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Une or b herma na " bummera" lias bought a fine houso on tho Fifth aveuue. It ís expected tbut the Eogligh government wil! pension Mrs. Cobdcu. Nankin is agzin a Chineso trading city, nfter havin'g been a rebel garrison i for twelve yearn. The Prince Imperial of Franca ha received the Order of tho Elephant írom i Denmark. A New York paper gives throo i ions as the estímate oi cottou balus in ' the South. Surgeon fleueral Barnes ba& been made a brevet Major General in the regular aimy, Go. Bramletto wi!I soon commence to slump part of Eentucky lor the constitutional aniendment. The numbcr of tho a3teroids between the orbits of Mars and Júpiter already observcd is eighty-three. There ;ire ten uiil!ion3 of dollars on deposit in banks at Montreal to the credit of Southern secessionists. A lot of tea that was bought a while ago at New York for $125,000 in gold, was sold lately for $85,000. The corn and wheat erops of Western Virginia are very abundant, and are coming on final) , Persons from Northern Georgia say that there is actual starvation in some parts of the State, more especially about MacoD. The Prussian góvorament has proposed to tho Austrian government an amnesty to those persons in the Dütshies arrested for baving signed a petition to the Emperor Napoleon. Governor Smyth, of New Hampahire, was inaugurated on Thnrsday. Tho State owes a debt of $4,000,000, about all of wbioh has been oontraeted since the war begaD. There are now about sixty thousand sck and wounded soldiers iu hospitals throughout tba country. This number, is being rapidly reduced by dicharges of convaleeccnts. Ou tho 17th of June, Pió Niño will enter upon the twentieth year of his Pontificate. He iil bo only the ninta of a une of two hucdred and fif:y-nine Popes who have held the position so long. In coDsequence of the Mntíér tnuráer, tho Southvvestern Oompany are building first class carriages with windows for passengers in different compartments of the same carriage to comuiuuicate with oue another. Large qnantities of cottou and tubaeco are being brought to light at Montgomery, Alabama, and a brisk trade is beiug opened. Steainers are runniug regularly between there and Mobile. The Colurabia, South Carolina, PAanix complains that tho State is overrun by robbers and horas tbieves, preying upon what subsisteuco and property has boen left unfortuuate citizens. Tha Navy Department has taken posseseion of thc oíd Naval Schou! Yard, Annapolis. The buildings, guards, etc., are to be putiu the best order, and the Naval School will be removed there in September.


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Michigan Argus