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C1L0RENCE SEWING MACHINES. Pi-IOTOGRAFJI ALBiiMS, PWTURES, FM AMES TI1IIEAD, SILK, T "WIST MACHINE O1L, $c. The umlrraigned now offers the public TUE BEST SEwiryc üachine DURAB1LITY, BEAIjTYoJ STYLE,and VA BIET Y of WORK, it "STANDS U? HEAD." It nec-ls fuly Yo bt ftcpn tobenpprccïated. Runa th woffc Noth wny.'( t;ik?d kinds of stitches, hems feITj gtttbWB, brnids, Wuif, $itfltay BW0hH and sew on ft mille, at the same timp. Scwa (toto the fhinnes to tbc tliicliest ie without ohangtaf the stitch tensión or necdle, or without brcaking the thread. - 'íhe Wonder of the World! Also il variely nf tl! aKst foautifdl' PfiOTOGRAl'I ALBUMS, PÏCTURKS iu-,'1 FRAMES in sreat vnriety and pieinrt's trained to onU'r ntfitiui't uotice. Also. BABNUM'S K.ï,? -siWKIt n TU'JKER, whlcl can be alj usted to auy Sewing Machino. Cali at' the sign of tho FI.OKEXCE SËOTKÖ HA CII1XE, a l'ew doors East of C'iok's HoteL Sdlching Neatly Done to Order Also, on cxliibitiou,thecelebrat(d " WEED PKWIXC MAC1IIXIC," which took tlio premialBi at the Miobigs State Fair, of ISO!. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2Sth, 1864. 93tf J& Greatcst Medical Circular mk f A K EvorPublisbed! fJ E 1 J E B-Flftecn-SPa laro B 0 1 f 5r letter pages for two By iB 3 cent Btamps. H Young AU' n 's Confulontial Medical Advíserfl inca. of Spermaftorrirea or .Seminal Wakaosn caused bj M.isturb;iti"n, Genital Tantalizatíon, sel f -abuse, o secret halüts indulged in by youths at tho age of pu Tfí. JiCKSON, HERSKRT Sz CO., PrOf-yietors o the National lyspensary, östabllftbea atCincinuati OhjO.JftB. ïst, igfiO. !nvoliint;iry Kinissions Iead to Imiotency, Consümp tion, Insanity anl Death. TIiopo who su fier in th least f rom this ban'iful practice, sliould apply th whnlu energy of the .-oul to the attainmentof liealtl and consequent contentment and biippiness. Kver one, eiiher sick or wel!, .sbouhl have our valuabl treatise on this subject, which Ís gent frf-e of cbitrge Wc guara ntee to cure (iononlicea, Gleet, yphilti. Impotency, Nocturnal Kuiissions er Self-Abuse, Diur nai EmiBBiona, Female Complaints, in short, ever possible form aml variety of Sexular IHsoase. Cure rapid, tliorouh and permauent, and fece moderate.- Öend for ou Circular. DR. JACKSON'Ö FKMALE PILLS- M pet box - Special writtcn replies, well sealed, sent with tlie Cir cular, without charge. 3)0 pages, 100 enravings.- "The MouMiin bf Mghr, or Medical Protector ani Marriaffe Guide, and an Kxplicit Key to Loreant Beauty." It PATMFACTÜIÏILY reveáis varioussub jects uever bef'refully explained in any popular wor ín the English Iauguage. Price 50 cents, or three fo $1. Medicine and instructions seni promptly toany par of the country. Coniu]ting Boosas of thfl Pipeaiary No.l07Sycamorestreet, 1'. O. Box, No. 436. PK. JACKSON'S OlïIENTAL IJNIMENT Removes all eoldness, and rejuvenateg organs whïc' have lain dormán t f"' n.iny yeare. Can be mailec with perfect Bifety. Prico $2per bottle. DR JACKSON'Ö FREkCH PATENT MALE SAFE, It is the only sure and snfe jirerentive against con tractuig dieease ever invented, Price 1 each, S4 pe half dozen, and $7 per dozen, .stnt by mail. 6m9ö6 PEüllö LOTl. ff' i The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! Thls ntw preparalion possesses mot tmmderfut propeitiea, and ia -A. SUTIE OTT3EIU For every species of the ITCH, PRAIniE ITCH, BAKBEU'S ITCO, WABASII SCRATCHES, ILLINOIS SIANGE, CÜTANEOIS EBCFl'IOSS, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, SALT RDEUIU, SCALD HEAD, BINGW0R9IS, kt. Thp PRURIGO LOTIO Is a new and artain emt for all kinds of Itch, and belng a fluid preparatlon It Is free froin all_ the gummy, disagrceable qoalities of the ointmenta in general use. The PRURIGO LOTIO Is safe to use under AH CIRCt; MSTANC ES ; win not irrítate the most tender skin, and CONTAINS NO MERCUBY. Doa't ful to try it. Manufactured by E. T. X W. T. MiFARLAND, Sole Proprietors, Lafayette, Ind. PRICE 60 CENTS. L, LORD & SMITH, Chicago, whoteeni. Agente Sold at Wholesale in Chicago byFDLLER FINCH 4FULI.ER; CHARLES G. SM1TII ; BÜRNHAMS VAN SCIIAACK; W. D. IIARRIS 4 CO.; SMITH DWYER; J. H. REED & CO., and U. OW Vlij. THE ONLY SURE THING PHOTOGRAPH vHáiLií láll ÉNlf II As the name indicates, it uot only kknkwh tho ;rowth ot the hair wht-n thin and fulling ofT, but it Kisvtively BEvéwe thu coLOK tu its originaUhude wht'n t isturning gray or white, whetlier caused by diseaee, ;ref or oíd age . It willcertainlydo what is elaïmécl forit, a fact to phich luiadreds, nay, lliousainÍB wlio have uaed it,are cady hihI willing to testify. Whrpe one bottle is fniry used, Ín any coinmunity, it.s ion " eprealH !lïe wiU fire," and is the beat acmjTtisèittent and' recifimendatíon w$ desire. In tlie Eastrn States, where beBKNBWBR'i oriRinated, it h used by all Young -udies as a Dvêutiug, and fstobeftuWl on the toilet ables of . Younp Mep,. (also at tin1 Ir baFbers ; (while ilder Men and Women wil! not bc without iï, hs a t'in.'Wi-r and redora t i vo fur their ffPWJ locks and lald eiids, wliich it changeB to their entlre oatisfacticn. We Jie selling in the city of Boston alone, upwards ;' 1! .00.) bnttfcM p."i' month, tho dealer glviog the IKNKWKR the prtierence overall other HairPrepartioní . 1f nut sold hv Prnpf'isliJ in yoïir fown,"a trial bot f Ie 'iil be sent to you by Expreea, npmi rrcfipt of one ollar bymail-'thuPgiTing youan opporfunlty af once ir telling tst'xíM'llt'rit virtues. J8L3 Orders for 7Woi linütfa, must be Adflssedto uri'noral Agent ftr tho Xorttnvrn+crn fetatefl. C. A 'OOK, IÏoï Or,'ïl, Chicará, tl% All mchfers wil 1 rocrivi' prnnipt itU'ntiiin . II. 1MIAU-&C0., PropricloPH, KnsH, X. 1?. The tinU' mvpplic'ii't ftfanufacturrïs' prins by [ KRtFtNCHFt LI. 1 R.WhoolvliriiRtB.Gnleviï, i Hnole 6mof ? Ty AR MOST ENDED 1 CHARLESTON TAKEN Í ! GUITERMAN & CO., Boing coniwcted with mto of ttwr hrgOst hmisesin JCow York, which has botter fUcilirres for Selling Oheaper tn.ra any utlier houno. Are EkjubJ tü bc not as wij nar iwr jse: ■ bj ny estaljltshmiMt fhift nw ist. Hitvlug cmployotl anexpcrienocï 0KZZ MT rM7 TT JBE3 JOEL 9 direct from NEW YORK CITY, who has had long expericnco 11 the business, we guamntee tu givethe best SATSSFACTSON to our numerous CÜSTOMEKS & STUDENTS of the Univcrity. Roeping on axu tltelargest atock öf CLOT1IS, CASS1MERES, VESTIOS, together with tho largc-flt stoeh of Heady-Made Olothing, FORHBHU GOODS ! ! &o., &c, &c, which wo will sell cheaper than anj ofher estaliltihlüi-Tit in the city. AU we ask Utbat oin-frfonds and Stu'lrhts will iive nsacallami eati.sfy theiiióelves. M. GTJITERMAN. ACo., VTEW GOODS! New Good.i it Union Clotliing Store for Spring, Is now tlie ihenie of which I fiing Wu've nll the late.-it stylea just nmtlp, Tu snit the finest city tratle, OF NO# Spring í)víTC(-;vts anI Snckfl, To iit Ihe fonn !ile mouMer] wax ; And Business Coats of .styligii make, All of the presimt stylestliat take; But then the erowulng Coatsof all Are the DkrübCoats at Union Store. We prille ourst'ÜVRft that wc oscel All other.s in the coat we sell ; Fot in thera jou will nhv.iys find Fit,Fashiou, Gniceaud l'ase corabinetl. lint on our Coata I wil] not .Iwell We'vc also Pants and Vests ko selí Of every luie, anl nhadeand style - To teil yon all would take a whüe ; Sol will only mention here That tb ose who would in appear, Shonlil come to Union Clothing Store and buy The CLOTHÏNfl best to pleastTthe eye ; And not, alone tho eye to please, But money savr in buviog these ; For we will Peil at prices low, No matte' how the fiold does go. Jn Furnishing (Joods bth rich and neat, We liare a stnck fuUand complete; Oor " gallan t boys in blue " will find All kinds of goods to suit their mind. We're also for the boya in store A bet ter ftock than e'er before ; Abd can all fit, both great and imalT, With CLOTHING best at Umon Stokk. The FIXEST STOCK of Spring & Summer Clothing ! AND THK IN THE CITT. custom" woek promptly made, and in the BEST STYLE, Cali at UNION CLOTHINfi STORE, East slJe ol iain Street. SS. NATHAJN & CO. Ann Artor, April SWtli , 1865. 3ml006. QOODS AT HALF PBICE! GOLD IS DOWN' COTTON IS DOWN 2 PRINTS ARE rxOWNT ! DOMESTIOS AEE DOWN! WOOLMS AKE DOWN I GROGERIB8 ABS DOWN !' and now is tlie time to buj your SPRIIMC COODS! - 0 - I Has juat opened a complete assortment of S DRY GOODS," li Dress Goods, Cloths, ' Gvoceries, &.c, &.c, [lour.lit Kinrt' tlip surrcii'Ier ol nd thp grent fall in -■vie-;. ('all tniiiHMijit'.'lv r.Tvl rnmii -o fatfifftoefc. n: Ar, .i.. ,. i,.;;, fím J016


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