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i? pttiftl potte Passenger trains now leave Detroit and tlie several stations in this (Jounty as follows: GOING WEST. Mail Diiy Beiter Even. Nit'ht Train Kx. Ace. Ex. Es. Detroit, 7 .15 a.m10.30a.m 4-35 l'.M 5.25 P.M 11 .011 i'.M YpKilanti, S.40 " 11.55 ' B12 " .50 " 12.55a.ji Ann Albor, 9. OS " 12.-15 PM 0 35 " 7.10 " 1.00 " Dexter, u.05 " 12.0 ' 7 00" 7.16 ' Clielst'u, 9.55 " 12.55 7.50 " GOING EAST. Even. IH'tter Xisht Iay Mail Kx. Ace. Kx. Kx. Train Clielsea, , Tj8.1a.m8-80 P.MB.OOr.K DextlT, - (i.OóA.M 7.55 " .1.45 " 5.20 " Ann Arbor, 4.25 A.K tM " 8-20 " 4.05 ' 5.50 " Tpallantl, 4 5 " 70) ' 8.40 " 4.25 " B.12 ■ Detroit, 6.10" 8.25 " 10 00 " 5.45 "7.45 " The Mail Train rmis to and from Marshall. 8.3 The Iieaiing and rëgüTatlng effect of the Red Jacket Bitters upoo ilie bowels, in wliatever way tliey may be disordered, is admitted to be one of its most valuable cliaracleristics ; and lienco its usefulness in chnüc, diarrhwi, cholera morbos and dysrntery. nPiiE HORRORS "op INDIGESTIÓN You comphiin of jour stomuch, anfortnnate dygpeptic ; but ought not your stomach to complain of you? l'ossibly the pnrgs you onc'uru aro simpïy the ■tom&oh's method of taking revengo upon you Tor ne#lecting and abusing it. IVrhaps you have ncver made an effort to iraprove its comütion, but on the other hand are eoutinualij" crainniing it With unwholesonie and incongruous food. Have you ever tricd HOSTBA'TKK'ri STOMACH BMTKKS, a proper diot, and regular niïal.s? The Bitters in a week woald put your diges tive apparatus in perfect order, regu'ate the flow of bile in accordance with the laws of healtli, and pro duco justso nmch apcrisnt actinn as ivonld be necoss;trv fur yourgood ; and wbon you were once all right, judicioub and regular dietinc:, with a little f Jhe Touic now and then, would keep you to. If you have neglccted these means of cure, don't blame your etomach ftrits rebellion. It ís merely nature'e hint fhat she wants help. If you neglect ït .tbonextthing may be Intlammation, or Scirrhus Cáncer, or -sorne othor violent and clangèr&ns disenso. ïheve s such a tliinp: as be int? too late in these nmtterH. Hostktter'm Bitters will cure Dyspepsia; but Dypepsia muy engender dlseasfi vrhich defyall restorativea. lwlO29 rRUMproN'S Strawberry J3alsam, A CEKTAIX REMEDY FOR DIARRHCEA, DYSJENTERY, Cholera Morbus, Flux, HearA Burn, and allBoive Coinpliiints, Entirely vegetable. A specitie forCamp Dfarrhcai OSBOÏtXE & HOWE, Prop'rs, Buchanan, Midi. riurnliams & Van cliaack, Chicago, and Fa r rand Sheeley &Co., Detroit, Wholesale Agenta. SmlO'-'O A CARD T0 INVALIDO. A Clergyman, while residing in Potttli America a. a missíonary, tiiscuvered a safe ;tnd simple remedy for tlio Curo of Nervoua Weakness, Early Decay, Dlsesses of the Urínary and Seminal Organs , and the whole train of disorders hrought on by baneful and vicioua fiabfts. Great numbera havi been airead; cu red by tlus noble remedy, Prompted by adesivo to benefit the aHlicted and unfortunate, I wil! send the rocipe tor preparing and usiug thia medicino, io a sealed euvelope, lo any one who need-t it, Frce of Chargt, riease inclose a post paid envelope, add-essed to yourdelf. JOSEPIÏ T. INMAN, Siatio.v D, Rntr.B Ilorsa, GmlO25 New Yoi-k City. WHISKEItS! AVIIISKEKS: Do y ou want Wliisknrsor Mous taches? üur G roeian Compound will force them to grow on the 'ace or cliin, or hair on bftld lieads, in Six Weeks.- Price,$1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, cloaely sealed, onreceiptof price. Addregs, WAiïNER k CO., Box 133, BrookhD, N. Y. Iy999. . THE BRIOAL CHAMEK, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Meu - pubüshod y the Howard Assnciation, and sutfre of charge in ealedenvelopes. A.ldress, Pr. J. SKIIXIX HOUGlfTONT, Howard Aggoeiation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. 1996 pOOT KOT iSSHËËlP can be thoroughly curel by using WHITTEMORE'S CÜEE -FOKFOOT I?OT IN SHEEP! It i jus't whxt it ís represented to be, A PERFECT CURE. Ask for Whitieinore1 Cure, and take no otlier. The f'olkïwing Certifícate is a sample of the testimoniáis constant ly being receïved : Kltlaxd, Vt„ July Hth, 1865. F. W. Whittrmore, Bsq. ; OkarSir; Having tried your Cure for Foot Rot in Shoep, I wouM Bay for the benelitof ï?htep Raisers ïatthey should lose no time In proooring a bottíe, as t certainly will cure the Foot Rot in Icss tíineaml ith less trouble than auy piejiaration of lilue Vitnoí r nnything elsp. I have ever usyd. Yours,truly, LEKD8 BILLÍNGS. F. W. WlHTTBMORETsóle Propriolor, Chatham i corners, Columbia Co. , N. Y, FO SALE n Aun Arbor by EBERBACH k CO., oie Agents. 3mlO26. A GOOD TREE 18 KNOWN SY f IÏS FRUIT. So is a good l'hysician by his Successfu] Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, HE GREAT AND CEI.KBRATKD I'HYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, tONGS AND CHEST, Known al! over the couutn a the Olebrated WDIAr HEKJi DOCTOR! From South AmericA A NEAT PAM]HLET Of the life,study and extensive tr.avels of Dr. Lyon? can be procured by allwhodesireone, free of charge. Dr. I. will visit the Beveral places asfoUowa : Jackon,Hbbard House, 20th. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 21st. Detroit, Cass House, opposite iüch. Central Pepo t , each month, 22nland Üiírd. Modb of Examisation. - The Doctor disceriifi ilíeeases by the eyes . He, th ere Core ,asks no quettions nor rerMÍrfts patíents t explain symptomR. Afllicted, come and have your symptoms and the location of your disoaxexylained free of charpe Oíd and young should use STERLING'S fy y FOR " The Hair. It prevenís or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beantifies, , Preserves, and rendera it Soft and ' Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It is the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. CmlO25 piAJNO AND HARP. MISS JENN1E WOOD RESPECTFÜIXY inrorros the citizpns of Ana Arbor, that liaving recently taken up her leftirieaee amoiitj Ihcm. she is preparetl to give THÜKOUCiïï 1NSÏBUCIWNS ufon the I.J.'EK.IE Sc FXjflSrO, fiml solicita a generous share cí their patronado. - at Mrs. Kullfr's, Main btiect, twn (ioors uuth of Jlack k Sehmidte. 1023H. i yLISS & HIJ. L Havo juit received A LARQE STOCK OF GOODS which Üiey are sellin nt REDÜOED PRICES Centlsting Id pnrt of the folio wing : CLOCKS, WATCHES, JBWELRY, Silv; r and Platetl Ware, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Please Give Thera a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCHES, & JEWBLBY, HEPAIREJD BY EXPEHIENCED WORKMEN, At tlie oíd stand of C. ÜLISS, E;ist side of Main Strcct, Ann Albur, iliclniran. C. BLISS, A. T. IUI,L. Pcpiomber S6:li, 1S65. tflO28 'i TO rn ■ - ."-:■■ "ji O I SKs OF THE LATE8T STYLES &4 , JÊ w. BATS & CAPS ! H Straw Goeds ! RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ostrich. Feathers, TRUNKS, VALSEES, Gents' Collar?, Canes, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c, &c. BUFTAZ.O ROBES l A Splemliil Assortment of GBA'TS' & LAD1ES' FLR GOODS ! Please cali and oxaniine for yoursolvea. N. B.- Particular attention paiil to BEDKESSIN'G 'and REPAIKINO XiASISS' aïTTXÏ 3 ! I.ADIES' CAPES &MUFFS iieatly relined ond dressed over by oxperienced hands aud at reasonable THOMPSON'S FÜR STORE, Hl'HO.V STREKT, Aun Arbor,Mich. tdThe highast cash pi ice paid for Furs. 3mlO27. TT ATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON have received tlie iarest stock of WUB 1116 over broujht to this market, wliich tliey are selling at very LOW rlUCES. The stock conststs of- GENT8' SILK HATS-all styles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM IIATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HAÏS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CAFS AND ÏÏATSCHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FÜKNISHING GOODS. UMBRELLAS, CARPET fc TRAVEL] NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAG8. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and in fací, all goods pertaining to tiieir tra de. JOHNSON & FIERSON. MAIN STREET, - - lOlOtf - - ANN ARBOR. ryo THE LADIE8. GEORGE ïï. REED & CO.'S LIQTJIX) THE constant iemand we have had for LTQUID DYES has irniuced us toput up a complete line oí 40 Aliados all Liquids, wliich wil! recoinmend themsiilves to every 011e who has ever used Liquid U yes for Bulllancy of Colors, Siniplicity of Use, Certainty of Satisfactioii. (Complc to Directions for use with every package.) USE TÖ E BEST ARTICLE, Sce C trtifictLirf frmn cmbcnt. Chcmists, on etr.cli pickage. Pample nctually dyed with each of the colors on fiilk and woulfMi, niïiy be scon at the I): itg Stores. SOLD ETEBYWHERE. r3P If yon desire to insurc OOOD COLORS, inqiiire for UEKli'S DOMI'STIC DVl'.S, and lake no othr,r kind. GEOROE H. REED Se CO , Ponton, Manufacturera. FARRAND. SHELEY & CO., Agents. 6mlO25 Diotroit, Michigan. THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Kortv dilTerent ntyle, adaplel to sacr nnd secnlnr mutis, fov$SO lo600 .ach. TUiRl'Y -FIVK GOI.D or SII.VKR UKOALS, oc othcr first iirpmlnm Airdl them. IlliistrntedCitalfRuP" free. A.MreR, MASON fc HAMI.IN, fiosTOS, or lUtiOX KUO1HKKS, AXEW GÜÜÜS VQB, FALL TRADE! I have reeeived my early FAIjUi JS T O O 151 O JE STAPLE &. FANCY Ohoice Groceries, &c, And iixïritG tlio Closest Cash Buyers to examine tho goods and prices. JOHN H. MAYNARD. Ann Albor, Sopt. 13tli, 1866. 4wl'Ófl6 SG5. CIIANGE OF DATE. 1866. PROF. R. J, LYGNS Would infonn hls PATIENTS and oihors Interented, that ín future lie can be een at the ■MONITOR. HOUSÜ, -ON THEQlstOFEACHMonth, instead of the 'JOtli, and at JAOKSON, O3ST THE 2Oth, instead of tho 21st. Throat, Lungs, He art, Liver, The Blood, and all other complicated clirnie complaiuts treattd succesalully, by PROF. E. J. LYONS, the well known and celcbrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Call at Ibe Monitor IToupp. Ann Arbor, whcre he can be cimsulted f'RKE Ol" CHARGE, on tue Sist of rach Month, iurtog 1?C6 and 1866. lylO19. J tíONVXNrCE pj M THE MOST SKEPTICAL.j, í1 THATTHERE ISUNEDUALLED $jiïL J VIRTUE III THB C VlO Hieyare a,coraiín.aKoiOvTIi #_ BATIK HERBíí ñ TO1 Jtxepare dan. tha ah oicb st (2 #OuC B O URBON WHISKY G , Tliey strengthen and lnvigorate the ƒ p 'tf O. systera. íYfEÍ 7 C' They give a gooa and healthy appetite. Q '.& jJdiW ïhey ussist digestión. S7ví3 ytr They are the best stimulant In exlstence iatfp (KSs They are a preventive of fever and ague vvj _ V They cure nervous headache. j I" C They are pcrfectly pure and palatable. .Rr'. ■i X The Rd Jacket BiUcr. re sold In qusrt Y2 6j tles by (til druRgioU aad deftlers lu the country. f m BENNETT PIETERS & CU, .J C J?i BIVER ST..CMICAGB 'vI m. EPtr pnoPFtiETons. % Fomaleby DkFOKESÏ & STBWAET, Jcbbors. MEW PEH.FUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A ITIost BzqnUlle, nrlirnlr nnl Frnürnul lil linui'. Distillrd dom Ilio lSni-o nml Roniitiful Floncr froul which it liikr Is nnmr. M&niifacturédonlyljyPMAIiON Sc SOU. .IEP Beware of Counterfeits. Ask fttr rhftlon's - TtiL-f ito othi'V. Sold by druggists generally. TTISSOLÜTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The co-partnorthi]) heretofore existitiji bt-t'ccn thfl subscriberH, umie' tht' liini aml style f K. HOdl'EK fc SON, is tli ís day tlissnlvt'd by mutual cnnmnt. All p' rBqnf liiivnifr c-laiiii-i ;iíain! tlni late ftrm, will jilunse prééeul thétu Ier ;i. justnitMii . .tiul all )éfsmft ndeb'.ed to the saai lirin, will plea.vï call lmmediatétj and .tttle. It. IIOOPF.R, F. U.HOOI'KR. Ann Arbor, Scpt. lst, lSrs. 6vl0i!5 ■jVOTICE! The businoss nf llrewinf , in it vsiioiu branelios. wili bc cniuinuort at the dlil uta id uf the lateflnn,by the undrriijned, wlio. thaiihHil past patronage, Uoperi cuiitmiied favms. F. B. 11001'Ea. Ann Arbor, Sept. lst, 18"5. 6wlO25 Ï"ISSOLÜTION. Tho isa-partnörahip henetofoi-e rxisting hetween Dis. I ewitt Brcakoy, was diskoïVcd Jan. "ist. 1H r LEWITT & BRRAKKY. ' August 211.1, 18C5. :jmliJi-3 jRJllIqííSÍffiílR''. i '"i!1"1 V' l"iil!;Jiill!l!i!H(l!tiríitpnnilimtUlll!''!lHTIl .JgL Fresh Arrival at the Eead quarters cf GUÍTEMAN & CO.JS CLOTHING ESTABLISHIVPT Secoud to none Isi the States ! yOU CAN KIND Articles of Every Description FOlí MEK'S WEAR, manufacture at príces at wln'ch wa Defy Competition Whatever! Wa wonM si nj.Iy btate tïiat ono of the firm ia constan t!y louking out in Xew York, to m])ly us with GOOD AND CHRAP GOODS Such as no olhcr House can boast of. We are now ready to exliibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHiNG GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AIso a large stock of Beaver Clotlis, VEST1NGS, f CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OR SOIjD BY THE YARD, at very low prices. 4QT ïf you lutve any doubta cali aad see for yourselvua. GUITERMAN & CO. JUST OIJElNJEiI A MAMMOTH STOCK OP FALL GOODS! At the Corner Store of Jr" fes jsl. EJ jEX inoluding CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, COTTONS, DOMESTICS, GROCEUIES, &0., &G. Cali and see them I Ann Arbor, Sept., 1805. 1025tf OCIIOOL BOOKS ! MEBSCAL BOOKS !! UW BOOKS!!! The abovo with a Largc Assoitmenl of IMIM1ÜUS BOÜKS! -FOB SALE BYJOHN F. MILLER & CO., Ann Arbor, aèpt. lat, 1S65. 2mlO24.


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Michigan Argus