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Tlic Toronto papers eoraplnin of thé anay oi boanty-jütrrpors in that city. A statue cif Julius Csar is to bo placed iu the garden of tho Tuiileries. The washerwomen of Paria have struek (or wages. ïbey demattd three francs a day. Viotor Emmanuel is said to have recently decliued a visit from Pnuee Napoleon. The Empernr MaximiTan hns just assigaod himself a salary of two millions of dollars per year f rom tlio Mexican treasury. The wheat harfest conïmenceiï n ; Georgia ten days ago. It is thought j the orop ítiíl bo large enough for State consumption. ■ Out of sixty-Sve graduatcs from the' last class at West Point, over threefourtlia of tliem havo applied lor couimissions in tho cavalry. A letter writer says Washington oai) boast a marvollous proportion of beantilul women, but many of them look better tlian they behnve, Jeromo Buck and Steven Chittenden, of New York. have been reiained to assist Charles O"GounEr in the defence of Jeft'. Davi.s. At Altoona, Penn., lost weet, two younr ladies who were walking arm in arm, were struck by lightning and instantly killed. The Eummer travel to nll places ot popular resort is immense. One of the Hudson River boats lelt New York the other day with 1,200 passongcrs. Internal Revonue Assessors havebeen instructed that money reccived on policios of life insurance is not liable to tax, cither as legaey or incomo. A majority of the Keutncky Court of Appoals - Judgé Williams dissenting - Tías declnred the act of Congrcss making Treasur) notes a legal tender, unconstittitionul. An official of the late Confederóte government has volunleered to raise the torpedoes which slill remnin in the James River, The work is said to be in rapid progrese. A dispatch from Mobile says : Bishop Andrcwa, of tho Methodist Episcopal Chr.rch, South, issued an address in which he counsels submission and peacefnl acqniescence in tho ncw order of things. Gen. Buckner's address to his Boldiers is of the urne import. Of the seven leading linea of gtP"" mors running betweeo New York a j .Boston to the different ports in Eui all irc owncrl r.broad. Eveo the v' tod States maÜK are carried to Eur '"' in built nd fortign-ownJd hÜ toius. The most agreeable of all comn j iona is the simple and ihmk ,,e,sn ! without any hij_h pretensions to an " pressive geutimesa ; onc who loves r?' : and understands the uso of it ob]i ' alikö at all hours, i,nd above all S"8 [golden temrer, and steadlast as an . " : chor. n _


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