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-The following „al cas, were ai5pwcd of t the recent term „f the Circuit Court : The PeopU bí. Alfred JrJm-chnrged with .tealing wool, pelt., and ludes. ConVicted aI1(l sent up " to Jackson fot 3 years. 7-Ac ttopfc bs. Jom D. mson-chnrged With larceny from the person-two informatioll Convicted, and is now serving tlie State ü Jackson, with room engaged for 3 years. The Pcople es. Jomet Wüson-sume charge u isajnst last named, pioking icckets oí unnspecting visitors frt Dan Kice's show, at Ypsilanti. Convictel, and seut to Jackson foi oiie year. The 1'copU M. August Hert, Jacob P. Cocerl, tud Mphoni Corert-aeeuult and battery upou Prof. Lawtos, Gonvicted. But a siDgte oivil case was tried by the jiu-y, Voltt vs. 'Oregorf Verdict for Defendnt. Tht People vs. Alia Broiin- a Colwed girl v-Uftlicioiw injuries to Railroad TVain and bssencr therein- in otlier words throwmg ttones throueh the Windows. Plead guilly, nd seut to jail for 60 days. TUe Jury was discharged on Tuesday. -The Court adjouf ned to July 7th. jfë The wool clip of tbïa section Is not being brought into market rapidly, 6fOe Rijers not yet thinking ahkeas to prices The UMW will not pay over 50c. íor bost üeeces, and are imliffereat as to purdtasing at M ht fig, STors „e unwilling to accept, gudi oüew. We can iot predict the fu;.uro, and, therefore, adv1Se .lb,fir,ners as we always do; U yon owe woftfy,Klhaeioinisedto pay , ot it , want mouey for bsiness purpases, sel' yO,,r wool at the OJWBt prree, end meet yoür bligation, promptly. If you do not wish to „.e tUe rooney imniedis.tely, yo can liold the Wool as tog as you ploiso.end feave a ht to and the Vip wiil no doubt average a better brice, this or any otlier year, if pat uPon the ■luarket gradually, than it will if all sold wittói three or fuur weeks of shearing. L37 The 38th annual summer conTention of the Sigmi Th Fraternity fe to be eld ii. th city wiA the "Alphi" of the Üniver.ityf Michigan, en Tuesday evenmg WXt An owiiion is to be deliretl by the ftev. A. K. S-réoxó, of alena, 111., and a poem by the Rer. Chas. A. S. Stodbakd, of New Tork. Araong the notables e.cpectM to be present re Maj. Gen. Damf.l BuïïkrkieI.d, and fcrig. Gen. Jojix CottiiAXE, tho nominee of the Cleveland Fremont Conventten for Tioe !P resident. L2ST Tbe Ltidvos of the Firet Baptist Clmrch in this city, (lesire to acknc.wiidge their obligations to bis Honor, Jiulge J,iwnBïEB, and the officers of the Conrt, for Senerously aftording them a shelter from the torm whirh so smously internjpted the fesWHfiot which a-ere being hola in the Coutt Soasa sanare oft the evenins óf the 15th hit. the liberal patrons of the Festival taay be interest.ed m knowing tliat Ute net teoeipts were $100, noi.hithstanding the Mi oua derangementof the oiigiual plQ by the tftcletüencj of the weálher. jgX" öeu. C. C Acccr, comftiander of the defenses of Washington, tarried in our city over laM, Sabbatïi, and during the tWorirthree days of hï stay visited many of his old friends, and made some new acquaintasces. Gen . Acoca resided here some twenty-three years ago, and west froBl hele to Weat Point. He ws reraom'wred by aü önr ld citüsena, wlïö take pride in thé fair farae he ha won duting the war. íuWit. - The Messrs. GitBSonT are ngagei in putting down a fine fiagstone alk on both fronte of tlieir new block. It is the first laid in okt city, and marks the adT&nCe of improvement. L=S" We are requested by the Committe to provide the dinner to be served the returtied "Soldier Boys" on the 4th, to intite farmprs to send in their contribntions at lm early day. p. Baoh has some very beauti'ful Bunting Flags, large and Kinall, just the thing for the ceniing 4tlv, on wiiiclï day there Vrill be a trtore gneral display of the nation 1 colors thao ever before. JCS" John Lowrv, Jr., of Bridge ater, in this County, sheared from his S 5ar oW Buck, 22 fes, and 13 oï. of Wool, me year's growth. Who can do better 1 f In this immediate vieinity we got & very fine ahower on Sunday evening last, since which tfee drouth has reaewed its grip. Rain is vpry much needd. . - . ui - in ■ JLg7 The Atlantic Monthly for July is on our table. Amonü its papers are ïfeedle nd Garden, Doctor Johns, and The Chimney Corner, each continiKd, and ench very fine, Youn" men n Hietoiy, Winter Life at St. fetersburg, Assasni nation, and the Chicago Conspiracy. $i a year; with Our Young Folla, 85. Address Messrs. Tickmob & FiF.ins, Boston, Mass. - Froia the same publisher we have the July mifivberof Our Young Falke, with a list f articles that will assuredly interest and introEt tbe boys and girls It is just the magazine for our young folks, and yours, too, to] ra-lfr. yar. A'idrsf n? ü%ov,


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