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The Rochester Democrat, A

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leading Rtpublican Journal, " pitches iu" to one Senator Ciiahm5r, - conimonly known aa " Z:u;k" - for saying in a recent speech in New York tbat the arimes of the United Staten were competent to meet on a singlo battlo-field the eombined armiei of the worM. It intimates that " such bosh" nny do for the columns of a ono-horao newspapor, but that it ouglit uot to bo nttered by B " distinguishud" Senator, wiio ouglit to kuow better f ho don't, Tlio Demoer ai should r'eaieihber t.liat if Ciiándler is conüiK'd to what ho roslly knows, it will spoil ninc-leulba of his speeches, and could the country survive tbat ? LL It is understood, tíkingh not offieially announced, that Osi:o, recently tiied before a military commissinn in New York, for fWniebing "contraband" iiüwa to the cnemy, tbroujih that intensely loyal Journal, the Philadelphia Press, was acquittcd. 11e is, however, I in prison yct, waitiBg the rpproval of the finding of the court, bj' the authorities at Wasliington. The arrest, dotention, and trial, under the circumstanees made public, was outrage enougli, with out keeping ;m acquittcd man in a clo-e and foul prison until the red-tapo and bUhv. coach Judge Advocate's office shall announce its approval of the acquittal. L3T While the radicáis had President LiKCor.N to deal with, and "differences of opinión" existed, they were wont to bully and bluster, impose upon his good nature, and " tolérate " him until they could get what they wanted. But, now, seeing that they have a different type of man to approach, they tbemselves beg for " tolortition," hoping that time wi'l do tha rest. Ilear what the Chicago Triluue saj-s on the point: ' While we sincerely deprécate a difference of opinión between President Jolmsou and the majority of his party on this question, wo eau not shut our eyea to the faet that such a difference exists. President Johnson, if he is the man we take him to be, will meet bis I party in Congress with a manly toleration and a bcarty respect for the opiuions of all." 1 ■ I -il M- - { S5S" Tlie war depnTtment has isaued i %v. order permitting soldiers wisbing to ; retain tueir arms the privüegfl Lf dorg so by paying for them. Tbis strikes u as being small business. The J ment does not r.eed the arms, a,nd they will be stored io arsenals to rust out or je sold at auction for almost nolhing. All honorably discharged soldiers sñould iave freeïy been given the gnus or other arms they have carried during tho wur. ÍSE" The President has appointei James Johnson, of Georgia, to be Provisional Governor of that State, and flon. Andkbw Hamïlton, Provisional Governor of Texas, with the same powers and limitations conferred by the proclamations appeinting like officers for North Carolina and Mis3issippi. L3E It is announced that among the special applicants for pardon are Gen. Robert E. Lee and Bon, A. II. Stephens. The latter, it" is sai'd, cites in juslification of secession the advoeacy oí the N. Y. Tribune of the rfghta of the States to secede, vvhieh they supposed was to be the doctrine oi Mr. Lincoln's then incoraing adminintration' A hard hit at the " philosopher." Gen. Butlek has mado anotber speech, taking ground's in favor of universaï negro suflrage, and of giving the eonfiacated lands of the South to the Bo'.diers. SS" Gen. Grant was cornered at the Chicago Fair, by the fair ladies, and" surrendered at discretion. llis captors - to the nnmber of aliout one hundred - inflicted summary and capital punishment, by kissing him. Report eays he bhisnod beeomingly at each salute. ' L3L" T'1G varïoira corainitteoa are zealousiy at work, and are fat pefecting the arrangements for a rousing celebration on tho Fourth. We ex peet to se; a giand rally. SS" Tlle Festival oí the Ladies of ilie Preebyterian Cliurch, on Friday evenin-g last, was largel-y atteaded, and was a vor pleasant aifair. Thoir basement rooms ru' fav the bf st ra oar city foi such au entertain 1 ment. The net receipts were abont $176'. J5S" Godeis Ladifs Book comes to our table as regnlarly as the montlis, and Üi nnmber for July, the initial number of tTi tXXI. volume- think of tliat - is full of time ly matter; stry and verse and gossip and rei ipes, &c. No wonder Godey is a favovite $3 a year, tva copjoa, $5. Address L. A GoDsy, Pliiladelphia. j ■■ ii ■ Adjutant Gen. Morse, of Conneetiout, has just made a report of the number of men farn';shed by iliat State for the war. The total quotng wore -!7;fi22, and the State has turnistlöd 54,468 men, includiog nine montha enlistreents and re-onlistmonts. Keducing the whole to the standnrd of three yeargi thero have feeën fnrnished 47,572 men. goerauiont officials at jSTrteLville ■ ha e suücetufed in suving enough property froni the ruuis oi tlie lato tiro to re1 duce the total los to $1,250,000.


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