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"proceed With Thy Elephant."

"proceed With Thy Elephant." image
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In (Jolumbia County, Ohio, resides an old fcllow reuowned for his belligerent dispo&ition, who is generally known as Friend Shavey Born and bred a Quaker he was loug sinoe read out of the meeting on account of his quarrelsome propeosities, but he still pertinatiously clmgs to the plain clothes and the plain language of his earliest days, ici-sibly as a protection againgt the wrath whieh he is eontinually provok ing by his overboaring and irritating detneanor. He is always the owner of the crossesl dog in the neigbborhood, the most troublunome, breachy steers, &c , and ís coutinuully in bot wuter with sonie of his neigbbors iu eonsequeoce of the depredations committed by some of his unruly stock. A few weeks sinee, Van Amburgb's Menagerie, traveling by Columbiana, wasobliged to pass his residence. A little before daybght, Nash, the keeper of the elephant Tippoo Saib, as he was passiug over the rond with his elephant, discovered this pseudo Quaker sentad upon the fenee upon the roadside, watching a buil which he had tiirned upou the road, and which was pawiug, bellowing, and throwing up a tremendous dust geuerally. In fact, from the fury of the animal's demonstration8, one would really havo taken hira for one of the identical breed that butted a locomotive off a bridge. "Takethat buil out of tbe way !" 8houted Nash, as he approached. " Proceed with thy elephant," was the reply. " If you don't take that buil away, he will get hurt," coutinued Nash, appmaohiDg, while the buil redoubled hia belligerent demonstratioDS. " üou't trouble thyself about the bufl, but proceed with thy elephant," retorted Friend Shavey, ruhbing his hands with dolight at the prospect of an approaching Bcrirumage, the old fellow having great contidence in the invincibi'ity of his buil, whieh was really the terror of the whole country around. Tippoo Saib came on with his uncouth, shauibling gait ; the buil lowered his head and made a charge directly upon the elephant Old Tippoo, withouteyen pausing in his mareh, gave his cow-catcher a sweep, catohing the buil on the side, orushjng in his ribs with his enormous tusks, and then raised him about thirty feet in the air, the buil striking upon his head as he name down, breaking his nock and killiüg him iustantly. " I'm afrsid your buil has bent his neck a littie," sbouted Nash, as he passed on. " Bent the devil !" cried old Shavey, with a troubled look at his defunct buil; '' thy elephant is too heíty for my boagt, but thee will not make so much out of the operation as thee eupposes. I waa going to take my farnily to the show, but J'll 8ee thee and thy show blowed to blazes before I go one step, and now thee may proceed with. thy elepbant and be d i,, d, - please;" the " please " being added as Shavey took a second look at the proportions of the stalwart elephaut-köeper.


Old News
Michigan Argus