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President Johnson's Policy

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On the 31gt oi' May, while at Wash. ton, tíeneral Logan called to puy his respecta to President Johnson, aml was most eordially received. I ara able tn give the following synopsis rif the eouversation whieh took place at the interview, through tho politenes of a gentleman tvLio was present : General Logan coinmoneet) bv 00bgratulating the President upon ihö conservative policy whiuh he had1 initi&ted, and whieh was alrcndy productive of sucb excellent resulta. He said that the ara of war was uceessarHy elosed, and that of leason and eoneiiiation opened ; ad tbat ït was essential to peace that the pnssions oí both sectkme should nuw be allayed by kiridlv and considérate, yet firra actian on tho lart of the executive, and h looked upon the President's as suoh. President Johnson repíieá that he desii'ed to have the secoded state return back to their fornier condition ;iíí quicldy as posslble. Slavoiy had been thu cause of the war. 'l'he cause was Uttw, most happily removed, nnd conseqnently he desired to seo tbo Union restored as it was previouely to tho war, or, as the President laughingly remarked, .as our Democratie friends used to say, " the Constilutio-a as it is, the Union as it was," always saving and except slavery ; that had been abotished. Tho war had decided that forever. A gentleman present spoko oí negro suffrage, and suggeoted that in reeonstructing the Union, it would ba neeessary to disiïaiichiso soaie leadiug rebels and cniVauchise ethers (meaniag !oyal colored people), or that the case of the Virginia legisiature re-assewibling would bo repeated over agaiD. The gentleman is a Btrong advocate of negro sufiïage. The President replied that tha cae of the Virginia legislatura was eMÜj disposed of; that it had no power as a legislativo body, and that it could da nothing anyhow. With regard to the extensión of suffrago, tbe sentiment of the conntry at present appeared to tend towards a restriction rather than an extensión of the rigbt of suörage generally. General Logan secón ded the views of the PrcsideDt, on tbe above, and then said that it niight oot be politie to give the rebels the right of suffrnge immediately. He thought that it might bc found advisable at first to luid them in a sort of pupilage by military fo-rce. As eoon as they could be trusted, then give them the same power they possessed before. Tho general also romarked that the wheol of reconstruetion was a large and ponderous one, and that mauy who would tuke staud upon it would be ground to powder. He had been fighting for fouv years sa e the Union. He Dow proposed tbat those who desired to reconstruct it might go in and seo what they could do. Ior his part be feit ineiined to bvj rather a looker ou than an active participant ia the contest which would naturally grow out of it. The President eaid : " General, tbore's no sueh thing as rücoustruction. These states have uot gone out oí the the Union, thevefore reconstruetion is unnecessary. I do not mean to treat them as inehoate states, but meroly as existing under a teinporary suspension of their govei nmeiit, provided nlways thoy elect lojral meu. The doctrine of coerción to preservo a state in tho Union has boen vindioatod by the people. It is the province of tho Exeeutive to see that the wiü oi the people is carried out in the rehabilitaiiou of these rebellious states, once more under tho authority as woll as the pioleclion of the Union." General Logan responded. ' That's so." The President thon passed ou to tho question of tho public debt. He said that the finalices of the country ware in a hopeiul coudition ; that piobably it was possible to resume specie payrnenti iminediatuly, wero it not for the comnivreial distress it would créate throughout tho country generally. As to the public debt of the coun'sy, he wae in favor of paying it to the last dollar, and would never cuuutenance any man, party, sect, or mcature that oven squinted at repudiation in any fonn. The debt was incurred to save the cjiiutry. It was a legacy of thu war bequeathed to us for good or evil. It was not possiblo to shirk it. Ou the other hand the great question would be tu niake it, if poe.-ible, un in.-4iuineut of good, not nvil, to the pubKc geD?rily. LT AcwtaiB bottse i„ NewiÖ? Wales mnsf nave boen au cscitinir p to Iivb in. 't was the cottage of E Jonkhuj, oeor Tredger. A boy , mnruing Ihouglit Le obsen-d '" uioveuiont of jiait of the ïnasoErv "" h vvntchiugit more narrowly he waa'iaf fifcd tl.c frauie-wt.rk ( 1' t1(J wdj was inlring. _ He rao ín (Le door a!3 alartned tliu iiimates, who wero seat 1 round iha tublo at brcakiast Tbev ' mediately ran into the road, and L ecarcely doue so whtn the house beo to siuk tbrough the grouüd, aD.] in l V„J Fliort tuno was entirely out of ile leavina; tlie sito upo wLich it etood . open ehasm, filled to witbin soiim yard" of the roac! wüh earth :md stores wL! had fallen n i'rom the sido?. It Boaji seem tlitt the grouud on wbich Ule co, tiigö wíi.s raised utood over a disased cullioi y and the earth miiit have (m given way ut a deptli of fully a hundte.) foet bt'low the réiface.


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