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VTH OF JULY TIÍOTT1NG -ON THEPAIR GKOUND1 -AT-A.3srisr .a. ir, :b o :e. i -o- A CITIZEN PUR E of .100, ïor 5 Green Ilorses, niile beats, ;i best in 5. .1. NOWIAND Namen, Sorrcl Oil.ling. ,1.1'. DM. E " Ganada Pouey. J.NKWJAND 'Í liuv Ourly. K. BENHAM " GiaBaihavr. ROBINSDN'S " BiovinMarp. - o - Tht'rc wül bé u pursegivoü tor Doublé Teams, mile heats. p-'OR ANY A1ÏTICLE -OPReajdy-Made Olothing, -OR FOKCTJSTOM WORK I Xo matter vhat your pogftïofl or occupatlon, Captain, (ieucral, Major tíeneral, or "Any otlaor Man," -CALt, ATNo, 57 Keadquarters - o - PRICKS, STYLES, QUÁMTT, aii.l FITS, tliat ciui'llif bat by auy oue. linlOU M. laiTIT.MAU &.00. jusFIrêceived, AND GOING l'AS'I', 1800 Linen Coats and Dusters, to Ueep you COOL aml koep olT the DUST. lmlOU M. GVITEBMAN'&CO, TUST EEADY FOR SALE, -A. LARGB LOT OF A ft'W U?lt jet uf these IioyB' Linen HiiitB. lmltl4 M. GUITlillMAJV & CO. AKEN UP! Game iifto thê eneUuniQ of the sabsorfber, .ibout the 25lli oL May, a abuut 13 yeara úl3 lias Borne wblté ín Ébe Forêhead. The uwnins nijiuifdtc pFT6 prupevty, pay c] and takt! sai! Üaiíí avr&y, GBO X.Ti,RKWI('i;, f pedal ftotte, I MICHIG&fcETOlr lAILBOAP] Passenger trains lea ve Detroit and tho several stations in tilia Couuty as iollows: aoixo WEST. Mail I)ay Dexttr Evon. Ntcht Traio Ex. Aec. ]0 Ex Pitr.iit, 7 15a.1O.3U.4 35P.SÍ.S.1p.m H 0l' M Vpsilintl, S.M" 115) ' ü.1-2 ' 0 50 " 12.55 i. M Aun Arbor, '.) ( 3 " 1-_M5 i--ji C 35 ' 7.10 " 1 00 " Dextci-, 11.35" 1-2.J0 " 7 00" 7.36 ' Chelsoa, 0 53 '12.55 7 50" OOINO EAST. Eren. Dexttt N'islit Day Mkll Ex. Ace. Kx. Kx. Train. ('1h-1si.ii, 7 .35 .1 M a :c i', il 5 00 I' Jl Dextrr, (,05 A. 7.58 " 3.45 "5.80 " Ano Arbor, &S3 A.M 6.38 " 8'2t) " 4 05 Li 5.50 " ■ Vpollautl, 4 5,) ''7 01 ' 8.40 " 4. '.'5 " 6M Detroit, 0.10 " 8.-'5 " 10 00 " 5.45 " 7.45 " The Mail Train runs to and tïom Marshall. ; ITCH. I W'IlRATOiV'S I 1TCH. Stt l IS h u iu. I DltVTiUBNT. Salt "iluiiin. Wil] curs tin! fteh in 43 lmurs- also cursa ï-'alt Rlieum, Ulcera, CliilklaiiiK, andall Ernptiona of liu: Skin. Trice 50 cení ; by leoding 30 cents to Weeks ffPattet, BOWea, Mus3.,will b l'onv;inlfl (roe by mail Por sale by'all drugglsts. Kekokíick Steaio-h, Detroit, 4 Aeut ivv Michignn. y rilOF. R. J. LTONS' Patienta and rü othen uteriostod willpleaKe takc r.otice that ho will contin uo hia visite at the Ma nitor House, Ann Arlior, ilurlhg 1S64 and '65 and at tho explratleh of which ho willdis continue iiis visits and opcuan Iuflrnjary at Cleveland. Ohio,for tliotrcatincDtol Lunc; aDd Choat disoasen. WHISKEItS! AVIllSKEHS! Do you want Whiskwraor Mou.stacbea? Our ürecian Compouiu) will furce them to grow uu the smootlicst face or chin, or hair on bald heads, inSix Weeks.t'rice,1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closcly sealcd, on receipt of price. Addres.i WA HN EK & (jü Box 138, Brookljn, N. Y. lyl)99. THE BRIDA!, CHAMIJEK, im Essay of Warning and ÏUKtruction for Young Men - publishen by tho Howard Aesociation, and R2ut fr c of charge iu sealcd Aldress, Dr. J. 8KILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Aesociation, 1 hiladelpbia, l'a. Iy996 AGOOD TREE IiS KNOWN BY IÏS ['RUIT. Su is a good l'hysician by liin Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TilEOREAT AND CHLEBRATEI) PHYSIUIAN OF T11K TIIUOAÏ, LÜNGS AND CHE3T, Known all over the coimtrj as the Olebratod INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his rooms, RUSSELL HOUSK, DEÏKÜIT, Onthel8th aml 19th inst.,on the same rtale of and every subsequeut mouthduring 1832 auj 1803 A KEAÏ l'Aiil'HLET Of the life,stmly aud exteusive travelu of Dr. Lyoos can be procured by all whodesireone, freeof charge. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbur, Jackson.aud Adrtan, Mtch.,asfolhwfi : Ann Albor, Monitor Houe,20th. Jacksoii.Hibbard House, 21st Adrián , Braak ett H use, áád and 23d. Modk of Exami.vjtion.- The Doctor discerns dlscasos bytheeyes. He, therefore,asks do questions nor req.iirespationta to explain ajrnptoms. Aillicted, oome andbav yoursymptoinsand the location of your diH aseoxplained frt-e of charge JULIUS BAUER & CO., p. - - - - - Great Piano Forte nnl Melodcon EMPOEIUM! WAREROOM& IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," (3 WASHINGTON STREET., Xcw York Warerooms, 650 Broadivay. Wholesalc Agenta for the ü. S. fot WM. KNABE & CO'S C EÍ.KBK A TED Gold Medal Piano Fortes! A; to tbe relativo nierits of th-so PIANOS, we ivuulil rofer to tlio Certificaten of Excellence mirar poft&essinn f rem THALBF.RG GOTTSCH 1JÏ STKAKOSCII, G. SATTER, H. VIKITXTEMPS, LOUIS STABB and B. MUZIO, Mu I ïil DIreator of (he ltaliau Ouora, as also from ihm lof the most di.slinguishcd Profossorü and Amateurs n the country. All Instruments guaranteed for five yeara. ALSÜ, AGKNTá FOR SOEKBLEK & SM1T1I, BOAltDMAJV & CilíAY, A. H. JALE cStCO., A mi other First Class Piancje. We have tbfl I,J RfiEST añil BEST ASSORÏFI) STOCK ot PIANOS ÍN THE CITY, which Br Power and Sweetni'ss of Tone, Kasy and Agieeable Touch, and Beaat; of Finieh, iiae, by iudgeíí, been prououncod unrkalIcd. S Partieohr attention paid to the uleotiosot Instruments for distant orderK,and á privilege of exchanire granted at, anj time n-ithin six luontüf if the Instrument shoii UI not prove cnlirely 8ílsory.- A liitral discor.Ht to Glergymen, TÁchfis and Schools. Terms liberal. WHOLESALE D2ALERS will (,„1 t to tbr advantuge to givj us a cali, as by grcatly increasod facílíties we are enabled to (111 orders wi(U diepatch. B Persons in want of a RKALI.Y FIRST CLAíS PIANO will do well to eall beloio puroliasing else nrhere WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHARÏ.NEEDHAM&CO'S CKL.EBRATED HABM0N1UMS, MËLODËOJNS, ALSO FO"B GEORGE A. PRINCE & CO'S MEL0DE0NS and 0RGANS, ■ Manufacturéis and IroporW ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strins, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otner Musical Merchandise, The Sn.viiit and EWass, of ouruiannfiictureanrt Impi.i tation, are nsed by most all qf the beul Baadt in ihcVnüed Stalcs, nn.l wlieiiever .xbibilcl have alway reeeived the Cold Medala and ïiiurissT PSBMIOUH. t 1 1::% connction wfth Marufnciurmfl Houses in Beclln, I íiimc. 1 iivíilm, Englund and Paris, wc aio ■r.'lüiu.l tniiii-h HKAI.KKS, BANDS and IND1V1II (HLS, with every artiole in tuie line, aj tbe lovmt liianu l'iw.l urers' prices HEMBaiHEIt THE PL.ACE, JÜLIÜS BAUEll & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CH1CAGIO, - - - - IL!,, 101j .N'i-w V rl "' 1 (KW Tir' a-lwa v . "TV OW IS THE TIME For bai'galns in AND CROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN, is now receiving lúa sjpjeixtstol stook: OF ORY GüODS, CARPETS, nud GROOEKIES, Mu;;ht al tho receotgroat iiecllno faN'ow York umi .llbosuM aalowa. tho l„wo8t (Juli a.ul examino ooclsuDil pnces before putchasibg Ar,ü,le63. C.H.MUXÜX. piiliVTS, 20 to 25 Crnts. BEST DELAINES, 31 conts. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 conto. BLEAGHED COTTONS, and all other goods at KEDUCED PRICES! At O.H. MILI.E.'S. jE-W OARPETS, -A.T C. II. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DREtíS GOODS of all kinds, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Ornamente, &o , Ml the neiï .-.tyles just rooolved and (or Bale oheap. lOOltf o. II. MILLEN. r j HE GEBAT OK18I91 -O 1ST. B. COLE & CO-, have ustopeneda LARUE STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES, purcliased unce fijo GEEAT FALL IN GOLD! nliicli willbo sold ai a GREAT REDUCTION FEüM FOBMER PRICES. O Their Stock lnchules the Xjiatest Sityles 2 auil tlieQUALITYis tbs BEST IN MARSET. - o - ÜIVE, ÏHEM A CALL efore purchasing eisen hei e. RE PAIR ING Neatly and Promptly Done, N-ortTtUeoidrínn' """ '" d"" C0LE, A. D. PKYI.1ÍK. Ann Arbor, April, 18(55. iQog ANN ARBOR WOOLEN IV8ILLS Are now ready to furnish partios wïfcfa all Moda of WOOLEN GOODS! Aliü will EXOirANOR GOODS FOR WOOL. Vv'',s,ï.I'.8,J?,tiVsl'ing tlH'ir """ Vol, fan hars t UANUMOTURKIl into anjl KINO 01' OOODB tl.fv chooso, „t SHOBT NÖIÏCB. AUo, partleulw tcntí wïll bo gwen to CARDJNti OF ROLLS! Thoir llill areallsupi.liedivitlinew rauchinerv of tho ïQstand jnorit upiruvcl iiaUerns. TOMUNSOM & RENT. Ann irbor, Mlch. Muy Oth.lStij. 121008 ''"■ Mat). ons flrst pi-e]iaril the VENETIAN Il.ul; SYE isince that (imi;it hns boon ukp.1 by lliousand indio n.iiiistanco lias it fniluil to g!ve ftutlre sa tisfacThe VENETIAN TYK ia the chcnj-ostin Hm wnrlfl - ts pnce iBunljr Kift .v Cent, and each boltl,' oontnins louble theijuantity ol dye in thuso usuully sold for The VENKÏIAN DYE h rarraat4 not to injuro bf ïair or tbo scal)i in the slitlitcnt df-gree The VKNF.TIAN DYE workfi with rapl.llty and corainly, the lmir reqoiriug uo prepatation whatever, The VKNET1ANDYE produces utiy shade thr irsjs 'H'BÍri'd - one that wlfl nnt lade, orooii orwahpui - one tbal s vs pernuiucnt hh tbe hair Uself. For ftnle 'V ;ll itiuggists. - jriceftO ct'nts. A. l.MATIIKWS,ernlA..„i,l 13 (itö Street, Nm ï,, : AIho, MauuCictiirei' of Maiiikws' Aknk'A „Hair;r.oss,the bent ïiair dresiiin in uap. In IftTgebAtllefl, rice 50 cents. ly'Jtiö ' rPAKEN UP! Carao into tlie eaoIoRitre pf tüe puhsertber, on oi boutllftj I8th,ow KAY MARK COLT, supp) dio jo aboat two yeara öld, tli one nhite Uiiid foot. TJkj wner is j ea-ustod to cal! , pruvt) ï'i opei iy , piiy hartes, ;ui1 tiiko her uway. B.A, KEI-LKr, M;:;, 33a VSGb, BwlOlO "Wíl AT KVEUYBODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN GET YOU UI' A BE1TER SUIT OF OLOTHES THAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWItKRE. PLÜMEll & JENNÍNGS Cn PIT JTOU vory IflUCH BETTER than yuit can hopo to be FITTEi) elsewberè. PLUMEE & JENNINGS can SKLL LOWER thananjoÜUei Firm in ünn Arbor, AND T1IEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS havo on band the beat a.ssoi tinent of Furnishing Goods, this sido of Xi' York, wliicli Ihcy will Bell al pricen wliich wj.l inuuce all io buy. N. B - Giay'a Patentad Molded Collar, l'imcrgal Collar, gatin Bttameled Byron Collars, (the flret Öjroc Kuamcli'.l ('oli.ii ever UKiiiulactuiud,) Fjench l'riutud Collnr, WnrJ's Pi'inted f'ollar, Lellcau Mcnl Collar, (Impoited] Garilcn City Collar, Satín Knaiuelud, patent Uutton liólo, New York Ejcclsfor Lirien Paper Colla ra, F. A. 1Í. & Co'.s Improvetl Paper Colljir.s, Mass:isoil Papor Collnr, an.l in Tact eer? li.sciiptii.ii oí Paper ('olnr.s manufaotureá; coostautly on hand in largo quan;ities. Becoml door tiuutli ol l'ublic Square, Ham St , lnn Arbor, Mii-hlgsn. lOOÏtf TTATS, CAPS", AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON have rcctivcd the largest etook oí mm mm ever brought to this niarket, whtoh Uioy ftte selling at very LOW l'KIt'KS. Tho Btook consiste of- GENTS' SILK HATS- all stylcs. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BR1M HATS. GENTS' AND BOTS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kimls. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STEAW OATS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. JENTLEMENS' FURNISHINO (JOODS. UMB HELLAS, OARPET & TRAVEL1N0 BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. IAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. LIAKERS, and in fc, all gooja peitaiuing to their tfade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. IAIN STREET, - - lOlOtf - - ANN ARBOR THOMPSOM-JV TOB IHTTBR.1 , - o - The LARGEST STOCK in tkl cïty Toe CHAEPK8T (Af STOKE In the State.. An entlrely new nn.l splenid fts.sortinent of MENS', BOYS', LADIE3' AND MISSES' HATS AND CAPS, Flowers, Ribbons. GENTS' AND UUBS1 COLLARS, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VAUSES, &c, &c. A general nsporhiirnt ut iny line Cali iu :in.l pxiunine för jourüelvea. No trpable to show guoJe. CLEMENT R. THOMPSON. HUKON STRECT, AXN ARBOR. 6vlOT0 AÏWOOD'S m PATENT DRILLING MACHINE, PII.E DUIVER, HYDRAULIC SAND PUMP. PïUGtlCAL TESTS ÍKlvinj; Pollj kinoil imUm! tlifl Rtlperiórïty of t]'f machine over nll others for purjiose of siiiking Oil WuUs tho un ípráigued i. duw preparoil to rocoivcortUjrs for thes;ime. Thia inateÜinerj compriaeS everything requisito fot the boring rtfqtïwellH.oxceptinfftliü STKAÏ1 ENGINE ANP CAST IKON DRIVING FH'K, (butwill bc furn islieil.i!' tlt'.-irnl , al e PMtëenable pnce;, nn.l .lispeu. ees with ttieugeuf thoDorrick lEopf , Buil ulied;tnd othpr cimibiouK aiul éxpeaBiyfl iisluios aow in akc. and íh so ;irrangel, bin coüstructwl on wliocl, and poitatjli-, tbat ít cu be èasily removed for the puTpQae of iuking wells in different locahtieti. THE DETRITUS is removed fiom tlie weïl by ooi i'utent Üjrdraulto pvoeens, at ui ctoea nM requïrs tliê removal of the drill f'din the bortag, Tijls procees not ouly r.'iAiovc.i all tb e li ti it us in umi 5 ta Xö minutes, but HUewisfl ffi'uctually dn rt on i ;nil ffiH nll the smalloil veins that are so oftea entin'ly oloaect u) tv tbfl olcl itrocos.s of and puniping. WlTil TUIS MACÉINE and a practical thtfamr weil can be annk frum 4üO to üOU feet witbiü a p-iiod of fr 3iii 15 to 30 days aftet tho soíl pipe bas bceu driven. Arraogementa are beiof made fer the oMistruciiao .iihl delivery of LbehSacÖlnes atNei VmU, Nurwicli, srw tivLtg) N. Y. ,aud Pittstratg, I'enn. Foï further infonnntion, pricpj term , 4c, j aderas, ÖIMEÜM LELAND, MPThopoï itav Hontïv, SmlOOi New Vorlt, U. S. 7-30 LOAN THIBDSBRIES, $230,000,000. tïy auihority of the Secretary t f the TrïHBUTJ, lh iindepsigued] tbc General SubscriptiuB Agent forthe aal of Unilcd PtwWaSecurit, offeri lo the 1 lic thiril series oí Trena ur ƒ Notes, bearíng sovon and íbicetentbs percent, mierest per nnmm, knowo ai tbo 730 LOUST. Tln'.;c notea uo Imued nii'loi1 date. of July lliih, lötiö, ncd are paabh) Ui reo yon va froto that date ia curren cy , or are convertible fit Lhe Dptían of tbt int U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEAKING DONDS. These Öonds are ntrw worth a hamlsomc pn-ïuiinn, niiil aio exeuipt, as are all tWe Uincrmnfüt Bonus, frenti StalCj Goitnlij, and Municipal íaz'iUon, whick a'lds Jroii una to thrc.oper cent. pfer annum to ihcir pttut, nc cordirr; tu t'ie rato kvli.l ujiuu other ptffprty. The utcreat is payable sei;ii-annually by coupon.v attttckeO to tiich note, whic'a may be ent Ofif imkI s, ■!■.'! lo xuy hank or banket, THe Interest ui j-liii per vent. amouiits lo Onv etui per dny on a $5O note. Tvïo i:cuts " " ; SlOO Tt " ' l' " $5OO " O ' " (t Lt $1000 " $1 " U U tt $50O0 " Nutcs ol uil the tlenoniintitiuus named will be piiomgtl) t'uniisliei) upuu reeeïpt of -subscriptiona. Tlie Notes of thisThird Bórica are pieJu.-Iy &iniKii in form and privileges lo the Heven Thirties alread sold, except tbaf; the (uvíTiniUMit reserröa to ttsolf the [ption oí' paying interest in gold cuinatti per cent, instead of 7 3-lQthfl in currencjr. SubscribeiM will deduct the interest ia currency up to Jnly I5(h , il llu lUiiü wlion they subscribe. Tlu' del,very of Uiu nolts of thli tbiní series of the even thiitie.s will eüiimicuce ou the of .June, and iv 11 1 be made prompt ly auü cuntinnously af ter that lato . Tliu slight cliangc rade iu tlio conóitmns of Un: TIiiüD SERIES ulïecls only tbs matter of iotereít.Thc jaj mcntingolJ, tfiaiiv, will be cuivuU-ni t the curreaey Laterot f tíw blghor reh Thci teluro io specie naymouts, n tfce ererrt uf wliicli oilywfil the option to pay interest in GoU boavuüeil of, wuulil 10 reduce ánd cijuulizt' pxiees tlnit purcha&es i.,.i! withsix ierocnt. m gulcl would be fullv i-qual to thosc inade wilh scvcn aml three teuíbs nel cent in curroney. Tliieis THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKBT now oíTeretUiy the Government, and lts superior advantagef makeit the Grcnt Popular Juuan of the People. J.ess tlmn $230,000,000 of the I.ian Hthoriced by the last Coiigrefs iré no on the mnrUct. Tlii.amo;nt, at the rato t which t is heing absorbed, will all be subscribed fr witliin two monllis, when the noten will unilímbteilly comumud a premium, as liu.uniforraly been the on oloflinthe si4h:;cripfioiis to other Loaus. In order thateitisons ot every town and soction uf the country may bo afforded facilities for tílking the loan, tho Natioual Ranks, Stftte Uauks, and Private Bftukera throughout the counir; hava genorally agrecd to rocoivo subscriptious at jnr. Sub-sciibers will select their owa agents, in wliom they have confidenoe, and who only are to be responsiblc for the delivery pf tlic notes for which thcy voceive orders. JAY COOKE, BUBSCMPTIOS AGíST, rhdadclyhia. Hay IStii, 1866. Sl'llsCHllTiOxs win. uk RECE1VE3) by thc FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Aun Arbor, and FIRST NATIONAL BANK oT Ypsilanti. 8vlOO'J HISTORY OÍ THE WORLü! BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One uf thc principal CmUributmi ta the Dictionarits oj Greek and Human Auliquitics, Biogrophy, and Ucog rnphy. TLAN OF TfIK AVORK. Since Sir Wulterlialeigli solacod lüs imprisnniñent n tbe Tower by the (jomi+oaiUoii ot' bis ' HihLoij ol the World 3 tlie Iitexature oí Knlanl h;is uevet acliieved tlie work which he left tioflaished. Tbere have boen " Uiiiwi 1 Histtea," Trom tlie bulk ui ;u encycloptedta to tho most nieagreoutliue, Ín wliich tht! uiimls of ouch Datian are sopanitely yevorUwd ; but without an itUcmpt to trace the story of Divine t'rovttU'üje and hundan progresa ín me conneoted oar Wive. U is proiKwod to aupplythú waut by a worfc, conlensel enougb to keep it widiin a ceasonab'e síze, but yet sol'ull ia u bü freo trom lvy balcaea ofau pitóme. The ditera ture of Germimv nlcuiv in hiatury,- suclias fchose f Muller, Sohlosaer, Karl vor, U(iLl(ii-k,IHiiickvr,aiiilothiM-ít,- vbicfa at prove thc tic inan.l foraucha boolt,and mo,U-l-, iu Borne de gree, for its executíon. But evea i;reat worka a rt .soiucwliiitdoiicicni .intUntorganic unitj which i. the ohiel airo nf thia "ili.sL wy ai the World." Tln'sloiyof ourwhole tace, liktí rhatoi eicta 80prtt ate iiíttioii, has ' a bogtnnin,a mddle,aul au end.11 T1i;it story we propose to roHow, Trom Itsbeginnlng iu lln-sacied recoiils, and trom the dawb of civili.ation in the lCasl,- thrtuh tlie.succo.sie Oriental lCmiir-s, - Lho rise o i líber ty and the perfection of hcathtn polity, art, and litera ture ia Greece and Rome, - lie chatiü-i.' vhu;]i [..-.ssrd over theface of the worlf1 v-htn tbe light of christirtntty sprang vip, - the origin anti Brst appearaaoe of those barbarían races whicii ovtr ilivow both división of tlio Rocían ICmpirt1, - the an iüiI.s uf lhtjSrati'.s wliioh rose on ttie Kmpire's niins nclu'liny i.lte pictmestjuf details oí' medieval [story, nitil theAteafly prefrrms of nrfodein liberty :ml -niliv-i tioi), - and lueexteosfoc ai these lafluenoen, hy dit onvry. Qonquest, eolonizatioa, and Christian ni'ssidii; Ht the remotest rgions ol thr earth In a oiil,as separate histories reüec the detacluuj cenes oí hupian inïiioii and sulftriug, rufraim ia tó brnig into oa view Uic se ■vfuil partn whteh fttiaufeöiy tona, ono irnat wlióie, movingonwardti, under the guidauco uj Divine Providciict?, to tbc uuknou ueud i'i-daiiK'd m Div.iii1 purnofies. ' No wiillic Bpftred t i niárfe 'lii.s Ktstory sc-SdlaV Lite ín aub itancfl and pnpulai i styie. H bv toun ded on the beat authuritiea, anciont and i-inikin, original and secomlary. The vast progretB recentlj made inhistoiicul juidcriticalinvestigHiiou, thg fcailtsob tai Ded from the modern sciooce of eoutpara.tivL philul ";4y, and tbe fllscoTeriefl which have taid opon new suuires Of inloliiuilion ctMuerning the Kast, tltnid Bttch facililies as to niake the present a lit epooh lor undertakina:. Tln wurk will hedivid.'d iftlo Jthreo l'eriods, each 'nniiilcio i i_i i t :.-■ If , ailJwill forni ElglitV'oïumiea in f'eim Octavo. T.- AwrirxT HisTOBT, Pacrod and" Secular: frora thc Croatiou to the Fat lol the Western Empire, in A. T. -17(3 . Two-vo iinv.;. II.-Mkdikvai, HisroKv, Civil and EcciesiaHÍtca] ; from the Kall of theWeatero ICnipireto the Inkiagol Con Htantinopla b tho Turks, in A. ]t. 140;j. Two Volumen. III.- Mcmtcitx H(.TQk troai i,he Fall pf tho liyzaniino Kmplrc to ouroiPiii's, Konr Voluin.'s II will !■ piiblishTïriu S vnls. S vo. Pn.-o in oloth, :-'ï.5O vo]ii.uie. SlK't'p, .6O, IX; 1 1 UorQCpÓ, .' Votume X DOW tv.uly . Apents Wanted in all pftrts of the Countiy. ápplic&tiooa shimld be made at omv tfi tlie tubJifl D. ATPLETON & CO., 'imllflss 413&444Broartwy. N. Y lyjONEY WANTEI) AT TEN PER CENT. INTEREST. I h&Tfl h'w út vi.iil .: )pli,';ttn)us in different persottn to borrow Hm' rnadred t- Kivo Hum püuiI fhillarn, Uum om .ar to It'ii years, ;it Iva per cont. isiUftebt. K. V. MOKÍSAIV. Ann Aihic.Iunn lSlh, 18S5. .iv.'IOKi ffi? 10,000 WANTED ON THE {íoihís of YVasIifeiiaw County, payHil Fcl)rnnry Ist, I8fl. vlth 7 per cent. interegi, Will be taiued in buids of $lno o: npwards ui . uil pui durs. Hj !uith'i-il of Uk1 i;'.irl of Sttperyvprsr I'HH.H' BI-ÜH, Cuuii(.v Trike-inr Ann Albor, Juni' llth. lStiS S.vllll I AH pr8oad arii horeby fi rljid CnrRtidg my i f1 on mj :i. - t.iint , :i.. I i-hall pAVWi 1rbl h 1 hoy con truel it'L ,1031 h "■ . if".-Kn;i' .n h"X f ti, mp gtflj 18 ■ yn'lOT: '--" .- . II IIYSU3T i 'I; p3Ë? OÜR CHINAMAN STILL UVES, Aiiilconlinuesto fumish Umi únrl valed qiUHty of l'.A iiluuy.s fouad at tho l'coplw'r Store. Lover; of R"d Te uill plens hy :i snniple OF OUU NKW TEA. pKFOKIvSVSiTKW.VP.T. Of all kinds. Fruit, Kxtracts, Spieën, I'k-Hes 0., DKi'OREST S STICWART. ugar ! Silgaré A ama.ll lot of ïiOW rilICED SUGAR, PïJ'OBEST & STEWART. rèat, Mácleref, Herring, S _ DhFOREST & STEWART. SYPÜPl STEÜPl A fofi barrete, extra (ïuahty. PkFOBEST & STKWART. L0'L AND LAMP 33EIOT ! KEROSENE 0IL! H TJwbeatguaJiiï ONE DOLLAR 3 Per aalion, T JZÜéië taro!BEST t sii-WAiir. „ tHO! YE! Purchaeers oí CLIOGKERV (tLASS WA IÏE, LAMIAS l'LATED 0 001)8, 'TABLlf'cUT LE 11 Y, &c. For sale at lesa (han New York wbolos,,le prico bv __ DtfOKKST & STf W.( A Good thsWrin Saves chthing! Save, slrength! Saves health! Saves hirivg help - Saves Keak v,rhU! Sones burning hands: _____ DkKOREST í; SÏKWART. piL.ES---A8ÜRËREMÊi)r; DB. BlLUNQroS PU,E KEMEpy. Re4 wlmt those say w!k hare „sed t . i. fewsr w-" c" numbor fff yenr I llavi, ,' ',' UJ,' '' '-EDV. y„r the Piles. s„ muoh I ,,?"f'y hildl' fflictóí wltl, ualitforbusi nos. J foum T '"e "' times toWlv despaUed of eiíootiñ '■ í-JÜÍf "" f' llni1 aIm08t length l0dO6W b "m í f ;" are. I „„ „t trial of yur „..„dy wJl ) ," Afn Arbor to niake WKh mp.ov.ment. añ at le'nïf, "„ ' hK ' iml""ir.!vourl me. ' "ll1 'PPy to sayen:LtLtfe' "- K'eetua,y for same resulta,] am -ƒ roal. the Eespe6tfu1lyyourS)i SJJ1T1I UACpilBEH, - JteKOKKST Si STJiWART. HARE ÜHANGE TO BUY GOQDS CHEAP! aviatue,lfui,.,tf,,klll ■„l,,,,,t,ttua FANCY DE Y GOODS, A;(ullUoeaí ,,va CHOfCE GROCffilESÜ WAR CLOSED! ímmediate Sale oí (he Stock. CASH liUYERS can )oi n (em m ■ ' i,.; . ■ gooda al jnsí ;iboutj PfHEIU O WIN PMGES ! J. II. MAYNARD. ilay5lli,L-ü.'. 1007tf OKMEMBElt G. W & E. SNOVEE'S ÜOi SÏÜE h f he KüXtb door uf Gtegory'ü Xew Blutk. g. % úm. i nmi


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