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Tornado At South Bend

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A very destructive tornado passed tbrough tlje vilïaga of South Beüd and vicinity, on Wednesday eveuing. It was one of the most furious and deyustatiug Bliirma ever kuown ia the Yc.!. lts track was about 200 yards widé, counueuciog a mila and a Eálf east of Notra Dame College, und spending its fury, as f ar ás could be ascertained-, ubuut ton líales west of the villagts. It swept through thu centre of the towi , duinohshing or rlutmigiug nearly every building in its courso. The roofs and chimueys of substautial struclures weru swept off as if made of straw, and mauy fíame buildings wera ruined. Trees, ghrubbery, fences, out houses, etc, were ; torn to itoins and swept off 01 thu wings of tlie wind. ïhe Oourt House, ! a larga bríok building-, was unroofed and the largatret:-8 aróatwllii vvere i down. Ouo of the churches was'sfiso uni-oofed. Soveial large briok buildings, i u oouj-aa ai oj'tiyii iw j-JW'iïS?iii'1j'! of tfet town, (ifti Hundreds of residenoen sbared iu tha general daicí'gn of demoliVihn. The most serioua luss to South Bend, ho.vüver, is the destruetion oí tho large b'idge acrosa the St. Josoph river, some three hundred feet long, and eoating upwards of $24,000, which vTas swept off, and will requiro a long time to replaco it. The cutir' loss is estimated at about $200,000. The . extent of tho los$. to farmers aud othera outside tho villuge can not now be aseerta'med, but must be very heavy, inasmuoh aa erops, fences, barus, orohards, houses etc., were swept down by the torrillio hurricaua. Tlje Nótfca Danio College buildings and grounds 'fortuuately eseaped all di.mage. Strange to say, nO lives were lost by the disaster, though niany peraons were uiore or lus injured - two seriously.


Old News
Michigan Argus