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The Failure Of The Cable

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At 12 o'douk nn;l 35 minute V. il., on Wedcesduy, August 2d, at n distimue j of 1,003 luilrs fri.iii Va!ti. lia, ai,d GÜO ' miles froui Honrt'ij Content, and wben 1,312 milos of cabio vvera pnyej ial, the óable bücame injured by chaS'ig, parted, ! and the end disnppeared nstantly, g ing ' to tho botton) in 1,950 fiithonis. Pour attejnpts wero mudu timisu ilm oable, md I tbrae timee it was fiahed up y giaj Loiikfi, Uut úl huisiiüg appatalus gavo wuj aftcr u g;cat ngtb of ropo liad boeü drawn in. Buoys wero i e ft to mark tho plauo, and Lbo Great Easter.a roturneJ to for Bew gwpjdirig and hoïsting aipaiatus, wi!h rt-fiich it fs uiid'er tood rcnewcd tflorts wi!l lió maijo to raise tho cable. We hoped for ;Lo 8UC;:e-'s o! tho pulí! irii-e, Lul can not B}' thal we have inucli hopo l'iat íIih cabio wiíJ bo raisod. It seënia fo us too great a FeaL to be sivccs.-íiiüy :;ecomjiished, asujl wo foai1 that colü iïiviij isnt iou with Eugland via thu Atlautio Cabio í iot yet. fyLr A meeting hns been held 'i'u Dotroii, and an assooiation formod, look ng to tho oreetion m that city of p. State Monument, commomorating the orvices tho soldiors of Michigaïl hsivo ■endored in putting down tho robeilion vhiuh throütened tho lifo of tho nation. Dio pvoeeediiigs oí the meeting will bs 'ound in another columu. It ia fit and )roper that Michigan, as a State, should ecogüizo thü heroio deeds and patiënt pufforings of her sons, and we are glad that the werk haa been entered upon, and by a class of men, that almost we nay say assuredly, guarantees its comjletion. The monument should bo such an one aa the meraory of quF brivo do )arted brothers deserves, suuh au one as will teil to comida; aros of rrener ous and noble sacrifico upon the aliar of their country. It i?, perhaps, too carly ;o speuk of its form, or character, or material, but it is just tho time lo com mend the project to the good will and liberality of our readers, and thal vto do without reserve.


Old News
Michigan Argus