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8G5. GHANGE OF DATE. 1806. prof. r. j. um% Woul.l iufonn hU PAT] KNTS itnd otliers iuttrestod, thftt in future he can be secn at lbo MONITOR HOUSE, ! -ON TUESist OF EACH Morith, i-nsload of tho CWk, anü at jA-oicsoisr, o'jsr the sott, insteaduf tbo 21t. Throat, Lungs, He art, Liver, The Elood, a ad aliothev couiplicated chronio compIaiDtü troatud succtíssl'uily, by PEOF. E. J. LYOKS, tho wcll lïnovii and celubratöd INDIAN HERB DOCTOR ï Oall nï Hio Monitor House. Ann Arbor, wh.-ro he can be (jomnlted FKEE 01 CHARGE, en the Sint of racb Month, uring 1805 andlr.. lyl19. A GBNTS WAÏ(TEÏ) -FORThe Secret service, the Field, tlic JDun?eon, anl tlie Escape. BY ALBERT D. RICHAEDSON, N. Y. Tribune Correspondent, 70,000 Copies Sold in 60 Days. The most ïaterefitiug and ex cl tí pg book over published, erabracing Mr. Bictarf on1 unjiiiruDeled cxpenence for fotír yoars. Traveüng througfb the euth in the secret Bpcvtce of tito "Tribune " at the jroak of the war, with onr nrnnu.s and fleeta, both liast and West, dnrinL the ürst two yewra of ih.j Ele i)ellion ; his thrilling capture ; bis eoufinerrvent for twcnly ino'ths in seven different refeej prisoaa ; M-; .'scüjn.1, :m 1 ulmust mira ciuolis journuy by nilitof ieaflj 400 miles. ít pril! afcónml lü Bxïrrmg eventg, md eontam more of the faet, inctdent And EQmaacfi of the war, tiianany otlitr work yet pn.blisliñü. Hotaee 5(reèlej Bftys f it ! li A great masy bool;. will yotbe written c'o'ncern!ni - 1 1 1 s wiu-, ui a.l.liïi ,n io tbo mVny fclready in print. ; büt aot one of thom will gíve, witliia a aimilar, uumpass, a ilearer, iüller, more reaable account, entirely ftom personal obscrv;iíiun, of tltenívture,animu.s pvtrposes. téiwlenciíW, and iiifitrumentalities of the slavfthnldfrrB1 rebelHon, thau does the unpitOU(3ing aarrative of Mr, EüctíarñSOB." T aofadrs, l:t'l oh , etifM'írtiíic yonng men, nrA especially return, d ;nd disablfd officara and Boldie, in want of ptofitable employmtint, will linM it particular!; adapted Lo-tlieir conditioD, tiend for cii"uulars. Addross AMERICAN rUBLISÏIING CüMPANY, llniiljid, Connectlcnt. ScSastOS & BURK, Ajjeats. 4wlO22. Vi) ■ ' tíOKTVUSXCE 5sï JüB THE MOST SKEPTICAL. 5L i % THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLEO $%. % " VIRTUE IN THE ÍK % BMW AQKET% a i w scír[fcaA([K] Af f 0 iJieyare a.conftiinaíxóít'sii W ixepare aaxLltija ch o ie est _( ' Í' They streagthen and invigorate the Ifr 6ystcm. tí tl ' They give a good and healthy appeüte. XJJ; p fïhey assist digestión. X fcn They ave the best stimulant in existence Agl)f n -v They ave a pveventive of fevev and agüe fr V df They cuve nevvous headache. V3r i ft They are perfectly puve and palatable. ,,jw Í- u Tli8KoJJckc-tBittBranreoldin quurt V3ÊJ 7" C tlea by ftü dnipgÏBts and dealers iu the country. Vnfr m BEN.NETT PIETERS & W Ifw #1 RIVER ST. CHICAGCf 'jMj ■Mjv. , SOLÉ PROPRIETORS.' ucSfci Forsaleby DkVOKIvíI' & S1KWAUT, Jt.bbars. ■ NEW PERFUME FOR THE HAHDKERCHIEF. A ÜIOMt Exïiiiit-5 tlclicnlc nnl Wrairrnnt lerAran Wisiillrd iVom ilc Ï5re anti Mraniifiil Flower froiu !iih il tnUc iiJi name. Manuroctarodoiilyijy I'HAl-OiV &; MOiV. I Beware of Counterfeits. J.8]; l'iaoii's- Tt);e o otlterSold'by druggists generally. plANO AND HARP. MISS JENN1E WOOD RKSVKCTKUr.T.y Informa llie ei f zon. of Aun Arbor, thal baviDg iccuully taken ui her rt '■!'""' amoua Ibein. ebe is jir:ijtrí;d Ui givo THORÜUGH [NSTBÜCÏ1ON3 ttppn the nml solieüs a generou liare of llioir patronage. - Uisi'lerce at Mm. Fullfr's, Main Street, two rloors SDUtb of Mack .V: cbmidts. ltCSli. A BARE CHANCE. The snbscribor offers for salo Illa linuse unl lot on Miller Avenue, ii.liuiinng on the V.nt llio iilaoo of O. Hankini, Esrj. The lot coitiins bout two ncru, frunliDg 12 tg.d 00 tlie Avi'ime, witll au OUCHAKD of Well Seleded Fruits, ]iiBt coming into It ia atithin íiImhiI V20 rods 'of the Court öousé'Squaro, and ín a desirable lóoáth.n Inuuire of mjscli pr D. Hennino. J.p.SOHÜI-TZ. Anu Arbor, Augast 484,1866, 4wlo-3 TTOTEL FOR SALE! The valuable property in tbo City of Ann Arbor, knowu as CÜOK'S HOTEL, ïb iiow offerod fur sale cheap, Inquire immediately on the premi sea of J. F. AVERT. 1 Ann Aibcr, Angnst 8th, 1855. HV'ltf VU HAT EVEIiYííOPY SAYti ! PLÜMER & JENNINGS CAN GET YOL' Ul' A Bl'.TTEB SUXT OF CXtOTHES TIIAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWliERE. PLUMER & JENNINGS IVSUCH BETTER thaii yaa can i.-opa to Uc KVÍ'TKl) elsowlieva. PLUMER & JENNINGS can SEIX IJWKK lhn utier Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLÜMER & JENNINGS hñve on Imnd tho best assuitmeut of Furnishing Goods, tliís síde of New York, wliícli íbey wfll scll at p rices wliicli wi.l aauce all to buy. N. Tí.- íí:ay's Patenío.l Moldad Collar. Universal ColUura, Satín Kuan!"!c-i Byron ('wliaiü, [the Oral Byron Eñawieled Collar ever maoufa-ctureí.J Fiencli Pftnted Collar, Ward'.s Printed Cellar, Le Beau Ideal Collar, flmpoied] Garden Citj Collar, Satín Enanielod, patent i'iiiu.n Hole, Xew York Excelsior Linen l'apor Collars. F. A. H. & Co'.s Improved Paper Collars, Massasoit Paper Cullnr, and n fací everv dlflcriptiofi of Paper Collars manufacturad, coostautly on hand in largo quanti ties . SèCODd doof Siutli of l'ublic SqHítro, Mam St , Aun Arbur, Michigan. lOOTt? TTAÏs7AissT AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON i PIERSON have receíveJ Ihe lareat stock of ever broulit to tilia market, wliicii tlier.nre sellinjj al very 1.OW PBSCJS. Tho stock consistís of- GENTS' SILK HATS- all stylca. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW ÍJAT8. CU1LDRENS' STRAW CATS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS UM13RELLAS, OAEPET ás TRAVEL! NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SÜNDOWNS. SEAKERS, and in fac(, all goods pertaining to tlieir ti'ade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIXSTIIEET, - - JOtOtf - - AXX ARBOR. HISTORY OP THE WORLD. BT PHILIP SMITH, B. A. Onc of the principal Conlribtiton to the Dii'tionartfs of Qrrtk and? Roman Aititjuittes, Biograplty, and Gtog rapky. PLAN OF THE WORK. BfuceStr WatterRaleighfiolaoed his imprUonment lit the Tower by the compoaitrkm of hia " kiatorj of Lii e World," tbe Litara Uwe of Rlngland baa never fróhievedtke wotk whicïl he left uniinislied. There hae been " Univer-Ml Histories," from the bulk oi anencycl.)íc(lía to the most meagre outline, in whicli the aunáis ui each nation are Heparately reeordt-d ; but without an attempt to trace the story of Divino Providente, and human progresa iu one coünected nar rative. It is prouosed to supply this want by a work, condensedenongh to wkhin a reaseable-size, uut yet sofull as to be free from the dry balcness of an epitome. Thé Liter a ture of Germán? abounda in history, - suchas those of Muller, SchlOBser, Karl von Rottock, luncker,!indoth(Ts, - which at provethede■mand for sucli a book, and fnrnïgb model, in aome degree,for it execution. But even those reat worka are somewhat deficiënt in Uiut orgtvkic unity which is the chief aim of this "IIUt-ry of the World." The story of ourwhole race, hke that oí eich separ ato nation, lian " a bei;itiniiig , a ui ida le, and an end. " Thai story we pmpose to follow, frora itsbeipnitlg in tliHsacreil recn-il.s, and from tlie duwu of civilization in the Kust, - tlirouili thesuooessWe Oriental Em pires, - the rise of liborty ;md the periection of beatben polity, Aits, and literuturü in Greecc and Rome, - the chanee wlitcli passed over the face of the world vben the liiib.t of christianity prang up, - the origin and first appearancft of those barbarían races which overthrew both diviaïons Df the Roman Empire, - the an nalsof tht' SU les wbich on tm Kmpire'a ruins ncluiHng-tho picturofique details of mel$efat histnry, and ihL-sicmiy prup-res.s of modern libcffy and citü - and Uiopxtfiisitm ui these ïnfluences, by dis covery. conquosl , ffQloalzatton, and Christian missious, to the ri'iuotfst iviiuns m' Uu earth In a word, as scji.i rata historian re Heet the detac.lied set-nes of human actiou and suffeting, our aim ia t') brin inio one view thu fseveral rmrtei which asKitrely form one great wlmlo, tiid iii:;niiw:i nis. ïnnlei' the guManee cf Divine l'rovidonce, to the unkuuwn (ud ordü'ined in tho Iurposcs. Ko püi witlbo spared to máko tliis histoy choïafliko in subntïwiee and pfimlar in st lo. itwiH be founded on the best &othoriHes,HCÍent rnd napdern enigtual an ï secondary. Tbe vast progresa recentTj made in histórica 1 and eritJcai investiga tions, the rrsuUs ohtained from ttle inodoi-n seu-nc ■■ u! ■ ■'n a-.'itivc plwlulogy, and the áiScdvferiéS Tvnicïi have lítíd opSí new Bomrcea of ïuiofmaiiou copcerning the East, afford Kuch facilities &sto malte the present a fit oioch íor bvr andertaktng. wuvk flfüj In1 dividcd ÜlH ■lnn' ÍVniMli, eafli complete tnítsetf, and wil! furnoKiWL VoUnaeji ia ! ■--.,, . ücta b. I.- Ancien-t Hirrony, Panred. :im cul:'! from the Cteatiun to the FalTof tbe Western Trapúi-, in A. I. 47'i, Two vo.'umes. II. - Mkdievat 1iti)ky, ('ivil ft ml Ëeelesuwtlaul ; from tbc Fall of the Weeterp Eippiieo t!o tnkiiig of Constantinople by the Turk, in A. I. W53. Two Volumes. III. - Modsbh-RistObTj trom the Fall of the Byzantine EmpJro to our nwnTiines. Kour Voltinrw. H will bo pubüMht'd n 8 vols. 8 vo, l'rice in r.lolli. f6.B0 per viihirac. Sheep, 64.5U. Half Moroccu, $ö. Volume 1 now readj . Agents Wapted ih all parts of the Country, .ppUwtibns shoüld be mude at once to the VublisliD. APPLKTON & CO., 2amtf938 443 t 444 Broadway. N. Y T UMBER YARD ! C. KRAPF, Has a. larse nnrl wcll stocked tjimlm ,, son Street, inihe Soutt part of tbe City, aml w ill keef conf:tuitly on juinü mi exoelkst variety of LUMBEB, SiriNO-I.KR, LA'i'H, &c. whicb will be ftold as low as can beulTordtíd in this narkei . Quality anrtin-icesHucli tkat no one neeil go to ; ti-oit. CüMl.M) KSAPFi Ana Arlcr,Dic. rth,1864. 'JtftiU ?-. &!,■■. m-taiïm A KNABE I'IANO- ono of the bent instrument tnarltí - eutueïv uew. laquiieatthe ARGUS OFFICE. jULlUö BAÜKK Lc VO., Qrcftt Piano Forte and MuUulcun EMPOEIUM! WAREROOMfe IN " CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 69 WASHINGTON STREET., New York Warerooots, G30 Brnadway. Wholesale Agenta for tl. e V. S. for WM, KNABE & CO'S C EX K T3 K A T K:D, Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relativo merits of Iuo9g l'IN'OS, we wotild refer ín tlie Ccr'-iflcates of Kxi-cllenee in out jjossession frcun THiLBERO, GO'I TSt HAI.K, STRAKOSCH, (i. SATTEK, H. VIETiXTKMPS, T.OUIS STABB oud E. MtZIO, l!uicnl Director of 1 lie liitlian Optra, as a)BO trom s ome of the tnosi distingui:hed Profeaacrp nnd Amatetirfl in the cuuutry. All Intítyuuicuts guuranttcii fur fivt yeara. ALSO, AGEST3 FOR SOEBBLElt &. SM1ÏH, BOARDMAN & GRAY, A.H. GALE &CO,_, And otherFi'rst-Ciass PUdoi. Wg have tho LAROEPTund BEST ASSORTED STOCK of PIANOS IN' THE CITY, which for l'ower anti Sweetceaa of Tone, Eft&y and Agieeablc loucli, und Beauty of Finish, have, 1 judges, beun pronouuued vnrivatled. rarticula'r attcution pa!,l to the seleotion oí Instniiji flits Par dUiatU orders, and a privilege of vxcho&ge granted at any time within ríx montan , if the Initrumeiit Bhould ïiot prove eniirely satisfactory -■ A libtml discount to Clei'gvmen, Ttachein and íácliüül. Term liberal. WHOLESALE D.TAI.EKS will find it to tl]eïr advantftge to giv us a cal], as by greatíy iocreásed íucilitics we aro aabled to fill orders ith diêpatch. ,6 PersofiaiQ want of a BE ALL Y FiliSTCI.AfS PIANO will do wfcll to culi beíore purchatiinj; ult.itwheru. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CÁRHART,NESDHAM&CO'S CELEBRKTKD HABMON1UJKS, IELODÍÍONF -A-IKrrD OHGANS, A-LSO FOB GEORGE A. PRINCE & CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufacturera and Importar oí MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Viölins, Clarinets, Guitars, And otlier Musical Merchandlse, The SlXYSB and Bkass TbTiiriiKxts, of our manufncture andlrtípnitation, aro use;l by most all of the beat Bands in the Vnited States, an.l wlienever exliibited have alwuys received thö Gold ilcdala andHiGHBST l'IifcïlH'MS. M3jr Havine connectiort tfith Manufacturing Housea iu Berlín, I.bipsio, Dresdf n, Engiand and Paris, w1 are - preparédto f'urnish DLvLERS, BANDS and INDIV1ÜU1LS, with cvL'iy artielo in thia line, at tbe lowest manufacturera' pr&es. UEálEMBErÍHE PLACE, JULIUS BÁUER & CÜ.S 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - 1LL., 1012 New York Warerooms, 650 Broadwaj. J KAEE CHANGE ÏÜ BUY GOODS CHEAP! I have la etore a fult stook of itaple and FANCY DRY GOODS, A fullllne of DOMESTICS aml CHOICS GROCERIES i ! All imrchftbe-1 ulnoe the WAR CLOSED! Aml owintf lo circuuiMtanccs beyood tuy control, wish to m:ikö au Immediate Sale of the Stock, CASH BUYERS can for il fow weks have goods at jut abouk rHEIIl OWIS PRIOES! J. H. MAYNAED, May5th,18C5lOOTtf UEMEMBEll G. & A. SNOVEK'S is the Nortli door of Gregorj Ney tyfrG.W.SMEL t 'SSÖVER, 1096


Old News
Michigan Argus