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The City Of The Saints

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A Utah correspondent gives the following lively skotch of that oitv : " Sult Lako is probably unsurpasaed by any city in America for the beauty of the loeatiou and the surrounding scenery. When viewed irom the first plateau of hills eastward, the scène is exquisito, but, like all new towns close inspection detracts somewhat from the first impreseion. It is stretched out in a verdunt valley, surrouuded on all sides by lofty niountains, on the sunimii ot which snow is visible ia many places during the year. The houses priucipally are ouo story cottages ; are built of adobe or uuburnt brick, thu greyish or leaden color of which gives to the town a uuiform appearance. The streets are wido and well shaded by rows of aspen trees, and a stream of clear, cold water, oonducted from the mountaius, floua down the Bi'des of every street. Each house has allotted to it several acres of ground, neatly feuced or hedged, which extends the place over an area of probably sixteen square miles. The population is estimated at 19,000. Among tho public buildings I noticed a handsome theatre, one hundrod feet front by ono hundred and fifty deep, a hotel and eeveral school-houses. A magnificeut temple is being erected, which will cover a square of ground. The site is surrounded by ti hÍL;h stone wall, and hundreds of vvorkmen are kept conxtautly employed upou the odiiioe. Bngham Young'a residence aud grounds cover a space of about half a milo square, and are surrounded by a thick wall of cobhle stone, nine or ten feet high. These buildings are the most magniiiceut in the city The principal one is crownod by a large bee-hive, the emblem of Mormouism Eider Kimbull also occupies a handsome pile of buildings I hare been agreeably surprised .t the appearance of Salt Lake City and the deportmer.t of its inhabitants. In the States we are taught that all Mormous are thieves, knavts, or assassins. Such, I find, is not the oase. The pcople, threc-fourtbs English, Scotch, and Welsh, with an occasional spriokling of bastard Americana, are honest, thrifty and industrious, but ignorant. I have never been iu a towu of equal magnitude where suoh universal order provails - Every one appears to have business, and attends to it without aonoying bis ueighbors. I have seen no loafers, and find that there is not a single whisky or drinking saloon in the City. One establishment is licensed to wholesale ardeot spirits but none is drank on the premises. Womeu promenade the streets after night unesoorted and without fear of molestation. These ibiugrt, certainly, are credilable. When a nia,n ia caught dtealing ho is surnmarily dealt with. - An intelligent citizen infnrmed me tbat lor a nurnber of years after the settlement of the valley, Sult Luke City was infested with a band of desperadoes, who murdured and pillaged indiacriininately, but thal they have Ion; sinoe been killed or driven off by the peaceable iuhabitants. Every man has as many wivos as h can support, and judging by the juveuile population, all are prolific. I have in vain endeavorcd to ascertaiu the number of Brigham's wives, but no one here knows. I doubt if the olii siuner himself can tcrli. Men frequouily rnarry sisters. The population, with but few exeeptions, consists of unnaturalized foreigners, who acknowledge no allegiance to the government of the land in which they live, and ovidently look upon representativos of the unión ag enemies, although they deal honestly with travelers. A regiment ot Uuited States soldiers is po.-ited on a hill commauding the town, and holds the " sword of Damooles " suspended over the heads of all evil.doers, 8alt Lake City is I believe, aituated io latitude three degrees north of Cinoinnati, and in loagitude thirty six west, but owiHg to its being on the Pacific slope, the climate is more températe. - The valley, with irrigation, proa uoes fine crops. Fruit is beooming more plentiful. I have seen many line, thrifty orchards of ampies, peaches, and apricots and at this season the trees are bendinar beneath their delicious freight I countT ed on one lirnb eighteei) jnches long, fortj-eight pretty developed apples - Flour ranges from three to four dollars per hundred weightj wheat ono dollar per bushei ; oats, ninety cents; barley, one dollar ; bacon is forty oents a pound; brown Biigar, ffty cents; coftee, seventyfive ; sorghum tnolasses, tw. dollars and fifty cents por g.illon, &a. The laige lake sorro 2ö uailes distant, fúrnishes a fine articlü of salt in abundance. Tbere aro. also many hot and cold mineral springs q the city. In one of these, which ejeots a hundred gallons of water per minuto, I enjoyed the luxury of a hot sulphur bath. Tho hills are noh D ortM and minoráis of all kinds.


Old News
Michigan Argus