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$1,500 A Month

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The Seorctary of Wiir, to {lieve ïiuiself fi om tho illegnl act of taking )ossus-siou of Ford's Thoaier, has comniitlod a sccond llega] act, by agreetug o pay Mr. !i'd l,50Ü a laontb, cm oaJition thst hu will keep the theater Iosüc'. - hu will uot use it. The ocom! wmiig is but a conünuation of hü fust. Tho sciz ii'o of the theater vhs in nutrage upon the private righis i Mr. ForJ, and he resuntod it as such, dud wus pi'ouoeding to take buIi steps as were necesátiry to bring Mr. Stantou o trial lor his illegal, tyraimical act, hen Mr. Stunton agroed to thrust his Kind iüto tho p'iblic trfasury uid driw Voio thoni',0 $1,500 a month, aifl puy t to hita, to lot bis tlicater remaia dosed. Mr. Stautou evideptly Ihiuka thsit whilo litr. Ford would prosuuute biia fur tho fifft wrongful act, the repiiblican party will permU tho seeond Tl in sei.iM'o of tho thcator was a private wroiig agaiuet one man - a wrong, it is truc, wliieh should for the sake of justioo, have been resentttd und punished by tho public iiu'horities, as one dangerous to tho country, but tbo seoond is uu less a wrong, beotiuso il is the country whijh SUlFiilS. rhe su in oí inon oy ttiua clrawu Iroui ths Treasu'ry, without authority of law, t is tino is not largu - it is only SI, 500 a montli - Imt wbtsru a the assuranoe, if 'his is permitted, to niorrow we shall not have soiüu othcr case; whcro $1,500 a day niil be required ? There is an oíd adago ápplicablo to thís oxtravagancü, wliioh it wüuld bo wcll to romeinbor, and that is "to tuko curo of i he pounioa and thü dollars wfll tak caro of them selves." It is quite evident that, u dualiiig wilh tlie publio inoney, Mr. Stantou lias forgottuu tho fact that every dollíir of money expended unnecoe.-arily adds just so much moro of taxes, wkich niigfií üave bern avoidnd. What is it to him vvliciilier ho squauders $1,500 a inonlli for the purpoeo of closiug a theater, or 81,500 a üay on soma favorito, or 81,&(W a minuto to o.ovcr up some illegal aud unoonstituíional act of hi ; always providitig his political frionds and partisans will shie'd liini from tlic oonsoquonoi'S? Let there bé au end of these illcyal acts, whicli cost 'ho pooplo so much raonoy, druwu from their pookots by the unrolenting tax-growors. - Yree Press.


Old News
Michigan Argus