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IVTOW 18 TUK TIME For bavgains in AND CROCERIES !! i. . - . - C. II. MILLEN. is huw rtceiviiiji liin STOCK o '. DRY GOODS, CARPETS, and GUOCE1ÍTES, lumiilit at the recent fireat dttctllie (tiNuw York,jin'l will IK' muIiI a law fis ttitj ltfvrct Jall and oarnine roodBaDtt priot'h bdfore iurchíihíii. I C. ff. MILLKN. Ari!,lS65. pitliNTS, 20 to 25 lnts. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 80 to 40 cents. BLEACHED C0TT01ÍS, aad all othor goods at REDUCED PRICES! At C. 11. MIU.EX'i?. C. II. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DllKSS GOüDS of uil la, Larties' Sucks, Cloaks, Slmwls, Huir OyüimeuU, &c i all Lito uew tytyá just rccuiveü umi lor n:iïa eliap. I 100-ltf C. IL MILLEN. - 1 rruiE O RE AT CllItílSl J e N 13. COT.E & CO 5 bt iisl "iwiiod a LARUKSTOCkof BOOTS SHOES, purebaaed íioce tbo GEEAT FALL IN GOLD ! ' lilcliwill be8ldsl ii GREAT REDUCTION K1Ï0M KOÜMl-.l: PR1GES. - o - Thuii Stock iuclu.ksthu 3Latest IStyles 2 and tlieQl'AI.ITV i tbo BEST IN MARKET. - o - GIVE THEM A CALL before iiurühaiaintí clsewbir. 0 R E V A IR1NG Neatly aucl Promptly Done. Store Wet siil il ('onvt Iloiidií Square, two il'nnr Xmíh of tbeOltl Fraiiklin. N. B. COLÉ, A. I. SKYI.KR. Anu Arlmr, April, 185. 1006 i8G5 CHANGE OF DATE. 1868. prof. r. j. inm Would ínfotm lii- 1WTIENTS and olhorN inter0-tuil1 that ín futura he cfta be uen at tha MONITOR HOUSE, -ON THESist OF EACH Month, Instcad uf Ihe 20th, and at j-A-Oicsonsr, on the soth, lnntmi f tho 21st. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Blo 3d, uicl ill utlit'r compile. itefl clir coraplaiutB trcatid Kiutu'ssfiilly, by PROF. E. J. LYONS, Um wt'Il kaown anfl celnbratd INDIAN HERB DOGTOR! (Jiill at tlie Mcint'.r Houw M n Artfur, +ere be ciin be c.iiMiltfd HU ■!■ 01 CHAKG1 . . . me 1 " 1 Mo :Ii '■ 'ü'1 TE'-' '■■■ Itóü' !;' ' VV 11 AT E V E II Y i 0 1) ï tí A V S ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN GST YOl UI" A BI.TTKK SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. - o - PLÜMElt & JENNINGS eau 111 yu ïttj MUCH BETTER thiin you ui bio to by FlTTKi) ftUewhOttjft PLÜMEU & JENNINGS eau iËIJj IV'WKK tlum hii) other Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS bave on 1:utp) tlif bt-i asKui toitint of Furnishing Goods, tliia 4ilu oí New York, vrbicli the.y will fell ut pnces wliicli wl-l loaacf uü to buy. N, H.-Giay's l'utenU'd Moldt'd Collar. Vinvorsnl Gollart, Satín Enameled Byrón Collar, (tltc lirst llyruii Imuhik'UmI Collar ever Hianujictuiel,) Kionch Printed 'Cullar, Ward+H Crinted Coilai , LeBwn ldefcl CoHar, (lii)juitit]] Carden C(tv (Villar, Satín Kn;imelu], patent Button Hule, New York Bxcelaior Linen Paper CoHars, F. A. H. í: Co'k ImproTöd Paper Collars, Uaasaauit l'aper Cull.-ir, and in fact everv discrijition ol Htipcr Cölbirn nianutac' urvit, cont;tintly on band in laru quan ti lien. Stcond door South oí l'ublic quurt), Main St , Aun Arbur, lOOTtf TÏATS, CAPS," STRAW GOODS! JOHNSON PIERSON bavy receh'Gd Míe largest tock v( over brougbt to tliis market, wlik-h tlioy are solí ing al vi'iy I.OW PMCES. The stock consta f- GENTS' SILK HATS- all styles. GENTS' SOFT AND SÏIFF BR1M HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BoYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. U1ÍILDRENS' STRAW CAPS AND HaVs OHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. ÜOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, CARPET & TRAYELING BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAYELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. SHAKERS, anj in (nol, all goods pertainiDg to tueii' trad?. JOHNSON & PIESSON. MAIN ÈTKEET, - - loiOtf - - ANN AKBOH I _ TT ' " " HiSXO&Y OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of tha principal Contrihutor tu the Dictio-nuriës oj G reek and llovían Autyuitits, Biography and Ueo" raphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Sint-e Sii Walter Ralelgb boUced liis imprisnnnifiu iti the Tower by tlio compositiou of Ua ■' Historj ut ttre World," the Li te rat uro of 3ngland has nevvi aehievcd the work which he léft uniinished. There have been " Unireruil Histories," from the bulk oi i i encyclojjaidia to the mot Qieagre outliae, In which aunalu l (.'acli imtion ure sepatatftly recordad ; but witlin.ut an ittcrapt to trac the story ol Divim l'riiil'iic and hiun;ui progresa in ono connected nar rative. It i pïovoed to snyjilv this naat bl a work, ooniieaueti enough to kot-pit within a icn-i.nKible ai.e. but yet Hofull as t be Tree trovo tlio dry Iwik" dém oi;m epitome. Th-' Uteculur uf Gorman} ubou&da n Uitory, - suchas thoA4 "i1 Muïïer, Sohlosser, Karl nu Rottock, l)ii!R:Kl-r.aii-i MthM-s,M bieb at prove the de iitainl fur sucli i buük, ;xml i' tuodeU, in same de gree,for ft t-xccutitm. Uva eveu (Iioab treat worki tn-c .siiiiKiivhiit duücicnt in t!i:it organ ie uuity whUh U the chiet itim of this "Hist ipy of the World." Thentoryoi ourwhole race, ltke thntof oich nepar ate nal, un, luis ■ a bciíiniiiiijí , a iniiil',aiul an eal.'' Tht story we propos? tu fnllw, Frora itsoeanüig n ilio acred recurU, him! frtun thu dawu of ctrlttzation i u th Kast,- througli tlie.succtisaivo O r tv n tal Kmpiret-, - tlie rie of Hborlv and ttie perfècfeïoti of hoatJieii polily , rta, and litt-ratuic iu Oroec aad Ronu-,- the clinmti wliich :i-.a-i o vit t'iico of the worl.! "In n llití litrhtol christiunity ppraug up, - the ortjfin HDfl ftrut trj)icn ranee of tbotie b;irl ti:tu races inch overtlircw bcith divi.siuM" of tht' üuiöjiu Empire, - in Hals ut tb Staten wliirb rc on Ui" Fmi-iic's ruina ntilii'linji tiio piüturesijuc li-tiii! oí medieval IiÏJttory, snd theateady prorau of mttdcru liberty urul civiliza ttoii, - and tlie exttiisioü ol these rnfinenecf by dis covevy. cuiinncst , ooiimlzatioo , and Cbruttaa m-ssinn, to,tl)rei(.t(-streKi"nK oí th gt.ttta In h word, a? ft-piinitu n.-Jt-t:l the 'ietaclied uoenei ol ItuniAii noiEon and Bufftriag, ourim h to bring nto ooe view tlm aever] parfk whieli assure'iiy forni otio Krent whoto, niovtng(invarl) umier the guEdanofl of Divine Piovidunce, to the uuktiuwu end oidainod iu the lUv.ue purjtosi's. N'o paioü willbe spare fl t mak e this liWtmy ncluihirlike in mibstaiice and populftc la ityie. H UI be luunded üu the best anthoriti's,;incipiit and modern, oriu'i unl and Mt'cunUiry. l'hc v.fct urogre8 recently made i 11 lustnrical ml criticril livesttgatiotMt. the reMilts ob taiQud from tb modern stsiéiice of coinpiiriTtivc ])hi!ulogy, and the dfscdverieü wliich have laid opeo new sourcen of infofmation eoneeroisg tltf Kam, niForl buoU facillties aiuumLe thu preMul a fit epoohlaf ovr undeitjtkinsï, The woik will ht divided Iñto three Pffrioda, eacl complete ín itsetf, and will forui Kigkt Volumes in Vvm Octavo. I.- Animevt IIisTonv, Sacred and Hcrnlar; from thf Cieatirjn to lalloi the Wystojn Kiuiiiro, in A. V. 476. Two vo'umen. II .- Mfihrwm. Histoky, Civil and Eccïeiaticn3 : frem the Fa II of tlio WVslern Kmpiietn tlio tikiní "f ('onMantintiple by the Turks, in A. I). 1453. Two Vul umes. 111. - Moiïkhn HlHTÖfiT ; Irom the Fall of tli Bvznutiiic Km pi re to uurowjsTuaa. Kuur Vo1uhh-k. It willbepubliiihwi in R vols. 8 vo. Prwe in cloíli. itö-SO per vcdump. l&Mep, 64. 5U. Ilulf Murocf, ï-f. Volume 1 mr re;nly. Agents W&ate4 iu all parts f the Country. Applications Bhíftftd be made at once to the l'ubü.shecs. D. APP1.ET0N & CO., 2amtW8S 443 & 444 Rrt.alwny. N. Y A NN AHBOK WOOLEN IV8ILLS Are now ready to furnish partiea willi uil k i üils of AOOLEIST GOODS! Anc will KXCHAXfiK UÖODS KOK WOO1,. Pei'Sune fumüiliiDg their own Wool, cin havo it MAUF(TIKKD into íxij KIND (F OOUfttl thej cIhiosi', al HO T ND'l'lL'K Alao, pa: ticulur uw -ntion will bo yiven to CAUDliNG OF ROLLS! Tli. ir Mills aicall-iipplii-il ihore machiuery of th 1X)MI INiiüN RFJST Ano i '" - . V'! 'M M..; ' ■■!- " jULUJ.S UAUEB & CO., Great l'iuno Forte and Mcludcou EMPOEITJM! WAREROOMfe IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," ü9 WASHINGTON STREKT., y,ew York Ware r oom, (350 Uroadway Whoteaata Agenta for tiie L'. S. for WM. KNABE & CO'S C EIEBii A 'J ED Gold Medal Piano Fortes! Ak to tho rolntive meiits of thso PIANOS, wo mduW relir to tlie CerttflcatM of Excellence in uur poiesinn f rom THALIiKBG, HOI TS IIAI.IC ST15AKO.SCII, (. SATTER, H. VIKUVTKMPSI.OUIS STAJJB and E. MIZIO, Mumcu! Director ofihe ltaliun Opera, qi ilwlriwinna of thu muai dlitlngulühed I'iufoasors nnii Amatuui iu tb couulry. All Instrumenta guaratteed íur Sve ycart. J ' A1.SO, AGEMT3 FOB SOEBBJLEH & SftllTH, BOARDMAN &í GRAY, A. H. (iALE &CO.j An.l'lrst Clas ríanos. havo tho Li KGKST and EEST A8SORTED STOCK of PUÑOS IN' ÏJIKC1TY, which IV. r ]'ulvtr ünd B neasuf Tone, Ky nd .ieeal)le Tonel., and Beauty of jíimsli,liaK!,bj-juüges, been ITonouucc-d uurréoia- Particular attention raid to tli electionot Instruments lm distant orden, and a privilege il exchai.ije granled at :ti. tii.iu witbln .ilx ïuonthi il the Instrument liould not prove entirelv satirfactniy - A liliaal ditemmt tu Clergjlncn, Teachers and Sclmuls. Ternr: liln-r;' 1. WHOLESALE DEALERS wil] lind it to tl.elr advantiijte to p;iv os a by groaUy increased facilitie ■ we nru enablsd to lili uniera with dltpateb. ' S" ui wuvt of a REALI.V I''1I!ST CI.ASS IMANO will d'j uell tu cali bcloro liurcliuinir elseivbere, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CAR1IARÏ,NEEDHAM &CO'S CELE lï'K A T E D IIAKM0N1UMS, MELODEOSP . -VUNTID OHGr.SrS. AI,80 FOÍ OEOROE A. PR1NCE &, CO-S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufiicturets nuü Importas oí MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Stringfs, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otlier Musical Merchandise, The S4LTKK and fliMss Ivrtjifmexti", of ourmanufacturo and Importation, are used by a.uat all of the best Bands in Uit. United Slatet. and whenever xl.ibitd have alwaya received tho GulJ Uedata and uigiikst l'UEMMMs. Í- Haviogionnectton witb Maimfacturing House in licrlin.l.sipsio, Dresden, Bngland and Paris, we are prepared to fuvnish DEALERS, BANDS and IN1IIV1DULS, with everv artiole in UiU line, al the iowest , miLiiuiacturers" juicos. EMEMBEK THE PLACE, JULTUS BAUER & CO, 09 WASHINGTON STKEET, CHIOAGO, - ... IÍ.JL,, 1012 New Vurk Warerooms, 650 BroaJwaj . A HARE CHANGETO BUY GOODS CHEAP! I havo tu atora a ful! siuck i.f uiik and FANCY DRY GOODS, A fttUllMof DOiJESTlCa amt CHOICE GROCERIES i I All purckaued siaco üm WAR CLOSED! And owïnf;' to circuitísttinccs beyouil my coutrül, wish to make au Immediute Sale of the Stock. CASH BUYERS eao fot a fen uevksliavo jooda it jtut ubimt ÍHEIR O WIN PRIGES ! J. H. MAYNARD. Ma.vMI.,lí63. lu07tf DÉMEMBER G. W & E. SNOVER'S ■BOOT' STORE is thQ North Íoor f '-'roory'a New Bluck. i G,U0VEI!. I ÏÏMI


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