GENERAL ACCIDENT EISES. TEN DOI.LAitó HRKMICM üoiler r. Oenrrtl Accident polier, wil! secure $10 uer ' wenk compennati.m nhile dlsabled, [not mmvamg twintyaii weeks,] or $2,000 u the ovent iif death by accident. TTCENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PREMIUM. Wlll secure $25 pur week comijenaation, or 85,000 r case of death FIFTY DULLÁBS PREM1CM WI'J itcure $J0 per Teek coppenton, orïlo,OXIlrj Casa of death. A Djr ot,hr urn , frea $5i 0 to $ 10,000, a t nro nortlon. te rutes. Where eompensatinn oply Is deslref], or pavment lo toborasde onlr In case of death, lu run artnvci tover. P0LÏCY TICKETS. Trarelers Iuaurance Tickets are now ncid t the principa! Kailrocd Suttom spa Ticket Qfflcet In the country. TAHIFF OF RATD3, ForS,000, od $15 per tk Compemation. Tickets 1 day, 10 ets. 19 days, $1 .00 " " 2 " 20 - 80 ' 1.50 " 3 ' Í0 " ïo 2.00 "' " 1 " SO" 3mo„ 4.S0 1 " 7 ' 70 , 8-7 CO " ■ 12 10.00 t!SrVoióBs deslrlni? more han Í3T00 insurance car. lacrease tlir, raount tn $9,0 0, and $45 per week Oum, pinsa' purchaaiiiK thiee tickots. No moru thü'j Ï10,000 will bo paitl on srjv one )ife. BOARD OF DÏRECT3RS. iFSliV78 nAVIK' W' H' CALT.EWDIR, m,?,L-,HOWARI)' GEORGF.W MUIRE, TnS ULL ■IKWEI-. Í.BEXEZER ROBERTS, rnpJl7-LKtM'-jK CHARLES WII1TK. CORNfLias B E .WI.V, HCGH HAPRIOV OEORGE S. GILMAN, ' JOsfBlKCt. JA1ES G. BATTERSOJV. President. nOD.VKï DKNIS. Secretai-}- HE.VRY A. DVKR, Qc-nora! Afrent. H. C. MARSHALL, General Ti.ket Agont,Dr. 9. B. BERErORD, Surgeon. R.E FRAZER, Aget. AraAnBORiMicn. ïmieèfl QEORGE DEMERIT & CO., 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, (CORNER DÜANE STHEET.) 100,000 WATCHES, CHAÏWS, GOLD PEKS & PENCILS, c-. Ac, &c, WORTH $SOO,OOO! TOBESOLD AT ONE DOI.LaR EACH, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. And not to be pnid until you know whnt you wil! receivel SPLENDIDLISTof ARTICLES AH tobe Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each? 100 Gold Hanting Cases Watches nch $100 r o lOORoW Watche 60 on SOOT.adies' Watehes "."" 3;, , ÍOOSilver Watclica $15 00 to 5 00 00 (jobi Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 Ofl lOOOChatclnin anrt Guard ( liRini 5 00 to is o tOOO VTest ;io'l Xeck liains. 4(0 to 12 00 41 00 Solitaire Jet and Uold BroociiP.. . 4 00 to 810 1000 Coial.l.avR,(iarnit. c, P.rooche3 3 00 to 8 00 "0 0 (o!d. Jet, Opa!, vC-j Ear Drops . 3 ( 0 to 8 Dd 0: 0 Cent' liri-ast r.ud carf Pin 8 00 to P 00 600" Oval Band Prct!ets 3 00 to 8 00 SOonChasod Bracelol 6 1 0 to 10 U öfno California I.m-nd Plas & RioKü. 2 ) to HOU 2081 GoM W,teh Kcyn. . 2 f0 to K Ho 5000 JolitairclieT6 Buttoan & Studs. 2 CO t 8 ()i sooi) iini.rniiinbi.- sroto soo 5000 Miniatur I.ockata U 00 to 7 00 30' 0 Nf mature I.tu;ke', Majtie 4 i 0 to 9'.ll 25P0 r,u,lTooh,.ck.rroe, e.... a CO to 6 00 3000 Fob and Ribbnn Hd 3 00 to 5(0 W00 Chasnd Gnld Rinzs j no tn 5 ffl 4010 3tr,n -"ft Rinn .". 2 00 to 00 e500SetI.adie'Jowi!iry- Ji-tftGoM.. 5 CO o 15 00 e0?!' Í.'1' i'adi'ls' J'lrjr- n ried tvles 3 00 to 16 '0 Í-0 .0 Gold Pen, Silver "ane snd l'encil. 4 O'i to "00 4000 Gold Paan, Ebony tloMor and Cas 6 00 t3 10 00 6OOOU0M Psn.,Houn1ea Holdr.. . J 00 to 6O All the jood in til alio? will b sold, without re.ervatlon, for ONE DOLLAR EACÍI. Cert!uct of all tho various arliolcs ro placed in similar entelope sealcd and miïod. These inreh-.paa will be sent bv muil, or dclivfrd at our offlee, without regard tr thoic. On rceiriDj ■ Círtificato, yon willüee whal as ttcla it rpre-ms and lt I uptiocsl Itn ycu tosen.) ntm dollar, and rucoive the artiola naakoaur ,ny otiim In tho Ist of ssroe vk1h. By 'hu mo:le we jiva aelaeton from a varied stocii of fini good,of the bost rakí laieat st le, and of;o worth, at a nom(l priee, while all have a chance of ascuriag anick-a l th very highest value In all transaatinns by mjll we charge for forirariing the Cert:ficat, paying postage, and d. ing th buines, cents ach. Fin artifiratu mili bu tsm for % Kleien f er ft; Thirty f er til Sia.Jkior 30 ( d Ont llnirii for $16, SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! Thre i no haurd or ij.ik. Thcre aro no blank _ EveryC tifietrpprijts an attiole. Au we nllno-io of the lowor gra.le oi Jn')r7 no person can ioi-lis lcs tLa-D thovaiue of their njoDfy. and ihfy wa, se. anartiole worth flve, ten, ora huudredfoM! SATISPACTION GUARANTEED. E'ery prion knowa what th?y wjll reooiv themticleis paid for. Onraceiptot Cert ftctt ynu see what articleit reproent, and it i, of at youroption tstakeit.or sy otherartiolo iu our List of the sama valué. We guarantee entire satlsfiction to every pnrcliijer and if there hoü.l b nnr perron dissalisfled with any arttcle rrcoived frorr, ua, tby ra v iininrniatelv re1ijrn itand thê amount pajw.ll b refundsil QV üntrial will prove to an? tlmt thi sale gire pi.r huaeri. gnater advantagen tlmn any f.thnr ever proposed AOBNT8.- 'aallow Iboscacting a Agente, Ten Cents on eaob Certiflcate rdored, provided their renjitua e aroount to One "ollar Thev vr coliect 5 oerts for e'ery CeitiSrot,nii retainin ■ lOoents, remittous !5 oentk for each. ' ' Addrfl, GEORGE PEMERIT CO 3ar0i tOÍ Broadway, Nw Vork. Mr. Matbew 9nt priparefl tb VWETIAN HAIR DVE ; Kinae that ttrof it has been ued bv tbousands, and in noinstanoe büs it failt] to ivo eutiresatísfaolion. The VEN'ETIAN DYE ie the cbapft in tin ïporid.- Tt.n price is on]y Fifty Corts, n ncb boltle containi doublé the .juaiitiry oí dye in those unnaliy sold fer Tbe VEVETIAS DVE Is wTriant.d nnt to injure tb hui'' or Boftlp ín the lifhtest (iegree. The VEN'ETUM DVÏ' VOfkl with WjlJitJ rd OMtainty, tbe bafr i-wiuiriüp no preprnti"i! whavej The VFAT-TINnyF. prodoceM any nhid Ibat irny be dalred- ope tliat vill not fde. Rruok orwashout -wïrs thatis as prroG3(nt as he hülr i-!f, For ealsj by ajldrjgit- rtiftOcent. j A ■ I. MaIHCWS. Genernl Aïfrt, 12 Gold Strest. N'aw York. Aldo, Mannfafllurr et Mthcttb' Ahfica Huib. Gl'P.tb bwt hair drïlcg !s at In larg botti-, prii6OBt. 1WS l .tí j, ; ■.t'toa ruíK D OUR CHINAMAN ST.LL LIVES. And continúes tu fun,ib that unrit'&ieü quality of TEA, altrftys fouii'i íit the Peoplt's Store. Í,oers of good Ten will plensp tiy íi vftoipio OF OUR NEW TEA. DíFOREST iSTEWAlST. C3rH O O1E3 DF5. XE3 S 3f all kloJs. Fruits. Cxtruti, Sphcs. Piclkf 11 crfumps. &c. fun Lujaurs and Wioes for Ucdiemtl ' IFOnEsT & STEWAOT. SugarI SugarT" A amall lot of LOW PRICED SCGAR. DeFOREST & STEWART, „ JE3T FISH.- Codfish, Whitefish. Trout.Mackerel.Htrring, &c. ' DFOREST & STEWART. SYPUP! SYEUP! A fewbarrclí,ortia quslitr DtFOttSÍ 4 STEWART. tOIL ANO LAMP KEROSENE OH,! ÏThe best qalis oke dollar Per Gallon. 1 urchasers of CROCKERY For le .t !. than Ne„ Vork wioloMJ; prl. i,. . RtFOREáT & STÍ.WART. A Good Clothes Wringer. Sate time ! Savtt tnonev I Hatea clothingt Savet ttr'ngth! Satet kralth! Saves kirino hdpl Sote weak writU! Sotes buming handt! Wooloo clothM can hs wrang; Out of bolllnn wtr t prarent, without tejnrrte the PsFuRET SIEWART. PILES- A_SÜRE REMEDY. byESofISb"n CUrad f tMs '"== DR..BILLINQTON1S PILE REMEDf. ReaJ what those y wbo hava ued It : PirranstD, Wuhtemw Co.. MIch Dr.f. A. Bimxoio.v: transmitió you atatementof tho ben-üt whlch I hrw rece.Ted from the of yoar PI1.E REMEDY. For thFúl, orjmr""ttb T"y ba.I!, afflicted lth the Pile lomuch toa to recaer me at time totallr unatforbutlne... I founa no permanent relief fro the man; ■ remedies which I marte use of. and almo 4epaired of enectlnst a permanent cure I l ler,gtnducea by your „,r,Bt at Ann Arbor to make trial of your remedy, whico he wnrramed to efflct cure or receive uö pav T oom'dewd It Mke m4 oth.r patent mcd.clnes-a hnmbufr. untll I beKan to tapo With Imp: orement, aodat ler,Kth nn entire cure 1 S.. carne conrínced It w, a.oIentiSc and Mliable .,3T ú?:& "GE 0ilt' rtich ;'n ha " : íw1'""""..1' U who mik8 UBB o' Eloctsary fot Keapeetfully ourt,í sarrn macombek. For caca, anll on tbe Agent and ubhla pampblet aod leference to a oumber of citlzen of Ana Arbor who havo been eured by tía use of the fl..otu,M. 1)eFORE3ï & STEWART. RARE CHANGE TO BUT GOODS CHEAP! I hT tn etJT a faü etoi oí tul m4 FANCY DEY GOODS, A fui! Ua of DO1IE3TIC3 aM CH0ICË GROCERIESÜ. AQ pnrcLated stoot Uta WAR CLOSED! i And awlsg to rcujssUocsa beyoc4 my ooo troi "b to make au Immediate Sale of the StockCASH BUYERS oan (or a few weeks üíto goods at Jutboutj THEIR OWiN PRIGES! J. H. MAYNARD. Mayïth.lSÖJ. looítf T5EMBMBER SNOVER & KSLLEY'S te ífce KoiKh oor oí Gngaty' Vcw B-ri. 0, W, SNOVER, a A, KELLBY.


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