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'SFftM potte. tW The Sai Jacket Bitters are a corabination of rare lievbs and plants, wilh th purest and mildest of all sUmulants- fine oíd ripe Bourbon Whisky. Cali for the Red Jacket Bitters, and take no other. 1wlO21 DALLY THE SYSTEM. After a dispase lias been Oonqnered, there is till tbr that it leaTes behind it to be removed. Convalescence Is a tedious affair. If the enfsebledand flaccid mumjle, the fh.atte'ed nerves, the thinnnl blood could speak, they would cry aloud for help. In too many cases such help as is (riven thein is uot of the right kind. the Hery ctitnulan s of coinmerce do harm. They kindie a temporary llame, whieh is raockei v. Their eITict passes, an'l the last stato of him who uses thein is n-orse than the (rst. Hot such is the effect ol HOStBTTBS'S STO.MACH BITTERS. Tlicre is no drawbck to thei' toning propertiea. Balsamic plants and barks and roots contrib ute their restorative juices to render thii soothmg and Htrengthenintj preparación a pkotectivk and hemedui. agent. In basis is the only pure timulant which has ever been produced containing no fuscl oil or any ther deltterious element. Ihe most caroful and skillful cheiuista havo analzcd the Bitters, and pronounce them harmless. Thii h scientific testimony ; but the testimony of the hundred of thousanda who have experieuced the preventive andcurative effecta of the Oreal Vegetable Tonto and Allerative of modern times is still more conclusive. In and ague, d.vspepsia, biliousness, nervoun tomplainta, general debility, and chronic complaiuts it is as nearly infallible aa anytbini; in this fallible world can be. Sold everywhere. lvlO21 WIIISKEUS! WHISKEKS! Do you want WhtêkrBOr Moustnchesf OurGrecian Compound will force them 10 grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weekê.l'rice,1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed onreceiptof price. Addreea, 'WARNER & CO., Box 13S, Brookhn, N. Y. l}099. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an l;üy7f Warningand Instruction for Young Men- puhlished by theHoward Aaociation, and s?Dtfr_e of charge in ealed envelopes. Aldregs, Dr. 3. SKIU.IV HOUfiHTON', Howard Aseociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy996 ACrOODrREË Ití KNOWïTïjY ITS FRUIT, go s a good l'hysician by his Successlul Works . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, riIEOREAT AND CELÉBRATE!) Ï'HYSICIAN OF THK ÏIIROAT, LUNGB AND CHKST, Koonn all over the country au the Ce.lebrated IiVDIAw HERli DOCTOR! Fnm Pouth America. A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the life,study and ettensive travela of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireono, frceof cli&rge. Dr.I. will visit the sr.vitni! places asfollow : Jackson, llibbard House, 2Uth Ann Arbor, Monitor Hmse, 21st. Detroit, C'aa House, opposite Midi. Central Depot, each month, 22nd acd 23 rd. Mope of Eiasiixation.- The Doctor dincerus dieSM )ytheeyes. He, therefore,asks no questions nor re['lireR patients to explain symptoina. Afllicted, come audhave your symptoins and theloeation of your distseexDlained frc-e of charge jjüTTER WANTED ! I want for the NEW TORK MABKET! alltheGOOD BL'TTKR made in the Count)', for wliicb l WÜl ;iy Cash. on üelivery. or eithcr Larce or Pmall Lots. JOIliV H. MAVNARD. July 7th,IÍ65. amlOlfi Estáte of Wil'iam F. Lutz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnslitenavr, f?. 7 At a marión of the Probate Court for the County of Vashtennw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the nlnth day of Aneust, in the year onc thousáud clffht hundred and bttv-iT. Present, Hiram .T. Boake?, Jmlgr" of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Williain F Lntn. dejased. On readlng and fillng the petition, dnly veriisd, of John Jacob Pislier. praying that certam Int Timent now on flle in thla Court, puriiortin; to bo nc last Will and Testament of saitl dcceaed, may be admitted to Probite, and that he mav be apnointed Adrunistrator with tlie Will nnneied. Thereupon it is Ortlercd, that Momlay, the fonrth dl of Sept-mb. r next, at ten o'clork In the forenoon, e aealgned fur tlic hesrlng of aald petition, and lie leeatees, derleees, and hcirs at law of said decèaser1, ud all other pri-sons nterested in said estáte, are reUlired to sppear at a pesrion of aid Conrt, then to be nldcn at Mie Probate Ollice, in the City of Ann Arbor, nd show mse. ir any thore be. why the prnverof the etitioncr should not be granted : Ánd lt i íurther or. cred. thnt said petitioner give noüce to the persons inerested in said rstnte, of the pendeney f said petition. nd thn hearing tlvteof, by causing a copy of this Ordi r o be publishi'd in the Mi-ln'-in Árgtti a riewcpaper, rintei and eirrnlntinr in id County, three suecesive ■Hki previotis toia-ltbrof hearing ÍA trne copr.) 'niRAM .T. PKAKFS. Kl Jtide of Probate. 'PO ALL l'AÏKIOTS, -ANDIRISHMEN IN PARTICULAR! Grand Excursión and Pic-Nïc, -BV THEFENIAN BROTHERHOOD! The Detroit Ci re le of the Fenittn Hrotherhood, will givo a Grami Excursión tu A.XN AlUtOlï, on Wednésday, Augu&t 16th. At vvhich placo tbertj s 11 leone of the most t-xteiihivo Pie Níjs vor hel in thü State, toutuür wilh RTusic, Singing, Dancing on tbc Green, a ml overy other amusement wW h the hoart of an ejtturiiouist can joshibly deaire. It will be the most Magnificent Excursión and Pic-Nic Of tha fleanon. Tho spUuxii-1 Band of tb ]9th lïeifuta will a.r,jiiiiaiiv the excursión party. The Ana Arbor Band i aUo éagaged lur theocenflion. TlieCircied of Pontiac, Wvaudotte, Ynailaatt, Ann Arbor, CheUea.JucksoLami IMtle Creek. will joic in the lic Xic. - Refroshraenta wíll be ser Vel on the grouuils at in. cd erat6 ohavgas. The Rpaclous Fair (Jrnumls of tba Washlenaw County Agrieultural Society, with the ben ut i tul Groro ttttachcd, havo been kiri'lly tendered by that Asnucfationfir the ue of the exeursiauiatiu In case of ind.-ment w.'ather thero is fthrltttr undor the bulldlngl of these grouuJs for five thousand puople, A rare treat- A Genuine Irisk Piper in Full Costume, will disoourse soul stirriug mugic from bis anciwnt in. stnimeot. The Kxcursïon wlH leave th Central Iepot at 8 o'cluck in the morniug and arrivo at Aun Arbor at lüj' i'cloek. Tickets, $1 for the Round Trip. For sale everywhero. I!y order of tlio I). C. F. B. r-uiuMproN-s iStrawberry Balsnni, A CKRTAI.V REMBDY FOR D1ARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, Cholera Jlorbu, Flux, Hear' Burn, and all Bowel Comjjlüíiitíj . Entlvdly getable . A jecilie lorCamp l'iarrha'a OSBOKXE & HOWE.Prop'r, Buchanan, Mieh. BurnhamH & Viin 5cliaack, Chicago, ulul Farrand, kCo., Detroit, Wholesale Aeníi. 3nl02O TTER MIRROR MAY PatUty a lady that her ftreia fnultleas, but 25c iuvested in "Spanish Rouge," for jiolinliing SiJverwarfl añil metal? of uil kinds, will tddmoreto the bright and cheprful appenrance of her happy home thnn one bundred dollars expended in new ware. IjADIKS give itone tri il, and jou will join vitli u in saying that itimpro-es the appearaace of your ParI jrs and Kitchens one hundred per cent. For further particnlara we i efer you to our advertisement in Detroit Daily Papers. WALXaCJE St KRLSO, Western Wholesale Agenta, AlerriU lilock, corner Woodward und .lefferson Avtnues, Detroit, Michigan. STEBBINS te WILSON, Agents, Ann Arbor. 3mlO18 ffifW1 PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Jll Al &ü3 A ITKost IxquÍMÍle, Dclirnlc nnd FrnRrunt Perfume, Bi-ii llrd f rom llio Knrc miJ Birniiliful Fiorrcr from yt h i t li il tnltra i is nnmr, Mauufacturedonïyby B'IIAE.O-'V &: NO. 1 Beware of Counterfeits. AsJ: for l'haloii'it- Tah to nthet. Sold by drusista generally. Grcatest Medical Circular f A El EverPublished! f A Cl LJ W letter page for two kmj bt0r 3 cent ttumpa. && Younjf Men's Confidential Medical Advisers incale of Spennatorrhea or Seminal WeakueKs caused by ,M.Lstiirii:itnn, Genital i'antalizatíon, Helf-abuse, or secret ltabiU indulged in by youths at theage of puberty. DRS. JVCKSON, HER8ERT & CO., TroprietorH of the National Dyspensary, entablihed utCincinnati. Ohio.Jan. lat,.186O. Involuntitry EmihüionBlead to Impoteney, Con.sumption, Innanity and Death. Those who suffer in the least from thia banful practice, should apply tbe wholeenergy of the soul to the attainmeotof health and consequent cottteptment and happineKs. Rvery one, eilhor üick or well, should have our iraluable treatisp on tliis subject, whtch is gent free of charffe. Weguarantf-e to cure (ouorrboea,Gleet,áyphilla, Impoteney, Nocturnal Kmissions ei tíelf-Abuso, Diurnal EmRêfons, Feniale Complaints, in short, erery possible form andvarioty of Seiular DiseaHe. Cures raptd, tfioroue;h and permanent, and feee moderate.-1 Send for our Circular. DR. JACKSONS FKM ALK P1I.LP- % per box - Special written replies, well sealed, nent with the Circular, without charge. 3)0 pages, 100 engravingn. - (1Tho Monntain of Light, or Medieal Protector aad Marriage Qnide, and an Kxplicit Key to Love and Beauty." It SATIFACTOIÍILY reveáis variouHubjects never beforefully f xplamed in any popular work intVie Englishlanguago. I'rice 50 cents, or three for Medldn and rantroctïottB Rent prompily to any part of the country. Congaltlng Rooms of the Dispensary, No. 107 Sycfunore street. 1'. O. Box, No. 436. Dit. JACKPON'S ORIKNTAL LIKIMENT RmnvoK all coldness, and rejuvenates organs whicb liave lain dormant lot mnny year. Ca a be mailed with perfect afety. Price Ï2per bottle. PR.JACKRON'S FRF.NCH PATKNT MALE PAFE, H ia the only eure nnl pafe preventivo against con;racting disease ever invonted, Prico $1 each, $4 per half dozen, and $7 per dozen , sent by mail. 6m9ü6 Sri) J dOlsTVJLNCE t W[ 1 5 THE MOST SKEpTICALr, i ( JKATTHERE is UNEDUALLED $■ Í Jm ' VIRTUE EXT THE T ? f at" ■ or Jij, r f' -RA-RU HERBs JÍ [ BouRBONVkWSKyL J?, They strengthen and Invigorate the J syitem. s, f They give a good and healthy appetlte. VsJ J They assist digestión, rx m They are the best stlmulant In exlrtence A C xTheyarea preventiveof fever andague Ca Yj r They cure nervous headache. fC (h They are períectly pure and palatable. -S V i The Ited Jockot Bitters are eol in quart W f O tlei by nll druftglsta ud dealers in the country, Xf m PENNETT GIETERS & DU. ÖÖ jK íi RIVER 5T. CHICAQO , For ale by DuFOitlCSÏ A STKWART, Jobbsrs. A KSAfíK PIA"O- on o' -tli be?l inntrument nade - oiitirelv now . luqnii pailhp il' : ' ' ' - lOW 18 THE TIM1S For Imrgnius In AND CROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN, la now receivlng bis SPRI3STQ STOCK! DRY GUODS, CARPETS, and GROOERTES, bouglit at the recent Rreat declina In New York , aod willbetioid au low a iliu lowoBt Cali aud examine goodt und price before ()urcbuing. 0. H.MILI.EN. April, J863. piUNTS, 20 to 25 Onts. BEST DELAINE8, 81 cents. SHEETINGS, 80 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other goods at REDUCED PRICES! At 0. H. MHAEN'S. ]EW CARPETS, AT C. H. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DRESS GOODS of all kind, Ladles' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Ornamenta, &c , all th new ttjlei jutt receited aad lor mie ebeap. 1004tt C. H. MILLEN. HTHE GREAT CRISIS 1 O 1ST. B. COLE & CO-, have uatopeneda LARüE STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES, purchased niiice the GREAT FALL IN GOLD! which will be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION FROM PORMER PRICES. 0 Their Stock includes the X-natest Sltyles 2 natheQUALITYi th BEST IN MARSET. GIVE T1IEM A CALL before purchaaiug elsewbeio. R EPAIBING Neatly and Promptly Done, Store WeBt ide oí Court Huuns Square, two door.i Northof thoOld Tranklin. N. B. COLE, A. I). SP.Vf.ER. Ann Arborf April, 18fi3. 1006 j 865 CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PROF. R. J, LYONS Would inform hl PATTKNTS aml others interestted, that iu futur he tim be iteeu t the MONITOR HOUSE, -ON THESist OF EACH Month, inatead of the 2Gth, and at JAOKSON, ON THE SOtli, iiiiíttíftd of the 21t. Throat, liungs, Heart, Liver, The BloDd, and a!l otïior complirAted r.hruic romplaintn troated Buccessfull, y PROF. R. J. LY0IÍS, th wvl known and ce!ebrted INDIAN HEEB DOCTOR! rTrttl at tbp Ienitr Híium . Ann Arb'-r, wbv h rn bc enBul#4 fWF. O t'HAIKiK, o tb 91#iof ach Month. rturing 1 85 diid lbtlti. 1t1019. TT7 HAT EVKRYUODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENMNGS CAN (JET YOl Ui' A BETTÉÉ SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN yOü CAN BUY ELSKWUERE. PLUMER & JENNINGS eau 3tfI1" you very ÏVIUCH BETTER ttian vou can bupt to be FITTEi) elxt-where, PLUMER & JENNINGS can SEI.L L'fVVKK tlmn any tUr ,■) Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLÜMEH & JENNINGS have on hand the bost assoïtroeut of Furnishing Goods, (hls Ido ol Now Vork, vrhich they wül sellatprice whicli uil] ntmee all to buy. N. B.- G:ay'a Pntentud Molded Collar, l'niveraal Col lars, S;itin Knanuiled Byron rollara, (the Hrsl Hyrui] Kliaineled Collar ever manufactured ,) Fiench Prilltd Collur, Ward's l'rinteJ Collar, J.e Beau Ideal Collar, (Iinported] Garden 'ty ('ollar, futin Enaineled, patent Uutton Holo, Neiv York Excelsior l.ineu l'uper Collar, F. A. H. iOo's Improvedl'aper Collara , Massasoit Paper Collar, and in fact every discription of Papar Collars inanufactured, constantly on hand in large 41UU1tities. Second doorSotith of I'ublic Square, Mam 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan. lOOTtf TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS! JOHNSON i PIERSON haye reoejved the lat stock of woai mm aver brougbt to tUis market, whicb tbey are Belling at very 1.OW PKICKJ. The stock consista of- GENTS' SILK HATS- nll stvles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM IIATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BoYS' CAPS- all kind. GENTS' STRAW HATS. OHILDRENS' STRAW CATS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT ÍIATS, BOYS' ÖTRAW HATS, GENTLEMENS1 FURNISHING GOODS UMBUELLAS, CARPET & TRAVEL1NG BAGS, PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS, SÜNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and u fft0, 11 goods pertaioing to tneir trade. JOHNSON & PIEESON. MAJNFrREET . ,010tf - . ANK ARBOR HISTÖRYF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of tiê principal Contributort to tkc Dialonarifê o! ?a'h"" ILomin ''"V"'ic, llwgraphy, and Utog PLAN OF THE WORK, . ?incSir WaltorKalmgh solnce.1 hi imprisonrnem m tlit i lowerby the ooaporition of liis ■■ Histor) ot the World the Literatur of KngWi has never achievcd the work wbieh h Ift unllnisliea Thert havobesn " Uaiveraal Ilisturics," froru the' bulk "I an encycUijuKrtui to the mot meagreoutline, in hiel. theannal of ecch nation are epar;tely rec.rlvd but without au attempt to traoo tlio story of Divine l'roridence and human progrese m one connocled nar ratije. JtisproDosed toaupplythiB want h y a work codened enough to keep within a rLasonabieiZe but yet sofull as to bu free from the dry bal. oess ofan epitom-e. The I.itoratuf of Germnny abound in m tory.- sucha tho.e f Muller, Sehlosser, Karl vo. Kottock.Dunckcr.audotheri,- wl.tch at proretheile mand for sucha book.and furnMi modell in lome dr ree, for itssxeeution. Bul ven thoae 'great workare somewhat deficiënt in thntorganic unüy wliich h the chiel aim of this "Histjrv of the World " The story of ourwhole race," likethatol et'ch epar ate nation, has a beginning. a middle.aud an en'd " That story we nrume to foüow, from itsbeglnuinif 'in (h.. iiicrerl oord, milfronitbe dnwn of ax ilijation in the Kast,- through thesuccessive Oriental Kmpirop -the rise of liberty and the perfcclion of hcatlieiï, and literature in Greec and Home,- the chaniiewhichpaBsedovertliofacoof the world vl„n the liirhtof christianity piaiig up,- the origin and hrst uppearance of those barbarían races which orerkbcewboth divisions of the Ho.oftn Empire,- tb an nals of the States which rose on tno fctuntrè1. ruins ncludtng the pwtureiujue details of medieval hlütory and the stiKdy progreas of modi-rn liberty and cuiliza' Uon- Wd I he extensión ol these inllucncis b dis covery.conquest,col.mization,and Christen mwiñm to the remotest regions of the eürth In a word aseparate histories reflect the detached scènes of hni.ian action and fnffering, ournim Í8 to bring into ono view the several parts wbieh asaureíjv feral one ereat wholo, mnvingonwaris,inder the g'uvliuiaf of Dlvinr 1 roviilunce, totheuDkiion-neudofdaiojd 111 tiie purposes. Ko nains wiUhp spurínto malte Hjíí hlstory IchoUrlike in substanee and popular In style. lt nWbt, louuded on the best authorities.aacieDtand Modern, origi iial and ewindary. The rast progress rith mad.' m histoneal a3 vritical nvostlgations, the rertilti ob tamed frorn the modern scwuce of comparativo philol ogy, and the discoveries wfalch hare Inid 0111 ne souico of infofmatiim coneernipg (he Kist ffnrii such fa.:ilitiesatomako the present a lit etHjch lor ovv uiidertakmg. ' Ih worü will be divicled illto ;three Pertod ench complete ia itself, and will form Eigkt Volume 11 Kemv Octavo. I.- AnffliOT IIistohy, Sacred and ft.,„i thr Creationto the l'allof the Western líinpiie, tu A. I) 476. Two vo unies. II.- MmmvjT. TIistokv, Civil and EcelesiWicnl ; frnm the Fall of tbe Western Empire to tlie taking of Constantmopleby tlie Turks, in A. D. 1153. UVo Vol. unies. III.- MtmiR.v JIisTpRT ; trom tho Fall of the Byamttae Kmpiix' to ourownTirae. F„i,r Volamei. It will bepnblihe! in S vol 8 vo. Price in cloth S.SO per volume. Síieep, 4.5U. Hall lloroec-o $5.' Volume 1 now reafly. Agents Wanted in all parts of tlw Ootiiilry. Applications sbould be made at once to the I'uhlislira. D. APPLETON & CO., JatntraSS 443 e. J4tBroadway. N. Y NN ARBOR WOOLEN MILLS Are now ready to furnisli parlies with aïl kinds ol WOOLEN GOODS! Anc will EXCHANGE GOODS FOR WOOI,. rersniw furnishing their onn Wool, pan have it MASDFACTl'IiK!) intn any K1N1 OF WHIDS theV chooie.atSHO TNOTICE Also, particulnr attention will be given to CARI)liG OF ROLLS! unptied vitl, new ma.-hinerv of the hentndnjo.ta]'i pattern. . , , „ TOVMNaUN BKNT. Anu li-lujr, 3Hh, Mht Oth. lSfii. lï-!"ï 1UL.IUB BAÜEB & CO., il Grent Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPOEIÜM! WAHEROOMb IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," (9 WASHINGTON STREET., h'ew York Wttrerooms, GöO Broatluay, Wholesalo Atenta fur tlie U. S.for WM. KNABE & CO'S CEL1CBUATEI) Gold Medal Piano Fortes! A to tlie relative nerita of thse ÍTAKO3 w would rcfer to the Certifícate f Exri-llinro 11 iur jjoB8esiori f rom THALBEHG, GOTTSi 11 STRAHOStH, G. SATTER, II. VIKIX-' TKMPS, I,OUÏS 8TABB aud E.' Ml Ziofï ,- oal Director nf 1 he Hallan Opera, ais r.m.uu,i of the mot distinguinhcd Professor mul Ainaiuurf in tue country. All Instruments guaranutd for fin AJ.3O, ACFKT3 FOK SOEBBLER & SM1TH, BOARDMAN & GRAY, A. H, (iALE &CO., ■ And otber First ClaGS Planos. We have the ,A ROEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK of PIANOS IN THE CITY, Wtaich for Power and Sweftne of Tone, Eosy and Agieeable Touch, and Beauty ofï, been pronouuced unrival led. W I'articular attention paid to the selection n( Instruments for distant orders, and a ],rivile?e of exchange granted at any time within six montni ,if tlie InfitruiDent should not provo entirely hatisfiietory A liberal discount to Clcrgymen, Teachere and School lermv liberal. WH01.ESAI.E DÍAI.ERS wlll flnd it to thill advan. Ugeto giv uk a call,aBby grnatly ncreased facilitiea we are ennbled (o fill orders with dlepatch mfS. ''"ñ"?" in Want orMALLy P1RST-CI.ASS HAMO will du well tü caü helore purchasing eUoWHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART.NBEDHAM&CO'S CElmiHATIÜD HABMONIUMS, MELOUEON?, ■ f on fiEORGE A. PRINCE A CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, MaoufacturerBand Importors of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! String-s, Accordeons, Vipltns, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otner Musical Mercfaandise, The Silvkr and Biuss Ivetbcmekts, of our mantiractureandlniportation, are used by most all of the bctt Bands tn the United Staten, and whenever exhibited have alay reoied the Gold Medals and hiühest PKBMJGklB. S" HaringconnectHin wlth Manufacturing Housei In Berlín. I.sipsic, Dresden. Enjlnnd and Paris we ars preparalto furnish DEALERS, BANDS and INUIV1DLALS, with every artiele in this line, at the lowest manufacturera' Drices. HKMEMBERTHE PI.ACE, JÜLIUS BAÜEE & CO., 69 WASHINGTON 6TREET, CHICAGO, ---. ill., 10la Naw York Wareroonn, 050 Broadwaj. P EAHE CHANGETO BUT GOODS CÏÏEAP! I bar lo lor fulj tock of etauls aod FANCY DEY GOODS, A full lina of DOUESTICS and CHOICE GROCERIES ! I AlliurcUscd sioa iha WAR CLOSED! Anri owinff tn r-ironnistanocs leytnil my control, Wlsll tO Wftkü HU Immediate Sale of (he Stock. CASH BUYERS can fer a íev wwks have goods at justabmit TH EIK OWiN PRIGES ! J. H. MAYNARD, May 5th , 18G5. 10Q7tf T)EMEMBER G. & E. SNOVER'S in tho North door of Gregory's ew HloeV, G.W.SMER, E, SMER, 103S


Old News
Michigan Argus