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Martial Law Abolished In Kentucky

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Tliü President has ïssucd the fllowuis; proclamntion ; Wliereas, by a proclaniation of the 5tli of July, 1864, tba Prosident of ttio United StateH. when civil war was flagrant, and when combinations were in progresa iu Küiitueky for (lie purpose of inciting insurgent raids into that Stato, direotad Ihat iho proolamation suspending tho priyilegu of Iho wrjt ol '. habeas corpus should bo made efFactual in Kentuckv, and tb ut martial Lw should bo established thei'o and contitiuii until faid proolanjation should bu revokcd or modifiod ; aad Jl'tereas, siuce theii the danger from n u g(3 it raids into Kentuuky bus sub staiitiaÜy p:issed away j Now, therefore, be it tnown that I, Aodrew Johnson, Pr sideut ot' the United Otates, by vir U; of ihy authorily vestéd in me by tho Cunstilution, do btirsby declare that the said proclamation of tlio 5th duy of' July, one thousimd eight bund;ed und sixty-four, hal be, and is hureby cnoditied, in so far as that martial luw shall bo no lociger in forcu in Kentucky from and alter the date bereof, I testimony, wliei'eof, I have hereunto set my hand, and causad tho heal of the Uiiifcd States to be affixed. T3oue al Uie city of Washington, the 12th d;ty of October, in the year of our Lord oue tbousaud eight hundred and sixty-five, und of the Independence of the United States of America the ninetieth. (Signed) Andrew Johnson. I3y the President : W". Hunter, Aoting Sec'y of State.


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Michigan Argus