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OTKAYËD OsR STOLEN ! ' Abouttbe 7t!i of September, fm:n my farm iiHhe Township ui' [cjtci i,nf Bi Uk MAILK nd HOR-E CilLT ; mu SOKKKL PONY, wlnle f brancLon iilit sh.uiMyr; ncd neHUili-X 6OLT,one year old, one white hinü leg and wl.ite in face. A liberal rewïird will be paid !or the return or for informatiua wliich Mili lead to their recovera E. ARXOT.D. Doxter, Oct. lOth, 1S6& iwlOJO A GENTS WANTÉD -FOR OUUGREAT NATIONAL WOEK, -THEStandard Bistory of the War. Containing a f uil, autbentii? and reliable account of the "great conflict, M i'rom its coxamencomunt to its e$osey Complet iu one very large ruluine, of over I jCO'i pages : contaïning reading matter cqual lothrvé largo royiil octavn volumes splen idly ilïtwtrftted wfth over 125 fine Dortraifci of Gener Ü and bat Ie f-cetics Thig ís justthe book the peoplc w-i..t it [tosente a rare chance for Agtots. Teachers, uoretic y6ang men, aad e.p(icialLy returnec and disable fioldiersj in want of profitatjíe émploymeñt, wïl ftnd it pf cuLairly ftdapt&d to thoir condJü Thia work faas no rival as a caodid lucid, cnmileT authéntic and ie liiible liistory nf Ure wr. Spd1 for cïrcu'ars and e'uur tejrua, A (M re sa JO2fLS aR'íTIÍKKS A CO , 148 "West Foarthfitreet, Cincintiati, Ohio. Smlö 0 Esta'e of Joseph Murphy. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaAtBBaw; S8-. O Notice is hcreby given, that by an ordei of tl bata Cotirt of the Oomity of' Washtenawi marie on U;e eleTut,h day of October, A. D. LSö, six monrhs fr-nn th;u (Uue vcre aiiowod for crqdltois to pre-em th-ir claims agíHnet'the estáte of Josepb Marptiy, late of eaiclCounlr. ñ oeased, andümtall credftors of niü rto6èai d, are renuired to present thcir claims to ■ bate Court, at the Probato Office in the City of Ann Arbor, (or ex;unii:aüon aud iïllowance, on or before the eleventh ááy of April nest, r.nd that surh claims will be heard before 6$Id Pi-i-baco Court, oa Saturduy, the rhu'tecnth clny i .v. the eleven th day of April ües', at ten o vloek iu the forcnoon of oach or ihose dayf, HXRAM J. BïïAKE'ï. Hcïge of Probate. Datert, Anu Arbor, Octoï)jr Li b, !-,.. it-: u Estáte oí WilHain Chamberliiin. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cot-ntv or #ashtexAw, as. ' '( Notio :n order of the ProhfUC Court of ■ of Wiifihtenaw, made on the ninrh day of Ottolier, A. D. 188S, pix ftjontha from Piat date wöra allowctl for creditoi-R to present thoir claims tte of iilliam Chamberí ;üu, iatft of said County deceased, and tlvu all crëditbra of said deccased, v r reqiñred to present thcir eKüras to eaiii i'robate Court, at the Probate QfÖce in the City of Arm Arbor, for examiDation and alloWkttce, on or before the ointh day of April nix.t. nnd that such claijaa will be heard before baw Probate Court, uu Saturday, the ninth day of Jaimnry, and on Mouday, the niuth day of April nest, at ton o'dock in the iorenooü, of eacb of Ihose days. 'HIRAM -T. BEAKES, Judge of Probate. Dated, Auu Arbor, Ootobcr üth, Ió5. -iwlOo Estkleiof' John. Wolf. OTATKOFMICIUCAX, Com:tynf VwtMhten-.v, ,- O At a session of the Probate Court tbr the Cpwaty oj W'aBhtenaw, hoid-.-n at the Probate Office iu the Aon Arbor, on, tbe fifth day of i in tflje vena1 one thojsaod eight hundrad ajiiï sity-five. Present, Hfráni.r. Beakeö, tTudê of Probate. In the matter of itiftJEïatate of John Welf, d ■ Ou rcLUiiiig and ïüin ihe petit ■ .. "ified, of FixHlvrirlc Htitzei, praying that a cetzBH tnsthimènt uiw on file iu thirf Court, purportiug ín be tfov l.--. il aud Testament of said deceased, may be admittad tp probate, aud that he may be appointed Esecutör thereof. ïhereupon it is that Monday. the ihirÉeenth day of Novombor next, at teu o'ulock iu the forenoou, be fteigaed forhe heiiogosaid petjüou, %u$ that Lhè ïe'eatecs, devisces and heirs atlaw of said deceased, and all oticr pcreobs fcotèrestei in aüd et i reqoireí! fco appear at a sessiou of eaid Court, then to be holiKn at the Probat.' Omceï i'i tbê City ofAnn Arbor, ana show cause, u any mere do, wiiv me prayar oí tne petitionerehould nul' be yrautcd : " - And . ohlered, that S&Í8 petiüoner gire ttótice i ti'. ) ptaeons luterested in -ai.l ejtte, of thc peÈdeucy of pcdtioíi, and the hearing iheivof, by catísing a tjópy lo lio published in ttae a new paper printed and circnlalimr iti saíd Oounty, three sik'ivsmvo wveks preyious to said i'.ay of hearine. (A trae copy.j HIlíAJt J. BHAKBÖ, 1030 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Eliakim Walker. S'ÍWTT. i.r SÓbHlQAtt, (""i vn ., V l ;i--;nv, BS. A: a . ■■-í-:oii o.' iha Probato t'onrt lor the Couniy ofWasto ü at thé frótate Oílkv, in the City of Ann Ar'oor, on T'nuríilay. (lio iiftli day ofOctober, Ib the year one thouaand eight tjundred and bixt--íive. Present, HJrainJ. Kraken, JndgfiOÍ i'. In tlie mutter of üjo Estáte cjf FilijVkitn Walker, decéaseri. On Bsácüng and liliní the petRian, duly yetí&eü, of Albei't Jj . Walker, praj-ing that Ule dower of Nancy Walker, widtvw of-thè (UVeased, in the Real B!a!'3 whereor sald cteceaeed osa seized, may beassigued to lier. Thereupou 'ÜU Ordereil, thrtt Tnesdfty, thc eventU ái of Nuwmbev next, at ten o'clock ín thc forenoon, be asfgneá fnr tlio héarlirg of said petition, and that the hirs ftt law of s;'i'.l de;eaEed, and all other j)ersons mt Jn sald estáte, are requlrea to appear at a sceaion crf saíd Ooort, then to be holden at the Probate Oilkv. in the CHy of Ana Arbor, and show cause, ií any .v.-vc bis v. hv ihe prayer of tlie p 'iitioncr shonld not be granted : Aud it la further oniered; thal Biöd petitionergive notice to the persons intcrested in said estáte, of the pendeney of sala peiiiion, and tbc heatiiig thereof, by caosing a copy of this Order tabe published i ihe Idi ■ a uewspaper printed and circulatíng in said Coimty, three successive weeks pre■ ious to taid day oX iu (A trae copy.) HIRAil J. BEAKES. 1030 ' J-Oöge of Probate. Chnucery Notico. OTATE OF MICHIGAN- The Fourth Judicial C'ir O cuit iu Chancery. Jacob Ormsbae, (Jomplüinant, vs; Siüt pennlnfe in the Cfrtnjt Wilüiim Brown, üourt for the County of WashteJane Lcwis, - n:. ':n Chaucery, at Aun Arbor Kliphalet Lewis, on tiie sixth day of October, A. .i:m"sW. UW, O. lSúb. Kubert lilaokwood, Dcfendants. It satisfactorily appenrins to the nndcrs;,'iiod, a Circuit CourL Commis.-iouer of sald Qpnn'y, by aflldavit, that the alíove rismed dclndants Eliptnuet L. I.ewis and .lami V'. L-wi-s are not reeidtlita of Ulis Stale, butthatfiúJ Eliphalel :i reddent of the State of Missott! i. ::.ul BMld .iiimea of tho State of New York :- On motion of A. Feleh, Solicitor for Coinplainant, it is ordered that the said defendants Eliphalet L. teivis and James V." i.ewK and i:u-h oí ihm, f.m' their appearance to be eatered within two months from the date of this order, umtthat in case of thuir appeárance, th.'y felj l aisetheir uusyer 1 1 UoHiiil.-.lnaut's liill tobe Med ánd acopy ihereoflo be aervedon Con ant6 Solicitor Within twenty flíja after the service of a cupy of said bilí aud noiice oí ihi order, and, i;, dcá.ult thereof, that the said Wll be taken as confesïed D t e the said (h'feadünts, Eliphalel, L. Le'.vis and Jam. s M . or either of thi-m makiug bucU dtaaiut. Aud it is further ordered thát wüii'i Ewenty il.-iys fter the makiu" of lilis order, thc said Oomplainant casge a copy of tlús order to be published in ttw. ir,,"1.; Michr toan Ama, a nowspaper pnblishedin said Cotmty, and th-it jll( publication be conünui-d In sak! paper, at least once in cach -.wek. f. ir slx weeks In sacoessioii, or ihat he cause a copy of tilia order to be personally served on üw s..iii Dciui'lanü, Kliphalct 1,. Lewis and James W Eewlfl rcspcclively, at. least twenty days before the time abo e prcscriVd for ttretcsppearaaos. U. Yi. l''!ï AZ L1. iï. One of the Circlnt C!on-t Commissionrrs Oopjjtj of V.'ashtenaw, Michigan. inÉCH: ÜCtUbCl' ' TRACY . ROOT, c,mp: . Solicitor. Pept. Regbter. tA trae oony.) 1y" Kslatoof Jonathan AlitehelV CTA'Ii , , In the matter of the Bakte S r,ul"""'- 'Wh.u Jiiichei, '''■ Coiirtimd rep,',".,, 'Tr "r'k-"l t is Orderei, tint (taw tof.01, ■n'..tteao'cJodktolyea for exumining and allo_V he forwoon anrt Uut the heiw at law of ' Li ,!" uch a-nm other persons intererted _ IK?1, ai at Uio Probate Offl,,., tU'f, "" rbor, in saM Cuunty, andshow n' of Ao ind Itis rurther ordcred, u,ut -., ï vdn h ■a,llwiS 61K lu the persons iutercsted , 4 ""f PW endency el , ,,,„, „. , ' ■; ' e ate, „f ft CAecop,.} H1BAM I ,!KAKKSi ' JuAV: "f Probate. . Estáte of Isaac LovW " OTATE OF JUCUKJAN, Cototy ok W. ! I Ai a seson of the Probate Court 1?, fA. Va.slit,nnw, holden at the Proba f Offl, 'ft; n Arnor, on Wcduesdav, the L.ï "" tr r, m the year one thou.aud eS i, da? and sisty-flvé. ht buÚM ent, HiitAM 3. Beakhs, Jndee of pmi . In th matter of the ertïte of fe?2í d. Minerva A. Lowjoy, AdnBuitr,w ejoy' ■■ comes intoCoort and repres S "! ir-u'iv" l r"Ud';1' "cr flllal ac'i1'' S XheiTliponitlsOrdered, tluitFridav thpbmti ! Novetaberneatteno'clockinthefSenMS1)1 ( I tor examinmgand ali.nvnv. sncb Stal the heii-s at law of said deceasêd, and all" t h aa lhl! taterested n said estáte, are required to apiS P,etS)]" sron ot.sau, Conri, then to beholden at "hepï ! '" ia the City of Ann Arbor, ta saM & ow cause, il any there be, why the aaid aa, ' 1 not be allowed: And it ia furtlier ortKrtSiSf mÍDifitratrix givenoticeto the pereons taÜfi said estáte, of the pendency of saia "L? Kte(i hearme thereof, by canaiog a copv tf S?, , ailli te and drculaüng in said Connty, threelSS' praw prcvious to safa day of hearinc 6l-wiTe fa Wtruecopy.j " HIÍÍM I BEAKES, . se oi hlte. Estáte of Abram N. Fox OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Coüntt ok WasutL, O At a session of the Probate Court for thé S'S1; Wajhten&w, holden at the Probate Oiüè ■ Slf of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the ninth daTof ctlSï1 ?TOthe ycar ouü UMmsaüd eight hnudred and 5' Present, IIira:r. J. Beafes, Judge of Probate f the Estáte of Abran r. leeeased. Heman N. Hicks, Administran of 5 .mes into Court and representa that t ,Z ratoï re"dCr "" ñnal aCCÜlmt "" s" iS Theréapon it is Ordered, tlmt Werlnesdav ti, . eeuth day of November next.Ht ten o'clock ii'thTfh loon. be aasigned for e.;amining and all in" it -ram, and that the widow and "'m aw of said deceased, aud all other L nterested in saai estáte, aro reqnired to amST ewionofsaiaCoRrt, Ihentobe holde at Si. Ofhce, m the City of Ann AAor, in sdd Comïï' show cause, rf any there bc, why the said awonnK not bc alknved: And it ia further ordered 3 idmini trator give-notice to the persons iiitercS said estáte, of tbe-pendency of safd account mdüS PI 'i" Í !S c;,ul"iu' a of this Order to bei ïshed in the Slirhigan Argm, a newspaper pmX drcnlattogin said Cotinty, three successke SS vious to said day of hearing " (A 'ííísn0"1'70 HIEAM ,T. ISEAKES, 1030 Judge of Protat,. Estáte of Ellen NeHigas C TATE y MICHIGAN, Cocnty of Wisam ,. V,í ♦ If csn f the Probate Conrt fbrtteS t:! Ai ashtenaw, holden at. the Pr(,hate OSaS City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the Binti Vof October, m the yar one thousand eüfbt himilKid nt sixty-ñve. t" Present, Kiram J. Beak;9, Jurle of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Ellen Mm. a. Onreadin and filin? tïe petition,ánj,enM,of CatftertneWalsh, praymg that a ccriain Instrument now on file in thifl Court may be ndmktoi io pnifeate imd that letters toetainentary may be em'.t4tóieriis Execoror thereof. Theretlpon it is Ordered; that Tnusiby. the foir teenth day November of next, at ten otlocittttelbre, noor be asshrnod for Jhe heariii of said peliüia. n(' that the heira at law of said deceased, andaliottefe. sous intereated in aaid eftate, are reqtürtti to apjwcii of said Court, then to be holden at thtirbate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. acd showas, if imy taere b!, why the prayer of the petitioBaiKti notbe granterr : And it is furiher ordered, ihslaá r gire notice to the pereons ititeresledhiü eetate, of the pendency of eaid petition, andtifbainir thercof. hy cansing a copy of this Order tottt lished in the Miekvjan Argu:, a newpapsr pnnteÍM circulanng in said ijounty, three saecessfae weeisp vmr . to fcld day of hearintr. CA. trae copy.) ÍILRAM J. BEAKBS, 1080 Judge of Pro. Estáte of Baboocks - Minors. SÏ.VTE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of WaettaW! At a eísioii of the Probate Court fortoeCouBtyóT Washtenaw, holden at the Piobate Oftico, intheCitr of Ann Arbor. on Monday. the uintli day of Otlobs, in the year one thonsanri eigtit hnndred aïid siity-lve. Present, Hmtni J. Beakes, Jndu of ! In the matter of the Estáte of Henry W. Catot O. lia Babo (, andiL. Dell Babcock, ui: On readinLT and üling the peutiGü, dölv verificiof William Baocock, (iuardiau of said rainör?. praying that he may be liceneed to sell cei'trunrealestattlKloñgtng to said minor?. npon it is Ordered, that Mondar, the tvcstMi day uf November nest, at ten o'clock in the foreooon, be assiuued for the hearing of cjaid petidou, and tïü the uext of kin of said minors, and a!I olhcr person Interested in. said estáte, are reqtüred io appear at s session of sairl Court, then to be huklen sUte ftpW. Otüce. in the City of .Ann Arbor. and ?how cauee, it aof tttere be, why the práyer of the petMoMt s-houMuu; besranted: And it is furthur ordered, flut mid patianer give uatice to the üest of kin üf suid minors aad all other jxirs'ins iittefested in said estáte, ■ ji ndencj of !&d potition, and the heortos thereaj eansing a copy of this Order to be publishedictM n A rfifWK, a newspnper irtnted ftud circularás ja paid Coiraty, three successive weeks previousws dav of harinir. CA tree copy.) HIEAM J. BEAXB 1030 JuageofProW Estáte of Julia A. Goodyear. q'MtEOF MICHIGAN, CocxTYOíWjJimaii, At a fi'Síion of tho l'robste Conrt for the Comí' Washtei at the Probate Oflice, in tbeCJ of Aim Arbor, on Friday. the sLtth daj oí Ow in the j-ear one thousand eight hundred m si' livi'. Present, Hiram J. Beakes. Jmlse of ProWe, In the matter of the Eitatu of Julia A. GW deceased. tf Benjamin F. Stltton, Adminietrat'or mil tle anuexed of said deceased, cornea into Court mvw Beats timt he is now preparal to render httin-connt as tiu-h Admiuii-trator. , Thereupon it is Ordered, that Taesdav. aej teenth day of November n.-x,at ten o'cloci la l"v nooii, be aasigned for examinina aodalluwmi a count, and th'il the leyat:s, devlsees and li( said deceased. and all other persons mteresteottj5 tato, re required to appeat at a ees 'T Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, B City of Arm Arbor, in said Countj, nnd show ca any tliere bc, why the said account sta , allcwed: And it ' ia further ordered, lto'fSid mitietrator grve notice to the persous intens - estáte of Üie ueiidency uf eaiil aaouut, auu J "J, ing thereof; By cansing a copy of this proer j pnDUshed in thu Mi?Mian -' rym. a newspapwP and circiüatine in said Couuty, three succes" previoa to said day of hearing. „,,-rc (Atn.opy., HIKAMA Byspepsia Permanently Ci"e' ■DB. SHKLDON'S nYSPEPTIC TROCHK ' giie immediate relief, bat are Bure to ellcc ,, nent cure n Qyspepaia and Liver Cmte'm' t not a purative,and therefore Uieir uaed0" a necessity Por the habitúa! use of bk lir. Sheldou'a Dyspcpsia Troches re "H and whülesorae appetiser, without any f y'VM eft'ecta .fhicli ure iire to füllow the use o' j, f,rr ■■l.itlera" and all purgative ijeiliciues. f." J tJtJ,ii fyiug.streníitheumgand LnvigoraUug po siire to keep thedigetty ...;mih iii J11;'- 17i tkD,thuii preven tlfi ('ostiveaess, Inarrna P,:. Jtuph rwi, of PhildelphiA. M-vs oi ddn'f Itrspi'psia Troches I . !tl. jave01 Som, jreír taco r.SUon, "f '""fgl the formula for prapariog h liyspq-''1 1[' t0 f,il Burol me thatlu-had scuicocv.i '■"""' , iDt. curing tither I"'Tspi-psn i Uyt-r '"■'[ theafuave u "li;i1 "", ,C .J I beüeva tai nine out f ten 10 bta 1 ' " ,„„ 1 tered ithivebeen piiuunently '■''"' I cm, many caeswbioh i cQi!?iJerel inouraM. thfmo t yaluaWe cüDibinaticn lor to gestive organs I bare ever kaolín. ., Iheeraiaent Ir. Williams has -i1: thattheworsethipg thal l lijN-PPPff ca biniM'lf with Purcative Medicinei. In w of 1 undreda who 1 ave taken Cathaf tics has become áupost a newssiy for lllt tbeir use.'1 „t Ol''1 Dr Sb(iion!s IVypi-pia Troches ais I aii'i ut mrhio iH' cl '■ ,., . w;u i"j. They are agc. eable u the taste. 'Dee46,; tel correcta sour stomacb, oo ' tielciintj : buri, sicknes or pain in the stonia cd, JlíéiP ,v.n! an.ü lao ai. . '"e " , vmptomsof ihisdisea e. th ps" ( s.-jí .ockwkll, -'lo i r"rr,"' "i ;.; i ■ 21t 'and JUl-tei StrwK, hildt pbia. B0CW !-.-, box. Beul 0 cents. -. fJ ,t, [n-troili Is ■"'' sa ' „■ - SM by fIl.BBI.Ni W11S0N. "nol1 Alt" r Micb;


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