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The Feeling Of The Soldiers

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Gen. n asbburn, in taking leave of tbc Depíirtment of Memphis, mado a Bpeeoh, in wkich lio said tlmt our soldiera vvho " havo faced doath in cvery shape upon the batlle field, or in tents 'ind oamps, arnid dams and putrefaotion. are uicro kindly disposed toward thoir oid nssailiints thun those wlio liare pttfely out of liarm's way by remaining at hoine." Weuí íjlocinn, vího eommanded ono of tho winga of Shernian's graud nrray iu its great campnign, rr.adcone of the happiest. 8 peches at hin recepliori ia Syratriise on Thursday that we have secn. Tho firt poition of it wns a tribute to i Ibe hcroi.-ni of the privato soldier, I hom lio told the peoplo was as ! serving of honor and attention r.a tli genefál (flicers. Ghuicing at t lie poliii cí:1 itiiation, Gen. Sldcum s'iid : The lesson of the past four years wil! tiot soori be forgotton. Those who at tempt'jd to dostriy oui' jioverüitiettt, have laid down arms, and fully aoknowlcdge theii' utter and complete f'ailure I Thoy are wilbng to give up slavery, aod only ask to be pertnittod to live in pe: ce witli us. I belïeve it would not be difli cult to ostablish a new and botter Union ihan we have ever known - a Union of foeling and interest. I would treat the South -with kindness, and having extiiiguisliüd tbe last hope in tho raiuds of all, fór the contiuuaiice of slavery, I wnuld adopt sucli ineapui'os as would sooneat restore gnod feellne throughout tho land. The Provost, 3farshal ihould gice place f o the Sheriff, and military com missi'ins to regularly organizad caurisEVtíRt CAUSE OF IRK1TATI0N SIIOULD, AS soon as possibli!, be rkmovkd Neither our interest nor our honor as a nation will bo promoted by any unnecessary persacution of a fallen íoe. These are the words of a General whose patriotipm and services entitle liim to rank with Gran', Sherman, Me Cleilan, Sheridan, McPherson, Meade, Schofield and other great captains of the waj-, and vvho, like Gen. Washburn is a republioan in politics.


Old News
Michigan Argus