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Rocky Mountain Scenery

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Mr. Bowles, of tho Spring6eld Mass ) Republietin, writing frora Denver, Colorado Territory says : " As to thu mountaina as a natural pectacle, they aro first cousins to tha Ups. Wlion the Pucific liailroad s one our Switzerlaud will bc at our very oors. All my niany mid variquw vanderiugs in the Europeau Switzerand, throe summors ago, spread bufoie íy oyos uo panorama oi'inouutuin beuuy surpnss'mg, nay nono equuling, thíit vhich burst upou my giglit at suurige pon the plaius when fil'ty miles away rum Denver, auJ which riso up befóte nu uow, as I sit writing by the window i this city. From far south tu f'ar orll), strutühing arouml in a huge sl'iiiíirolc, riso the everlastiug hills. une pon another, one after another, tui'tu un, presenting every variety of form nd surfaoo, every abado of cover and olor, up and down, uutil vo reaoh the road, suow-coverod rango that raarkf le highest suminite, and tells wlierc tluntioand Facifio meet and divido Un leir loug journey to their far-disiant lores. To the uorth rises the kieg oí' 10 raoge, Loug's Peak, whoso top iü 4,600 feut, higb ; to the soufcb, giving oureo to the Arkausas aiul üoloradu, ooms up itj brother, Piko's l'eak, to the ight of 13,400 fect. These are the lent features of the belt bel'ore us, )tit tho iutervemug and 8uecendiug sum lits aro scarcely Iess commaiiding, and ot uiuch lower in hight. Right up 'rom Denver stauds the mountaiu top jat was the seene oí Bierstadt's " Storm n the lloeky Mountains,' and up and own these mountaiu sidos were taken íany of tbe 'studies that he is reprouuing on canvas with suoh delight to lis friends and í'amu for hiinself. No o'o that I kuow of in all the world las suoh a fianorauia of perpetual beauty read before t as Dcuver has in tnis )est and broadest belt of the Uocky [ountiiins, that riso up (rom tho vallcy in which it is buill, and wind away to tho right and to the left as far as the oye can see - tields and woods and rocks and snow, mountiug and meltiog awav to the nky in a line ofieu indistinguitíbrble, and Pending back tbe rays of the aun in colnrs and shapes that paint nnd pouoil nover reprodaoeil, that poe'iv never described. These are sights tbat the eyo nc?er tiro of - these are vUiona that clear the heart of earthly orrow, aud lcad the soul up to its best and highcst Kourco.


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Michigan Argus