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From Texas And Mexico

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JNaw ïork, Aug; lö. The HtraW Ts.tss correspondent gives snme sooount of the msroh of Merritt's Cuvilry, ofid the wj ifc is spaftsn of. The men tvore generalij xrell reoeived by the inhabitan(t. Dr. Penblep, the newly sppointed Oolloclor of Castoras at' G-alveston, had Rrrived at that plaoe, and wonid soon open the Ouetom-notiHe. Affíiir ou botb the Texss and Mexicn side of the Rio Grande were qniet at the date of the lfit sdvioea. . Twro oolored soldiers were exocnted at Brownavillo, n July 26th, for committing ontragee orifemales. An ontire dÍ7Bon of the 24th colorod troop paroded on the ocoaaion, end the appearanco, discipline and deportment of ths troops formed the theme of entbusisatio oommendation on the part of Texan and Moxioan spectstori, great nnmbera of whotu were present. Cortinas, wi'h !s forcé of republicana, still ijovêfed around Matamoras, but had yet made no f'urlhor attaok on the town, and it was not supposed that ho would, h3 nuaibers boing too iasignifioant. A Matamoraa pñper revives the story that Es Senator Gwin 19 at the head of the Imperia] Q-overnmont of the State of Sonora, at an annual sa}ary of $60,000, but as for duoal or öther uoblo titles ho had noco. A Novblty in' Iíailhoa IIefreshmbnt. - A gunilaniaa traveling on the coutinont aetids to the Londo'n Timet a noto regarding a plan adopted at Vesonl, a raüvvay statioa 411 ■ Fe neo, whioh he recommends to the restaurants at British stations, und whioh might, perhajiB, bo copred with advantago iu this country. No trains stopped long at Vosoul, but "M.M. the travelers" aro iutoimnd by plentiful ndvertiseirioots that, f they wiëh either breakfast or dinner, they will find hot meats in baskeu at lie buffet The ïneala are qouipoaed of three dishes, half a bottle of wine, braad aud dessert. The passengers loava the ompty buskut and dishep, half an hour later, at, tlio next statiun, and pay tuo fraucs üity ceutiiBta, or üb.iut 50 cents in Aineriuan currency, for thoir leisurcly and coLufortalilü rfepast.


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