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Í71L0RENCE PIÍOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PlCTüliES, FRAMES, THllEAÜ, SILK, T "W I S T 3 MACHINE O1L, fa Tlic i'nilui-.sii' qa ihc jubile THE BEST FAMILY SEWIyC MACHINE iíst roiï, -QEAÚTYpj STYLE,-and VA 11 1E T Y of IV Olí K, it "STANDS ÜP HEAS." 7í rif".l.-! otily tn lie sen n tt he appi'ecífited . Runs the worli iiufh w;ivn. takefi four kíáfts of stite.]n-s, liems, hhorá, braids-, iñu-1-, ijmirs, gntliera and ewa on a !!;.!■■ i 1 bh e saine time. Scws I cura tho tiiiitnpsí to Vk6 ílilcbeát fabric without ehaiïgrig tlie stitch, tcoiiioo or iH-cdic, ür uiíli'jut broakiu: thi' lliread. - ■ It i, The Wonder of the World ! AIso a varlety of tbe mi ti beantlful PHOTOCRAVM ALBUMS, PICTtTBEá a:il n great vanety. un.! licliMT. i tu order fit sliiTt notice. Alsn.HARNUM's fJjtF.SEWEÍB or TUKEI!, whicli can be lídjnáted to aoy S ■■ íifi Machifre. (ill at Ui.; liga oL thi ni)!.::yi'h I-:',VIXU MACIIINK, a few ioorfi East of Oook's Hotel. Stüching Neatly Done to Order, Alsnon exhftitiojjjíheceiebrated " ffl El BWi ÍG M irXi:' w iii-li tuu:; tbe pn-n-.imu at-.Üie.íkiioWgan l'.iiv. óf 180-1. VV. D. HOLMES, inri Ai-b.-r. ben. 28th, isnj. 9aotf # .ÜW Greatest Medical Circular i A KLl taMJWI f A Ci 11 -X -Fiftocn"iS)U largo I 1 J J tj %y letter pagea for tiro - yM Young Mea1 s ConQdcntiál Medical Advisers íncftse . ■..-i' orrlit ;i or Ëozniua] WekïMaffl ü by iíasturbation. Genital Tanidiz;itiMi, seir-iibuse, or secret Iiabíts indulged m by youtlis at thenge oí' pufeety. t)ító. JVCKSON', IIRUBKRT & CO., Propriotors nf the National Dyspensary, establinhecl at Cincinnati, Oliio,.I;in. Jst, 1860. ínvohintary KyTÍ!rionslead io Imiiotf'ocjj Cpfisurap■tion, Insanity mil Peath. Tiiose who sufftr ín tlie leu st i'rusii (Jiie bitn'-lul practico, shold l'I'ly tbfl wiiole eneríy o'f tne woul to attaipmeot.of liealth kffd coñsoflüent coüteutin ■:■ i :-■'. Ünpplntse. Kvery one, eillier 8Íck or ■weü, should have our valuable t un íhi.-i subject , whicli ie sent fren of t-1-iiris Wtí g uar antee to curtí Gcmorrhcea, G'ii-t, Sj pldllls, Irnpotency, Xor.turnal Eirii.siofia cí Stf-Abuae, Dlurnal Kmisginns, Female Coinplaints, in short, every poKSible forra andvariety öf Hexular Pilcase. Caves rupid, thurough and permanent, and fees moderate.- Send for oü r Gii'cnlar. Dli. J.'íCKPONV Kl.MAI.'i-: i'-T.IS- SI per box - ■?]ieeial wr:tUu n-pli'.'s, wfll sealftd, sent vith the Circular, '.vitliuiit charge. 3JQ pages. 100 enrayiugs. - "The Mountain of Lïglit, or Medical Protector and Míirringe GuMe, and an F.xplicit Key to Lore and Bfauty." ít SATI3FACTOR1LY tefnb various subjectw uever before f uUy pxplaineil in any Hipular ovl in tlie Engllsh íanguage. Ptice 50 cents, or íhree fo ei Wedicine and instructions sent prorap'ly to any pas of the country. Consulting Rooms of the Pispensary No. 107 Sycamore street, U. O. Box, No. 436. DR. JACKSpN'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT Removes all coldoeas, and rejuvenatffl organs tvhic' have lain dormant tvt m;iny years. Can be mailen with perfect safety. Price $2 per bottle. DR JACKSON'd ÍRESCH PATENT MALK SAF3E, lt ia tho only sure ani eafe preventive gfimet con tract'ng diBeasc ever inventc-'l, lJrice 1 eaeli, $4 po half dozen, and $7 per dozen, stnt by mail. 6m9w THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGBAPH MIS ÉÉf El As the oame indicates, it not only remívh the growth ut fne ïüair when t'l:in and fllipg ofl", but it 'positively mo'icws the coi.uit tu ts original shade when it i.s turning gvay cfr white, whether caused by diaenst;, grief or qM age. It will certainly do what is claim od forit, fact to f which hundiTils, na y , thousandewho have aeed it, ure 't ready and williiig f" testify, Where one bpttle is fairly used, in nuy commmiity , lts lepulíilinn ''eprciuls '. Like wüdftre," and is the best advertiaéiDfiat and reoomrnendation wq desire. In the Eastero SEatea, wIhto the(RENEWERn ia used by all Younj; I;adies as ;i Di'psin, Ktxñ Isto hf: tounÖ on the toilet tables ofYcana Men, (also fttthefr barbra ; (while Older Mon and Women will not be witli')ut it, jis a reneww and rostorntív for their grt-y locke and bald heads, which it clmutree to fcbelr entire satlüfaeMou. fre are setting in the cily of Boston alone, upwarda of 19,000 bottles lier iiKinlh, the dealers giviog the RKNEWER the preterence over all other II;iir l'ri'piirationi . If notsold by Drnggists in ymir town,a trial botIe w, be sent tn'ynu by Kxpreys, uputi rece.ipt of one ildllar bymail - thtisgiTing youan opportunlty at on ote f,)r feestiog itpcxcellcnt virtues, 49 Orders for Trial Boules, mut be adilresnedto ourjeneml Agent for tlie Xurth western Stat as. C. A COOK, Box 6594:, Chicago, 111. All ííucIi orders will receive proaiót attention. R.P.HALL&CO., l'i-oj.rifiors, Nüshua, N.H. The trariesuppliefl at M-invfarlvre.r pricf by FUT.LER.FlNCH&rüLU R,Whoïe8aleIr,uggi?ts.Chten ;o, 6nios999. SOl.P AT WHOLESALE in Detroit, by F ar rand, sheley êc Co. Rifle F actor y! Beutier êt. Traver, [Suoceg&owto A. .I.Suthf fiiind,] Manufaeturer8 of and Déniers in Guns . Pistols , Ammunition Fïaslig, Gami Bags, and Everj other a;-tncle il fh'a'i Line. AUkl' donoat the noticf, ;nul niKirbest inanncr. ■a f uil isnriin.'iii .i'.ways l;cpi onhond wnü ttraiïe'orflei t ■" . Shop cornpi Main find Washington streets. Aun ArKr,Oct.8,1362. STüt í HOWARD ASS0CIATÏ0W, PHILADËLPHIA, PA. DisensN'S of tlie Ncrvons, SemInnl,UrUnry and Sexunl Systems- new and retiable treatmont- in reporte of the HOWARD A3SOCIATI0N- Sopt by mail in soaleil letter envelopos, free ofcharpeAddre's .1. BKAJjIN ilorGHTON", lïowavd Asaöci' atton,No.9 South Nmth Street, l'hiladelphia, Pennsylvania, 1JWÏ3 FOK SALE! nA HO1JSK3 AND LOK, worth fi-cun $1,000 to AJ S3,n00. Also scveval imiiviivea VAIO1H. A. .l..-5l1TilKlU.ANn, A.:n Artor, Fcb. 2(J,1865. ÜOltf Commercial Agpnt. JCï-'CE" . SSV?B W_"BS3 A KXABK I'IAXO- qne of th bed utrument 1 AKWl-s OtFKE, t T1TAE MOST ENDED ! , I t CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! I GOITERMAN & C0.9 í Rnir.g connpctsfï wfth ode rtï thelargeatiouse in ew Vork, which has bet ter facniittes ftr Belling Ghcaper fhaii any otlier houe. Are bouad to bc not I &jö VLJ rjBt? -mom o mr mz y any entabliühmeat tlit uovr exints. HaTiög employeJ anexporienceil irect from NEW YORK CITY, who has had long exïerienee in the busincsa, we guarantet; to givethe best SATÏSFACTiOi to oirr n'amcrous Ur OUSTOMERS & STUDENTS of the University. Kejiig ; os' huntl the largest stock of CLOTHS, GASS1MEBES, VÏSTM, together with the largest atocb of Ready-Made Glothing, FHflSHG G00DSÍ! &o., &c, &c, w'iicli we will ; cltcaper than any nhr establishment in the city. All we ask isthatonr frieuds aud tudontf will givo us a cali and sutisfy theraselves. M. GUITERMAN. & Co., VÍEW GOO-DS! New Goods at Union Clothing Store for Spring, Is noiv the thfint! of which fsiög We've all the latent fityles just made, To suit the finest city tfade, Of Nevv Spring Oí frcoats and Sacks, ïo fit the form :ike inoulded vnxx ; And Business Coat of styïisn make, All of the present fltyli'rithat take; But then the crowning Coats of ail Are the Drkss at Union Store. We prieto ourseïvos ihat we axcel Allotbers inthecoatri wesell ; For itl them you will always find Fit, Fa.shion , Grace and K:i (.-ornbined Buton our Coats I willnot dweil - We've alsn Pants and Vests to setl, Of every liue, and sharleand style - To teil you all would tnke a whi'le ; So I will only mention here TUat those who would in style appcar, Phould como to Union Clothing Store and buy The Cl-OTHIN(i best to pies se the eye ; And nol alone the eye to please, Rut nioney save in bnying then ; For we will sell at prices low, No matter how the Gold does go. In PurnisUifcg (lood.s both rich and neat, We havo a síütk lullftnd complete; Onr ' gallaút bora in blue " will find All kinds of goods to suit their mind. Wc'vc also for the bnys In store A bet ter etopk than.e'er before ; And ean all fit, botb great and small, With CLOTHING best at Usion Stoke. Jtëg The FIXKST STOCK of Spring & Summer Clothing ! AND THK XjO'(OI73S SO1 PRÍOBS IN THE CITW OTJSTOST YOEK promptly made, and n the BEST STYLE. Oali at UNION CLOTHING STORE, East eide of Main Street. SS. NATHAJN & CO. Ann Arbor, April 2lith , 1805. 3ml006 . QOODS AT HALF PRIOE! GOLD IS DOWN COTTON IS DOWN! PR1NT8AREDOWN! DOMESTICS AEE DOWN! WOOLËN8 AUE DOWN ! GR0CER1ES ARE DOWN ! and now is tbe time to buy your SPRING COODS! - o - P. B.CH Has juBt opened a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, Bress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &c, &c, : bnogfat since tlip iMirrenilcr of and the fo.11 lu t,r-ie. Oall ligmllu,t'ly n'l cxnm.'ce hfssfotk. AoïiwArtor, AyKl.KCB. 1905


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Michigan Argus