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A Nail In The Stomach

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A correspondent of tbo London Daily Telegraph w rites : Upon reading the account in the moruiDg papers of the fatal result wliich oocurred to a geutleman from swallowing a uail, I very much rogretted that I bad uot, for the beueiit of tho public gonerally, made the following caso kuown : A few years sicce tbo laudlady ol the house in whiefe I was residuig, informed me io a state of great alana, that one of her children, about four years of age, had swallowed a nail. She said that she was sure of tbe fact, and that it was an iron nail about two inches long. She requested icy advice how to act, and whether shtí should give the child a dose of castor oil. I told her not to giv tbe child anything to relax the bowels, and upon reflection I advised her to make the child a hard dumpling for ts dinner. - As I was quito aware that the taso was da&geroue 1 also advised her to coi;sult a medical man. This she did, and infoimcd me that he quite agreed v.ith niy opinión, and I as pleasud to fiad that she had not brought back any 'mixture.' Iu the eveni g again ehe eousulted wu as to the child's supper, and I adviscd auother dumpling, with as liUle drink aa posaible. The next morniug she informed me that the child had tlept well and had not oxhibitod any symptoms of hystorics. Upon r-king me what shu should givo the child for brepkfast, she could uot rofrain from smiling whon I advised another hard dumpliug. In the courso of t&é forenoon, however, she smiled more satisfactorily upon entering my room and at the same time placing an iron spike nail about an inch aud a. Üaïf long, . whieh tho child had .passed witHout haviog shown any coriscipusnei's oí its presence. I had greut diificul,ty in pifrènadifig the iiiot'hèr tliat I waa tiot Connected with tho medicaíprofoBsion, but w.'is moroly guidod by a general kn.nvledge of' tho latcstinal 'órgana aud by oomiaon seuáe, ' A little ''MXounüv' shop at PiHsfietd;Mas'sachusctte, is said to hare made a liarp re parteo tho other day. A güiitltnnaii of standing, an owner in one of the faetones, camo in, and, impaticnl a( being ttelayed while. two boys had their hair out, roranrkod that "" Littlo '.lóys onght to et tbcir hair eut in the dáy'time,ánd go to bed in theeveuing." " rt:s," renlied one of the boyn, " imt littlë boys who havo to gót up in the irjöttiing at 6 o'clock and work iu tbo raifl til! sevcn at night, most get thciv huir cut when they eau." A private ra the array recent'.y sent a letter to' 'his sweetheart,' cloaitvg with "May heayep. choi'ish and keep jou ironi yours truly, John Smith." Tho 2rest way to lose your healih iu lo bo ■froijuoully' that of olhcr folks,


Old News
Michigan Argus