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President Johnson's Letter To Gov. Sharkey

President Johnson's Letter To Gov. Sharkey image
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"We give tbe foüowingj corroo copy in tull of tho letter of Prosident Johnson, wiiioh is bo'mg so extcnsivcly conitnented on by tho press : (i It is believed there can be organized in uach county a foroe of oitizen rnilitia to'preservö order aud enforce the civil anthority of tho United Status, which wou'd onablo the Federal Government to red uno tho army and withdraw, to a great extent, the forcos from tho State, thoreby roducing the enormous expenses of the Governmont. " If there waa any danger frnra an origanizatioa ol the citizons for the pur pose indicated the military are there to suppress, od the firat appearanue, any move insurreetioDary in ita charaeter. One great objoct is to induce the peopio to come forward in defense of the State and Federal Government. General Washington declared tbat the peopio, or the militia, was the arm of the Constitution, or the arm of the United Statos, and, as soon as it is practicable, the original design of the Government should be resuoiod undor the principies of the great charter of fraodom handcd down to tha people by the fouader of tho Rcpublic. The peopla must be trustod with their government, and, ii trusled, my opinión is that thoy wijl act in goud faiih aud restore their formar coustitutioual relations with all the States composing the Union. " The main object of General Cari Sahurz's mission to the South was to aiu, a3 much as practicable, íq earrying out the policy adopted by the Government for restoring tho Statos to their formar relations with the Federal Goverrment. It is hoped sucb aid bas been given. Tho proclamation authorizing tho reslor.'ition of' State Government requires the military to aid tho Provisional Governor in tho porformanoe öf bis diity, as prescribed in tbo proclamation, and in no manner to interfero or throw impedimenta in the way of tho consummation of the objoct of bis appointment, at least witliout advising tho Government oí (hc intonded iuterference. (Signcd) " Andkew Johnson." Alexander II, H. Stuart, Mr. Fillmore's Secretary of the Interior, lias been nominated for Congress in the Slaunton (Virginia) District. A project bas been set on foot at Rouen to purchase, by a national subscription, tho tower in wliicb took place sevorul great incidents in the, trial of Joan of Afo.


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