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Boston Wool Market

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A fair nrnount of business has buen consumiría' ed in wool, slimaHled riuviug tho curly part of 1 ha wcok by the upward rango, of g.ld una tho palpable Houeity of desirable staplo. Towards tho eloso; howcvcr, thá Bnrket has been rather quiet, and pnces of tho lov gradea and ill cooditioDod Iota of both floeee and pulk'd rulo decidedly ib favor of buycrs. Thero 13 do dispositioü to concedo, however, on fine Ohio and Pennsylvania staple, of which there are but u fow dioico lu's to bo found iu city or country, and thesc are not freely offoring if, curreut rutes, but are geaerally held abovc tbo market. Considoring tho priec ot' Cue vvool boforo Ihe war, the present high duty on the correspondió grado of foreign, the premiara on gold, tho scaroity and rclutive high cost of eotto:), and tho largely incroused requireiuents of home conmiuiption, this dosenptiou is uovv solling at vcry low ratea as compared with the pricc of other staple eommotitie, If itwero uut for tho general anxioty of holdera to realize.É.,and got their funda iu hand for the purpeso of reinvestment, towards tho close of the soason, fino wool vrould undoubtedly commnnd matorinlly higher rates than it does at presout. It is not by any moans improbable, inoroover, conwiering its pcarcity in all the Eastern markets, that, beforo the new clip becomes available, the wants of cousumption will becomo so urgent aa to forco pricos up to a considerably higher range. This is vory likoly to bo the case il guld cotitinues to rule at about the present figuro, and wool-growers.persjst in the stand they have taken in regard to the opening pnces of tho new clip. Manufacturera nre short of atock, and aro looking through the market with considerable eagcrness to secure all do.-irablo lols of oíd wool wbich muy be had at a bargain. But btirgaius in thij line aro every diiy fcecoming more rare and scattering; and whoo bolders decline to meet their views they gently hint at an alternativa, and threaten to resort to the country. But this altoraative, held up in tcrrorem, ia hardly practicable as yet. In faet, okl vvool, besidos being more valuable for manufacturing purposes by sevoral coot3 on the pound, ig pelling relativoly cheaper in tbeEnstc;:: markets, thnn tho new clip can bo bought for from first hands, at any of the Western pointa of production. Either old wool will hnve to go up or new wool como down bcfore the eonsumers will find it for his interest to forego the regular commercial channèls for his supplies. Tho forraer, carfully assortod and gradcd as it passes through the Eastern dealer's bande, would be quite as cheap at 75c-in Boston, as the same nominal grade, subject to deductions for unwashed, comnjissious and oost of transportations, would be a t 60c dolivered in Jcöersou, Ilarrison, or Belmont county, Ohio. But whilo Eastern buyers are only offering about 60c for new wool ia that región, it ia firmly held by growers at 70a75 ; and, with this gap between buyer and seller. trade maiíers aro at a dead lock, and likely to remain so for aometime to come - at least, until somo decisivo turn in gold, or general commercial affa:r.-, ehall induce one side or tho other to invite a comprnniise Tbe Western farmars are abundantly ablo to bold thoir wool t 11 nest January if they chooso; but at the same time, they do not wish to mako unneoessary sacriñees ; and if tho markets of consumption ahould continuo to rule low as at presand gold drop to a figure which shail let iu largo quantities of foreign staple to compete with domestio, they must be content in the end to rnodify their views smewhat. Sales of domestic for the week foot up somo 425,OUOlbs,, at a range of 50a75c for both üeoee and pulled - the outside figure tor vory choice and selected lots of tho former, and doublé extra or very light Maine parcela of the lattor. Ineluded in tho gales are lots of heavy Illinois and Wircousiu fleece at 50a55c ; Michigan, New York and Vermont at C0a65c ; and fine Ohio at 68a7Öc for straight lots. - Com. Bulletin. TDE PROSPECT AS 10 TUE PR1C12 Of WOOI,. At a sheap shearing in Norwalk ou the 8th inst., Col. S. D. Harris, of tho Ohio Farmer, was called upcm to express his views as to the probable worth of wool this season, and he gave his views as follows : " We. have emerged from under the olouds and auaid the tempesta of a four years' war into the time which vvo hftve all so fervently been praying for, when peace shall agaiu provail iu tho laud. All this whilo tho farmer has stood firm, willing to see the top or the bottom of the market. Last year he saw tho top, and, if he was wise, .availcd hiniself of its benefita ; now he seos the bottom, and how does he find it ? Solid grouud ! With a currency in volume aud quality adequate to the commaroial transaotions of the couutry ; with a national and individual credit untaruished, our couutry presenta a spectacle hitherto unknown in the bistory of the world, under like circumstances. The supply of Amerioan wool is far short of consumptivo demand. Manufacturers will pay you no more Iban importod wool of the samo quality will cost them, with a discrimination in favor of the foreign artielu, just to show tho wool growor how independent they can be oí homo productions. The import duty may bo suid to be SO percent, upou the wool which comes in most direct conipetition with yours ; add to this the rato of exchango, with gold at about 140, and you ha o the field with your wools at from 70a 75c per pound in present currency. The return of peace - while it puts a stop to tho great wastes of war - does not dimiiiirth the number of con3umurs of your wool. Tho mon wh'o lay off the coarso army blue will put on easimerea and broadoloths, and they have the tnouey iu tbeir pookets to pay for Lheir now clothes. Tlio vast rogions of the South are opuu to our trade ; and they too becomo our customors, tince their own etaplo is neglectedor destroyed. Sambo iu tho South, who was formerly reckoned among the eallle, has now become a man, and, having wages, will spond this mouoy for clothes, 50 as to look liko othor meu. All our peoplc havo hirguly inercased their oonïuniptioo ol wooleo goods, sind larlv our womeu. ïhcso facts J7 u l.taithy coDdition of ;he woo! miss; Lus:Wuol bijin may talk of opening t, inarltet tbis jear nt 50 or Go P pound; do uot be in-baste to ' such prioes. Tliey will teil votl V some of them lest mouej ]a&t yJ. T tliay did ; they bouqht rccgt of ■ wool at 75 to 80 cents, and 1 ,1,1 -3'? $125, and y„t tbeir fipgcrs 1 , '' Whoisto blun.ebut tLtnSe. JÍ" thoy could have sold everv ,,r ,,', j " SI 10,alul made a big proöt ? n' wore t?o grecdy Let the irwWjJ of Ohio keep tbeir norvcs stcadv ,,j thoy wili fix tbo market prico of 'Wn tblH soason." 01


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