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f mm Slotteen mm mui railboad, j Passenger trains now leave Detroit nd the sereral stations in this Coanty as follosvs: G01K0 WEST. Muil Da y Dejtir F.rtn. Nlsht Train Fx A0.. Et. Ei. Dtrolt, 7.16a.m1G 30a.h436p.m6 8.5P H 11 OOr X I Ypnilantl, 8.40 " 11 55 ' " f,50 " 'l.Kj.'u Alu Arbor, 9.(15 " 12.15F M6 35 ' 7.10 " 1 00 " I Iextr, W.ííñ " 12;10 " 7 00" t.36 ■ - - . OhoW, 9 65 "12.54 7.50" oriixo BAST. En-n. Dfltcr .Vlglit !ƒ Mui; Ex. A,:c. Ex. Ki. Tr.ln. Cbtlae, 7.fc.1.i.M3-3C .iSOUP.Sl i Pext.r, ,05a. m 7 56 " P.46 ■.',.) Anü Arbor, 4..5 A.M n.:i6 8'5O " 4 05 ' 6 SO ' Vpsüantl, 4 50 " 701 8.40 " 4.95 " 12 ' Detroit, 6.10" (5.26 " 10 00 " 6,5 "746" The Mail Train rnns to and from Marshall. jg E W ÁRÍ5 OF AMBÜSCADËsT" Fsw pecipli rliz tllt fa(;t tliat diseas llrs in nm. buah evtrjwberetready lo mira upon lh wsak. Th I trong pas through niany poriU in títalj ;!ie strinitthlo lallbjr the wa.rsiii. lt iJ atnariin tbat vbe fei'tln ihould tottor wlth nu. ortio stcfi over tl'C fai?8 or tbn earth In Unjfir fr day ol falliui,' victnas to thu morbid influonco !ƒ hicb we aro all üuiroundej, irhín a testedautl provea vegetablo tonic. capable of onfluwing tbera ffilh thd rigor the ned, in procurable in erory citj, town.aod seltlpment. It inijfït'röt.sonabl bt'iought thatafter the twolve yeari' eiperlence which th world ha haj of IIoaiKTTSu's Stomach BmuiS, all would iaow that tí effect ij to prerent disea.-. The f-ct ia nctorious tbat a done of poiaon wUich will carooly affect a vigorom man in perfect hoahh will till a weali oe. Novr, what ia tbo cauto of epidtiatl) diiniii ! Polsen in (Af ir. At tlii) aoanou Ih stmoiphere u urchrged n-itb the eed of intermitteuts, remittente, rheuma' inm, pulmonar dor)irs billlou complnints, and the like. Persona whose nerrou jrrtem are relaxed are the fir to íuccumb lo these diitemperj. Bruce up tho phy.iical tangtal, then. with tbi potential regetable tonic. It ia th moitpoworful recuperan which the bounic kingdom haa ever jrir-lded to potiout research and. uipsriment.- Trit. The b'lndest disciple of th oíd medical dogna will at least admit that a tonic and altcratirp, :otnpoundedof approred borbi, roots, and barka, car lo no liarrn, while tbe testimonjr of ihmma.'.i nrfteí a of itJ virtues 11017 ITCH. I WIIKVTON'S I 1TCH. S:t ttliunn. I UWTMBSIT. Salt Mlieuni. Will cure the Itch in 48 hou- alo cures Salt Rtaeum, L'lcer, Chilblains, and all Eruptiou of lúa Skin. Price 60 cents ; by sending 50 cents to Weeks Ir Potter, Boston, Mass. , will ba forrardd ire br mail Kornklj; all druggists. Khedkiuck Stsarnk, Detroit, Agent fur Michigan. 43" PROF. R. J. LYON'S' Patienta aDd 11 other interrested wil] pleaae take notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arljor, during 1804 and '65 and at the expipationof which he willdl continue bis visita and open an at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treat ment ot Lung and Chcst disoases. AVIIISKERS! AVIIISKI]IL.S: Do you WROt Whiskursor MoUJitachen? Our Grncian Compound will force them To grow on tho smootheist faceor chin, or hair on balil hoads, in Sil Week.Price,$1.00. Sent by mail anywliere, closelr sealed, n roceipt of price. Addresa, WARNER it CO., Hol 13S, Brookl.ia, N. Y. 1S9S. THE BRIDAL CHAHIIKB, an Efay of Warning and Irtstruction for Voung Men - publifihed ty the Howard Aisociation, and s?nt fr e of charge in lealedonrelopes. Aldrejd, Dr. J. SKILUK HOUGHroy, Hovard Ataociatiun, 1 hllaJelphia, Pa. lv9 AGrOÖlTTRE"ÊlS KNOWÑITV ITS FRUIT. Solio good Physlcian by ai Huccesulul Work. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOlfS, fHEGREAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PÜYSICUN OF TUE , THROAT, LUS'OS AND CHS3T, Kuown all over th countn au the Olabrata J INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! rrom outh America, will be at bix rcomft, RUsSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, tnthelSth and 19th tnÑt'.,oñ the same daf of and vi#ry subsequent month during 1862 and 1863, A NE.lT I'AHI'HLET If the life,study and extonsive trarela of Dr. [7008 an be procured by aUwtiudoireone, froeof clmrue. Df. L will visit Aun Arbwr, Adrián, Itch. , rh folio ws : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 'Oth. Jackson. Hibbard Housp,i3lRt Adrián, Urackett H uw.gtd aud 23d. Modk ot EixMiyATlON - The Doctor discero dlieascii ytheeyes. He, therefore.ftska no quetions nor rolireKpahents to explain syraptom. AÍHicted, como ndharo yQtir symptoms and tuelocation of your dls.seeiplalned fre of charge JUST READY FOR SALE, A. XjA-RGtE LOT OF A few loftjetof thoieBojr' Linra Sutti. imlOM M. (UITEIUI.V.V i CO. JÜST RECEIVE7 AND GOINO FAST, 1800 Linen Ooats and Dusters, o keep you COOL aud keep off the DUST. lmlOH M.C-lITEKMA.SiCO. nnAËËlTÜP ! Came into the enclosure of ttio ubscribïr mbout theïitfc of My,u - 33LA.CK IVUSk-IE, bout 13 yer oíd Han sorou white la thf forhed. The owner in rrqaefitod to prove pfopetty, pj' cha.'ges, HDd tke said Mare away, GEO. N. B.RENWICK. Slm, June8th, H66. 6wiO12 JAW SCHOOL. OF HARVARD COLLEGE. (CHANGE OF VAOA1IONS.) TN tho Acadcniio! Ycar 1865-'66, Hiere re twoVrm of Nineteen W?eks coratnencinff SF-fTEMBSR lüïh, 1865. and .Urch 5th. 1'6S. For Catalogue nnd Circular ídflrosd JOKL I'ARKER, Royal Prnfatnr. Cambi'iJKi, Mi! , July Ut, 1865. 3W1018 büTTER WANTËFj I want for tbe NEW YORK MARKET! alltheüOOD BÜTTKK raaflo in th County , for which I will pay Cash. on Delivery3 for thrr Larce or mall I.ot'. JOHN H. MAYNARI). July ?th, 1865. 3ml01 NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A lYIoüt Fxquisiir, Uclicnfe nuï Frairnnt Perfume, DÍKlíIled froni Itio Knro nnd Ht aiitíful Fjowei frpc irhïch it in Urn itn nanif. 3IiiDQfací;rfa only bj PÏIAI.OX O. OP Beware of Counterfeit, Ak for YFutlon3 - Tak tu trfAer. TV'OW 13 THE TIMK Fot burgalxu iu ■AND CROCERIESÜ C. II. MILLEN. STOCK Of DHY GUODS, CAHPETS, aDdGROCEr?IES, ijoiit'ht thori;nt(triit dtoüne n N' York, lul illbFKoM is Iot s the lown t'l! ml p.tmlr.t joocUiinil (irioaa btfnr Jjurohnin. iti,,w, c.H.Maixv. PRINTS, to 25 tnts. 1 BKST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLKACHED COTTONS, aoJ all other goods at REDUCED PRICES! At O. H. MILLE.V'. jEW OARPETS, AT C. n. MILLEN'S. 1 ADÍES' DRESS GüODS of all -■■■ kinds, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Ornamento, &o , 11 b siw ktyle Jut oeifei tod lor h-.1o obp. 1004tf c. H. MILLEN. THE GREAT CRIÖlST K. B. COLE fe CO-, hT utcjntd LABüESTOt'K of BOOTS SHOES, Iureha9&iue!ha &EEAT FALL IN GOLD' wkich 11 be sold st a GREAT REDUCTION KROJI POHMKR PBICES. - ü - Ttir Stook Insluit th X-atest JStyles l and the QUALITY in th BEST IN MARSET. - o- GIVE THEM A CALL bfore porohatag t lutvhar. O 'BEPAIRING Neatly and Promptly Done, B' COÍ-F-. A. D. SEYI.KR. Ann Arbor, April, 18Í5. loos ANN ARBOR WOOLEN MILLS Are now rcady to furnish parties with alt kinds of wooli:n goods! Anc will EXCHANGE (.OODS FOK WOOL. Parsor furnúhiug tliir on Weol, run hre it MANUFÍCTUREO into oy KIND OF GOOUS they choo.e.itSHO TNOIICE. Als, particular ttnticu will be given to CARD1NG OF ROLLS ! Thsir Milla arailUnppli! withacw michiaeryof tbe bettaud mout approTCd pattern. TOMMNSOV fc BEXT. Abd Vrbor, Mf.h. May 9th. 1865. l'.'wloOS j InfheYeap IRJy! Mr. Mutbews rat prepurtil tb VENETIAN HAI DYE j stnce tbat titnsit his bceu usd ky tbouianiji, nd d noinnUnce hatfaIod to gire Ltlresitiífaction. Tbe VENETIAN DVE !► thf cbeapesllo the orjd - Irs piicc in oBly Kifty Conte, nd snob botil oontülc doubl the quantity ol dye in tbow ualjj f o!d lor $1. The VKNETIAN UVE ii warmotrd Dot to njure th hair or tb calplo be süíhtíít lcgre. The VENETIAV I)YS works ith rn.iiiity nd cr, tftinty,4h hair rouiru(c no prpavjicK'Ti whatevcr VKVtTI N t)VE producemiy hu]u tht a,y be lftird-,-ípe that irill not fftdo. rrnek or wnjb oit -r"m thatis Knmwl as the halr it!f. For al hv all druggjuti.-w r'rp 50 cenU. A . I. MiTHEWS. (ït-nn-n! Aent, 12 (iold Streot. New Yok, A!o, Mn.Diifncti4cr of Míthbws Abjitca Iïaik i Ciows.tbe best bair druhhiug in tiet . lu large bottlee, prlce AOcents. lyOGÖ "JIT STUPIE9. . MISS E. rB-A-ÏWKEJR. ba? rip9ncdacï8 in Qll Paluticg, Photoofrpli Pnnt)r.', CrayuuiDg. íro.,at Kr Pjtuao;' oppöeltt lint. Wl! ebU'r. All wtfhirg in6f urtÍAP khï t'I Ifirr-ri ot 1 ta fIttV. in "tl èilt. S!"]! ' i TV T II Aï E V E li ï BO D Y S A Y S ! ■PLUMER & JENNINGS i ■ ■ CX GET ?QU DP A BETTE? SX7IT OF OLOTBES j ÏHA.V VOÜ Ü&X BUT KLSKVV HKRE. - o - PLUMER & JENNINGS MUOH SETTER i ■ ttift.n qu cao höp tu bí FftTÈi) elsewh-ro. j- "o 1 PLUMEK & JENNING i rirm in Ann Aibor, A-NU THEV W1LL 1)0 JT. PLÜMEM & JENNINGS Furnishing Goods, thlisidoul .S'nwYnrk, Inch thy will ...11 st frlcp wl.icL flrl.1 inuucf all to buj'. N. B.- ö.-sy' Pt,.Lt.-ü Mohifd Collar, l'nirptíül ColInrn, atin Knain.rleil Lljruu Collara, (t)jc lirkt livron r.ntmelc.l Collar evpr innnufarturedj i'icnch I'rinted Collar, Ward's Printcd Collar, Le Besu ldoi. Ollar (Importfüj Gardeu C'iljr Cllar, Satiu Enameleü,pi,tent Batton Hole, Nw York Excelsior, Pjipfr Colldri, " & Co's Improvi'd Happr Coühm, MaiwMoll Paper Lollar, and in fact evorr Uiwriptiou ut r'apei Cl: lsrs manufRO'urod, oonstantly iö liRiid in lartje quan. titie. üt'cond door South ui Public ïquni'C, Mam ft Ann Arbor, Michigan. lCOTtf TT ATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON hvo rwiolreii tb larfMt tock of wwê mm orr broujfht to thli raarkut, which thnr aro lellini: at rerjr LOW I'UICKS. Tke utock cobsiit, of- GENTS1 SILK HATS- all .tvles. GENTS' SOFT AND ST1FF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS1 DERBY HATS. GENTS1 AND BOYS' CAPS-all kind. GENTS' STRAW HATS. OHILDRENS' STRAW CAI'S AND HATS OHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FÜRNISHIN'G GOODS ÜMBUELLAS, OARPET & TRAVEL] NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAG8. HAVERSACKS. SÜNDOWNS. 6HAKERS, and d fao, ftll göod, p.rt.iaing to thcir trade. JOHNSON & PIEKSOff. MAIN' STREET. ■ ■ IQlptf . . AWX ARB0R hTsTORY OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. v . M principal Uontnbntort to rU DiellonrirU, of Qrtck and Roman nllquüies , Blography, and QtoJ ritpAf. PLAN OF THE WORK. Sinee Sir Walter RaMgh. aoUeat hi„ mprlnonmem n the Towor by tho comnositio of hi l Hltor ol the World," the Literature of KngWl has iievor acbievfd the ork which he left unflnisliod Therc have been " laivers.l Histories," from the bulk of in encyclopadia to the muit moagreoutline, in which he annah of ettch uation aro separa tely recorded rat without n attempt to trace the story of Divim 'rovidMice and human prngrena in one connoctcd uarrative. It i prooosed to nupplythi.) want by a work, con.lennedenaugh to ke.-pit withiu a reasonau ■ ie but yet ofull n to b froe from the dry balrae ofan' ► pitoine. Tho Linratnre ut Germnny abounds in hisorj-,- sucha thos of Muller, Schlosner Karl inn Rottock,I)unckcr,andother,- which at pmTethp!e mndforucha book.and furnish mndeli in igmt de gree, for its eiroutlon. But eren those icreat wortf are lomswhat clpfleinut in thnt orgttnic vnity wliich Ie the chiel aim of this "Iliütjry of tho World." Thtoryof ourwholti ract, like 1hat ol och iepar atenation, hs " a beginning. a raiddlo.and n en'd." That tory we propose to foll'K?, from its bejfiuning in hacrd rocords, and from tho dawn of cirilitation n the Kut,- through tho succesnir Oriental Empirej -the rio of liborty aci the perfcetion of heathen pnlity, ii, aud literaturc in Clroee and Rome - th chance which passtdorcr the faco uf the worid -hen he light of christianity prang up, - the origin and rst nppcarancc of thoe barbarían races vhieh ovcrhren both diviíions of the Roman Kmpire. tho ao nalsof theStates irliicli ruse ou tlie Kinpire' rulus ncluding the picturejue details of incüüval history, and tht steady proc:s of moJirq libcrty and civiliiv :ion,- and 1iie extensión ol those mflut-uce. by dis ovevy. uotKjuest, coiouiiation. ud Chrirtinu tninniom o the remi.teft región ol the erth In a. worj.aj parate historie relied the lietached sceuei of human action and uffermg. "uraim i to bring into one view hu reral parts Trhich ji.-,ureíty lurm one great whole, incivingonwirds,unni!r tho guldanon of Divino VovitkMice, tu the unknown pnd oidainud lu the Divne turposes. Ko pams viitbe spaied to make this hi.-tory echolarikem üubsUuce and popular in style. ItwiUbotoun. ed on the best authoritiea.anciem and modern, origiul and wcondary. The vaut progrosi rccentlj trntde n histoncal and criücal invcstigati.ins, the resulta oh .imedfrnm the oiodern science of comparativo phi'olgy, and tbe diseoverie whieh bae laid open. n'ew ourcoa nf iufi.fmation concerning the Esf, afford uchfacilitieBattomake the preeeot a 6t ,'uoch for Tr undertaking, j.u "w ihc woru will be dividid into thr- Jerlods eai-n omplo, nitwlf, aud will fcna EigKi VIumi. ?u'ü,my -A.cre HKTO.T. Parrcá and KteuKr, from the Creation to the F.ll of t , wt.ra Empire, Ib A. D 476. Two vo'umos. the Fail of tbe WeBtern KmpirtW the tapuje of ConBtantnu.ple by the Turks, tu A. V. 1453. Two Vnlue. tl. - lIoncB.v H:hoT i tron th Fall of tbe tlTrantioe Emplro to ourownTime. Four Volumef. It will be pu blithed ie S 10I1. 1 t. Price i clotb, :S.$0 per volurau. t-hwp, 44.60. Half Morueco t. I Volume 3 aow ready. Agants Wanted in all parts of tbe Ootmtrjv ppjicitioos boald be mide st opc to the rubjiibD. APPLRTON & 00., 2mtf9S8 43 a 4 Broadwny. N. Y pOU ANY ARTICLE Roady-Made Glothing, -OS FOBOITSTOM WOF11Z I Lo matter occupation Captain Senoriil, Major (ienoral, or "Jxx-y otlxer IMCrL," -CAIX ATNb. 5, Headquarters. ,'CESSTVtrf , (JWiterr, ud Ï!K ,tbit 8'tb. tmvi w isrrtjreirAH " I I UMUS BAUEK & CO., Oreat Piano Fprteand Melodícn EMPOEIUM! WAHg ROOMS I2f "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 69 WA3HIÍTOTO.Y STREET., 'Xew Vurk Warrroofit, Q6Q Broudvsiu. VJ..ili.slo Atfenta fur tt L'. á.for WM. KNABE & CO'S OELK ni Ai E I) Gold Medal Piano Fortes! pl Director of.h,. l.aüan Opora. .., a!,c "om 0,n Ír ítMooutJ gvaravutd for fr, ALSO, .vrKNT3 FOH SOEHBLER &SMITH, BOARDMAN GRAY, A. 11. (i A LE &CO., Al.UotberKlrst das Finnus. I'artioulsr attention pa;d to th sleotlon ol In-trumi-nt lor distant order., and a privileire of - Instramem .hould aot prove entireljr st"fïc{"rr _ íeruK HT.1""'0 C1ü. L d "&bLta. WH01.ISALE DÍAI.EKS will flad it to their adrao. Ló íT 5JTS Sfi asiéiL! VIOLES ALE AGENTS FOR CARlíAR T, NSEDfiAM &C0'3 CiüliEHH ATE a HAKMONIUMS, MELODEOAS, ALSO FOR OEORGE A. PRIXCE fc C0'8 MELODEONS and OBGANS, Manufacturera and Importir ol MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS t Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Olarlnets, Drums, Guitara, And otüer Musical IHerchaadise, Tho SitvsR and Blusa Ivstrcmots, of our maonfacturo nd Importation, are ued bj most all of th Int Bandt m the United Statu, and wbensTUr exhibitd have alwajs reccired the Gold Medal and hjobkt PKKMICMB, . f" HaTiDBeonnectlon wlth Ifanufacturinr Honsc taBerlin,L.pic, Droaden. England and Paris, w ar prepared to furniah DEALERS, BANDS and INDIV1DÜALS; vrlth rery artiole in thu line. atthelowMt manu'aoturers' prlcoa. HKMEMBEtt THE PtACB, JÜLIÜS BAÜEE & CO., 63 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, .... iLL,t 101S Kow York Wararoomp, 6S0 Broadva;. J KAHE CHANGE TO BUY GOODS CÏÏEAP! I he In atar a foli tod of itapUaod FANCY DRY SOODS, i. foll la of DOXE3TICS aad CHOICE GROCERIES ! ! AH jitirehaied sino tb WAR CLOSED! Áná owiüg Ui u;rcQt&fta&c terocd kv control wisb to nukfi tn Immcdiatc Sale of the Stock. CASH BUYERS eE fcr ff ".-iíkí !irE giwdi t Juk aixmt TH EIK OWÑ PKIGES ! J. H. MAYNAITD. Mayjth,lf65. JOQTtf ■ ■ 1 ' ! ■ ! - "DEMEMBER G, & E. SNOVEE'S l tte or4 door erf Grc.-j'j Ke Bloeit. g.w.smeb. e, mm urn


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Michigan Argus