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How Grant Got Into The War

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The well-known oorrespondent of the Boston Journal, who writes under the signatureof " Éurleigh," thus relates the story of Grant's entranco into tho UuiteJ States army at the outbreak of the rebellion : Four yeurs ago Ihis very uionth, Mrs. Grant üved in her (niet home in Galena. Her husband was Mr. Grant, the leather deuler, a plain, modest, reliable man, without much apparent foroe, who attraoted viry littlo uttention anyway. The war hud coramenced. The flug had beou nhut away froin Sumter, and shot out of a rebel cannon at Memphis. Oue rauruing Mi". Grant callod oa Congressnian Washburne, who resided in Galena. He told Mr. W. that ho did not feel right - that ha could not sleep nights, that he feit that ho was not doing bis duty. Mr. Washburne askod hiin what was tho mat lor. Mr. Grant replied, " I am doing uoth ng fr my country. I have been eduo.ited at the nation's oxpeuso ; but heio I aui at honfc doing uothini;. I ilou't k iow to do. I ara no politioian. I dou't s:om to bo wan'od anywhere, yet 1 feel as if I waa fit for somethmg ii I eould onl}' find voy placo. Mr. Washburne invited his neighbor to acoompany him to Springfield, whera au important oonsultafion was to bo held at the request of (iov. Yates. On the inorning of the fourth day Mr. Gram called at Mr. Washburne's rooms, and said to him : u Nobody kuows me hero - there is nothing for me to do - lam going homo." " Hold on a day longer," a 'id Washburno. Tho next day an important discussiou was held in the council oliainber. At Mr. Washburne's request Mr. Grant was called in. He hold an interview with the State authorities for thirty minutos, and then went out. Aa tho door olosed, Gov. Yates cried out, " Good God, Washburne, who is that man ? All i can do for him now is to put him on my staff. You can go home and raise a regiment, and l'll commission him afl Colonel." The thing was done. The rest of the story the vorld knows by heart. jg" Ver&o alone is not poetry. - Poetrv is in ideas. Ideas oorao froin the soul. Verso in only ao elegant dress on a beautiful body. Poetry can be expresscd in prose. It in only the moto perfect under tho graoo and majesty of verso. It is the pootry ot tho soul which inspires noble deeds and noble sentiment n woll as noblo writing'. A dishonorablo poet is i dogiarled being, more baso and culpable than a dishonorable m;m who is nut i pi'et. - Vittor TImjo.


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