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MISS !v A. HORA npHE SESSION LAWS FÖQ JPARM FO1J SAUil il '■'1" FarminViüii -tho I,OT JIou ,,),.lai,; '' Ú A(JKL i?E. C. BOYLAN tbbirrj [.aséongors ai i bK to „ƒ ■: ' '-1-■ ■-■■■.■■■: nU%S ' IMU) ' GÜÍT-& W-A-iNTKÜ ! The HeqruX Serviré, the Fieid, the ü-WRgeoBj, tiie BY ALBERT P. KICHA3DS0I, Jf. Y. TiltiBi Correspondent, 70,000 GöpiesSoM in 60 hp ■ TBS most iiiteresting snel oici'ing bockmiiafc hshü, embrsdDü Mr. . , . ,1 u-, ,. f .uii v;„. pene-a l r tuur .vjsr. ï thro: 3i ttlSjuli in Cbo iovatt Mivi „f tïrt " rrlbtt'u '; i llitotlt,reak of Efaa war, with ot;r r.ruilw aad ileeu Hk r.Ml sr.-,l ffíil.í ,rjo(i.!l(.■.i ; hl thríliing tójiture ; l:l coafittmtJil tircnty montba in : , ■ ,.:, enoipe, fiu . py „, hjjhI osar!j 400roil?. lt ■„■ , stimi(M. K(l COntM rai ruUHBMOf taf. r, ilunn; other wors vet pnbLibwI. BunK iar? of 1 : ■ A grt r.Enr Loot will jut be wrilw ccncij-olni titiB Tfir, :n :"■ ; io mtiay airead in print ; bal notor.cof ibnrn t . i a similar C'impui, a clr..-r, fuüs.-, more rw!i)l account. tulireii Irw perso ïLv, of thfl aatu; , a'oirotti L'iirpMM. t;m.!j!Tci'i3T and instruit-at?.!:!!!- of tiie lc#n' o:J.n dooi tjio aa'pjatenlnsr narruirsof H( Richard i.::." Tecbr-rfi. ladie. tnrgotic yoim? ujib, au'!. especilU returatiir.rt disabk'd oMcr aud soidicrt, i"iKH irofii:il)!o emplu.mat, riUHnl u. piruvurljiMf! to thslr condltiOD Uend for oircolar. iiMMl AMSEÍCAN ïfBLBMIÜW COMPAST, Hartford, Cuiiiicilcot. S...vt,).7 S Beau, Agauta. 4vtll)21 Morfo-ago Sole. WEEHEÁB, ilp.f'.ul! hae been arfe in Hii condilioB of -i crtain Indcnture of Slortgage, niadea exocutod ou the twentv-third d;iv of Öe&embcr,A.j DSÍ5, by Peter F. Kanouse, trt me, the updereki whu-h Slortgage was rluly recordttl on the thirTictü ai of Beeembofr aforesaid, in Liber N. 12 oi'Mortssg on pot' ■ 1 66, in I lic office of the Ktdster of detèv" MortgagEB, in aun for the County of Waphtcna, uj State of Micïagun ; anct, wherefls, thercisnowdiKiM unpaid on :iid Mortgagc and Note accomwinjWl"' same, tbo sum of $2TO,SS ; an;i, whcren". nosm'H procecrlingá at law or eqnity bue been iiistiiatfldtot cover the saino, or any part thereof : Now, tüerefoffi notiee ia hereby giTen, that. by virtue of a poffer sale in pald Mortgag contained, I ehall feil at WJ Auction to the W -Murilay, tbeW dav of November ti xt, at 12 o'clock, M . of eatfl W, at 'the front door of the Circuit Cour; House, mthecKT of Ana Arbor, in said County of Wcshtenaw. " premit""i described in eaiti Mortgage, to-vr; P)asi balf ofthe South-Wcst Quartcr (E,Vi of Sectlon No. 4, in Towu.-Uip _d. 4 Sonlaof Iw"? No.-6East, tu said pn ■' nrresof o and ;-i(.u;;t( d ia the ( louaty ut' WashtenaWi aforeJW f)atd, Angnst lrttti, !-■;:.. C. VAN HUSOS, Mortgif Moore & Gbiffix, AtLorueys for Mortgag. ih" Esïate of Sarah M. Tate. OTATK OP MH'HIGAN. CotrNTT of Wasotb" O At a sescioD of the r for ihoCoii?1 Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, i ",,„' of Atm AvImh-, onMonday, the fmirtemtb -r,.;,, puBt.iu tlio year onc thoxieand eight hundred'"' livu. Present, llimm J. Pirake.?. Jndge of Prob w. In the matter uf the Estáte of Sarah M. "f"r On reading and lilina; the petition, daly er'PV William Tate, praying that he may be appM" ■ ministrator of the estáte of eaid deceaued. ipon iti? 0,-dmcl, that MmiLiy. 'he c „ 1 day ofSíptember uext, át ilu-iir.' " „ assigned for the hearing of said petition, oatMJT at law of eaid d Sased, and all other pf'f-'l fioa of said Conrt, then to he holden ut the rn" Ofllce, in i',-.' Í ity „f Aun áa-bor, andhowcaMft""J thcre be, Tt-'nv ih'i: prayer of the petitioner ; r. begranted: Aiul it is funher ordexed, Lha'; tioner give notie.e to the pi rsons i'itl-'i'''fU'(',"1r( tate. of the pende.ncy of said petition, iind tue ".-. J thereof, by caustag a oopy of this (Irctr olPK tnthj ' 'i:) , ,iom hrtfnëin akideonnty, thrce successive veeat"'! to said day of hcariiig. A,:ue„,py, niKAM.,-: Q1AIE-ÜILJUC111GAX, Coi.-.. i ■;'1;,r'Ü 0 At il sc-.-i 'ij , f li,e , ■ ..... of AnTi Árbor. oa 'lliurniaj . '1 o tcr.lli l!") " ui the ■ mi onc Ihiiumnil u'iglu hnnJred ' ' BI' " Pruscnt.HiKíMj. í üïLjlfafri ' In the matter of i i eirá '' ' (lii iéi. ih Gaines, pniji.m tuut a corUl gg mii"! to Probate, 53 üiat ebe njy M'l' of Reptemupriiexr, at '■ n ó'. i. in aiiipned l'ir the hcarii:g of ■ the legatePR, (tevwos. n'ñil l"irs at '" . . Cfi !, -.ii.i all other pcr"ns iutorenti Kr :cii'n("l hi íipn !tr 'il :. m j-i' 1] f sn ..-. !.. '. ,■ hoidf-n at thé l'r.'biit. fin i-C in Hip ". Arbor, and -liow muf, II nny "''', ld: il prnyer if l! it is furlhor ordt:;, the piTi.ons Dtei, . e-1""1! ol , !;tim 01 said putiünn, ani! xli.' ! '■,.' ' ■ oopyol thi Ordoi to b ' ' i mi v, thiee succe .:.. iïcc bh previout "


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