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The Soldiers' Monument

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The County Conveiiliuu called tp consider theercction of a monument to cnramemorate 'lie services of the sons of Waslitenaw u tlie Marfor the Uniou, was held yesteiday, and was attended by a considerable number of delfgates froui the several towne. lts action was not completad at tho time our columns ere closed op, bul tlio indieations were that the work would bo entered upon with liberal spirit. The kind, locaüou, cost, &s., is yetto ldetcrmined, and was probably referred to Committeo of ono froni each Su pervisor's district in the County - 24 in number. In the üsrossions of tho conrailion suggestious ere made as to the propriety of shaking Ifflrids with the Alumni of the Uiiiversity in "ie erection of a Chapel, which iu its nrclii'ectural beauty, memorial slabs and win dows, halls of trophies, &c, should prove a more fitting and enduring monument than any pillar which the county would bo likely to erect. ïheideais a good ono, and we trust ill be considerad. We shall give f uil prooeedings of the conïfntion in ouv ncxt. 1 A young tornado visitod tho lown of Northfield on Sunday last, dolog considerable daniage, tho principal of wliich as the demolisliing tho dwellirig of Gkokois KïiiwtcK. Bedding was found two or tlivoc "liles distaut, one bed is missing, wool "went "B" itito tree tos, and furniture was generally 'ecked. Tho family found refuge in a por'i'in of the house wliicli witlistood the slioyk, a"l escaped uuinjured. We do notknow how 'Wge a territory was laid under contribution. "Wliitmore Lako was not emptied dry ah ''M been reported. t" On Sunday aftornoon last wc eff favored with a fine rain, and a litlle ■ore caine on Wednesday. Tlio spell sef'Dis 'o ''Phroken and the drouth ended. Spring crops, grasa, and sinall fruits have been, howCTr, inucli injuvod. -And more came yesterday, after the above as iu ty,)e. w We undocstunJ th;it D. ClUMBB, l!"l i of tliis city, delivers the Ontllon at Knckney, on the Fonrth. L5T ''he uurraat worm, wliiob In former years lias worked such destrueJon at I the Kast, has migvated to this State, aud in lliis viciiiity lias ommenced a guerrilla waifare upoii currant bushes whieh promises to strip them clean of foliagp, and leavo the liail grown fruit to perish tor want of sustenance. They may bo scen by hundreds oí. a shmlo bush, by the score ou a leal", and proceeding from busli to lmsh soon leavo the well ladeu rows nuked skeletons. We do iot know that tlicre is a certain reinedy, but perhap somo of the art iele s spoken of in an arüclo in oiir agricultuval colum, headed " Destroying Insects," may check ttóir ravages. We have tried aslies, and they secm to thrivo on them. ui w in Sr Wo01 doi's not yet start froelyA few smal] clips havo been brought in, but largo grownrs hold back. 10,000 Hks. all told have been sold here at aboat CO ets., 52 imving beeu paid for a few clips. Wo refer growers to the report of the Boston Wool Market, etc, in another column. &ST Rev. B. F. CocivEit, of this city, is to deliver the oration on the Fourth, al Four Mile Lake, Lima, instead of Hon. Chas. S. May, heretofore announced as tho orator of tlie day. %L "Songs for All'Seahons." by AifbBD Texxysox, is tho second of the series of " Couipanion Poets for the People," being pnblisbed by Mc&ü Tioknor & Fiet.d8, Boston. It conuJns 'early 60 of TENNïson'a most popular pieces, is elegantly printed, and beauUfully illiiBtratid by some of thebest wood gravers. Will be mailed for 50 cents.


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Michigan Argus