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rpiIE 1Í00TS AND THE LEAVES j i JL W'ÏLL bo for the Healh.g o! the Naüons. I Me. Prof. 3FI. T. IjYOKTS, i HIK UKEAT AND CK1.KI1HATED 1'liyüK'l AN elf the TaiJAÏ,!.UNüS, IIEART,I.1VU'. AND THE ÜLOOD, I Known all u ir tht country as tLe CBIJSBRATKD I3MIÏIA.3M1 ÜEHB DOCTOR 1 Uf 2S2 Supei átreet, Cleveland, Ohio. WÍ11 visil the following place, viz API'OIMTMÉÑTBÍ'OR 1SÜ2, 18C3md 1RC4. Prof. K. J. I.vons can bo consulteil at the fullowiuti phices L'Vt'jy moutll, vi-.: Detroit, Kussclllciune, cacli montli, 18tli and 19tb. Ann Arbor,, each nmutli, 'jOlh. .hickson, Iiibbard House, each montli, 21. A'Uian, liracKft llnusc, each montli 22$ani!93d. Toledo, ()hio,Colhns House, each month, 24th,25th, aadseth. Hillsilale, Mch.,IIllsdale House, cach montli, 27t). Cohl water, Micb., .Southern Michigan House, each month, S8th. Klkhait,Hllilmrt House, each montli. 29th. South Bend, Ind., át. Jo. Ho'-el, eaon mouth, 30. [aporte, lud., ïee Garden ik ise, each mouth 31t. Wooter,0hlo, Crandell Exchange, each mouth, 7 til aud8lh. Manslield, Olu'o, Wiler ITousi cacli mcntli, Otb and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Renyon IIouso, cacIi month, llth and ISh. N'ewaiU, Ohio, Holton House, each montb, 13th and llth, Piiincsville.Ohio, CowltsHouse.encli month, 4th Ul.KViaAND, O11IO. RESIDKNSE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, E:ist of the public square, opposite the Pcmtpffice. ütiice d.ijs euch month, lst, ', 4th, 5th, Cth, lótli. - OiHce hours t'roin ü A. M. to 12M,fiml from 2 1'. M. to 4 l. M. OnSundttj from 9 to 10 A. AI.,aud 1 to 2 í'. M. je-Mnximsstrictly adhercd to-i givt'such ba lm as have uoBtrífe, Witli nature or the laws of Üfo, Withblüodmy hands I nuvoratain, Norpoison tnen toease theirpain. Ileis a physician indeed ,who Cures. The Imlian Ilurt Hoctor.K. J. LYOXS, cures the folio v ing compiaiuttiinthc moat ob.stinate stages of thcir oxistoncc, T Ï7. : Disiïasesof the Throat , Lungs, Ileart, I.ivcr, Storaach, Dropsy lu thaChewt, Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. or FaningSicknrss.andallothernervousderangemeiits. Also all disonsen of the blooil, such as Serofula, Krysipelas,Cancers, Fcvcr dores, Leprosy, and allothcr coraplicated cbroniccomplaints. AUfonns of female difticulties attendcil to witb tlie happicstrosults. It ishoped that noone will despair of a curo until they have giveu tho Indian Horb iíoctor'.s Medicine}' a fair and falthfaUrlal. fcji-i'uring the Doctor' travels in Kuropo, West Tmlios, South America, and tho Uuitcd States, he haa been the iilatrument in God'e hand. to rentore to health and vigor thousands who were "ivon up and pronounceil incurable by the most eminent old school phynicians; nay, more, thousauds who worc on the verge of the grave, are now living hjotuments to the Indian HerVs Doctor's skill and auccessfultreatment.andaredailycxclamiing: "Blessedbetlieday when first e saw and partook of the iadianllerb Doctor's medicine." Satisfactory referencesof CMpes will be glad-ly and chcerfully givonnhenevsr requiretl. ThoDoctor pledgeshis word and honor, thnt !ic will in no wist directlyor indirectly, induce or cause any iuvalid tu take his medicine without the strongest probability of acure. ,..,,.„ Modeofexamination,whichis entirelydifferont from thofaculty. Dr. I.yon professes to discern disoasoB by the oye. Ht. thereforo asks noquestions, nor doesho requiro patient't explain symptoms. Callone anS all, md have thesyraptoms and location of your. diseasooxplainellfreeof charge. j=The poorshall beliberally considered. g-Postomceaddress,box2nfi3 LYQNg M j, Cleveland, 0hio.Nov.S5. 1862 1y88 The largest Stock and best assortment 0f CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to tina city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SET8 CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, OHAIRS, 31jiOOlX-iliS 3-lLtS5SOS Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOPPIKTS METALIC CASES, &c, " c, and all other goods kept n the best and Iar;es1 houses in t). e country. Weseepno socond band ariitüïeor Aaction goods. CotBns kept constantly n and, and made to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST GASH PRICES N B. I must have monoy, and respeotfully request thos'e indebted,to oall and flx up thoir old mattere „nho.tdoiay. Q m MARTIN. AnnArhor,Oct.6,1863. 92Stf r RE AT CLOSING OUT A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Gonts' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Cloths, Satinets, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES, MS f CAPS, Orockery GEOCEEÏES, &c, Are to bo soïd at pricoa that wrtlguarantec thcir t;alc Ni B .r-The larj,'cst Stock of Calicó and BrownCotton in tlie Gity at lesH than Manufacturor's prioes. The highost'pricc rrtid inTradeor cash for all kintls of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. WANTED- Married Ladiof, Prof Von Vltwo's Diamond Drops,, a npvor failinjy and hariïilesH remcdy fnr all olitrii!tionR and irrepularities. All uiftrriea ladies will find this a nover iXiling preventiva, íor which Itli wananted in cvery m. tstanc1 and are invjtert tosPD'l ft red itanop fbr a clrouí la3,or$3.2IVfOra hottlo, to FBEÖERITK BTEARNB, w hole-í al e dna(fgisti fenrnJ ngenift tfchigati ftw(h.e Diamond Drops, P. O, Diawer 445} Dolroit. Betem sup-li'Ml at prnprictor'fi . OÖtni' PÜLMOBÜC SYRÜP, SEAWEED TOMO, MAN9RÁECE PILLS, V . y' The aboye ifl a cnrrect likonoss of Dr. Schonclt. just after recovering f rom Cousumpt.ion, many ycaraago Bclow ís a likenoBS of htm as he now appe.irs. AVhen tbc íirst W88 ttilten lie weighed 107 poumls ftt toe present time bis weigtit s 220 pounds. 4 ■mm ;sP" IR. SCIIEKCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory ifl at the N. E. corner of SIXTII and COMMERCE Streetn, Philadelphia whore all letters for adïice or business sliould be di rected. Hs will be found thcre every SATTJRDAY, profes sfénally to examine lungs with the Respirometer, for ïvhich his fee isthree dollars : all advice free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAY, frora 0 A. M. to 3 I. M; At the MAIU.BURO' HOTBX, Boston, January 18 and 19, Fcbruary 15 and lfi, Maich lö and 10, April 19 am 20, May IV and 18; June 14 and 15, July Ï9 and 20. Tbc time for my being m BALÏLMORK and PITTS BUKG, will be sten in the daily papers of those cities 'íhc Htetory of Dr. Sekenck? own Case, and how he was cur&X of Consumption, Many yeara ago, whilst residing in Philadelplria, I liad progressed graaually" info the laat stage of Pul moaary Consumpti.m. All hopes of my recovery beïng diflflipated. I waa advised bj ray physiclau, Dr. remove Into the country. Moorestown, New Jersey, bving taj nativo place, 1 was removed thither. My father and all bil family had lived and died tbcre - and diud of l'ulmonary Consumption. On myarrivul I was put to 1 ed, hese I lay for many weck in what wasdecmed a hopeless condition. Dr. Thurnton, who bad boon my fnther's family physician; and had attended him in his last llness, was called to see me. He thought my case entirely beyond the reacli of medicine, aad decided tbnt I must díe, and gave me one week to arrange my temporal affaítP. Id thfa apparmtly. hopeless ooodltton, I heard of the remedien which I oow malie imd sell. It seemed o me ihat J could feel them working tlieir way, and penetrating evcry nervc, libre, and tissue oí' my systeni. My lungsand Hver put on a now action, and the mor bid mutter wbich fur years h&d acciunnlated and irri tated the dÜTercnE organsof the body, was eliminnled, the tuberclea on my langs ripeaed, and I expectorateil frotn uiy lungs as much as a pint of yclluw offentive matter every morniug. As tlu's expoctoration of mattcr suhsided, the feverabated, the pain left me the cougb ceased to harass me, and the exliausting nlghtHwcíits were no louger known, and I liad re'rcshing sleep, to wblcb I huá long been a straugnr. My appetite dow heg; n to return, and nt times 1 found it difficult to restrain myselffrom eating too much; with tnia return of healtb, Igained in strengt!), aud now am fleshj. 1 ara now a liealthy man, TvitU a large healed cicatrix in the middle lobe of the right lang and the lower lobe Ijcpntized with complete adhesión of the pleura. The left lung Is sound, nnl the upper lobe of the right one is in atoleiably Iiu-üthy coudition. Consumption at that time was thought tobean incurable disease, by every one, physiclana aswellaa Cause who were unlearnedin medicino- espccialJysuch cases as werc reduced to the condition I was in. Thvs induced many peeple to believe my recovery only temporary. I now prepared and gave tlie medicines to conHumitive#for sonie time, and made mnny wonderful cures ; and thedemand increaaed so rapidiythatí determined to offer them to the pubüc, and devote my undhided attention. to lung diseivses. In tvutb, I was next to forecd to it,fr people would eend for me far and near, to ascertain whether thoir cases werelikc mine, ( For many years, in conjunction with my principal office in rhïladelphia,Ihave been making regular professional visits to New York, Boston, Baltimore, and PitWburg. For several yeare v-ast I bave made as many as fivc huudred examinatlon weckly with the "Respironieter.'; For Kueb examination my charge ia tb ree dollars, and it uiables me to give ettch patiënt the true condition cf hls disease, and teil him frankly whether he will get well. The great reason why physicifHis do not cure Consumftion is.tliat tliey try to do too much; thcy glve me icines to Ktop the cough, to stop the n weatf, hectlc fever, and by so doiug they dorange tb 8 whole digestivo systenii lockinc; up the secretion.s} andoventually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmonic Syrup is one of tho most valuablo medicines known. It is nutriënt, po werf ulij tonic, and healm in itself. It contains no opium, yot loosens tho phlegm in the broncliial tubes, and nature throws itoff with littlncxertiou. One bottlo frequently curew an ordiwiry cold; but it will be well flrst to talie a tïose of Pchenck's Mandrnke's 1'illH to cica uk e the stomach. The l'ulmoiiic Syrup is readily digestod and absorbed into blood, to which itlmparts its heailDg properties - It is one of tlie bcstpreparations of ron in use ; it Is a powerful tonic of itseïf; and when the Seiweea Touic dissol' es the muous in the stomach, and in carried off by the aid of the Mandrake Pille. , a hcaltliy (iow of gastric juico, goodappctite.and a good digestión folíow. The Seaweed Tonic ia a stimulant, and none other is requiretl whon it is nsed. It 'm pure and pleasant ; no had effeot liiíe w hen ufsinff Bourbon whisky, which disordorn the siomach, torpore tho Hver, locks op all tho secrotions, turna the blood iuto water, dropsy sols in, and thepatioat dieBRuddonly. Bourbon whisky is rocommonded now-a days by al most every physicïan. M;my patients that vi.'it my rnorap, both mal and femnlo. are stupefiod wiHi thin potrón. The relief is temporary. If they cough they take a IRtle wnlulty ; if they feel wenk and feeble they take a iittle whisky ; if they cannot sletp, they tabe a little whisky ; and they go on ín this way, rèu&iDg more andmore until they are bloated up. and imagine thcy are getting ileshy. ïlie ñtomacli, livor, and digestivo powers are complotely destvoyed, and lose tlieir appetfte for food, No ono was ever cured of confinmption by tWs procesa, wbeíc eavitiëi hafobösn formed in the lungs. A litt'e stimulant is frequestly beneficial to con.sumpthcs, aueh as pure brandy or good Tine.s ; tn many cases London portcr or brown stout in infjdorate quantltidfl ; but Bourbon whisky hartens on In.stead ot curini; consumption. The Seaweed Tonic produces lasting resiites, thorouu'hly inVigöraÜng theafomaoh and tllgnitve system, , üji(1 pniibling it fb oliminnte and nakö into liealthy blood tïic fcd which may b ■ used for that purpose. - It is ro wonderful ín lts olTectK thf.t a wme-lafistuli ■will digeat a hcarty meal . and a littlo of il taken before brbakfast will give a tone to the stomach which few mediclnos poñsoss the power of The JIANDRAKK rilJ-3 may be taken with entire satety by all g.e and condltloDl, psoduofflff all tho good reRults thatcan be obfained ftem cal"niel, or any of tbe mercurial medicinpa, an' without ;iny of their hurtful or injurious results. Thfy carry out of tin; systera tho fee uien t and worn out mattere loo.sentd and diflsolvcd by my Seaweed Tonic, and PulmrnlftSyrnpi - Itwillbeseeu that all three of my ino!iciiicfli are needed in mest cases to cure Con.sumptiuu. AGRNÏ8. BOSTON- O eorge C. Gooilwin k Co. NEW YORK- Domas Bornea & Co. .. s. naneo. riTTSBUKG-Dr. Georpo H. Keyner, CINGINNATI-F. E. Siürc & Co., nml J):n D. T'íirlt. CWICAOO- fc Smitb, añil II. Scovl). ST. LOUfS- Collipa Hr..llirs. IAH F'IAXCISCO- Bo8tcttír, Sstni ft Prun. _." oiil bvallDruaglst8 nud Dwkn, Jjt;U5


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