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Gen Meade's Farewell Order

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The farewell order of Grtm. Mende ia published. It ia au follows : Hbadqüarturs Army ok Potojiac, ) Juno 28, 1865. Soldikrs. - This duy tivn yoara ago, I assiimud commaiKi of you, under tbe order of the Pre;tient of he United States. Today, hy virtue oí the same authority, tbo ar rij ceaaing to ejist, I have to annoance my tram-fer to oiher dutten, and my sepayjiiton fromyou. it a urmectíSHíirjr to euumwratt) all that has ocenrred in ihe&e,eventfuï; y ars, iïoai the grand and áeeisive battle of ettys bury, tbe turning point oí the wnr, to the surrendor ol the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Conrt House, suffice it to suy that hhtory wiil do jon jtistice. A grutefiil country wiil 'hoaoithe living, cherish aad support tbe disa bied, aud s'nenrely mouru the dead. In parling frotn you, your corumauditig Geuural will ever bear in rnemory yoar noble devptioi) to your country", yoar patiöiice and cheerfulnoss under all the privations aud aacrificeg you have been cal'ed upou to endure. Soidiers - Haviug acoomplished the work set before us; bavinsj vindieatod the honor and intjgrity of our Govern m8nt and flag, let us return thanks to Almighty God for hi.s blessing.s in granting us victory and peaee, and let us etirnestly pray for Wrwigth and liyht to discharge our duties as we havo endeav ored to discharge thatn aa soldiers. ( ine) 6EO. G. HEAliE. Mj. Lr. S. Armv. Sin Dole, Cornmiasioner of Indian affairs, has resigned, and Judge D. N. Cooley, of Iowu, bas been appointed lv the positi(.n. Since Marcb last, about $165,000 000 havo beon paid to the army. í'or sev eral days past, the amount paid irotii the Treasury has averaged six and ft half 'millions per day. Thie will cuntiaüu for Boruo time. The Tnlune't Washinton ppecial snyg, wheu about to rise from her ch:nr, Mrs. Surratt iuquired of her spiritual adviaer wliat shO should say on the scaffold, jnd upoo being answered, " O, nothing, what do you duire to say?" replied that, " I arn innocent." Loving fittlo Ernest, seeing a man with a bea-vy beardr asked anxiouslj : "Mamma, when I am a bad mso, will tbe whiskers drow over my mouf so that I oan't tiis?"


Old News
Michigan Argus