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wGHEMJK'S i SEAWEED TONIC, AND The aboe is a correct HkcnesH of fr. Rchtmck, juat after r eco ver ing f rom Consumpt ea. many yftars ago lïclow is a likeuoKs of him as lie now appeara. Wlion the first was laken lie weiglied J07 pounds at the present time his Wflght is 220 pounds. 1R. SCHEWCK'S Principal Office and Laboratoiry s at the N. E. corner of . U and COMMERCE StreetS, Philadelphia where all letters ioradvice or business should be di rccled. Hti will be found thcre every SATCJRIUY, profcssionully to examine langs with the Respiroineter, foi nhich. hia fee iet three dollam ; all advice free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAY,fiom 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. At tbeMARLBOKO' HOTEL, Boston, Jauuary 1 8 and 19, February In umi lfi, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 and "0, My 17 aud 18. Juuel-i and 15, Jxily 19 aud 20. The time for my being in BALTÍMOP.K and PITT3BURti) will be seen in the daily papers of those cities, Ihe Jlistory of Dr. Schenctc's own Case, and hou he wat atnd (ƒ Gonsumption, Many years ago, whilst residing in Philadelphia. I had progresad graduallj inlo the last stage of Pul monary Consumpüou All hopes of my recovery beingdissipated. I wasadvised by my physician, Dr.,to remove itito tlie country. Mooi ystuwn, New Jersey, being my native place, i was removed thitlier. My t'iUliÉT and all hi.s faniily bad lived and died thcre-" and dled of Pulmonar Coosumption. On myarrival I was put to J el, where 1 ly for many week in what vasdeetoeda hople condition. Dr. Thorntoo. who had beea my father's faniily physician, an had ittendett him in hi.s lat llness, wan calied to sea me. He chought entiroly beyond tbereachof medicine, and decided that 1 munt öe, and gave me oce week o arrangemy temporal aiiaii. In thi ppsrpntly hopelesa coudition, 1 heard of the remedies wlijch i böw make nd st-U. H seena.ed fo me tht I could feol tliem worUngtheir way, and uenotrating every nerve.fibre and tisisue of rny system . My lunga md liver put on a new actïon, and the mor bid uititter which for years Lud accumulivted and iiii tated thtiditTertntorgansof the body, w&n eliuiiimted, tlie tubercles un lung.s iipened, and I ezppctorated i'roni my lungt a much as a pint of yelluw offenfive matter every inorning. Ar this expctoration of mnfeti'r suSsided, the fwver abated, the pain left me the cough eeatied to hür&ss me, and the cxhausting ; nighkBweats worÖ uo longcr known, and I had re'resliiiig leep,to which 1 had Ion? been a atraoger. My appetite now begun to return, and at tiiue.s J found It difficult to restiiün mvself from eating too rauch ; with tiiis return of healtli, Igained in strengtb, td now urn fleshf. 1 am now a healthy man, wjth a large liealed cicatrix in the niiddk-lohe of the rigU1 hing and the lover lobo hepatized with complete adhesión of the pleura, The left lungifl sound, and the upper lobe ot' the light one is in atoIeraMy ho'ilthy conditiou. Consumptton at fhat time wasthought to bean incurable disease, by every one, phyncians 'aswellafi fchosfi who werc unlearüoün mediciniï- esjteciitllysuch oase.s as weve reduced tothe oonditjon I was in. This induced nianv peopleto beiieve uiy reoorery only teuipor;iry. I now prepared aud gave the medicinen to consumptiveF for some time, and made many wonderful cures ; and theilernand increased so rapidly tliat Í determined to offer them to the public, and devote my nndivided attoution to limg dféeaVes. In trutb, I was ntxt to fored to it,for peo p te would send for ine fr and near, to acertaiu whether their casea werelike mine. Kor many yearn, in conjunclion with my principal office in Philadelphia, I havo been making regular pro fessional yíüHs to New York, Boston, Baftimore, one Pi'Wburg. For several yearg past I have made as many as fiv hundred examina t ion weekly with the "Respiróme t er. ' For sue-h examiuatlon my charge Ís three dollars, ant it tnables me to gïve each patieut the true condition o his disease, and teil him frank ly whether he will ge wll. The great reaon why physicians do not cure Con Huuiption ia,tliat they try to do too much ; they glve mei-jcineii to stop the cough, to stop the n weat hectie fever, and by o doing they derange ths whol digestive system. looking np tho secretions, andeevent ually the patiënt dies. Tlié I'ulmonic 8yrup is one of the most valuabl medicines known. It is rmtriout, poworfullj tonic,nn healiu in itsetf. It containa no opium, yet loosen the phlegm in the bronchial tubes, and nature throw it off with üttle exertion. One bottïe íVequently cure an ordinary oold) but it will be wel! first to take a do of Schenck's Mandrnke's Pilis (o cleanse the stomach The Pulmonic Sjrup 1& readily digested aijd abeorbet into blood, to which i'l mparts Itfl hpiiling properties His one of the bel preparations of iron in une ; it is a powerfkti tome of ltgelf ; and when tlie Seaweed Tonjc dbBO.I es the mucuB in tbe irtomatfh, and is oarried off by the aïd of tlie Mandrake Pilis, r, healtby fiow o gastpic juce, koodannaüte,aiid a good digestión Toliow Tbe Séaweed Toni is a sljmulant. and noneotberla required wheu it i.s nsed, It is pure and piensan t ; no bud efibnts like wlien uMng lïourbon whisky, which dia order tlie stomach, torpors tliG liver, locks up ill tlie secrotiona, turns the blood luto water, drop.syscte in and the patiënt diessuddenly. Bourbon whisky ia roconimonded now-a daysbyalmost every physfeian. Many patients thnt vif-it my rooraF, both malt and female, are stnpelied wifh this poison. The relief is temporary. If they cQiigh they take a üttle whisky ; if tliey feei weak and feeble they take a littlc whisky ; if they cannot wletp, they take a littUï whisky; and thoy go on n this way, requiring more andmorr; uutil t'ney are btoated up. and iniugine thynrn getrtng fleshy. Tlie stoinach, liver, and di(festlTepowers are oompletel1 destroyed,aud lose tbeir nppe'lite for food, No one was evercured of conBumption by this prOOOflS, wlit-re cavitics have been formed In tbe lungs. A litt'e Btimalant s frequently bentficial to connuniptivKS, auch as pure brandy or good vi nes ; in many cases London porter or brovvn itoal in moderate quantilies ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on instead oí curingconsumptiou. The Seaweed Tonic prodttcea lasting resutes, thoroughly invigorating tbe&tomjtob and digosiive system, and enchhng ik to e-ïiminatc and n ake into healthy blood the tbod which may b ■ used for that purpoe - It in ao wonderful in tts otïects Ihftt Vina-glasstuU will dfgeat a hearty meal . and i littlf of it taken before breakfast will give r tone to the stomach wliich few medicines possess the power of doing. The MANDRAKE PILLS may be taken with entire safety by all tge und oonditlons, prodoolnjr all the IfoodresultB that can bo obtained from caloinel, or anv or the .uercui-ial medicines, and without nny of theiV liuiii'iil ot injunous results. They carry out of the syptem the feculcntand worn out matter sloojened and dissolved by my Sea weed Tonic and Pulmouic Syrup. - It will be seen that all three of my medicines are neetled in mest cases to cure Cousumptiou. AGENTS. HOSTON- George C. Goodwln it Co. NKVV YORK- Pemas Barnes & Cq. S. P. Ham-o. Dr. Georire II. Keyser. CINCINNAÏIF. E. Snire k Co., lid .Totn I). Prk, CHICAGO- Lord & Smith, Rnd H. Scovil. ST. LOUIS- Colüns Brothers. SAN FRANCTSCO- Hofrtetler, Smith & Dean. '■" "Wkv u)llrai{jists 811J DIrs. tfWf JULIUS BAUER & CO.,, Great Piano Forteand Melodeon EMPORITJM! WAREROOMfe IIST "CRQSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 63 WASHINGTON STREET., New York WarevootM, 65.0 Brnadway. Wholesale Agent for the ü. S. for wm, mm. l go5s CELEBR & T E D Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the retatiie morits of tbse PIANO. we wnnlil rcrer to thê Certifícate nf Excellence in r Pwmmini trom THLBKBG,TTS( IIAI.K, ST1UKOSIH, G. SATTER, H. VIJEUXTEMPS, LODfll STI)n and E MVZlO,Hu," ojlDiteolflíof th Jtalian Oner, as alo from sorae of most distinguished Professen! and Amateurs ia the country. All Instruments gvaranued fvv fire ALSO, AGENT.Í FOK SOEBÍÍLER & SM1TH, BOAKÜMAJf & GRAY, A. H. GALE &CO., AndotherFirst-Class Pianos. We harp the LARGESTand BEST ASSOETED STOCK of PIANOS IN THE CITY, „hich USÏÏS ness of Tone, f.asj and Agieeable Touch , and Beauty of finish, have, by judges, been pronouüced unrivalled. Sar Particular attenüon paid to thu selection ol Instruments ior dïstant orders, and a privilege of exohange grante.l at anj timo within x montöi f the Instrument xhoulil not prove entirely atisfictorr - A liötnl dheoimt toCleïgymen, Teacbor and Schools. it-Tiii ; liberal. WHOLESALE DÏALEK8 wiM find t to their aÏTantage io (iv us a bjr gyeatiy uereasei fucUitis we are enabled to RU orders with dispatch ,„5T ''ons in want „f a HEALLY FIBSTCLASS vhero W8" ' C" be're l)urchi3'ng'-lseWHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART.NEEDHAM&CO'S CELEBR 1TED HABM0N1ÜMS, MELODEOMP A-ro-xj onGrAixrs. AL9O FOR GEORGE A. PR1NCE & CO'S MEL0DE0NS and ORG-ANS, Manufacturera and Importas ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Mercbandlse, The Sii.vrr and Bbjss Ivsthcmksts, of our niarufaetiiresndlmpnrrntion, are used by most nll of fhê bal Band f e Ihiütd StaUs, and whencver exfaibited have alwaya received the Uold MeüaU and uigukst FKRMirMs. ilKvingconnection with Maaüfaeturinir Hcuiif in Berlín. I,stsíc, Dresdn, Knglan.l and Paris w vn prcpawl to furnish DEALERS, BANDS and INDIV1DÜLS, with everv article in thij line, ajthelowtst manufacturfrs' prices. miMEMBBR THE PI.ACE, JÜLIUS BAÜEK & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STHEET, CHICAGO, -... iLLíj 1012 New York Wareroom, (150 Broadwaj. jVEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SSIHTS! J. W. BRADLEY'S Xew Patent IHJl'LBX EUJPTIC Cor doublé) SPKING SKIRT. rpmS IN'VENTIO-V CQDsists of DUFLKI (or two) Elj l lirnc PlBK Kkfineb Stkki. Sphi(;s, ingeniously BBAIDBD TIGHTIY and flRSILT togettlEr. SDfiB to KliUK makiñg the toi:giikst, most fuxiblk, xlatic and :uH.MU.E Sl'HlNG evtr used. Tliey aeldom or breuk like the Single Springs, and consequently preSErve their perfect and beautiful Shape more than twice as lol at, any Single Spring Skirt that Eer Has or Can be made THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearinor the Dúplex Elliptic Skirt willbe experienced particlarly iu all crowded Assemblies, Opera, Carriages, Railroad Oars, Church Pews, Arm Chair.s, for Promenade and House Dres.s.asthe Skirts can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and convenlent'.y as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady haring Enjoyed the Pleasnre, Comfort aud Great Ci.nvenienoe 9Í wearing tbs Dúplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt lor a single day wlll Never afterwards willingly dispense with iheir use. tor Children.Misses and Voinig Ladies they are superior to allotliers. TUK IIOOl'S are covered with 2 ply doublé tnisted thread, and will wear twice as long as the Single varn coyering which is used on all Single Hoop Skirts. 'Tha threo bottom ro'ls on cvery Skirt re also Pouble Steel and twice or doublé covered to prevent the covering from wearing olf the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, ïc, &c , which ttiey are coustantly ubject to when in use. Aliare made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part. giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect Shape possible and are uiiquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfoiiable and econoioical Skirt nver made. WE8T3' BRAKLEv-icCARV, PKOI'RIEÏORS of the Inveulion. and SO1.E MANÜFAUTUREKS 97 CH4M. BERS, and 79 & 81 BBADK STREETS, New York FOR SAI.E in all fluit class Stores in this City, aa thronghouttbe Unitod States and, Havana de Cuba, MVxico. íouth América, and the West Indies LVQUIliE FOK THE DÜPLUX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUHLE) SPRING SKIRT. 3nil0'24 A. k C. A GENTS WANTED -FOK Ol'KGREAT ÍVAT1OINAL WORK, THe Wie, Time and Public Services or ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By IR. Ii, P. BKOCKETT. Th is wml; ffl entirely nevv and orfrfnal, and contains more of his early Ilistory, Pblltloal career, Speeches, Massages. Proelamations, &c, togetlier with the scepes and Inoldentfl connected with hia tragio t)nd,tUan any t lier work pubhshcd Teachers, Ijuties, ener(ii young men, andespecially reiurneil unil disiibl-(ï oflicers and soldiers, in want of Ti-ofitab e employment, wül lind it peculiarly adajited ;o their condition. We Iiavo airents clearing $lñO per 'menth, which we vill ppove to any doubting applicant. tiend for circuiir. Address JONES BROTHERS k CO., No. 148 Wkst Foi-ktii St , 3mlOi35 Cincinnati.Ohio. JJOTEL FOR SALE! The valuable noperty in the Cty qf nn Arbor, cnown as COOK'S HOTEL, in nowoíTercd for buIb oceap. Inquire iraraedi&tely on the premiiM oi' J.F. AVERY. Real Eistiite for Sile. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss , O In the matter of the Estáte óf Elf Rijjgs, of the i County of Washtenaw, Ir. the State of Micni"an, ■ IMKd. NutiCè is hereby giren, that in mrsnanre of in order ' rauted t.o l'ji: uadersigned. Admtnistratpr of .the estáte ' ( ■-.■■ il deeéascd, by lie Hon. Jitdge ofVrnbate, tor said County, on the thrrd dty of July, A. 1). ÏHK, there will be sola at Bttblic Y'endue, to tliè highest bidder, at ;he dwellios liouse on the premises, iu Said County, on tetnrday, the twcnty-üfth day of November, A. 1). 18Cf, at two o'cloek In the afternoon of that day, (subject to , ill encumbrances by nortgage or otherwisc exisijnr at the time of tlie death of sard deceased.) the followiiig ' described real estáte, to-wit : The imdivided half of á ' . arcel of land oommencing saveatoen anü a linlf roda Morth of where the Case Koad lritersects the Chicago i Koud, in section twenty in township fbnr Sonth ef I range ttve liast, and in the centre of s,iid Chicago líoad, ! rraning thence Nórth twenty-Hgh1 and a haJf degrees i West, to the Dell Dltch, thesae North and West the j. ibove named numher of desree?, and along the centre ino of paid ditch to a stake in said dltch, on the West half of the West qnarter of secüon seventeen, i' uid one hiuuircd rods and six-tenths of a rod from the i centre oí' said Chicago Kond, runninír thence North twenty-one degrees Bast to a stake in the centee line, rf aaid section sévehteen, which stake is flfty-fonr rods Kast of the quarter stake on the West side .il said Beclion seventeen, thease West to the North-West corner f the Kast half of the South-East qnarter of section ïighteen, same town and raoge, thence South along he West side of the above described eighty acres to the South line, theace Bast SKmg tbc snid Ronth line to the section corner, thence South along the West line of the West half of the North-West qnarter of section twentx to the Chicago Road, thence North-caslerly aloni; :he centre of a'd roaá to the place of beglnñlng, contalnfng cmo UmidrwT amf thivty-six acres of h.nd. more or lesa, in the Townehlp of Saline, and State of Michgan, ANDRKW W. RIUGS, Administrator Dated, October üth, 1S05.. 1329 Estafe of Chufles W. MiUer. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, sg.- ' Notice is heroby given, that by an order of the Probate Conrt of the County of Washtenaw, made on the thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1886, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present; their claiatB againet the estáte of Charles W. Miller, late of said Oounty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are requirod to present their claims to said Pro bate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowauce, on or bel'ore the thirtieth day of March next. and that such claims will bc beard before said Probate Court, cm Saturday, the twenty-third day of December, anrl Friaay, the thixtieth day of Miirch uext, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of each ui those days. 1IIRAM ,J. BEAKHS, Sndt&ot Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, September oOth, 18M. 1029Estate of Joseph F Jenni.ogs. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County cf WasMenaw, m. Notice is liereby given, that by an order of the Pro. bate Court of the County of Washtcnaw, made on the twenry-flfth day of September, A. D. 1866, eix months from that date were allowed for creditors to present theïr claims against the estáte of Joseph F. .Icuniags, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of uaid deceased, are retiuired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oftice in the Citv of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowancc, 011 or' before tbc twenty-sixth day of March next. and that BUCh claims wiil be heard before said Probate Court. on Saturday, the twenty-thfrdday of December, and Monilay, the twenty-sixth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of thosc days H1KAM ,T. HEAKE8, .Tud-e of Probate. Diited, Ann Arbor, September 2óth, 1S05. 1028. Estáte of Ferrand Gaines. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss._ k ) Notice is liereby giveu, that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-eifthth dny of September A. D. 1S65, sis montiis from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Ferrand Gaines, late of said Couuty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased, are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examiuation iml tillowrauce, on or befm-e the twenty-eighth day of March next. amd tbat sach. claims will ba heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the twenty-third day of December, aud Wednesday, the twenty-eighth day of March next, at ten o'dock in the forenoon of éach of these davs. IIIRAM .1. BEAKES, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, September ïSth, Ktio. lui'S Esta'e of Joseph Murpbv. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby grveo, that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washteuaw, made on the eleventh day of October, A. D. ]SGö, six months fro that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Joseph Murphy, late of said County, deceased, and that all credirovs of said de censed, are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oftice in the City of Anti Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the eleventh day of April next, and that such claims will be heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the thirteenlh day of January, and Wednesday, ttie eieVeatl day of April nex', at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of thoBe days. ' HIRAM J. BEAKES, Jnd;e of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, October U;h, lStiö. 1030 Estáte of Wilüam ('hamberkin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cou.nty or WasotÏsAw, ss. O Notice is hereby given that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washtenaw, made on the ninth day of October, A. D. 1SG5, six months from taai date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agatnst the estáte of William Chamberlaiu. late of said County deceased, and that all creditors of said decensed, are required to present their claims to sftki Frobate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the ninth day of April next. and that such claims witt be heard before said Probate Conrt, on Saturday, the ninth day of Jannary, and on Monday, the ninth day of April uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, of each of those days. ' IIIRAM J. BEAKES, Jndge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, October Ota, 1S05. 4wl030 Chaucery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Fourth Judicial Cir cuit in Chancery. Jacob Ormsbee, Complaiuant, vs. Suit pending in the Circuit William Brown, Court for the County of WasbteJane Lewis, r naw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor Eliphalet Iewis, 1 on the sixth day of October, A. James W. Lewis, & D. 1803. Eobert Tilackwood, Defendauts. J It satisfactorily appearing to the imdersignefli a Circuit Court Coinmissloner of said Couu y, by aflidavit, that the above named defendants, Eliphalet L. Lewis aud James W. Lewis, are uot residents of this State, but that said Eliphalet is a resident of the State of ÍNmii- aud saiil James of the State of New York : - On motion of A. Felch, Solicitor for Complainant, it is ordered that the said defendants Eliphalet L. Lewis and James W. Lewis, and each of them, cause their appearance to be eutereil witlijn two months from the date of this order, and that in case of their appearance, they respcctively canse their answer 1 1 Complainant's Bill to bc riled and a copy thereof to be senred on Complainaut's Solicitor withiu twenty days aftel' the service of a copy of said bili and notice of tliis order, and, in default thereof, that the said Iiil! be taken as confessed by the the said defendants, Eliphalet L. Levtlfi and James W. Lewis, or either of them niaktnfr snch default. And it is further ordered that within twenty days aftcr the making of this order, the said Complaruant canse a copy of this order to bc pubüshed in fht Weekly Mihi''fii Artpis, a newspáper j)iiblishedin said Couuty, and that said publicatiou be continucd in said paper, at least once in (-ach week, for six weeks in sucoession, or that he cause a copy of this order to be pcrsonally served 011 the said Defendants, Eliphalet L. Lewis and James W. Lewis respectively, at least twenty days before the time above prescrPièd for thelr appearance. R. E. FRAZER. One of tbe Circiut Court Commissioners of the County of Washtenaw, Michigan. Ann Arbor, October 0, 1SC5. A. FKI.C1I, TKACY W. ROOT, Comps. Solicitor. Dept. Register. (A trac copy.j 1030 TUST OPENING! TUe largest Stook and best assortment of CABINET PÜRNITURE ? ever brouglit to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, EED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIJAIRS, CSS-litssos Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, " c, andallotberpfoodnkept in the bont and tarren1 houses ju t■.eQOty. Weueepno secotui hand ur lituie or Auction goods. Coffinw kept constnntly n nntl,and to order, My guotlii arf. olFered at THE LOWEST CASH BRICES N.B. I must have meney .nnd resppotfully request thoje itiilobtfil , to cali and dx up thei iilti' matter without 'lolaj . O. M. MAHTIN.


Old News
Michigan Argus