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Boston Wool Market

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Tlio moo] markct bas Leen buoyunt, ith n activo dcmauit, and a decidid u wavd tebdency in ratos during the I eet weck, The fact ftiat the prelonsiuus o( wool-groweru, for the bettcr gradea ot thu now clip have bacu stendily gaining gvouud tur the last few weck?, and that pïiuss ure relatively higher at the 'West thuu upon the lúastem PoaborirJ, has induoed manufut urs to withdraw tlieu1 country ageats nul to fall baek upou the markets of conumption tor supplios. Tliis oourse luis tst'nnulated a very activa inoveuient üinoug regular duakrS una comniission merohcnt ; the trausaotions bo'h o domestic aud ioreigu staple, liave codsbquoutly heen largo ; pi ices have advauocd I sonio 2a3o daring the lust week or ten diiys. aud ara uow very fiiui ut tbis ioipr.iVeaient. Iu view of tbis upward tondoucy of vúüs, consumara muifst inore tlian the iiBual disposition to lay in stocks for future txigenciCB at an oarly period of tba Btfason. The chango in the opndition of tho country, From war to ptace, caustd the demuud to run upou the etaple in a largor proportioi) iban for the htsi four ycai'8 ; and as this grade ot wool is unprececientedly scai'ce in al! thu markets I of the country, buyerg nre bidding against each otber for sucb lo's as aro uow dfl'eiing, and taking all thcy eau get at full currerift ratas. Indeed, somc have tukca clioioe Iota of lbo DOW clip, in somo of the best wool growing coun ties in Ohio, at prices equivalent to 80c" andupward, laul down bere ; bul most agi'iits declino to place orders at theso extreme rat es, preferring to fall bach upoi) tho foreign grown article. Old wool of des i rabie quality is nearly out of the marköt ; 'and tiiough the réöejpts of uew clip are bcgiuning to be quito liberal, it is confiued chiefly to the production of two States (Michigan and New York), thut of tho extreme East nd West not beiiiff much sougbt for at present, ana tali-Lilodud clips oí Uuio and PennsyTvanií lieing still held in fi'rst haucla eubaitliirabíy aboVd the views of' operators and Notwithstiiuding the great ivo' biOpe of the two fiist ■ineü'.ioned States ure coming r'orward quito froely, thora is mi uccumula tion íí3 yet,and will uut be as long as gold holds up at noar present (juotulion, and wool pricos aro relativcly higher in tha country than the city murkota. At present the receipts larjly suffico to meet the current ciemand. and good !ols of stapte, espeoially sueh ai e devoted to the deluino mauUfaoture, are takeu for inmediato consumptiou as fast as put upon the market. Thu volume of trnnsactions, th(,ngl) quito Hheral, is onlv limited by the supply ofieriög, Tlic scarcity of lino doincstic flecee, combined with the upward range of gold, has itimuláted the market for the botter grades of ioreign wool. and the uiovcmcut in theso, espei.ial!y in Culonial descriptions, has bufii vcry brisk, with Inrgu sales, bolh here and in Ne York, at a material advanoo upou previous i-iites. Pulled wool is ilso very searce, and as usurU at thi. Beason There ia scarcly any btit lamba' tú be hnd, and the Inng-sispied arliole is very muoh wantod, aud cominands extreme rales. Snlrs of domesiio for tho past week fout up about 1,OUO,000 lls, at a range of 58a?7o for floecc, and 65a824c fur fettper i;:iJ extra pultvd Iicltfdec are lois 'f nc.w inixeH VVpgteru Üeeee at üSaC.1, Vunii'ml ai (JO.iGc, New York Stat ■ ut Glia'JT.:, uew ai d diü M-iohig:! iti'&alQxs, auil Óhiö ut (H.i7",, t!ie out siiij fiüures fur s.uull o s of ehox'e. - Comm. reía! hálhtliá. wool iü 0:110. TV, (V..:vc!ü .,1 (O) I-armer, f July 22, : L'u.'i.ig tlie last 1. ck eonsid rabio vvuo! thinsted kaUrt .1. Oliio ata ra;i ut.frotn ii'J,.G0o, end sume little to i; ;'ir nt at cS:i. At theso i'a'.vg the! i.ujorsare radually pickitg up the clips r.nci rho giúde wou!. In líaJlsoi), Oliirko nnd Greoue, th; prieu has been from 46t60o, and we are informsd of somegood clips of froin -150 to 1,000 fleeoos that have been taken at these figures. In Lioking the move ment is still a slow one, and bo in other parts of the State, vchero the botter grades aro held. This week opened with a better feeling, and.buyers informed us that they should probably broak over the general standing rule of GOo We would again say to our frieuds - dou't bo in a hurry unlees jou are presacd for the monoy. A faw weoks moro will be soon enough to tsell, anc there wili be quite a.s juany buyer arouud then os will be necessusy lor a healthy operation.


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