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gLISS & HITíL " Have jurt received A URGE STOCK OF GOODS wbich they are selling at ÜEDUCED PRICES ConsistiBg in part of the following ; CLOCKS, WATCIIES, JEUElfi[, Siircr and Plated Ware, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MÖSiCAL INSTRUMENTS, Pkase Give Them a Cali! CLOCKS, WATCÜES, & JlilW, BEPAIRED BY EXPEEIENCED WORKMEN, JÍt the oM staB'l uf C. BL1SS , Epiat shlc of JfamStmt, Ann Apbof, Michigan. C. B 1,1 SS, A. T. HILI, Pptem1)'.r 26tli, 1S65'. tflO2g Estáte of Ferrand Gaines. CTATE OF MICHIGAIÍ, Cotruty of Washteimr.n Notice is hcreby ;iveu, tBat bv m ertbr of the Probate Court of the Couuty of Wosbten&w, nmde od tto twenty-eighth day of September A.ü. ISGóysixmonlb 'rom 'thnt dato were allovred for creditors to present ■ their chliras :i;iiust the eywte oí Femmd GameA iate of snid County, deceased, mid that all creditonof itl decp!t.sed, are requircd to present their dnims tosaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, for examination and aliowauce, on or liefbretbe ■ twenty-eighth day of March next, and tliat 4 elaim wil! be heard befare said Probate Gomt on Sturday, the twenty-third uay of December, aii'J Walneaday, the twcTily-cïblh day of Warfi uext, at tea o'clock in the forenoon of eacb (f thoee dat. HIRAM J. BBAKEf), Jodge of'l'robalo, Dated, Ann Arbor,. September 2Sth, 15. 10i3 Estáte of Joseph F. JenDiag. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Coiuity cf WashtfMw, tf. & Notice is hereby giveu, that bv an onkïr of tiiePiwbate Court of the Connty of Waflhteñair, Máfl 'd the twenty-flfth ciay of September, A. 1). 1. ss montha frocn chat diite were allowed for creduön lo presenj their clnhns sgaliffit the estáte of Josi-ph F. .iemiii late of said County, deceftsed, and that ail creditors of wijd deceased, are reqnired to present thi-ir claims 10 said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the Uty of Ann Arbor, for cxfíminalion and allownoce, onorbefore the twenty-sixth day of March next, aud that such claims will be heard before raid Probate Court, co Saturday, the twenty-third day of December, aoij Menday, i hei twenty-sixth day of March next, at ten o'cloet in the forenoon of each of those days. HIRAH J. BKAKSS, .Tiidïe of Proba. Dated, Aun Arbor, September 25th, ÏSOS. Estáte of Thomaw Wood, STATE ÓF MICHIGAN, C'ünnty of Wahten. At H session of the Probate cöurt for the C'ouily ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate Oilke, in Ik City of Anu Arbor, on Monday, the tweDty-fifÜi ity of September, in the year one thousaud eight hundí and sixty-five. Present. Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of "Thomas Wood oeased. On reading and filing the petition, dnly verified, ' John C. Woocl, praying that Thomas S. Sanforior eome other suitable person may be appointed AdluiBW" trator i)f the estáte of eaid deoettfed. Thereupon it is Ordercd, that Mondar, the twratjthird day of October next, at ten otloci ■ the forenoon, be asaitfned for the teartas of h petition, and that the widow and hora a' w i of eaid óVceaseri, amï all other persons iuterestea in said estáte, are reqiiired to appear at iW" said Court, then to be holden at the Probate WMfc ln the City of Ann Arlior, mid show canse, if MJ tl be. why the prayer of the petitiouer tuttil! not M grantod : And it' is fnrthcr ordered, that said prtMMJ glve notice to the persons interested in stiitl Ci:Ilili the pemlcncy of said petition, and the hewiug tlieItr' by caosing a copy of this Order to be im'JishdiiiW Michigan Arffitfi, a newspaper printed iindcirf nl.itmf sald County, three suecessive weeks pn-viuiis to mw dav of hearing. (A true copy.) IIIRAJt ,T. EEAKE. 10iS Jndge of FroWeEstáte of Norman M. Cummings. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CVintïw W m. At a session of the Probate Court for the V'"!. "' W8hten8w, holden at the Probate Office, in '"fW of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-CTO?5 of September, in the year one thousandt'igl'inniio and slxty-flve. Present, Hiram J. Iieakos, Jndge of Trora'e. In the matter of the Estáte of Norna ' ím minga, deoeased. ., , j On rc;liiiL' nul lilincr the petition, dnlv veritro." Dennis .1. Rockwell, Administrator "f eííft prayinff that he ruay be lieensed to sell cerWm rem tate whereof said deceasecl (lied selxed. . ,„ TUoreupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the W "V of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, aidgned Kn the hearing of said peütion, ainUMi'" hoirs ut liw of said deceased, and all other personsinj ested in sad estáte, are reqnired to appear at l st'l of said Court, theu tu be holden at the Probrte om in the City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, if ""!'', ïï be, why the prayer of the petitioner shmcl ' grantcd : And it is fnrther ordered, that i"1.'1''"1",! er glve notice to the persons interested in w C1"J of the pendeucy of said petition. and the hcWPPZ ■„ of, by causing a copy of this Order to be P""'ÏJJit, tiie Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed il!K . j tintrin said Cuuiity. four successive week1: pro to said day of hearing. o EtatB of Oeorge W. Lnmbard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C.irNTv of WAinTWAW, At a session of the Probate Court for tlwCoiUMl Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ra J"S of Anu Arlior, on Thursday, the tweiitv-nretaw. September, in the yeur one tnoasand eight Uuntireu sixtv-llve. 'Present. Hiram .T. Beakes, Jndge of Probuti. In the matter of tUe Estáte of Georgc W. Lmw deceased. .. 0( On readlng and (Hing the petition, duly viiin?ïmAutoinette lombard, praying that Horatwü. w '( bard muy be appolnl ed Ádmiuistrator de bo 'm the estáte of said decraBod. lKl% oit Therenpon it is Ordcrcd, that Satnrday, tnc -( day of Oefober ne.t, at ten vlorkin i!"1 for7',i,,i 'the asilgned for the hearing of eaid petition, '"' ' „linhelra at law of said deceased, and all oth ll('r Jf.. tereated in said estáte, are required to npir !, ' ,u pinn of said Court. then to be holden """ irjiif Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show caBftJJ there be, why the prayer of the petltloner SuJj, begranted: And It is fnrthcr ordered. tlult. "jjestioner Hve notice to the persons ïnteresteau1 Jvjjg tate, of the pendency of said petition, amV , ,'il thereof, by causinp a copy of this Order t'll'fl cjrf,iin the Michigan Ar,us, a DewspopCT P"nteí „■UjO latías in said Connty, thrce snecessive weeMF" to said day of hraring. rCc i-A inie copy.) HIKA.M .■ ' : LK. ia-m yj ' jndgeofi"


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Michigan Argus