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OBDINáWCE NO. 53. An Crdinance for the Preservation of Order and Quiet in tho City of Ann Arbor. Be it ordairted by the Mayor, hlecorder, and Al' drffien of the City of Ann Arbor : Seo 1 . Tlmt evi-ry person keeping any nlace of business or entertainment, within the City of Aun Arbor, exoept keepers of Hotels, Bo ird'mg Houses, Drug Stores, and Medical Offices, shall keep the public éntranos or entrañosa thereof, jlcs-.'d daring the flrst day of the week, nnd shall not opon uuy such entrance or par the same to be opened or continue open for Ihe admipsion of any person or persona, other than hiinself, liiri clcrk, agcnt, siTvant, or lodgw ihürein, or a civil omcer and h asai-tants in his einpUy on official business, nt any time between the liours of eleven o'cloek, P. Al of Saturday, and four o'cloek, A.. M. of the Mondtiy next lollowing. Seo. 2. That no person keeping any piuco of business or entertainment whatsoever, within said city, sh.U permit any persons to congrégate or renmin upon .anv part of tho prt-misos kapt 1 y hini, as evich place of business or entertainment, or the apurtenances thereof, unjer his control, for the purpoe of drinking. gaming, or other diversion or reerention, during any part of the timo inentioned in the precedlirg section. Seo. 3. That no person keeping any Gro cery, Saloon, Billiara Koonr, Ball Allev, or other placa of business or entertainment, where wine, beer, or Jirltuoua liquors are sold, within said city, shall at any lime perm'it or suffer to be comrnitted upón any part of any such premisea ke])t by him, or the ap purlenance3 thereof, unc'.er hia control, any breach of the peacö or revelry or any riotous, disorderly, boisterous, profane, or indecent conduct or behavior, or shall aell or give to any person to be drank, on or about his said premisas any wine, beer or eider, in suilicient quantity or quantities to intoxícate such person, or sell or give to any person, being intoxicated at the time, any sjch spirituous liquors, wine, beer or eider, in any quantity whatsoeYer, or shall sell or give to any mÍDor any such spirituous liquors, wine, beer or eider, without tlio oonsenfc in writing oí' tlie pareut or guardián of sueh minor. Sec. 4. That. no pelusa except keepers of Hoteh, Boarding Houses, Drug Stores and Physicians, in the necessary, proper and legitímate exeríise of their resp ctive vocatious as such, and civil offieers in the legal and proper discharge of their duiy as luch, shall transact any sci-ular business or do any marnier of service or work whatsoever, except wotks of neeeesity or chnrity, within the city of Ann Arbor, on the first day of the week. - Provided, that tlie Cummon Council of said city, may in their discretion licenae one or more reputable persons to keep a victualiing house or victualiing houses or other place or places of entertainment within aaid eily subject to the provisions of Section 3, of this ordinance, and such other eonditions and restvictions as said Ommon Council may deem most eonducive to the good order of said city; and such license when granted shall exump. the person to whom the same ehaíl be issued trom the foregoing provisions of this section, and also from the provisions of sections ote and two of tliis ordinanes, so far as auch ixemption shall beclearly expressed in Buch license ; but shall not be conatrued to license the sale of spirituous liquors, nor the transaction of any business or the providing or yiv ing of any entertainment not clearly set forth or described therein. And it is declared to be no part of the intent or purpose of this proviso, or oí any of the proviaions of this ordinince, to exempt auy person from liability or prosecution under any of the provisiona oí' Chapter 44 of the Compiled Lawa of this State. Seo. 5. Every person convicted of a violation of either tho first or second section of tliis ordinanee, shall be subject to a fine of not less than len dollars, nor more than one hundred dullars. with coots of pooaecution, or be confined in the County Jail not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the diBcretion of the court. Sec. 6. Every persou oonvicted of a violati u of any provisión of the third sectiun of this nrdinance, ehall be punished, íf such violation shall have been connnitted on any day other than the first day of the week, by a fine not Ipss trian tun aullar, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by impnsonment in thc County Jail not excaeding thirty days, or both, in the discret'on of the Court cr Magiatraie befoM whom theconvietion shall bo had ; or if committed on the 1 dny of the week, or at any time between the hours mentioned in tlie first section of this ordi nance, by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not less than ten. nor more than thirty days, or botii, such 5ne and impnsonment in the discretion of tita Ooui't or ilagistrate, aforesaid. Seo. 7. Every per-on convicted of & violation of the fourtb section of this ordinanee, shftll be subject to a fine of not leEs than one dollar, nor more than ton dollars, wilh costa of prosecution, or be confined in the County Jail not exceeding ten days, or bath, in the discretion of the court. Sec 8. Every person wboshall be present at any place of business or entertainment within the city of Ann Arbor, on the first day of the week, 01 at any time between ihe hours mentioned in the first seetion of this ordinanee, for ths purpose of any diversion or entertainment whatsoever, not duly licensed as herein before provided, unless such place shall be a Hotel or Boarding liouse, and such person a stranger, tra veler or lodger therin, and entertained eolely as such, shall on conviotion theieof, be punished as provided in tho next preceding seetion. Seo 9. Every person whoshall at any time be present at any grocery, saloon, bilhard room, bal', alley, or other place of business or entertainment where wine, bcer or spirituous liquors are sold, within said cily, and shall Hiere engage in or b? guilty of any breach of the peaee, or rcveliy, or any riotous, boisterous, profane or indecent conductor behavior, to the dieturbance of the peace or good order of said city, shall, on conviction thereuf, be punished in the manner provided in section six of this ordinanee for tbe punishment of persons eonvicted of a violatiou of section tbree. ■S'ec. 10. In all prosecution for anyalleged violation of the first, second or third section of this ordinanee, the act or acts of the elerk, eervant, or employee of the person aecused, Bhall be taken and construed to be the act or acts of such aceused person ; and every violation of any or either of the provisions of either of said sections, shall, if committed in his presence or with his knowledge, be conetasrvèly presumed to have been comraitted with his permission, and in all prosecutiolis for any alleged violation of the provisions of section three, relating to Ihe sale or gift of spirittious liquors, wine, beer or eider to minors, tho fact of non-age shall be presumed against the person aecused, until he shall, bv competent testimony, establish the faat of full age. Seo', 11. It shall be the duty of the Marshal, Sheriff, or any Constable, who shall have knowledge of the violaüon of any of the provi si ora of this ordinanee, forthwith to arrest the persons offending, and take thein forlhwilh befcre a MaLtrate lor trial, uuleas such arrest bo made on Sunday, in which Crise he shall commit them to the County Jail of the Couaty, until 9 o'cloek, A. M. of the next day, and then bring them beforo a Magistrato for trial. Sec, 12. It is furtlier ordained, that City Ordinanee No. 31, entitled an ordinaire relativa to selling ititoxicating Uquora tu dranken persons and others, mado and passed in Cominon Council May llth, 1857, and Ordinanee No. 43, entitled an ordinanee for the proservation of order and quiet, made and passed in Cominon Council, Oetober 7th, Is6l, be and the same are h'ereby repealed. Made and passed in Comraon Council, September 4th, 1S65. W. S. MAYNARD, Mnvor. D. Ckameii, Recorder. 2wlO25 JAliM FOR SALE! The umitM-RiiK"! wiKhps to Relt lii Farm in PiUfielíl, .-nlj'jiuiug tbe Tiran IIuusc. The Farm coiitaiui, ïeo -vo:eï.:e;!3, l"0 pctos ïinflcr p-ood ImprovenK-nt, with a large brick E UouBe, -J BaruB, &c. J SAMUEL MORGAN, PfttsBelrt, August lltb 18CÍ. 1022 ryO Tilíi LADTES. GEOEGE H. REED & CO. 'S rpiili oonatint dmnd w.. have had for T.1QUID DYES X luu iiíúncod u U) put u u completo liieuí 40 fehades all .Líquid?, which will rocoi-imeud tlipmselves to erfry one wlio hua ever uned Liijuiü D yuj fur Billlancy of Colors, Siinplicity of Use, Certainty of Sallsfaotlon. j (Complete Directions for uso wílh every uackage.) USE THE BEST ARTÍULE. Ste Certifícales from tvtivent Chcmim, on tach packagc. ' Samples .ctually dyed wlth tnr.h of the colora on silk and wcjlan, umy be seea at the Iing Stores. &T SOID BVEETWHBKE. Ü3 If yon denire tolusuro (00D ÍVII.0R8. tnquiro for KKKlJ'S I'OMl .STIC BïtH, and takt nu olher kind. ÜEOEGE II. REED Jt CO , L'oston, iianufactarors. FARRAND. SHELEY & CO., Agkmtï. CmlO25 Detroit, Micihgají. Oíd and young shauld use STERLING'S fv FOB The Hair. It preyents or Btopa the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beantifies, Preserves, and rendera it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free Crom Dandruff, It is tho best ITair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, 8olb proprietors, NEW . YORK. em1025 (0 W. O H ■ ■ 1 e yj GENTS WANTED -POR OURGR E AT IVAT10JNAL WORK, Tlic Ilfe, Time and Pnbilo Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By DR. L, P. BROCKETT. This #ork Ia eotirely new and original, and contalns njore of his early HUtorj, Folittcal career, Speeche Messiiges, Pröclanaations, &c, togetber with tlje scènes and incident corinected witU his uagic ntl, tlian any othor work published. Teachers, ladies, energelic young men, and especially returned and disabled officers and ioldiera, in want of profitab e eraployment, rill find it peculiarly adapted tu their conrlition. We havo agents cleaving $IEO per mcnth,wliieh wo will prove to any doubtiug applicuitt. Scad for circulara. Addi ess JONE? yíUOTIIFRS & CO., No. 148 Wijst Fouirrn Pt , 3mlO35 Cincinnati, Ohio. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS b'RUIT. Sü íh a gooii l'hysician by hia Wuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAT AND CELEBRATEI) PHYSICIAN OF TUE THROAt, LÜNGS AX1) CHEST, Known all over tho countr as the Celobrated INDIAS HKRB DOCTOR! From South Anioric. A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the life,Rtudy and cxteanive travels of Dr. Lyon1 oan be procured by all whodosiveonr-, fre of obftfge. Dr. L will visit the soveral pUtea aBfolluws : Jackson,IIib1i:u-d House, 20th. Ann Arbór, Monitor House, 21at. Petroit, Cfcsa House, opposito Mich. Contral Depot, each month, 22ndand 28rö. MOMüCrt Rïajunation.- The Doctor diKcernp diseases bytkeeyos. fïe, thcrfTort1 ,asl;s 110 queitions nor reqiii-eKpatientg to explain ymptoras. Afflictod, come and have your iymptomfi a ml the 1 oca t ion of your dis eiiHexplained free of charge TvISSOLUTION OF CO-PAKTNERSHirThe c.o-partnorshïp heroioforc extsifnff lïptireon the subscribe, unde: the Brm and itvle of K. IIOÜPKR & SON, is thisday diRsolved by mutual consent. All perKoiiF hüviiitr claims apainst the late firm, wlïl pleftoè procent them lor adjustment. and all persons ndebtert to tho said firin , wlÜ picase cali immediatcly and Rettle. R. HOOPER, F. li.IIOOPER. Ann Arbor, Sept. lst, 18P5. ' 6wlO25 lyTOTICEI The budines" of Bi'ewing, in its varions branclips. willlre continuedat. tho old stand oí the l,atIiim,by the undersiineil, who, thankful for past patronage, hopes for continue1! favoïs. F. B. HOOPER. Ann Arbor, Sept. lst, 1805. 6wlO25 1V"OTICE ! The 8nperint.endnt8 of the Poit for bhe Tounty of Washienaw, will meet at the County Ponr Hoiiko, on lbo first Tnosdíiy in October next, for tlie parpOSi of audiling accounts. B. W. WAITE, ) P. DA VIS, 3upt. Wm. R. MARTIN, i Pnird, Sept. Oth, 1Ï. 1025 Journal, Noivr, and Courier, cach, copy .1 weeks. lISSOLUTION. The co-partnershin hereiofore existing between Drs. lewitt k, Broakey, was dissolvcd Jan. lst, 18'''5. LEWJTT & BRKAK.EY. August 22d, 185, # SftlO i 865 Olí ANUÍ? OF PATE. 1FC.0 iiïUrs tía Ji L b 'íiii Woulil Inform hta PATIËNTE ud i. Hiera Intertfated, that in futuro he can be aocn at the. MO&ITOB, HOU&E,: i -OX TOKQlst OF EACH Month, instoO ítf the SOtli, ftud at jrvci-rsoayr, oisr o-uie so tu, in.sWad uf tlio 21rft. Throat, LungB, Heart, Liver, The Blood, and all othur compüeated chrmfo coraplain'a treattid SUCCtíSsl lUl , l PROF. E. J. LYONS, tlis wöll knuwn aud celwbrated INDIAN ÏÏERB DOCTOR! Cali at 1 lie fc!1itor lToi;p . Ann Arbor, whero lie can be cnuaulted E Ol' CI1ARUE, on Ule 21st of ach Month, during 1 Poó and ltítiti. lylOM. M THEMOSTSKEPTICALr.1 $■ THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED Jb VIRTUEINTHEI % Ai il" of _ 'v t f, TA"RK HERBS ft Tpv íxepaxedarLilia Iioicest .ww í ? 0L.E O u aBON WÜlSKY CJÍ iey trengthen && invigorate the I?r X system. YfFt JZ They give a pood and healthy appetite. vlff j They astsist digestión. VNíS They are the best stimulant in exïstence l&jiïfê C tVyTheyareapreventlveof fever and aguo $&L. F They cure nervous headache. Jr ÍS ïhey ai-e pcrfectly pure and palatable. -JTfiT i. U T)iö Red Jacki-t Bitters arö sold in quait Aák+ J A tles by all druggit and dealera in tli country. F]" m PENNETTflETERS &OO, A Ai %L "'VERST. CHIOflDQ VEj ÍvSk.. . EOÍ.E J-noeRIEXOBS. tJËrX For Kale by DlFOKEi3ï & STEWAKT, Jobbers. MEW FERFUMÏÏ FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A nSost KsijiiHiti', LelLcai csntl Frneraiït BíM-í"utBC, IJisti Mnï from Iho ISnrn nat tl lSenutif'ul Flowcr from vr li irli ïi tnlï- its name. MunnfacturedonlybyPHAI.OIV & 8ON. E1 Beware of Counterfeits. JLsJc foi' l'Ktïon'ti - Tufce no othav Sold by drugststs gcnerally. Rille Facto'fy! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J.Sutherland,] Manufaoturers of aud Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunïtion Flaslis, Poushes Game Bags, and Evcryothor article íl that Line. Allkindsof jFs.:s:EP.A.x:jFs.x:icrc3donenttlie aliortest notice, uud mtnebest maunnr. a fullassorlïaen talways kopt nn hand and made oriler ■ftW Shop corner Maniind Washington treets. Ann Arhor.Oct. 8.1Sfi2. 873tf niAISO AND HARP. MISS JEIVN1E WOOD RESFfTFUIXT Inform tl-.c ci'tiiena of Ann Arbor, that havinv ro:iMitlv t:ikn up her leaideiree smous ttaem. niio la ptepièd to gve THOKOUGB INSTRTOnONS upon tho ttJlJ? &c PIANO, and solicita a generons aliare cT th!r - RftaideDce at Mía, Falle r% Malu btroet, two dours South of Mack & Schuiidtp. ]O23tt". A KAKE CHANCE. Tho subscribes offora for sale hln house nnd lot on Miller üvenue, adjoinin on the est the ii]ce of O. HnwkinH, F.Rq. The left cimtains abnut two ucrei, froating 12 rods on the Avennc, with id ORCIIARD of Well Selecied Fruits, juat coming into bfarin. Tt ís within abuí líO rols df the C'ourt House Square, anl in a denirablfl locatiun. Inquiro of KTSClf or D.'!. J.F.SCHÜI.TZ. Aun Arbor, August 20tl, 188S, 4wlO23 J.JOTEL FOR SALE I Tlio valnublo pi-operty In the City of Ann Arbor, knowu m COOK'S HOTEL, ír low offsred for salo c.eap, Imj niro imraediatelj" on the premise of ,T. F. AVKRY. Ann Arbor, August 8tli, 18fí5. 30-üf FOR"8ALËT f)A HOÜSE8 AND LOC8, wotth frum $1,000 to JJ S5,000. AIko severl impn.ved I'AILMS. A.J.SUTIUiÜLAM), Ann Arbor, Feb. 2l,lfi65. 09-ltf (JommcrcialAgent. rpHK MASOK A HAMLIN CABINET L ORGAKS, Forty different stylpfi, adaiited to nftpièft and secular mnsie, for80 to ífiO') o:i.-h. TIiIBTY-FIVE GOLD or Sir.VF.R MB'AI.?, or other Brut premiums swsrded thf-m. HluatrfltedCiitalcgne-tfrre. Adrll-fs, MASÓN HSMI.IN, Hosio.v, or MASO.N' KKOTIIKHS, NliW Yprií. lvlOio Bill! liiiitwiiïïüCSwSwSkMt?' '■ ' ■' ' "fflËHfc'n Fresli Lrrival at the He?dquarters of GÍISTEÍ1TOJ & CO.'S CLOTHING ESTABLISEM'T SeeoiiJl to nosie, in Ihe States ! you can riND Arfcieles of Every Deseriptïcn FOR MEW'S WEAR, toannfactured at prices at whlch wa Defy Competition Whatever! We wou!d almpiy state thst ono of the flrm I cobitantly lookiug out ia New York, to siTpply ua with GOOD AND C1AP iiOODS Such as no olher House can boast of We are now rcady to exlji'oi: a large stock of GENTS' FÜRHSSUING GOODS, OP EVEEY DESCRIPïIOÏT. Also a large stock of Beaver Olotlis, VEST1NGS, S? CASSIMERES, TO EE MADE TT? TO ORDES, OR BOLD BY THB YARD, at rery lovr prlces. L3f If you have any dou-bta cali and soa for yourselveu. ÖÜÏTERMAxV & CO. A MAMMOTH STOOK OF FALL GOODS! At the Corner Store of including CA88IMEEES, C LOTUS, FLANNELS, DEESS GOODS, PIUNTS, G0TT0N8, DOMESTICS, GROCERIES, &o., &c. öall and sec them ! Ann Avbor, Sept., 18G5. lC25u OGHOOL BOOKS! MEDICAL BOOKSÜ LAW BOOKS !!! The abovo wlth a Large Assortmonl of HISIMAH8 BOOKS! -FOR SALE BYJOHN F. MILLER & CO., Ann Arbor, Sept. Ut, 1665. 3mlO24.


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