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The Monument Convention

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On Tbureday of last week, a convent'ion was held u this city, pursuaut to cali, to consider the project of eiecting a monument to tha brave snnfl of Washtenaw County who havo fallen in defensc of the Uuion. The Cüorention met at 11 o'clock A. M., and temporarilv organized by eleotHon. W. S. Maynard chairman, and Dr. Nash, Secretary. The followiug counnittees were then on motioD,"appointed. On CredentiaU - Messrs. E. Clark, E. D. Lay, G. W. Arabrose, D. E (ving, and C. ii. Thompson. On Permanent Organiuition - Messra. C. Joslin, T. M. Cooley, and J. G. Leiand. After which the Conventioa adjourned to 1 o'clock, P. 3L Couvention convened at the hour of appoiutmeat, wlien the Couamittee on Oredontials reportcd thu follovviug towns 'eprosentcd : Aun Arbor City and Town, Augusta, Dexter, Freedom, Lyndon, Lodi, Lima, Northfield, Pittsfield, Sulüm, Saline, Scio, öylvan, York, Ypsilauti Town, and Ypailanti City. Report aocepted and adoptod. The Committee ou permanent Organization of the Conveation raported the following as officers : President. NatiiasWkhb. of Pittsfield. Vice President, Gkoeqe Suttok, of Northfield, Chf.ster O. Palmee, of Lima. Secretarie, Alexandkr EwitfG, of Scio, e W. Ambrose. of Ann ArÊor. The Committoe also recommended that Ihe Confenlion resolve itself iuto a Couiity Soldierg'MoDumental Association which shall liave a general Esecutive Committee coinposed of one mciuber froiu each Supervisor district of the County, and that the following persons be a Committee with power to appoint sucb jjeneral Executive Committee, and to report and publish the names hereafter. ïlie President, Al]iheus Felch, Tlionms Ninde, Iliiam J . lieakes, Aloxandor I). Crauo. The report was aecepted, and so much oí the same as related to oíScers of the Couvontion was, on motion, adopted, and the balaueu of the same laid on the table. The President elect on taking the oliair made sorae very appropriate remarks, after which, On motion, the following committee on resolutions was appoiuted : Hon. T. M. Coolcy, Hon. H. J. Beakes, and Thorn.Dewell. While the committeo on resolutions was absent, the Couvention was dressed by Mossrs. McMabon, Joalio, and others, touchiog the best method of organizatiou. The Cbirmittoe on resolutions ■ mitted Ihe followi ig report, whicli was on inotion accopted and adopted : Whereus, in llus (inat overlhrow of Ilip late rebellion, the cause of American Liberty auil Unily has been gloriously successful. And, mhrreaa; during tfie progresa of the g-eat tttfttggte, many not)te sons of Waslitenaw iMVe givcn Uiei'iselves a' saeri-fice fortlieir country, aul the comroon of patriolism íind graLitude dcinatid tliat those whp survive to enjoy the Blpssings they feil in procuring, Slïótfld place trpon perpetual' record some memoriat commomoralive of the feilen, Ihcrefore Rtstilvtd, That we, citijsen of WuslUonaw County, do herehy form oiirselves into an asscrciat ton, Iho öiirpose of whieh shall be tlio ereetion of a auitablcnronura-eut to our fallen brothet's anil frionda. Thai. siu:h a monument shoul-d be of sufticient niaKiiitucle that in some wa-y it may preserve and'conimemorate the name of every soldipr from l'his county who has falíen or died in Ihe servfee 1 ui-i n r thw lato war, whatMet' may hnve beon his lauk op his Ktatio. 'f hal. itsiljot and proiii kü9 :,lwiild acttnj witji l.b.f v. ili li .i, , ni i-i"tiíiiii ff :1jp (''■!r.iri and bhouid bear sonie proportion to the glorions cause in whicli the dend have fallen. Tliat it sliould bc permanent, tliat it may tril ilic sUiij ui their nuble deed tb future ges, so tliat wlioii flgain the cali of ilioir ' couutry muy snmnu n tliu düzen Bcldiery to rally around tlie liag now doubly oonsecratod Í by tlie blood of our iailiers aud ol' our ; ers, they m ,y be inspirad by the noble i pie thu3 recorded, nnd marcli to thu defonse i of our liberties in the full consciousness tliat their deeds and tlieir nacriüces will be appieciated and gratefully remcinbered. And while tho placo of snch a monument must uecessarily be left for future consultation, we who are here present do pledge ourselvea tliat we will use our best endeavors tliat the plan above iudicated may bc carried out, and tliat we may erect a monument wortliy to commemorate alike the patriotism of the fallón, and the just appreciation by the living of the instituïions wbich their .sacriíice has aided in preserving. Tbe report of tho Cotnuiittee on permaneut orgiitiizatioü was thün, on inot ou, taken froin tho table and adoptod. TLeCi)iivei;tion theuüd'joiiruedto meet again on eall of the President and Secretaries.


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